Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 282: Aurora Color Steel

In the camp of the Rat Man ruins, Thorne led the crowd towards the underground secret room where the Rat Man leader lived.

In that complicated underground chamber, based on the reliefs on the walls, he could infer that it was a temple built by an evil dragon-born noble in ancient times because of his belief in Tiama, the **** of evil dragons, so there must be something hidden in it. What an unknown secret.

Since he sneaked into the core area of ​​the rat man by himself and finished fighting, lest everyone wait for a long time and cause unnecessary trouble, he deeply remembered some of the strange places he found in his heart, and planned to join them and come back again. Here, explore carefully.

After all, he had already made sure that the red dragon player who knew how to survive was still alive, and he also asked the two kobold captives who escaped from the rat man camp to bring the news of Carlos to their red dragon leader. .

So the group of them is not in a hurry to go. For Thorne, since he has passed by this place, it is inevitable to check again.

As an ancient city relic, it is definitely not as simple as a collapsed building, and it is even possible that there are lost secrets.

Thinking of Thorne here, his heart suddenly moved, because he remembered a strange glowing metal found in the Rat Man's treasury.

So he stopped, turned around and walked to the goblin wizard, took out the piece of metal, and handed it to her:

"Ms. Malvasia, this is a piece of metal obtained by accident. Please help me identify its specific function."

The goblin wizard Malvasha looked stunned, and immediately patted the worg's furry head, signaling it to stop.

Then he stretched out the small hand hidden in the large sleeve, and took a piece of metal the size of an adult's fist that Thorne handed over with a little difficulty.

She glanced at Thorne in surprise when she noticed the gleaming metal glowing faintly indigo in the dimly lit space.

Then he gently stroked the smooth metal surface, pondered for a moment, then glanced at the paladin Peo who was curiously approaching with the dragon head tilted, and then slowly said: "This is a piece called 'Aurora Borealis'. Steel' special metal."

"Aurora color steel?" Thorne looked at the goblin wizard suspiciously: "Is it the kind of metal that can be used to forge weapons and equipment?"

A special metal, if he can forge weapons and equipment, then he just lacks an off-hand weapon, but he can use it directly.

The main reason why he has not changed his off-hand weapon is that he wants to forge a weapon style designed by himself by purchasing some special metals.

After all, this kind of weapon designed by himself is definitely better than any ready-made one. As a skilled ranger, the weapon he carries must be the most suitable for him.

Otherwise, with his current financial resources, if he wants to buy a short sword of extraordinary quality, he can still afford it.

But in addition to being expensive, special metals also belong to the kind of existence that can be encountered and cannot be found. If he can't find them, he can only plan to use fine gold or mithril to make them.

Although these two metals are also more cherished, as long as you have money, you can easily get them together.

Today, it is naturally very happy for him to accidentally acquire a special piece of metal.

The only thing that worries him is that he doesn't know the specific characteristics of this metal, and what kind of weapons can be forged.

So Thorne turned his questioning gaze to the goblin wizard again.

"I know the specific properties of this piece of metal." Seeing Thorne casting doubtful eyes on the goblin wizard, Andrina, who was standing beside him, shook his arm and cast a dissatisfied look.

I saw her pale golden eyes twinkling in the darkness, as if telling Thorne that there was a knowledgeable warlock by his side, why did he go so far as to ask the goblin wizard.

"I saw it in the library of that stupid wizard in Evandel. You two should study it yourself." Malvasa handed the metal to Thorne, and after dropping a sentence with a faint smile, she said: He bowed his head slightly and said no more.

Thorne thanked the goblin wizard and continued to walk forward with Anders Lena, while leading the crowd to the underground secret room, while listening to Anders Lena tell about the origin and characteristics of this metal.

"Thorn, do you know about the seventh heaven of the outer plane?" Andrina and Thorne walked side by side, as if remembering something, so she asked softly with a touch of yearning.

"A paradigmatic plane of justice and order, does it have anything to do with this metal?" Thorne replied simply, looking at her suspiciously.

"That's right, this piece of aurora colored steel came from the seventh heaven." Andrina nodded slightly and continued:

"Paradise Mountain is a sacred mountain rising from the Silver Sea. On the other side of the Silver Sea, there is a gathering place that is most densely illuminated by the aura of kindness.

Due to mysterious natural phenomena and elemental energy, the place can often be too dense due to the light, and over time, some special solids similar to metals are condensed. This solid is called: Aurora Color Steel.

Usually, this special metal is often given to the most devout priest or paladin by the gods of the good camp to make weapons or armor.

Since you can find this metal in this ruin, it means that there is a high probability that there is a temple of Bahamut, the platinum dragon god, in this city. "

"As a holy city full of glory for the dragonborn race in ancient times, there must be a temple of Bahamut. You don't need to think about it."

Thorne kicked away the corpses of the rat people in front of him, and frightened away the vicious rats that were nibbling on the corpses. He led Andrina into the underground chamber of the fault, and then asked: "Then , What kind of weapons can this metal create?"

Although he has guessed a general idea through the origin of Jiguang Caigang, he still wants to know more about it.

"Naturally, it has the same ability to punish evil as the clergy of the good camp, but there is a more important characteristic." Andrina paused deliberately, noticing Thorne's gaze, and then said with a smile : "That's the automatic repair capability."

"It turned out to be automatic repair?"

Thorne's eyes flashed with surprise, and I have to say that this ability really surprised him.

However, it is a pity that it is only the size of a fist. If you don't add other metals, you can only make a small dagger at most.

"This special metal was originally formed because of the convergence of aurora. If it suffers a violent collision, it will only break up this solid. As long as a period of time, the dissipated light will condense again and automatically return to its original appearance. ."

"It turned out to be the principle." Thorne nodded secretly, wanting to understand the reason.

At least this material can still be used for him, but he doesn't know what kind of metal the Aurora Color Steel fits best.

Then, while thinking about the style and function of the off-hand weapon, Thorne led the crowd through the **** underground secret room, and walked towards the place that made him feel very suspicious.


In the ruined camp of the Rat Man, as Thorne and his party all disappeared into the underground secret room, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly emerged in the darkness not far away.

After the fight, the Rat Man camp was silent, and the icy air was full of blood and death.

The corpses of ratmen, bitten by dire rats, dire rats, and scavengers, were thrown away like garbage.

At this time, among the two figures who came over, a slender girl with curly blond hair held a sheathed long sword in her arms, covered her mouth and nose with her sleeves and frowned, "So, Say, I really hate coming to Rat Man camp, it smells so bad."

"You are black..." The kobold warlock in the black robe had not finished speaking, and immediately changed his words: "Then why don't you clean them up completely and leave them here for their development."

"Move the cannon fodder and the experience pack, don't do it for nothing." After the blonde girl finished speaking, she looked at the kobold warlock with her shimmering pale green eyes, and said softly with a smile that was not a smile:

"Lessus, did you just want to say that we black dragons are a group of fermented meat lovers, and we still care about these smells, right?"

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself." The kobold warlock was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly retorted.

"I don't care, that's what you thought in your heart just now, but you didn't say it." The blonde girl smiled faintly.

"Can't you think about it?" The kobold warlock cried and said aggrievedly: "It's really hard to accompany a dragon like a tiger. It's too difficult for me."

"How can a tiger be compared to me? It's a misnomer. I'll add another one to my output this month." The blonde girl looked at the kobold warlock's interesting expression and continued to tease: "Counting the two yesterday, there are four in total. Seth, have you completed your mission this month?"

"Fortunately there are only four." The kobold warlock breathed a sigh of relief and replied reluctantly: "Last month, there were five kobolds that were relatively strong, and all of them laid two eggs, so they have been completed ahead of schedule. ."

"How about it, do you feel that you are very powerful when you transfer to a Kobold Dragon Vein Warlock, and do everything you do?" The blond girl heard the words, a playful look flashed in her eyes, and she said softly with a smile.

"Sigrid, you are a mad woman who squeezes endlessly! I really blinded my dogs...Bah! I was blind, and I would agree to this condition, and I regret it."

The kobold warlock roared loudly, looking at the blond girl with red eyes full of remorse and grievance.

"At the beginning, you said that you would do anything in order to transfer to Dragon Vein Warlock. In fact, my requirements are not high. Many kobold warriors under my command can't get this kind of treatment, so don't be there in the blessing. No luck."

Listening to the wailing of the kobold warlock like a barking dog, the blond girl smiled, her pale green eyes flickered, and patiently comforted him:

"In your kobold race, a female kobold is frightened and can lay eggs in two weeks, and in 60 days, a cute puppy can hatch. After hatching, it only takes two or three hours to make soy sauce. Of course, a race with such an efficient reproduction speed must be used reasonably.

In fact, I don't have high requirements on you. You only need to make 5 female kobolds lay 5 eggs every month. Is this too demanding?

Haven't you found out yet? As long as it is a kobold pup hatched by you, the chance of becoming a warlock is increased by more than five times.

This is the benefit of our player elite template, and at this rate, it's only a matter of time before we form an army of kobold warlocks. When the time comes, these kobold warlocks will stand in a square and call you Dad in unison. Isn't that a spectacular scene?

So, I think your workload should be increased several times. "

"That's true..." After listening to the blonde girl's analysis, the kobold warlock nodded subconsciously.

Because the other party is right, after hatching, the chance of appearing kobold warlocks has indeed greatly increased. When the time comes, I will call him all again... After thinking about it, the kobold warlock suddenly felt a chill, and immediately woke up, quickly stretched out his small paw, and slapped his head:

"Bah! What is it! Sigrid, you don't talk about martial arts, and you use suggestion to me. Don't be delusional, I won't promise you even if I die."

"Forget it, you are still young, you are growing up, you can't squeeze too much. Let's talk about it when you grow up. Anyway, your Dragon Vein Warlock level is holding me in the palm of your hand." The golden girl chuckled indifferently. With a sound, he walked towards the corpse of the rat man.

"I really cleaned up all the rat people here." The blond girl stood there, her eyes slightly closed, as if she was sensing something. After a while, she opened her eyes and said to herself:

"It's a pity that these sustainable mobile cannon fodder and experience packs that I have cultivated, forget it, I have to go to the surface anyway, and then I will catch some other species and come back."

"Look at these rat people, you've been squeezed to the point that you would rather go to the dark elves to get rid of your control." The kobold warlock looked at the dead rat people corpses and complained.

"Ignorant guy, I really thought that it would be fine if you took refuge in the dark elves." The golden girl curled her lips in disdain, looking at the kobold warlock and said:

"Lesoth, let me tell you the truth, if I want to clean up the dark elves outside the city, it's all a matter of hand. It's just that all the hostile forces around have been wiped out, and no one will take the initiative to give it to me. I have sent experience, and I don't want to go to the depths of the Underdark."

"You're lazy." The kobold warlock whispered.

"It seems that the half-elf ranger took people to the underground secret passage. Forget it, the smell is too heavy, let's wait for them here."

The blond girl glanced at the entrance, frowned, and flew directly to the roof, where she quickly disappeared into the darkness.

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