Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 197: Devil's Believer

Devil's lackey?

When the ogres of the Skull-Kicking Tribe heard the words, their expressions changed. They looked down at the charred ogre corpse on the ground in fear, and screamed in fear and scattered from the ruins.

"Neergaard, the betrayal, must die!"

The two-headed ogre looked at the good situation, but the ogre wizard suddenly appeared. The four big eyes full of anger all locked on the ogre wizard Niergao, and let out an angry roar.

"Devil's lackey, today is your burial place, I will make the most beautiful apron from your flesh, and the most beautiful necklace from the bones and teeth left over, and your two stupid heads, one Be a chamber pot, one is a wine glass, hahahaha, just be as angry as you can."

The ogre wizard stared at the two-headed ogre without showing weakness, with a hideous smile on his ugly face, and roared arrogantly.

"Devil's lackey? It turns out that the reason why this guy was able to successfully transform into a double-headed ogre was mainly because he signed a contract with the devils of Bato Hell and got the help of the devil." Thorne looked at the double-headed ogre. The figure showed a sudden color.

The demons of Baator are despots incarnate, run a totalitarian society, and enjoy dominating the lives of mortals on the Material Plane.

They know the troubles and mistakes of mortals indulged in wisdom, and use this information to lead mortals into temptation and darkness, turning mortals into slaves of desire.

Devils belong to the lawful evil camp. They are born planners. What they are best at is to hide in the dark and lure the fallen. They also often use their abilities to control humanoids in power to spread evil in order to expand the Hell Legion. Thoughts, cause wars and killings brought about by tyranny.

If the two-headed ogre in front of him really made a deal with the devil in the Hell of Bato, then when his power becomes stronger, it will definitely cause a **** storm on the emerald field due to the restrictions of the contract, and those hiding in Conspiratorial demons take the opportunity to collect fallen humanoids from dead humanoids suitable for incubating new demons.

However, although the other party has successfully transformed into a powerful two-headed ogre, he still has the most fatal flaw. Thorne discovered the clue directly from the conversation just now. His two heads obviously have two personalities.

If a two-headed ogre with this defect has different personalities, it will often happen that the two heads quarrel with each other, spray each other, and even fight because of disagreement.

Thorne glanced at the two-headed ogre calmly, and gently took out the composite longbow and arrows behind him.

For the time being, not to mention the harm brought to the Emerald Wilderness after the expansion of the Devil's followers, it was just that more than 30 players in Waterfall Town were killed by the two-headed ogre, which gave Thorne a reason to kill him, so , if the people in Horn Town can't keep the other party here, he will also choose to help them.

"Although let the horses come over, the descendants of the dragon slayer have nothing to fear!" The head on the left of the two-headed ogre looked at the arrogant ogre wizard Niergao and roared angrily.

"It was Malvasia who sent you here." The head on the right glanced at the peaceful Hazel Forest, and seemed to have guessed something, but his eyes were slightly cold, and he questioned the ogre wizard, seeing the other side After his face changed, he roared at the woods: "Marvasa, I know you are hiding in there, get out of here!"

- "Second-Level Spell" Ma Youfu's Strong Acid Arrow! "

"The devil's lackey, you dare to speak hard even when you are about to die. You deserve to bark at the name of the goblin queen." The ogre wizard's vulgar voice just fell, and he condensed a green arrow of strong acid at a very fast speed. Arrow, exuding a pungent smell, shot at the two-headed ogre.


When the acid arrow hit the two-headed ogre wizard, it was easily blocked by an almost invisible energy barrier, and it just splashed up and disappeared into the whistling air.

"According to the original plan, prepare to fight." Looking at the figure of the two-headed ogre in the ruins, the goblin wizard whispered.

After Malvasha finished speaking, she patted the furry head of the Warg lightly. The Warg let out a low growl and leaped forward, appearing not far from the two-headed ogre.

The ogre wizard Nilgau saw the goblin wizard appear, and immediately trotted to her side, watching the two-headed ogre and the dozen or so ogre guards around him vigilantly.

Noticing that the goblin wizard appeared not far from himself with the wolves without any scruples, the double-headed ogre's expression sank, and he said slowly:

"I don't seem to have offended you. I have the greatest credit for the establishment of Horn Town, the hunting ritual of the Mara believers, and my ogre subordinates fought to the last minute. I can say without boasting 'Without me There is no such thing as today's Horn Town, are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge? Malvasia."

"Cowardly and cowardly Carol, I have already reminded you to kill them all, but you didn't listen, now you're dumbfounded, what else have you to say to this despicable gray-skinned goblin, don't stop me, I am today Must tear her apart!"

The head on the left of the two-headed ogre roared, and as soon as the arm was raised halfway, it was immediately held down by the other arm, unable to move an inch.

"You are a believer of the devil. As your power continues to grow, it will definitely bring endless smoke and war to the entire Emerald Field, and I have already warned you that having two different personalities will bring you the drawbacks, unfortunately You just didn't listen, and stubbornly transformed into a two-headed ogre. It turns out that you don't have the ability to control him, do you?"

The goblin wizard stretched out his hand to stop the ogre wizard who was also ready to do it, raised his pale red eyes lightly and glanced at Carol, who was suppressing another irritable head, and said calmly.

"Smoke of gunpowder and fire of war?" There was a hint of sneer on the face of the two-headed ogre, and he said coldly: "I am afraid that the expansion of my power has hindered the development of your goblin tribe."

"At least my goblins are all under control, and your ogres are only stupid, the rest are irritable, irritable, cruel and bloodthirsty, you can't completely control them obediently Tie, you don't have this ability either, I just don't want my efforts to serve as your ogre's ration.

Besides, you are a believer of the devil. You wouldn't be so naive to think that you can fight against those born conspirators. It seems that the ogre race not only brought you great power, but also changed your character. Gradually become stupid and arrogant. "

The goblin wizard stretched out his hand and lowered the brim of his hat gently, and slowly explained to him calmly: "I have a long-term plan for the future, so I must not leave this hidden danger, and anyone who tries to hinder my progress will have to die. ."

"You're so confident that you can keep me here?" The two-headed ogre looked at the goblin wizard with mocking eyes: "You're delaying time here, thinking I didn't see it?"

"It seems that you are not as stupid as you imagined. How would you know if you didn't try?" The goblin wizard gave him a deep look, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, so that two little tips that she tried to hide were revealed. tooth.


The conversation between the two had just ended, and a tiger roar resounded through the wilderness came from the woods, and a large number of screaming birds were startled.

Thorne, who was hiding in the dark, immediately looked at the source of the sound and found that the tiger-man Cyru's body was rapidly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it turned into a tiger that was nearly four meters tall and walked upright. His face was covered with a layer of pale golden fluff, and his golden eyes were full of majesty. Loss of rationality due to the body.


The finished tiger man Sailu roared again, picked up the curved-blade sword hanging from his waist, kicked his legs full of explosive muscles, jumped up, and rushed out of the hazel forest. The curved-blade broadsword that shone with cold light slashed head-on to the nearest ogre guard.

At the same time, the war troll Kehando also clenched the two-handed giant sword that was nearly two meters long in his hand, took a sharp breath, and his three-meter-high body carried the sound of the wind. More than a dozen ogre guards around the demon rushed up.

- "Fourth Ring Spell: Gathering Explosive Flames!"

A basketball-sized lava fireball had already condensed in front of Eugene, the Ogde man hiding on the branch. As he continued to guide, the fireball floating in front of him became more and more solid, and the scorching high temperature caused the surrounding The dry branches gave off owl smoke, and it was only a matter of time before the entire hazel forest was ignited.

"Nilgao, I'll deal with it here and clean up those ogre guards." The goblin wizard glanced at the two-headed ogre and instructed the ogre wizard who was protecting her.

The ogre wizard heard the instructions of the goblin wizard, and immediately looked in the direction of the tiger man and the war troll, and began to condense terrifying spell fluctuations.

"A fourth-level little wizard trying to challenge the ninth-level double-headed ogre, you are still as confident as ever."

The head on the right side of the two-headed ogre wizard glanced at the gunpowder smoke from the depths, sneered, and instantly released the other arm that was tightly held by him, and the whole body began to rapidly condense crazy energy fluctuations.

- "Second-Level Spell: Discordant Chant!"

Just as the two-headed ogre was about to raise his hand to cast a spell, a chant containing an arcane incantation was directly cast by the goblin wizard. The frenzy was rampant, causing the already irritable ogre to become more irritable, and the spells prepared by his two heads were also distracted by the irritability, and all failed to cast.

- "Second-level spell: Mirror Shadow!"

Immediately afterwards, the goblin wizard waved her hand again, and with the casting of the spell, her figure quickly changed into five identical phantoms riding a wolf.

- "One Level Spell: Arcane Missiles!"

— "Three-ring spell: Lightning Bolt!"

Looking at the five identical phantoms, the two-headed ogre glanced mockingly, and with a wave of his right hand, five force field missiles spewed out from his fingertips and shot in the shape of a fan, hitting each of the phantoms of the goblin wizard respectively. phantom.

"Arcane Missile" belongs to the force field spell of the energy system. In addition to the extremely fast casting speed, the missile will accurately hit the target regardless of whether the target is concealing, covering or dodging. Facing this kind of spell attack, there is only hard resistance. Or use magic to counteract it.

Although the two-headed ogre couldn't tell which of the five phantoms were real, the five missiles could be identified perfectly.

When the five missiles were shot out, the two-headed ogre's left hand was not idle, and he possessed dual spellcasting abilities, so that while his right hand cast "Arcane Missiles", the third-level spells also quickly condensed and formed, and jumped out at the fingertips. A crackling blue arc.

The head on the left side of the two-headed ogre stared coldly at the five figures of the goblin wizard who were about to be scattered. As long as the real body was judged, the extremely destructive lightning beam would instantly kill her.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The five missiles hit five phantoms respectively, and all of them turned into little rays of light, dissipating in the air, and there was no real body in the imagination at all.


The two-headed ogre noticed that the goblin wizard disappeared without a trace, and a bad premonition filled his heart. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the thick smoke in the hazel forest, and his expression suddenly changed.

Although the two-headed ogre wondered how the goblin wizard disappeared, Thorne, who was hiding in the dark, could see clearly that the goblin wizard cast another second-level spell at the same time as he cast "Mirror Shadow". Stealth".

"With such a fast casting speed, he must have mastered the super magic specialty of "spell instant casting". Thorne glanced at the disappearing figure of the goblin wizard and guessed secretly.

- "Three-level spell: Flying!"

Unable to find the goblin wizard, and aware of the dangerous magic fluctuations in the jungle, the two-headed ogre recalled the goblin wizard's past behavior, and immediately had the idea of ​​running away, and quickly put it into action.

After the spell was cast, the two-headed ogre directly left the ogre guards who were still fighting, and flew into the sky to prepare to run away.

Suddenly, a white spider web with a diameter of about 7 meters fell from the sky against the gentle morning light, and went directly to cover his forehead. stature, fell to the ground.

Just as the two-headed ogre broke free from the shackles of the spider web and left the battlefield completely, a solid lava fireball pierced the air with a whistling sound, like a hot little sun catching up with his flying body, floating towards the mid-air. The two-headed ogre smashed away.

The two heads of the two-headed ogre suddenly changed color.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, he immediately stood still, calmly cast a protective force field that resisted fire damage, and prepared to resist this four-circle spell.

Seeing that the lava fireball was about to hit the two-headed ogre, Thorne, who was hiding in the dark, shook his head secretly.

Because this four-circle spell has been condensed by the Ode people for a long time, the other party obviously has mastered some kind of magic control technique, and can condense all the spell energy of the whole body into one spell without reservation, and burst out the strongest magic damage.

"It seems that the goblin wizard is well prepared." Thorne listened to the roar of the explosion of the lava fireball in mid-air, and then saw a double-headed ogre falling to the ground in the thick smoke. The whole body was severely burned in a large area, and the chest was also blown to the point where the flesh was blurred and the bones were visible. The most serious injury was that one of the heads was blown to pieces on the spot, and only Carroll's head was still intact.

Seeing that the situation was over, Thorne put away all the arrows and composite longbow in his hands and planned to leave quietly.

Originally, he planned to take the opportunity to help the other party, but he did not expect that a fourth-level wizard could flexibly play a ninth-level double-headed ogre with just a few second-level spells, but he thought too much.

"No wonder you have been reluctant to teach me teleportation spells. It turns out that you have been guarding against me for a long time. The reason why you did not choose to do it is because I still have value, right? Goblin witch Malvasia." The two-headed ogre with only one still intact head looked at the goblin wizard in the distance, forced his last breath, and said very weakly with hatred.

"From the moment you dealt with the supplies convoy of Waterfall Town, I knew that you had been influenced by your mind. I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you are too arrogant and never listen to my advice." The goblin wizard glanced at each other lightly, left a sentence, and turned to leave.

"Do you think this is the end?" The corner of the mouth of the two-headed ogre lying on the ground to meet death evoked a weird sneer: "You seem to have forgotten my other identity, the devil's believer!"

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