Dead Handle Mu was finally arrested, and at this moment Chen Yang set his eyes on these students, of course, the people he paid attention to were not others, the ofa of Green Valley, the scorched ice and fire ability, the explosion of the explosion, these things are not comparable to the ability of eight million hundred that he is optimistic about, the ability of eight million hundred is very special and strong, but it has huge limitations.

If you want to make those things, you must come into contact with the skin, so her combat suit is a little speechless, and the second is that her ability needs to be fat, and she needs to be familiar with those structures, and if she wants to make a mobile phone, she needs to understand how to make a mobile phone, that is, to make a more complex thing at will, she needs to spend a lot of time learning.

And she can’t make too big things, such as letting her get a building out, which is impossible to apply, and she can’t withstand such consumption, and the side effects of this one by one make a god skill become a super chicken rib.

But Chen Yang doesn’t need to worry here, these weaknesses are almost non-existent, fat is needed to manufacture, nothing more than energy, and gourmet cells, enough to give her enough terrifying energy, as for the clothes on the body, using some special means, making clothes with the same structure as her body can be, it is not a problem.

In addition, to understand the construction of this point, don’t forget what Chen Yang has, inheritance, make these things into inheritance, stuff them into a brain, and then use the inner world to wrap it, let her learn quickly, in this way, there is no big problem at all, although the process is torturous a little, but the ability of eight million hundred will indeed become very powerful.

If the development is good, Chen Yang has no doubt, her ability is estimated to be able to even create an artifact, compared to it, other people’s personality progress is smaller, the most outstanding is this.

“Master Chen Yang, are you very interested in the personality of eight million hundreds?”

Seeing that Chen Yang has been staring at eight million, Olmet is a little curious, as for whether Chen Yang has seen eight million hundred, to be honest, Olmet feels that it will not, there are too many high-value around Chen Yang.

These were all world-pinnacle level, completely surpassing these students, so he didn’t think that Chen Yang might look at eight million hundred.

“Yes, I am interested in her personality, although there are some flaws, but I can make up for them, Olmet, have you ever wondered what will become when the eight million personality limit is completely gone?”

Chen Yang asked a little funny, and Olmet also remembered the personality of eight million hundred, this is a restricted god skill, but even if it is restricted, it is very powerful, if this restriction is completely unlocked, Oarmat thought of this, suddenly a cold war, if all restrictions are completely unlocked, then eight million hundred will not become a creation god? The existence of the Creator in general.

“It’s terrifying, right, it just so happens that although I can’t completely eliminate these restrictions, I can eliminate most of them, that is, she is likely to become a terrifying powerhouse in the future, so help me ask her if she wants to become my student!”

Chen Yang’s words made Olmet’s cold sweat fall. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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