“Okay, since you are all reunited, then there are still things to do next, my personal idea is to invite all the winding ghosts and the miserable guy out to bask in the sun, what do you think?”

Chen Yang’s resentment towards Wu Miserable is quite huge, so the only thought now is to ask those guys to bask in the sun, the lower string ghost and other ordinary ghosts he is too lazy to care, but the upper string ghost and Wu Miserable must be killed, otherwise it is difficult for him to die.

“I also want to see Wu Miserable turned into ashes in the sun, so there is no rebuttal in Xia!”

The resentment of ghosts is quite large, and so are other people, and except for ghosts such as Zhu Shi and You Bean, the other ghosts do not deserve the slightest sympathy, and they have eaten a lot of people.

As soon as this idea was spoken, it was recognized by everyone.

“Very good, then now the first target, the sixth winding of Hanajai, Akihime and the prostitute Taro, by the way, your three wives seem to be there, your heart is really big, throw your wife into this kind of place!”

Chen Yang looked at Yu Tianyuan with a strange face, this product sent his wife to this kind of place, no matter how you look at it, there is a problem, and the problem is very big and big, it can already be said to be terrifying.

What is Flower Street? Chen Yang didn’t need to say more, anyway, this guy’s heart is really terrifying.

“Even if you are a god, but my wife is not an idiot, this kind of thing does not need me to worry about at all, okay!”

Utsumi Tengen also knew this after seeing the expressions of the others, but he said that several of his wives were ninjas, and there were ways to deal with those guys, so he didn’t have to worry at all, but the expressions of these guys made him feel uncomfortable.

“Forget it, let’s go now!”

After speaking, Chen Yang directly unfolded the sound wave movement, and took everyone to the destination this time, Flower Street, and the current plot is almost to that extent, although there is still a while, of course, the three wives of Yupi Tianyuan should not be in much danger, so Chen Yang took everyone to the side of Flower Street quickly.

And he is not taboo about being seen at all, anyway, it will be beaten down by the big league later, so he doesn’t care at all, and the people of Flower Street see such a large group of people flying over, this is also ah, they are directly scared to kneel on the ground to worship the gods.

“Then start now, first of all, your three wives!”

Chen Yang waved his hand and directly got out the three wives of Yu Tianyuan who were lurking in the three places, and the three of them were looking at Yu Tianyuan with a confused look at the moment, but because it was not yet time, his three wives had not yet had an accident.

“Secondly, it was captured by a ghost below. These people can’t let it go! ”

Chen Yang waved his hand again, the ground suddenly exploded a big hole, a ribbon flew out, all of them are human, and this is one of the abilities of Fallen Ji, after this belt appeared, Chen Yang was cut off, and the people inside were rescued, and now it is dawn, even if it is done by hand, it will be done by the sun.

“The third is to invite this Ji and the prostitute Taro to bask in the sun, although the brother-sister relationship between them is indeed very admirable, but it has always harmed this, so let’s die!”

Chen Yang waved his hand again, and Fallen Ji was directly pulled out, Fallen Ji and Prostitute Taro, these two, together killed a total of twenty-two pillars, Fallen Ji seven, Prostitute Taro fifteen, it can be said that it is equivalent to the group destroying about three generations of ghost killing team pillars, it is indeed quite terrifying.

Now it was finally their turn to pay the debt, but Ji Ji was very clever, and before being pulled out again, he wrapped himself in a cotton quilt to prevent himself from being exposed to the sun.

“Gee, the reaction is quite fast, but no matter how fast it is, you can’t help it, today this sun you are set, in addition, your boss can see it without misery, right, and also feel it, rest assured, I will soon come to the door one by one, this sun, none of you can run.”

After saying that, Chen Yang directly manipulated the cotton quilt that wrapped himself to prevent himself from getting the sun and ripped off, and then the sun shone on the body of the sun, and in an instant, the body of the fallen Ji began to appear burned, and the prostitute Taro was also directly forced to come out from behind the fallen Ji, but the moment he came out, he was directly controlled by Chen Yang and could not escape.

In the face of the sun, even if it is not miserable, there is no way, so let alone this sixth wind, there is no need to cut off their heads at the same time, at this moment, the sun’s rays shine out, directly turning them into ashes.

“I didn’t expect that the sixth winding turned out to be two people!”

Looking at the two who turned into ashes, everyone was stunned again, this winding is indeed quite special, otherwise it would not have died for hundreds of years.

“These two are a pair of brothers and sisters, if you want to kill them, you must cut off the heads of both of them, so that you can kill each other, once you escape either one, the other one is immortal, unless it is sunbathed, and that prostitute Taro still has fierce poison on him, even if he kills the other party, the person who is injured in the end will not feel better.”

“Then next, the five jade pots on the winding, this guy is still looking for the traces of the cyan flower, but it is also easy to find.”

Chen Yang remembered that guy’s bad taste, that kind of terrifying art, bad taste, anyway, he can’t be left behind, but Chen Yang remembered this guy’s other title, known as aquatic boss, after all, the creatures he touched with his hands will turn into fish, which is indeed very strange, but he is also more shameful in the string.

Although he was killed by Wuichiro after opening the markings, there is no denying that he did die in the hands of a pillar, so it is very humiliating, the others are surrounded and killed by other pillars and other ghost killers, only he died in the hands of one person, and the other two are not combatants.

That’s why he was more humiliated, and the others were purely beaten to death by several people.

Soon, Chen Yang found the trace of the jade pot, this guy he didn’t say much when he arrived, directly pulled out to bask in a wave of sun, and then the half-day dog and the Hye nest seat are the same, but when it is the turn of the No. 2 Tong Mo, it is different, and it must be treated differently.

For these ghosts, in the upper string, he did not have much grudge against Black Death Mu, but he had a great grudge against a Tong Mo, after all, Butterfly Shinobu also died in his hands. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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