“Sister Yueru, have you been to this mountain before?”

Zhao Linger asked with some curiosity, this mountain is full of monsters, it is difficult to understand that there is a city next to it, which is a little strange.

“No, but according to what my father said, it seems that the monsters here will not take the initiative to attack people, but recently it has been rumored that girls in some places have been abducted by the monsters here, in fact, my father also has ideas to get rid of the monsters, but because of some things it was delayed, but now that we are here, my father often warns me not to set foot here, so I haven’t been here!”

Lin Yueru said a little helplessly, with her nature, she naturally couldn’t help but run to this kind of place, but it was very embarrassing that she was arrested when she first came here, and after being severely lectured, she almost had a shadow of this place, and naturally did not dare to come.

Chen Yang felt that this was very right, the other party’s kind of bear child, just to beat, beat up and obedient, in the future, there will be no mess, otherwise they will come to you to doubt life, and Lin Yueru is obviously taught a lesson.

It is estimated that this time it is not Chen Yang who wants to come, and Lin Tiannan will not let Lin Yueru participate, after all, Lin Yueru’s strength is indeed a lot worse, so Lin Tiannan is forgiven for doing this.

In fact, this can be regarded as one of Lin Yueru’s black history, and soon everyone found a huge hole, from which came a lot of demon qi, which was perceived by Zhao Linger, and Chen Yang naturally sensed it, so everyone entered directly from here.

“This place is really suitable for snakes, wet and dark!”

After entering, Lin Yueru couldn’t help but complain, and soon, snakes appeared in front of everyone, and more or less of them had cultivation experience, and how much demon qi in the body, but this belongs to the outermost periphery, so the monsters are not very strong and not very many, but the attack ability of these snakes is already there.

In terms of the speed of this attack, the moment it is generally directly tragic, that is, people who know how to fist and foot kung fu can resist it, and most people encounter this situation.

“There are so many snakes, this is still a snake den!”

After watching Chen Yang easily catch all the snakes hiding in the corner, Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru were both a little afraid, there were too many snakes, all piled together was a huge snake pile, and it seeped people when they looked at it.

“Now it looks really a little creepy, it won’t be later, this thing is quite delicious, but it is better not to eat it without treatment, after all, although this thing tastes good, but there will be a lot of germs in the body.”

Chen Yang said that you must be careful to eat these things, otherwise ordinary people eat it, it is normal to get a disease, especially in case of any infectious disease, in ancient times, this is the plague.

There is no such a good level of medical treatment that can solve this kind of thing.

“You mean, we’re going to eat this?”

Lin Yueru looked at this snake pile and was a little scared, eat a fart, look creepy, and eat it, anyway, she didn’t have any thoughts.

“It is said that it must be processed, and it can only be eaten after processing, and now it looks like it is oozing, but it will be tempting later!”

Chen Yang said speechlessly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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