Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 206: mystery

The sun was setting, and the twilight was dark, and flocks of crows swept across the darkening sky, and a hoarse and desolate sound echoed in Thorne's ears.

He folded his head and crossed his legs, lying on the yellow grass on the slope, looking at the dim sky.

The half-elf ranger, slightly ecstatic, began to recall some good things, the things that would delight him, the dazzling dawn at sunrise, the fog that shrouded the Upper Town at dusk, the roaring waterfall, the hard head The trout leaped in it, gleaming like mithril, recalling the icy rain slapping the shadowed face and ticking...

At this moment, a low, vibrato melody floated from the river in front of the half-elf ranger:

Our destiny is like the water in the river bank,

that spins around us,

Such a thing is justified,

It weighs us down, but we never look back.


The minstrel Gilt hugged the harp, cheek against the body, and kept playing.

It is a slender and elegant teak harp with twelve silver wires, and the wood is adorned with shimmering emeralds depicting unforgettable misty clouds.

"Half-elf ranger of the Falls, do you hear? The wood in my hand speaks, and the shimmering silver strings are alive, the soothing bright tones and the melodious melody of soft music, all are From this fine harp.

This harp is the heirloom of a fallen noble in Sept City. I bought it for 2,000 gold coins. For this reason, I drew a comic book for those luxurious nobles in the noble district for more than two months. "

The minstrel Gilt glanced back at Thorne and babbled, "Thorn, are you listening to me? Shouldn't you give it your warmest applause for what I just played? ?

Damn, I forgot, I shouldn't tell you so much nonsense, you are like a big ox in the town of Twin Towers that only eats grass and plows, quiet like a dormouse hiding in the crops . "

"Not only I heard it, but the neighbors around us also heard it. This is the quietest and most peaceful place in the Temple of Merika. It's rare to relax. Because of your appearance, the atmosphere was completely destroyed by you."

Thorne came back to his senses, straightened up and looked at the sparkling river, and retorted with a smile: "Your appearance is like a stinky and hard stone in a hut being thrown into a calm lake."

"Neighbors?" The bard Geert got up and glanced around: "Who else? Here I only see clear river water, dense bushes, and tall and straight golden oaks."

"The big catfish on the river bank, the small animals in the jungle, and the sparrows and crows passing from the sky, they are all residents of the temple, our neighbors." Thorne got up and glanced at the little rabbit that ran past him. Then said.

Since he obtained the animal realm, he found that there are many small spiritual animals in the Temple of Merika who like to get close to him, which made him realize that this animal realm was obtained completely by following his heart, not randomly given because he He is a person who likes small animals very much.

When he accepted the harpist's commission, he said goodbye to the three of them. He planned to stay in the Temple of Merika for one night, and then go to Twin Towers Town the next morning. Originally, he found a good place to relax in peace. It was all mixed up by the bards who suddenly appeared and wanted to fish here.

"Big catfish?" The bard stroked the dome hat on his head, stunned for a moment, and then he saw a catfish by the river with half of its head exposed on the water, flapping its tail vigorously, slapping the water surface, from time to time turned over his white belly.

"Oh my God! I finally got hooked. What a big catfish. It's a monster. Damn, its food must be super good." Gilt screamed and complained without image when he saw the big catfish out of the water. , and then quickly put on a pair of leather gloves to pull the fishing line.

The giant catfish swam down the riverbed against the riverbed, hissing the line on the leather glove of the minstrel Gilt.

"Thorn, come and help, I can't pull it alone, don't let it go." Gil pulled the fishing line and greeted Thorne behind him.

"Let it go, it can't be pulled up. The fishing line can't bear this kind of weight at all, and it will break." Thorne took a few steps forward and saw the 1.5-meter-long catfish in the river, his expression moved. , consoled the bard.

"It's fine if you don't help, what rude words are you talking about. I'm the big boss behind the fish bar for many years. I don't believe it will break. I've prepared enough this time." The bard is still struggling with the big The catfish was fighting, and as soon as he finished speaking, a ring on his left hand flashed a faint light.

- "The power of the bull!"

Explosive muscles bulged out on Gilt's thin body, feeling full of strength, he pulled the fishing line up again, only to see that the fishing line drew a white line on the river, and fine water droplets flew around. splashing, emitting a dim yellow light in the setting sun.

At this time, the big catfish suddenly jumped up from the water, drawing a beautiful arc, and the fishing line loosened a lot.

"I'm going to put it on the grill and grill it, chop off the fish head and simmer it into fish soup," said the minstrel Gilt, panting as he collected the line.


As the big catfish got closer and closer to the shore, Thorne, who felt something was wrong, immediately reminded: "Put it down quickly, and be careful that the fishing line breaks."

Thorne's voice just fell, and the big catfish, who was pulled to the shoal with most of its body exposed, slapped the tail of the fish vigorously, and jumped into the air with force, and then crossed a perfect arc. The body of 1.5 meters was like a cannonball,' With a bang, he plunged into the deep water area again, shook his head and swayed his tail desperately, and swam deeper.

That's too smart, isn't it? Are you fine?

As expected of the catfish of the Merikai Temple!

Seeing the big catfish's every move, Thorne couldn't help sighing.

This big catfish obviously knew that its own strength could not fight against the bard who had blessed the buff spell, so he first tried his best to get close to the shallow water, and then took advantage of the gap where the bard had not fully retracted the fishing line. With a forceful slap on the bottom of the water, the tail bounced up again with the help of the strength of the ground, jumping into the air, and directly distanced himself from the bard who was too late to retract the line.

Just like this:

The fishing line snapped with a crisp sound of 'bang', and the fishman minstrel lost his balance all of a sudden, fell to the wetlands by the river, and fell to his head.

The catfish that got out of trouble floated far away in the deep water, exposing most of its body, and continued to slam the water violently, its tail stirred up a 2-meter-high wave in the air, as if to declare to the bard that it would not be so easy to enter. soup pot.

"I curse you to go down to eighteen levels of hell! You dead catfish! Damn, the fat in your mouth flew away." mocking spray.

"Is this what you've been doing for years? They're absolutely right." Thorne noticed that he glanced at the smug catfish in the deep water, and then at the downcast, frosted eggplant The bard, forcibly refrained from laughing and complained.

"What's wrong at all?" The bard spit into the water and asked subconsciously.

"The big guy in the fish bar knows everything except that he doesn't know how to fish. You see, you can play, play, play and sing, but this fishing is never good." Thorne said with a smile: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's good now, even The IQ has been crushed by the big catfish."

"..." The bard Geert glanced at Thorne speechlessly, and gritted his teeth: "It's not because of you, if you come to help, will I make it so proud? Maybe the fish soup is ready."

Thorne ignored the bard's constant complaints. He noticed the broken fishing line, as if thinking of something, turned to look at him with a straight face, and asked directly: "The 1.5-meter catfish, I'm curious about what you used. What kind of fish food?"

"Don't look at me like this, how could those little earthworms catch such a big catfish." The bard Geert noticed Thorne's scrutiny, while wrapping the fishing line with a wooden stick, he muttered: " It was I who found a dead crow in the bushes, and it was because of the crow that this big catfish was hooked."

"Dead crow?" Thorne glanced at the jungle, saw the other party's guilty expression, and immediately understood, so he didn't bother to bother with him, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Thorn, look! There's something on the other line too." Thorne didn't go very far when the bard who took the line exclaimed again, and then seemed to be discouraged: "Damn! It's really today. Unlucky, it seems to be hanging on a stone."

"I'm going! This is not a stone, hahaha, come and see what I have found, this must be the remains of a Constructed Golem left over from the Arcane Empire, Thorne, come and see!" The bard was shocked again shout.

"The Constructed Golem of the Arcane Empire, you can just say it's the floating city." Hearing the other party's screams, Thorne turned around and muttered.

As he expected, the bard Geert was exaggerating, and saw a lump of rotting rope, fishing net and algae pulled out of the water.

If this guy hadn't blessed the "Power of the Bull" and increased his strength attribute by 4, it would have been impossible for him to pull such a large piece up by himself.

The bard pulled the wreck ashore, and in the algae of the wreck grew leeches, mayflies, and tiny crabs that blew bubbles with their two large pincers.

"What is this?" The bard cleared the algae from the wreckage without hesitation, showing a confused look.

Thorne also came over curiously. It was a ceramic pot with a gap. The surface was covered with fishing nets, with black algae growing. All kinds of aquatic animals and plants settled in it. When the bard picked it up, it was still ticking. A foul-smelling sludge was flowing.

"Thorn, we've made a fortune!" Bard Gilt exclaimed, pulling out an opaque vial from the jar, "Do you know what this is?"

"It's just a broken bottle, what's the fuss about." Thorne said disapprovingly.

"You ignorant turtle, you are wrong!" The bard scraped the dirt off the surface of the bottle, and shouted solemnly and earnestly: "This is a magic bottle, and there is a genie in it, and after opening it , and will fulfill my three wishes."

"..." Thorne's head was full of black lines: "Why don't you say he is Aladdin's lamp."

The bard ignored Thorne, and after scraping the dirt, leaned down and cleaned the palm-sized bottle with clean water.

"Huh?" When the cleaned small bottle was displayed in front of Thorne, Thorne looked startled, flashed a trace of surprise, and said solemnly: "Bring it over and let me see."

Noticing Thorne's solemn expression, the bard put away his mid-two air and handed it over honestly.

Thorne took the bottle, glanced at the sealed cork, and the mysterious runes carved around the bottle, and said slowly: "You really guessed it right, the runes on this bottle are related to the period of the Arcane Empire. The arcane runes are very similar."

He once found an Arcane Empire platinum coin in an underground ruin with a rune similar to the one on the bottle. However, the platinum coin could not be identified, so he gave it to a paladin.

"Would you like to open it and take a look?" the bard said eagerly.

"It is sealed by arcane runes and cannot be opened at all. Only those wizards who can understand arcane runes can do it." Thorne looked at the small bottle in his hand and remembered the one in the wizard tower of Winter City. An arcanist player Pardo, and a sorceress Andrina who is working hard to prepare an advanced arcanist.

Then he looked at the bard Geert: "I am very interested in this small bottle, so I will accept it, and you can make a price."

"The arcane empire's stuff is too tall, I'm just a wandering bard, my dream is to spread my songs all over the continent, I don't have much interest in these things, if you like it, take it Go, just give me some living expenses."

The bard Geert waved his hand and said indifferently, and then reminded Thorne: "However, you have to be careful yourself, if there is any malicious soul hidden in it, you will be finished."

"You look quite open." Thorne glanced at him in surprise, then took out a bag of gold coins from the dimension bag and handed it to the other party. He said with a smile, "Okay, I hope it's not too small."

"Cut!" The bard Gilg sneered at Thorne, and put it away without looking at it.

"Are you going to keep wandering like this?" Thorne asked curiously when he saw the other party put away the gold coins.

"Life is a moment in the world, a moment of youth, and a flick of a finger is a lifetime, so I just want to enjoy the ebb and flow of the tide and the afterglow of the sunset every day on this road that is not long or short." The bard Geert smiled. , patted Thorne on the shoulder, and pretended to say deeply: "Man, don't live too tired."

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