Soon, Xiaohui and others have found Chen Yang’s side, after meeting, Ram and Rem and Emilia and others were stunned by Xiaohui and others, because of the American cell, Xiaohui and others’ bodies have been modified to perfection, and they are constantly evolving, becoming more and more perfect, and Xiaohui and others themselves are first-class beauties.

So such a comparison, suddenly let Ramrem and others be compared, this is true, although they also cultivate magic, but compared to the food cells that directly modify the body, it is not a star and a half.

Including Firut is also a little ashamed of himself, but this is the case, and it is normal to be hit.

Chen Yang didn’t care much about this, but introduced them to each other, and Xiaohui and the others themselves are not the kind of people who are high, so they quickly mingled with everyone, after all, they are all modern people, and they have also cultivated food righteousness, and few will have that kind of high-ranking situation.

In addition, after Xiaolin Gentian heard that Ramrem belonged to the ghost race and not humans, and Emilia was a half-elf, he also stared at everyone fiercely, and the people on the other side were embarrassed.

Although they have been playing here for a while and have seen the subhumans, but they are only subhumans, the existence of elves is still very rare, and after signing the contract, no battle will basically not be exposed, after all, not everyone is the same as Parker, Parker is one of the top elves.

As for the ghost race, let alone the ghost race, what kind of existence is the ghost race? Almost extinguished existence, so Xiaolin gentian directly looked at the people are embarrassed, can only say that this product is always a thick skin, anything can be done.

“Don’t look at it, people are embarrassed to look at it again, it’s almost time for dinner, hurry up and help cook!”

Chen Yang couldn’t help but glance at Xiao Lin’s gentian, once the curiosity of this product was encountered by what she was interested in, it was indeed difficult to control.

“What, I’m just curious because I saw the ghost race for the first time, but now it seems that there is not much difference from humans, really, let us cook as soon as we come, you are squeezing the employees!”

Xiao Lin Gentian said with a dissatisfied look, but Chen Yang wouldn’t listen to her, didn’t he see Xiao Hui and they all went to the kitchen? So in the end, Xiaolin Gentian was still strongly suppressed by Chen Yang, but Ram and Remu’s faces changed, and they also went to the kitchen.

They clearly remembered what they said to Chen Yang before, in terms of housekeeping, they would never admit defeat, but when they came to the kitchen, both of them widened their eyes and opened their mouths in unison.

Because after they brought everyone to the kitchen, Xiaohui and the others directly began to act, Chen Yang of the ingredients has been handed over to them, they only need to make it, but the speed and action of this cooking, etc., a moment of effort, Ram and Reim, who were originally going to show their hands, were collectively quiet

Where is this cooking, just this knife work, cut an ingredient, not to mention, even Ram’s eyes can’t keep up, the speed, and most importantly, the speed, you must know that people who are proficient in food can even easily control the fire of the stove, etc., and can quickly accelerate the ripening of food, so fast, terrifying to the extreme.

Those guys in the food era can make hundreds of millions of people’s things, and in a short time, all because of their ability, the ability to control this flame and so on, so accelerate the ripening of food.

In the blink of an eye, one after another fragrant dishes were baked, and at this moment, Ram and Rem said that it was as if there were several more insurmountable mountains in front of them, and the two sisters could not even keep up with the dishes.

“Sister, I must be dreaming, have you ever seen this cooking?”

Rem has begun to doubt life at this moment, whether it is so terrifying, they can’t keep up with this speed at all, their eyes can’t keep up, let alone meddle, their current feelings, it is estimated that it is the same as the original book of the halberd in the Sojin to help in the Shinomiya Kojiro restaurant, completely unable to find any place to intervene, and even if they are redundant, forcibly intervening will only interrupt the other party’s steps.

It’s like being a superfluous person, so this blow is really big.

“Sister, it turns out that they are not ordinary people, I can now believe it, they are all the strongest of the strong!”

Ram said that if you don’t admit the strength of people, it is really surpassing her, originally thought that her horns were restored, how can she also be a strong person, but now she has been hit miserably, anyway, she has given up, or no need, there is no comparison at all Well, so decisively give up, forget it.

Finally, when the dishes were served, the two of them found that there was no room on the table, but everyone in the kitchen was still busy, and more and more dishes were being made.

“Wait, the table outside can’t fit anymore, why do you have to do so much!”

Rem panicked at this moment, this kitchen is almost unable to put down, how can it still be done.

“Ahhh Don’t you know yet? But yes, I don’t know it’s normal, to tell you the truth, this thing is not enough for us to eat alone, but it seems that the environment here is no longer allowed, so let’s do it for the time being! ”

A few girls glanced at the kitchen, it was true that they couldn’t put things down, so they followed and left, but Rem and Ram were confused again, just because of that sentence, it was not enough for one person to eat, they now want to know how big this person’s food is going to be, it’s too big!

“Well, I said it before, it seems that they are generally inferior to you in housekeeping, but in terms of cooking, how many of you can’t compare to them, now you see it!”

After seeing the two sisters’ broken looks, Chen Yang couldn’t help but laugh twice, and in this regard, he got two big eyes of sorrow, where is this incomparable problem, is there no comparable problem at all.

Anyway, they had already given up en masse, and at this moment, everyone who was attracted to the hall by the scent was almost flooded with drool.

“A lot of delicious, this fragrance is even more delicious than what the two maid ladies made yesterday!”

Firut’s words once again turned into two sharp swords and inserted into the hearts of the two sisters, and the mending of the swords was in place. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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