Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 255: Construction of the Wizard's Tower

Waterfall on the town, high tower.

"It's this tower, built by a high elf wizard named Evandel. Because of a disaster a hundred years ago, he was left here alone. By chance, it was acquired by the two of us." Thorne faced The goblin wizard Malvasa, who was standing on the floating saucer, told the story.

When the battle between the orc sword saint Kutaig and the storm lord Albert ended, Thorne directly invited the goblin wizard from Horn Town to come here, and the other party was also very willing to go there.

"High elf wizard, Evindel..." Malvasa glanced at the tower made of dark cyan marble with her pale red eyes hidden in the shadow of the pointed hat, and muttered to herself.

"Miss Malvasia, do you know this high-level wizard named Evindel?" Noticing the goblin wizard whispering to himself, Thorne took a step forward and asked abruptly.

When he and Andrina went to this tower, she easily broke the gate's restriction, and the wizard named Evandel was a member of the Time and Space Insight Organization.

From this, it can be seen that this high-level wizard is also an internal tester, so when he noticed the whisper of the goblin wizard in front of him, he couldn't help but try.

"Little Ranger, if you invite me here for other less-than-simple purposes... then I don't think it's interesting to stay here."

The goblin wizard seemed to have seen through Thorne's careful thoughts, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, revealing two cute little fangs on his upper jaw, and said in a slightly frivolous tone.

Then he floated to the vicinity of the tower, waved his hand gently, a magic light surged, and a small piece of the helmet wrapped around the tower was pulled away by the magic, and then he stretched out his small hand and pressed it against the wall, as if he was feeling something.

After a while, he nodded slightly and continued: "Little Ranger, I still say that, just follow your own heart. In fact, this world is not as complicated as you think, you just need to remember that this is a miracle full of miracles. Multiverse."

Not so complicated? So what's going on with the deranged idealists? If it wasn't for these people, would they be stuck here?

Thorne, who felt that the goblin wizard was a little strange, was about to say a few words when suddenly his palm was squeezed hard, so he looked at Anderina beside him suspiciously.

Noticing Thorne's gaze, Andrina smiled and shook her head at him, stopped him with her eyes, and then said to the goblin wizard: "Then, Miss Malvasia, do you see what this tower has? Is it special?"

"It's not bad, it has the potential to become a wizard's tower. It seems that the dead stupid wizard is not nothing, at least he left a good legacy for the town of waterfalls." The goblin wizard turned and floated to Anderina's side, smiling. said:

"You are lucky, the stupid wizard named Evandel's plan for this tower is based on the standard of the wizard's tower, and its main building material is a magic brick with strong conduction energy."

"That's really great, I'll take you in to see what's going on inside." After listening to the goblin wizard, Andrina's eyes flashed with joy, and then she pulled Thorne, who was in a daze, and shook it. His arm, walked towards the door of the tower.


The heavy stone door made a loud noise.

When the three saw the stone gate opened, they walked in directly.

The goblin wizard who was floating in the air on the floating disc snapped his fingers, and a bright light dispelled the surrounding darkness.

"Oh? There are actually two clay golems." Suddenly, the goblin wizard said a little surprised when he saw the clay golems in the standby state.

Then he turned to look at Andrina: "Little girl, can these two clay golems still be used?"

"It can be used normally, but because the energy problem has not been solved, it has been in standby mode, or else the war yesterday could still come in handy." Andrina nodded and explained.

"So you have found the control device of the golem." Thorne glanced at the sorceress beside him and said.

"Of course." Andrina smiled at Thorne a little smugly.

"Although these two clay golems have been added a lot of private goods by this stupid wizard, the craftsmanship... is really appalling."

The goblin wizard circled around the two clay golems a few times, looking at the spiked wrist guards and metal shoulder guards inlaid on the golems. Nadao: "Is there a basement?"

"Yes." Andrina nodded, then added: "However, when we first entered the basement, we found a lot of dwarf corpses that died tragically, and now I have cleaned them up."

"The dwarf corpse..." The goblin wizard's pale red eyes flashed in a trance, and then said to the two: "Go to the upper floor."

After he finished speaking, he floated over first.

"There is definitely something wrong with this goblin wizard." Thorne looked at Malvasia's back, and said to Andrina, "Perhaps we can find out about Sigil from her."

"...What can you do if you find out? Can you change anything?" Andrina gave Thorne a beautiful white eye, and comforted:

"Don't you see it yet? She obviously doesn't want to say it. Even if you guess something, she won't admit it. Don't forget the purpose of our invitation to come here. It's not like our hospitality. road."

"Going?" Andrina stared at Thorne's face, took his hand and shook it.

"Let's go." Thorne, who was no longer entangled, showed a smile and walked up with her.

In this way, the three people checked the entire tower and came to the twelfth floor while the goblin wizard Malvasia kept complaining and pouting.

"Little girl, do you know what the most important part of a wizard's tower is?" Malvasa asked casually while standing on a chair, playing with a small round mirror on the table.

"Elemental Pool?" Andrina guessed subconsciously.

"Well, yes, you don't look as stupid as you thought." Malvasha glanced at her and said with a smile, "Then do you know what an elemental pool is?"

"The element pool is a magic power supply device invented by wizards in order to facilitate the normal operation of the wizard tower. It uses the element channel mechanism to generate magic power through the surging of elements, and gather it into the constructed element pool to store it.

Finally, it is converted into usable energy through the magic power device, and then transported to the entire wizard tower according to the energy transport route. "Andrina recalled the knowledge in her mind and told the goblin wizard.

"It seems that you are not a useless vase, you are still useful." Malvasia nodded slightly, and then said: "Since you are so smart, why did you choose a warlock, and then the advanced dragon warlock does not bring The profession of the brain."


Thorne, who couldn't stand it any longer, pulled out his long sword and pointed at the goblin wizard with a blank expression: "If you are here just to mock her, then I think you have succeeded, and you can go now."

He had been in contact with the other party before, and he felt that the other party's brain was quite normal. What he didn't expect was that the tone of his speech today seemed to be a different person, with a smell of gunpowder.

This made him have to wonder what purpose the other party had, or whether he was just hostile to Andrina.

The other party is a wizard, and she is a warlock. He has also heard that there are many noble wizards on the mainland who feel good about themselves and think that warlocks are a group of casters who have tarnished the image of arcane arts.

They express deep contempt for their ability to cast spells without relying on spell books, tutors, or theories.

It's like what you have learned from ten years of hard study in the cold window, and the other party can easily grasp it by awakening his bloodline when he sleeps, resulting in a serious imbalance in his heart.

But this is only the opinion of a small number of wizards who are a little distorted in their hearts on this continent. It should not be very applicable to their player group, and this goblin wizard gives him the feeling that he looks down on the warlock.

Andrina pulled Thorne's sword-holding arm to signal him not to be impulsive. Although she knew that she was venting her anger for her and made her secretly happy, she still stopped him, but looked at Malvasa and asked: " You mean I don't deserve this tower?"

"That's what it meant." Malvasa didn't care about being pointed at by the sword, pulled down the brim of her hat a little, and said calmly: "It seems that this tower is a good choice for you to have. "

"This is something that belongs to us, what qualifications do you have to point your fingers." Thorne put the long sword in the scabbard, and his tone became a bit sharp.

"I really don't have the right to point fingers, but I know that all the gifts of fate have been marked with prices in secret." Malvasa looked at Thorne and said with a smile: "Do you think so? Little Ranger."

"Who the **** are you!" Thorne asked her in a more serious tone.

Could it be that the other party is also organized by Insights? It's not the same player as them. Thinking about it, Thorne feels a little confused. After all, these are all his personal guesses, and he is unwilling to disclose them, and it cannot be confirmed after all.

"These are not important anymore." Malvasia shook her head slowly, then raised her head and smiled and said to Andrina: "Okay, little girl, let's get down to business. Do you know how the elemental pool is composed?"

"Four elemental pools, as well as positive and negative energy pools." Andrina finished speaking, and said her thoughts in disbelief: "So, the dwarf corpses in the basement of this tower are actually to guide negative energy, and then Build a negative energy pool and use it to extract leyline energy."

"That's right." Malvasha nodded and said, "This stupid wizard has already completed the most difficult steps for you. Now you only need to fuse all the four element pools and positive energy pools with negative energy. Complete element pool.

The four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire are the basic components of the world, and they are also the prerequisites for the evolution of all materials. As long as it is a planet that can carry life, most of them are composed of the four elements in a certain proportion.

Therefore, as long as the positive and negative energy is used to guide the energy of the earth pulse, and then the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire are integrated into it, an automatic energy circulation system will be formed. If the efficiency of energy operation is not very high, you will never have to worry about exhaustion. question. "

"No wonder I found a few high-concentration gems representing the four elements in this wizard's legacy." Andrina heard the words, her expression suddenly revealed.

"Since the most precious elemental energy gemstones are already available, then you will prepare 100 kilograms of silver and 50 kilograms of gold, and I will help you carve a super-large magic circle in the basement to gather the external elements that travel, the element pool of this tower. The construction is almost complete.”

50 kilograms of gold, Thorne's eyelids twitched, if one gold coin is 5 grams, 50 kilograms will cost at least 50,000 gold coins.

"No problem, these are all ready-made." Andrina's expression relaxed, as long as it wasn't something she cherished, it wouldn't be difficult for her.

"That's good. When the element pool is built, I will teach you how to make the Eye of Insight for all-round reconnaissance, and the core of the wizard's tower: Taring." Malvasha nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Of course, the premise of all this is that you have a lot of money, and you have to successfully become a wizard, and then upgrade your rank."

"Isn't it an arcanist?" Andrina asked with a little doubt. She has been learning about arcanists recently, but it is too esoteric to understand, so she has never been successful in taking up her job.

"Arcanist?" Malvasa's expression fluctuated, and she looked at her unexpectedly, her pale red eyes didn't say anything until Andrina looked a little embarrassed, and then said: "Your appetite is not small, It's naive to want to take up the position of an arcanist directly."

"Is there any problem?" Thorne frowned, always feeling a strong smell of gunpowder in the other party's words, so he retorted: "In the wizard's tower in Winter City, there is a player, two years, Directly and successfully took up the profession of arcanist."

"People's talents are different. If you let your little girlfriend go directly to work as an arcanist, it's not that I underestimate her. With her IQ, if you give her 5 years, she may not be able to succeed." Goblin wizard Glancing at Anderina, she pouted her lips first, and then used her poisonous tongue again, mocking:

"Arcane is a profession that understands the ultimate nature of magic, but it does not mean that spells cannot be successfully cast without understanding the nature of magic.

This is like a person who can't make a weapon can also use it to kill the enemy. Compared with learning to use a weapon and learning to make a weapon, which one takes the longest time, can't you see it? "

"The matter related to the wizarding profession, I will trouble you a lot." Andrina said, who wanted to understand.

"No problem, as long as you successfully raise the wizard level to level 7 or above, and then complete the production of the tower spirit and the eye of insight, this wizard tower will exert enough power to change the battlefield situation in resisting foreign enemies."

Malvasia's pale red eyes glanced at the two of them and continued: "Moreover, this wizard tower will be the key force for us to successfully base ourselves in the wilderness in the future.

At that time, I will help you formulate a complete set of sniper tactics for the wizard tower, as well as ultra-long-range strike capabilities. "

"Are you talking about the magic crystal superconducting pulse cannon?" Thorne's mind suddenly appeared that night, the antimatter energy of Winter City Wizard Tower, like a meteor shower, looked at the goblin wizard in disbelief.

"Your appetite is bigger than your little girlfriend, the kind of existence that can slaughter the incarnation of the gods, even if I give you one, I am afraid that the next day, the town of waterfalls will be brushed by the evil forces as a novice copy." Standing on the chair The goblin wizard froze for a moment, apparently taken aback by Thorne's innocence.

"Then what tactics are you talking about?" Thorne turned his head away, concealed his embarrassed look, and asked again, and his curiosity at this time was not enough to think about why the other party had so much professional knowledge.

"Whether it is a wizard tower or a floating city, in fact, most of their methods are mainly defensive. The real long-range combat weapon still needs to be executed by people. If a wizard tower has the sharpest sword, then he It will be the most feared existence in the entire Emerald Field." Malvasa looked at Thorne with pale red eyes and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to Andrina and said, "The physical banshee I saw just now is very interesting, I will give her some pointers, maybe she will become a real banshee king in the future. ."

"How did your character become so good today?" Watching the goblin wizard leave, Thorne walked over to Andrina and wondered.

"My character has always been good." Andrina took Thorne's arm and chuckled: "Have you not seen it for so long?"

"..." Facing this kind of proposition, the sensible Thorne remained silent, and then immediately changed the subject: "Malvasa's last sentence means that the wizard tower needs the cooperation of many people to exert its strongest power, What means?"

"That's right, it's true." Andrina thought for a moment, then explained to Thorne: "I'll give you the simplest example: an aircraft carrier. Its long-range means of strike are airborne combat aircraft, wizard towers and floats. The role of the empty city is more like the use of various fully functional portals to accurately deliver the most elite forces to every corner of the world for ultra-long-range assassination or bombing."

"I understand." Thorne understood the meaning of the other party, just like what he saw in Winter City, when the wizard tower killed two Balor Flame Demons in an instant, one of them was a construct that was broken through the portal The creature is killed with a sword.

"So, if our wizard tower is really successful, then you are the sharpest sword in this tower."

"Don't be too happy, let's not talk about how difficult your wizarding profession is to get a job, just the existence of artificial intelligence like Taring is not something to talk about casually." Thorne poured a pot of cold water: "Moreover, this is simply a money-burning tower, and your small deposit will always be used up one day."

There is one last question, and that is that the goblin wizard is acting out of the ordinary today.

"This is indeed a problem. If there is no financial source, the money will always run out one day." Andrina, who was hit, fell into deep thought. After a while, her eyes lit up and she turned to Thorne and said, "I think we We should build a small force of our own."


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