Eight million hundred was accepted as a student by Chen Yang, mainly because her ability is indeed very powerful, this point did not run, and then Chen Yang directly injected eight million hundred with gourmet cells, and then let her eat a lot of things, in this case, the body calorie content will skyrocket, but it will not change the body shape, so that eight million hundred surprised to the extreme.

However, if she wants to catch up with others, it will take too long, after all, even if someone opens the way in front of the outside, it is impossible for the gourmet cell to ascend to the sky in one step, so she still needs a long time to cultivate and learn.

Chen Yang asked her to prepare for this period of time, and when he left this world, he would leave with eight million hundreds, this matter was slightly said by Aizawa Shutai, but Xiongying’s students only knew more than eight million hundred a terrifying teacher, and they didn’t know anything else.

They also feel very bad about having one less classmate after that, but the future of others is in their own hands, and they are okay.

In this way, Chen Yang and others continued to travel to other places, while Olmet did not continue to be a tour guide, but arranged a normal tour guide for them, after all, Olmet is too famous, and this is basically a gathering place for European cooks.

So Olmet followed, then there was nothing fun, and everyone went to other places to play, but this place is really small, so there is always something to come across.

For example, under the introduction of the tour guide, it was explained that it is best not to go out here at night, because there is an enemy who specializes in hunting heroes, called the killer, who died in his hands, and there are too many heroes who have lost in his hands.

This person is also extremely ruthless, as long as it is a hero, killing is scrapping, leaving no way back at all.

For this person, Chen Yang recognized. This product is because he is dissatisfied with the birth of the profession of hero, he feels that heroes should be selfless, not charging any remuneration at all, so the only one he recognizes as a hero is Olmet.

In this regard, Chen Yang said that this neuropathy, there is no way to say anything, well, the concept of hero is indeed the same as the other party thinks, but this kind of east change.

Just as good and evil can only rely on contrast, and there is no absolute, he thinks that he is absolutely right, and those so-called professional heroes are absolutely wrong, simply have a problem with the braincase.

To put it bluntly, these professional heroes, in terms of nature, are like a group of JCs who can freely use activities, but people also do heroic things, encounter criminals on the street and attack others, at this time, do these heroes receive payment for saving people?

It’s not saved and saved, and even some heroes have lost their lives, as for this is called a hero killer, Chen Yang feels that this is a time, dissatisfaction with the system, and as a result, this method is used, to put it bluntly, this guy is the same as AIDS people retaliating against society, so Chen Yang has only one evaluation of him, that is, garbage, garbage in garbage, more garbage than the enemy.

At least the enemy will not make Chen Yang disgusting to this extent, because people are created to do evil, but the heroic killer makes Chen Yang feel very disgusting. _

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