“Big youkai? Or two? And one more, human? ”

Seeing that someone finally broke into here, the earth spider sitting on the ground smoking was also excited, waiting here, one is to fight with An Pei Qingming, the other is to wait here for someone who dares to challenge, and now he finally met, he is naturally happy.

It was very boring before, hundreds of years ago it was fooled into becoming a seal here, and it can only be said that this guy is a brute.

“You guys go try it first?”

Chen Yang did not make a move, but let the two try it first, in this regard, the two of them are also a little helpless, but this kind of thing is not easy to shirk, can not let Jin Yang be the boss, so decisively or on their own.

In the face of the soil spider, the two of them did not dare to take it lightly, and the slave carp companion at the moment did not bring other monsters, so if you use ghost entanglement, it is estimated that the object is only their own old man, and in the face of the soil spider, the slippery head ghost who is not good at fighting is a bit of a loss.

“Two big monsters, it looks like you are slippery ghosts, let’s fight!”

Seeing that the earth spider of the hunter Xinxi directly created a ring-like place, as a arena, and the two fathers and sons of the Nuliang family directly rushed up, facing the attack of the two, the soil spider directly bombarded with two punches, but after the hit, it was found that the two were fake, which is the means used by the slippery ghost.

In the original work, Lu Sheng used this trick to fight the other party, and as a result, because he was too immature, the soil spider directly tore apart the illusion of the mirror flower and water moon, and then aimed at his body is a hammer.

The two fathers and sons of the master Nuliang family have much stronger abilities, so the earth spiders can’t find their traces for a while.

“It’s really a trick like a little mouse. Qingming that bastard, like to use this means, all to Lao Tzu out! ”

The soil that can’t find the body of the two can only be hammered, but simply the same way as a reckless man driving a pile.

But this style of play also affected the slippery scoop and the carp companion, mainly because they need to observe the fighting style of the soil spider, but the soil spider is now hammering, and they don’t know where to start, after all, if they can’t hit, they will be hammered to death, so the two don’t dare to rush forward, it can be said that the soil spider can also be regarded as a mistake.

“This guy is really a reckless man, is it necessary to mess around so casually? I couldn’t get close to him anymore. ”

The carp partner said helplessly, wanting to attack, but was constantly interrupted rhythm, there was no way at all.

“The old man helps you attract his attention, you just sneak attack!”

Slippery scoop shook his head, and then took the initiative to appear and hit with the soil spider, seeing that finally someone came out, the soil spider was finally happy, directly rushed up is a hammer, it can be said that the hammer’s slippery scoop is a little skeptical, as for the carp companion, he directly aimed at the gap at that time, and then a knife directly cut on the soil spider, and cut off one arm on the back of the soil spider, but the soil spider has four arms, and now after cutting one, there are three.

“The little mice are finally out, since that’s the case, then I’m welcome!”

For his arm to be broken, the earth spider does not care at all, but becomes more crazy, this is a pure fighting reckless. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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