“How? Do you still think I’m an ordinary person? Of course, just now is already the smallest part of the coercion I released, you are still too fragile, even the world’s top power, the gap with me is a little incredible, but I won’t say more nonsense, you can see for yourself! ”

Threw a simple prepared type of information inheritance to Nuliang Slippery, there was some information in it, and there was also information that he directly destroyed a world in it, but there were very few, but after reading it, Slippery Scoop’s whole person was shocked and unable to move.

“General General, it’s not good, just now……………”

At this moment, a group of monsters ran to Nuliang Slippery Scoop, the coercion just now was too terrifying, all the monsters could not move, so they all thought that someone attacked the Nuliang Group, and immediately came to find Nuliang Slippery Scoop.

“It’s okay, it’s just an accident, you guys go back first!”

Nuliang Slippery Scoop directly let many monsters go back, and many monsters although they were a little confused, but did not say much, since Slippery Scoop said so, they naturally recognized, after all, Slippery Scoop is the general general, he said that it was okay, others naturally will not feel that there is something.

“Your choice was wise, so have you read it? Any thoughts now? ”

Chen Yang smiled and looked at the slave slippery scoop in front of him.

“What else can you think, the gap is too big, but my lord, can you dare to ask, why do you fancy my Nuliang group, such a gap in strength, we are just a bigger ant in your eyes!”

Nu Liang Slippery Scoop is a little confused, what is Chen Yang for? Why recruit them? What’s the point? He didn’t see the slightest bit of meaning in it.

“That’s right, world integration, you know that after the fusion of many worlds, I am still the strongest, but I will recruit that world, I think it’s good, I can see the organization, and your Nuliang group is the only one in this world that meets this standard!”

Chen Yang smiled, it was nothing more than because the Nuliang group was not bad, all kinds of bonds and strength were okay, plus he was the protagonist of this world, otherwise how could he make such a move.

“Is that so? That’s really an honor, I don’t know if the adult still has that thing just now? Otherwise, if you want to persuade others, even if they are eloquent, it is very difficult! ”

The slippery scoop basically recognized it, but he still wanted the kind of thing just now, verbal explanation, it didn’t make sense, just like Chen Yang persuaded him to slippery scoop at the beginning, he just treated it as a joke.

And the other youkai, if they don’t give an explanation, they won’t agree, which will eventually lead to the direct collapse of the Nura group, which is not what Slippery Scoop wants to see.

“Yes, how much this thing is, you can see for yourself, but as your boss, I can give you a benefit, what do you think of resurrecting your son?”

Chen Yang asked with a smile, resurrecting a person, a monster, as long as the soul is still there, it is extremely simple, and the soul of the slave carp companion is still there, so the resurrection is not too big a problem.

He can completely use the material to make the body of a slave carp companion, and then find the soul and it will be over, of course, the body making will have to be handed over to the slippery scoop, and he has no interest in making a body for a big man. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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