Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 237: end

Humane sunset is the end of the world, but I can't see home when I look at the end of the world...

How many people want to go home and find the world they are familiar with. I don't know, all I know is that the dwarves of Winter City walked peacefully under the white lie, and I hope he never knows the final answer.

How many people have lofty ideals and want to show off the world. I still don't know, I only know that the protesters of destiny, every step forward, whether it is right or wrong, or tears and blood, are clearly written on the way forward.

Maybe it was because of my special situation that I was better prepared, so when this terrible upheaval happened, I was not as unbearable and adaptable as most of my compatriots, my life was more stable Raise the ground upwards.

However, this world is full of illusions, only pain but never lies.

Sometimes I even wonder, if there was no tragedy in which the hobgoblins smashed the lower city, and there was no silent departure in the middle of the night, would I have been able to stick to my original intention: the way of the wilderness ranger.

I don't know, because only when the gorgeous leaves fall, the veins of life can be clearly seen.

I carry many sad memories on my back, for my compatriots, for myself, and for the home that I will never go back to, the place where as long as I think about it, I can't help but be reverberated by a special feeling, because It is a light in my heart that never goes out.

But what's the use of thinking about it? There are some things no matter how you cry your eyes are red, you ask for blood, you can't go back, you can't go back, and you can't get what you can't get, so it's better to live bravely.

Living is a practice for us. We simplify the complex, reset the heart, dispel the haze, and store the sunshine. So, with a long life, why should you be afraid of desolation?

So there are a lot of people who live very well and are very comfortable. Because they saw it, they had their own ideals and beliefs to live.

So what is the ideal?

If you don't know, try answering three questions first.

who I am?

What am I going to do?

Why am I alive?

I'm a half-elf ranger and I'm leaving the hustle and bustle of town and crossing the walls that cut off the dangers of the wilderness, only to focus on hunting the dangers that linger on the fringes of civilization, lest it be ravaged and destroyed, and that's it.

If you can't answer these three questions, it means that you are not mature enough, and you have some insights when you have experienced something. Then, you will never ask such a characteristic question again.

But when I know that all of this is being manipulated by some deranged idealists, I'm angry again, I've never been so angry, even in the half-occupied Fallstown, I'm not so angry too.

Because the feeling that this fate is out of your hands is so unsettling.

I'm just someone who accepts his ordinary and then tries his best to be different. But I am afraid that I will try my best and be just a casual victim in the eyes of others.

I don't want the entire Emerald Fields and Falls Town to laugh with those lazy expressions that this land will turn into a dead, barren desert.

They call themselves godslayers, and they call themselves insightrs, and they call themselves: ferrymen, credit knifemen, and night watchmen. They also threatened to carry out a divine plan to create gods and build a church of patron saints.

Behold, what a great ideal!

Therefore, I have no reason not to doubt whether the so-called Austrian catastrophe is from their hands.

What is catastrophe?

Heavy downpours can fall for months on end, and rising waters can inundate large swaths of land.

Earth-destroying earthquakes and volcanoes can shake entire continents, and the plates of the entire world will drift and become torn apart.

The whole sky will be stagnant, and the cold winter will become very long.


I don't want all the splendor in my life to be repaid by loneliness.

In the face of such a bleak future, it is possible that nothing can stop me, nor can I save it.

The only thing I can do is to keep my heart always bright and my sword always sharp before this endless darkness comes!

- Half-elf ranger: Thorne

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