“That, actually, you don’t need it!”

Xiaohui and others said with a smile, but at this time, these monsters thought that Xiaohui was modest, so they began to sell themselves one by one, insisting on being bodyguards for Xiaohui and others, after all, these are all awesome characters.

“Although I don’t want to hit you, but my partner is not weak, your strength, not enough for them to use momentum to suppress, let alone protect, when the time comes, it is estimated that they will protect you in turn!”

Although some don’t want to fight these guys, the strength of Xiaohui and the others, that is the level of the eight kings, the reason why they can improve their strength by eating it, on the one hand, is because the monster meat is suitable for them, and on the other hand, it is the will of the eight kings level.

The will to change something can be changed, so the province can change the energy content in these meats, so the food made by Xiaohui and others will be so simple for them to taste so delicious and improve their strength.

“Erm……… Is this true? ”

Other monsters wanted to look at Chen Yang with a confused face, and Chen Yang directly gave Xiao Hui a look, and then Xiao Hui also helplessly released such a lost coercion, in an instant, all the monsters were pressed directly to the ground, and the same is true of the Huakaiyuan Yuluo who is a Yin-Yang Master, only a few ordinary people have been omitted, as long as they have a little strength have tasted this taste.

“Okay, now you know, maybe it will be Xiaohui and them to protect you, their strength is very strong, I won’t say more, but if you want to destroy this city, it’s just a finger-moving effort!”

Chen Yang’s words made a group of monsters crazy, and Yuluo of Huakaiyuan suddenly felt that she was simply 1ow to the extreme, and a chef was stronger than herself, so what was the use of her being this yin-yang master? She suddenly felt a little confused, this is unreasonable.

“Well, you don’t have to be frustrated, you don’t need to be bodyguards!”

After Chen Yang finished speaking, the others also wanted to open, sure enough, the existence around this demon is also a demon, so there is nothing to say, as for Huakaiyuan Yuluo, in the east of eating, her sentimentality quickly disappeared.

“It’s really powerful and terrifying, so how strong it is, it’s too exaggerated to destroy the city with your fingers!”

Lu Sheng kept scratching his head, this is a little terrifying.

“It’s not an exaggeration at all, in fact, the top combat power, such as An Pei Qingming, he can indeed easily sweep a city, of course, it is not an order of magnitude, so your kid is still too weak, when can the city be separated, you will almost become the strongest group of people!”

Chen Yang reminded next to him, and Lu Sheng was full of black lines, he is now a very difficult thing to split a house, let alone split the city or something, it feels unrealistic to think about it.

“That’s why I said that strength is so troublesome!”

After knowing his hard life after that, Lu Sheng was helpless again, but he didn’t regret it at all, after all, this can protect the people he cares about, these people who really regard themselves as friends, know that they are friends who are monsters and do not abandon. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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