“Guest, have you been looking at me, is there something wrong?” Or are you finally putting up with your perverted thoughts and wanting to bring Rem …………………”

Well, just after Chen Yang stared at Rem for a few seconds, Reim’s poisonous tongue attribute was directly activated, in this regard, Chen Yang was also speechless for a while, he didn’t feel the treatment of rookie chicken Ang before, and he forgot that this pair of sisters was still poisonous tongue sisters.

“Are the guests interested in Reim? That’s good, so it’s good to strike at Rem so that Ram is safe! ”

At this time, the poisonous tongue sister also spoke, but this word, no matter how you look at it, it looks like pit your own sister, of course, this is also the mouth, who dares to really come, will definitely be killed alive by Ram.

“The title of your poisonous tongue sisters really did not come for nothing, but you may thank me later, Reim, raise your hand and see what you have in it!”

Chen Yang was a little speechless, without favorability, the poisonous tongue of these two sisters was simply terrible, but soon the favorability brushed up, so it was not too much of a problem, and now it seems that it should be Rozwal’s guy’s tail confiscated.

The Warcraft Envoy should have been hired by him before, and the dragon slaying thing made him forget all of this, so Rem was accidentally bitten by the Warcraft disguised as a puppy, and cursed.

The curse of this world is quite special, as long as it is not discovered for the first time, and then discovered, even the big elves do not have the slightest way, it can be said that it is quite a BUG trick, and Rem himself does not feel anything.

After being said by Chen Yang, Rem looked at his hand with some doubt, and Ram also saw the tiny tooth mark from Reim’s hand.

“I was bitten by a puppy when I was shopping for ingredients before, and the guest asked what this for?”

Rem asked with some doubt, and Ram was the same, looking at Chen Yang with a puzzled face, what was bitten by a dog, they are a ghost race, the strength is not weak, anyway, the strong people in this world are not killed by rabies.

“Of course, it’s okay to be bitten by a dog, but it’s different to be bitten by a monster, and it’s cursed, your ghost clan’s shut up is very smart, you should be able to smell a little smell if you smell it carefully, it’s always too careless, if you wait until the evening, you can almost collect the body of this Miss Rem!”

Chen Yang shook his head, they could smell the witch on Rookie Ang, why couldn’t they smell this curse on their body? It was also drunk to think about it, but after Chen Yang’s reminder, both of their faces changed.

Ram directly grabbed his sister’s hand and sniffed, although it was very light, but there was indeed a smell that made her very uncomfortable, you must know that Ram is also very strong, horned Ram, the combat power is even stronger than Parker.

This is the power of the Gemini ghost clan, but Ram was directly cut at the beginning.

But her nose is still very good to use, so the first time to smell the smell, and Rem is the same, the nose of the ghost race is quite sensitive, after smelling this, the faces of the two became panicked, because the curse can be lifted here is not there, a Rozwal, a Betty, all ran out, this can be done, suddenly the two panicked, now this is almost in a stalemate.

“No, go find Lord Betty!

Ram knows the effect of the curse, once the time is too long, Betty will have no way to do it at that time, so it must be solved as soon as possible, but Betty runs without a shadow, and it is estimated that he will not come back until the evening, but when he comes back in the evening, the time will pass, and it will be finished.

“Don’t look for it, it’s all gone, leave it to me, I also signed a contract with Betty, this kind of thing can also be done!”

Chen Yang said that the opportunity to brush good feelings has come, and there is nothing more able to brush good feelings than saving people’s lives.

“Really? Then please, I apologize for what we just said! ”

Ram’s posture was very low, thinking that he and his sister were still using a poisonous tongue to deal with Chen Yang a second ago, Ram couldn’t help but blush, but now Chen Yang didn’t care about this, but directly used his magic power to remove the curse in Reim’s body, after removing the magic power, the wound did not heal, but the curse turned into a black smoke and rushed out of Reim’s body.

“Done, by the way, now you should think about how to get the next thing, since the puppy that bit Rem is a Warcraft, then it means that a Warcraft touched it, so the villagers below………………”

Chen Yang stopped talking after a slight reminder, Ram and Rem already knew very well what would happen next, the damage caused by Warcraft to ordinary people was huge, so now they had to find a way to deal with this matter.

“It seems that there is a problem with the enchantment, and while the weather is still early, Lord Rozvall is not here, then I can only go!”

Rem is well aware of her sister’s situation, and now Ram is like a bottomless pit, a funnel, no matter how much magic is put into it, it will quickly run out because the horn on the head is broken.

So Ram doesn’t have any combat power, what to do now is to solve the monster as soon as possible, if there is one, Rem doesn’t care very much, so Rem left directly in a hurry.

Ram, who had planned to stop it, had no reason to continue to block it, because now it was really the only way, and after Rem left, Ram put a pleading gaze on Chen Yang.

In her opinion, the person who can sign a contract with Beatrix cannot be a weak person, and has saved Emilia’s life, then it means that it is very strong, so now she can only rely on Chen Yang.

“Don’t look at me like that, don’t you want to help her yourself?”

Chen Yang asked, but Ram’s face was directly pulled down.

“I also want to, but there are some problems with my body, we are a ghost race, and one of the most critical things of the ghost race is the horns on the top of the head, without horns, no matter how much magic power in my body, it will be quickly missed.”

“So I don’t have any combat power, just relying on my current magic power, to help will become a burden for Rem, so I can only ask you, my lord, Rem is my everything, no matter what I want to pay, please help Rem!”

Ram put his posture very low. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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