Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 313: Backstab

Always be vigilant and never trust anyone!

—The Law of Survival in the Royal City of Rezim

In the very center of the huge cavern of Rezim King City, a majestic statue of the spider goddess is bathed in eternal magical light.

Countless demon fires floating around shone brightly, showing the ultimate splendor of the statue to the fullest.

as ever.

Through the eyes of the sculpture, Rose, the spider goddess who lives in the deep magic web, is happily watching how the dark elves are led by the priestess, because of power and desire, in the royal city of Rezim, which is full of conspiracy and lust. The city of betrayal... tumbling and struggling.

"Come here quickly!" A martial arts chief of a certain family who had been training for a whole day stretched out his hand and greeted the students beside him.

"What happened? Master Martial Arts Master." The student wondered.

The Chief Martial Artist smiled slightly, pulled the well-behaved student closer, pointed at the huge cave of Rezim King City, and looked towards the southeast of the city.

The most gorgeous magic light is blooming there, the dazzling light keeps flickering from the place wrapped by the dark enchantment, and the fire pillars go straight to the top of the cave, and then disappear without a sound.

"A pleasant attack." The drow elf martial artist said casually: "A small family, oh, I read that right, the attackers turned out to be a group of bereaved dogs."

"Why are they attacking each other?" The innocent students were puzzled.

"To please the gods, or to improve the status of your family in the city." The chief martial artist glanced at the magnificent spider sculpture in the center of the city, and said with a smile: "Of course, it may also be revenge, or gain... aristocratic status."

"This battle seems to be dragging on." At this time, another priestess who was watching the battle came over and commented:

"The art of the attacker's raid is worth learning. Unfortunately, although they opened the gap perfectly and successfully broke into the Wan Ruide family, the defense's resistance was very tenacious."

"It's true, and the Wan Ruide family has not lost the protection of the Queen of God, which will give them a headache.

If the attackers fail to clear any witnesses, the poor bereaved dogs will face the wrath of the ruling council. "The Chief Martial Artist said lightly.

"But we are the witnesses." The innocent student said again.

"No." The chief martial artist replied with a smile: "We are bystanders. This battle has nothing to do with us. Only the nobles of the victim family have the privilege of accusing the attackers."

"The premise is that the nobles of the Wanruid family can survive." The priestess took a step forward and looked intently at the art of war in the dark.

Clearly, she enjoyed the delightful sight before her.

At this moment, the family settlements in the entire Royal City of Rezim seemed to be boiling, and all the nobles and commoners, including ordinary soldiers and slaves, were rushing to find the best viewing spots. Those who got there first excitedly described the battle scene to those who were one step late.

There is no doubt that no matter where you are, there will never be a shortage of melon eaters watching the fun.

Of course, it also includes the sculpture of Rose, the spider goddess in the center of the city.

In the entire Royal City of Rezim, wars between families are not something that happens every day, after all, this is a very risky approach.

Because all the nobles in the 'victim' family must be cleaned up as quickly and as unobtrusively as possible.

If any of the nobles survived to accuse these murderers, the hypocritical justice of Rezim King City will issue sanctions, and the attacking party will be wiped out, leaving no one behind.

If the raid was executed perfectly, there would not be any negative effects. Everyone in the city, even Rose, the spider goddess, would applaud each other's courage and wisdom, and no one would ever mention this accident again.

Therefore, in the absence of absolute certainty, no one dares to arbitrarily provoke an all-out war.

In the shrine where the Wanruide family serves the spider **** queen.

The new mistress of the family is leading a group of commoner priestesses to gather together, praying constantly to the statue of the spider goddess.

As the last-ranked family, if they don't want to make progress, they will only face a group of bereaved dogs.

At this time, the new mistress thought that these so-called "fourth natural disaster" civilians would have to rest for half a year at the earliest before launching a surprise attack on them.

But she misestimated the determination of this group of people. What she never expected was that the enemy's attack came so quickly.

Although the power of the family was severely damaged in the Black Dragon disaster, it was not an existence that a group of bereaved dogs could easily shake.

At least, they have not lost the protection of the spider **** queen, which is their strongest trump card against the invaders.

But she has clearly felt that this shelter is slowly passing, and she must drive out all the intruders before the shelter disappears.

Otherwise, the Wanruid family in the Royal City of Rezim will be completely removed tonight.

The new mistress of the Wan Ruide family prayed devoutly, and looked at the door with uneasy eyes.

Obviously, she was really anxious in her heart, but she seemed to be expecting something to come.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted the anxiety of the Wan Ruide family mistress, the door of the front hall was opened, and the family martial arts chief walked in.

"Master Mistress, Mr. Pipisen is here." The family martial arts chief bowed and said politely.

"Pipisen from the Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Corps is here!" The clan's mother's resounding voice was full of joy: "Hurry up and invite him in!"

"My dear Mistress Wan Ruide, Pipisen, the leader of the Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Group, greets you."

The funny-dressed mercenary leader Pippisen walked to the family mistress and lowered his cheap black onyx head again deeply: "I heard that you are in trouble, as you wish, I will coming."

"The Wanruide family has not lost the protection of the Queen of God. According to the information disclosed to me by the maid of the Queen of God, I know that the bereaved dog that invaded our family has not been recognized by the Queen of God at all."

The new mistress said to the mercenary chief: "So, Mr. Pippison, immediately gather your legion and help me repel all the invaders!"

"But... dear mistress..." Pipison, the funny mercenary chief, said hesitantly:

"The Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Group is a secret group... We can't... intervene in open wars, otherwise it will... anger the... governing council of Rezim King City."

"I'll pay you as much as you want." The new mistress naturally knew the face of these despicable thieves, and immediately made a promise.

"But the price..." The mercenary chief was still hesitating.

"I'll pay you as much as you want!" The new mistress raised her voice a bit.

"Such an action..." Pipisen, the mercenary leader, touched his bright head.

"I'll pay you as much as you want!!"

The rage of the new mistress was instantly revealed, her scarlet eyeballs seemed to be burning like two piles of fire, and she roared and kicked the hesitant mercenary chief to the ground.

"As you wish, I will do my best."

The funny mercenary leader Pipison smiled, got up and patted the footprints on his chest, lowered his cheap head to the new mistress again, turned around and walked out.

The head of the mercenary Pipisen was walking on the narrow bridge of the promenade, and when he was walking, he suddenly pulled a drow warrior to block a deadly crossbow bolt for him, and then threw the unfortunate shield at random. Watching the guards of the Wan Ruide family who blocked the invaders, he laughed easily;

"Everyone, take it easy, the moment of our counterattack is coming soon."

Under the eyes of a group of murderers, the mercenary leader groped for a while from the gleaming half-body chainmail with a smile on his face, took out a delicate pan flute, and then leaned against the wall and began to play a silent melody.

In a situation where it was difficult for everyone to notice the situation on the battlefield, the drow warriors of the more than 200 Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenaries who were originally in charge of attacking from the main gate all froze.

Immediately afterwards, the group of Lone Wolf Mercenary Group looked at each other spontaneously and began to wander in different directions.

Obviously, the pan flute is a special magical instrument, and no one except the members of the Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Corps can hear this deadly melody.


Thorne's short sword flew towards the machete facing the door, and the long sword in his right hand crossed a graceful arc in the air, and the sharp blade directly cut off the head of the drow elf.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Then he immediately turned around and stepped back, while dancing the two sharp blades in his hand so tightly that the dozen or so galloping crossbow arrows were all swept away by him one by one.

— "Spell-like ability: Fireball!"

Noticing the sudden stop of the long-range attack that seemed to be ready to load, he quickly condensed a basin-sized fireball in his palm.


The whistling fireball drilled into the towers of the drow guards, bursting with fiery flames and mournful wailing.

"It's already 73, and it's about to be completed." Seeing the beating information of the experience value, Thorne immediately judged how many lives the big fireball had reaped.

From the start of the battle to the present, the rear of the Wanruid family has been successfully captured by the warlocks. Sharis and the most elite drow warriors have also lurked to the inner defense line of the four stone pillars, and are engaged in the bloodiest street battle.

The role of their group was to hold back the frontal troops of the Wan Ruide family so that they could not be distracted to support other places.

That is to say, as long as they successfully hold back the frontal troops of the Wan Ruid family, then victory is only a matter of time for them.

On the frontal battlefield at this time, all the slaves had already crossed the fence and collided fiercely with the guards of the Wan Ruide family.

In addition to a large number of defending drow warriors, the Wan Ruid family also has many giant spiders climbing out of the caves. These mutant spiders and drow warriors rely on favorable terrain to assist in defense.

For a while, it seemed that neither side could break through the other's line of defense.

However, this stalemate is very suitable for Thorne to hunt drow from a distance.

Whenever he found a place where a large number of drows were gathered, he would launch fireballs to bombard them in a carpet-like manner, regardless of the lives of both parties.

This also indirectly caused him to be particularly noticeable in the melee. Drow assassins who were good at assassination frequently sneaked over and gave him the "crispy spellcaster".


In this stalemate battle, the wizard Ciel cast a scorching lava fireball into the defense line of the Wan Reid family again, tearing a huge gap directly, breaking the balance between the two sides.

As a group of defense lines mixed with drow warriors and mutant spiders were cleared of a vacuum, the few slaves and the tauren warriors behind them rushed forward and officially entered the group of stone pillars of the Wanruide family.

It also announced that the front line of defense of the Wan Ruide family was broken by them.

Ciel looked at the damage he had caused, nodded in satisfaction, and then began to search for the figure of the half-elf ranger, ready to assist him in the battle.

Because he found that as long as he successfully helped this kind ranger from the surface once, he could feel the slight fluctuation of the holy symbol on his chest.

This shows that his camp has begun to touch the good camp, so he believes that when his camp becomes good, the goddess he believes in will recognize him as a devout believer.

This holy emblem carved by himself will shine with the light of faith.

At that time, he will be able to gain the trust of the surface races and let them help him take away all the compatriots who yearn for surface life and the original inhabitants of Rezim King City.

"Tauren charge!"

At the forefront of the frontal battlefield, the tauren Alistar who rushed into the group of stone pillars roared excitedly, waving a giant axe and immediately launched the most ferocious attack with all the tauren around him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of a group of tauren running sounded.

At this time, the drow warriors who were resisting the path had no time to escape. They either died under the sharp corners, were hit to pieces, or were cut off by the huge axe the size of the door.

The tauren Alistar sprayed steaming white air from his nose, waving the door-sized axe in his hand, and was spun wildly by him like a windmill.

The crazy old cow went up to him without fear even in the face of the long-range shooting of the drow crossbow.

Due to the four-circle spell "Stone Skin Technique" blessed by the wizard, these fragile bolts were shot on Alistar's body, and they couldn't hurt himself at all except for the light sound of ding ding ding.

At this time, the tauren finally realized what it means to be the highest realm of a warrior, who can open the shield wall without holding a shield. ’

The more than 20 Tauren warriors are now a human-shaped shield wall.


Suddenly, Alistar, who had disrupted the drow elves' defensive formation, found that the members of the Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Group did not keep up with his attacking rhythm, but lingered behind them with a bad look.

"Get out!"

The attentive tauren leader immediately sensed an unpleasant aura and roared loudly.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

As soon as the tauren leader Alistar's voice fell, more than a dozen mercenaries hidden in the dark suddenly appeared, and one after another spurted out poisoned arrows, drowning all the tauren who had not been reflected in time.

At the end of the frontal battlefield, Thorne and the wizard Ciel walked slowly towards the group of stone pillars of the Wan Reid family.

The current defense line has been completely broken through, although there are still a large number of tenaciously resisting guards and ferocious spiders remaining in the stone pillar group.

But as long as those responsible for cutting the back row clean up all the nobles, these drow civilian warriors will surrender without a fight.

"Why do I feel that the people in the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group look at us very wrong."

Suddenly, Thorne grabbed Ciel's sleeve, stopped, and looked vigilantly at the large group of mercenaries moving erratically towards the two of them.

"Be careful! There is an ambush!"

Thorne's expression suddenly changed, and he reminded the wizard beside him.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a whistling of crossbow arrows tearing the air around the two.

At the same time, all the surrounding drow mercenaries also flashed their sharp blades and rushed towards them.

The rear of the Wanruide family settlement.

A large group of slaves, led by Herist's warlocks, had broken through the walls.

Howling fireballs, jumping lightning, and piercing acid arrows and other gorgeous magics kept bombarding the houses of the Wan Reid family, while constantly consuming their own cannon fodder slaves and Wan Reid. The family's defense unit.

- "Three-ring spell: Fireball!"

Herist threw a whistling fireball, looking at the bursting fire and the battle that was about to end, a smile involuntarily evoked the corner of her mouth.

Although these poor slaves have been exhausted under the attack of the attackers and defenders, they have also completed their missions.

Because the defensive troops behind the Wanred family have been cleaned up by her warlocks.

Not only did they buy time for their compatriots in the back row, but they also wiped out all the defending drow elves, which can be considered a successful completion of the task Evelynn explained.

As for the consumed slaves, who would care about them, as long as they had money, would they still lack these things?

Although the people of the Warlock Academy can maintain the most indifferent neutrality to the infighting in the entire city as long as they do not have their own family, but Herist does not think so.

Because the civilians represent that there is no support from any resources, almost all of their compatriots in the Warlock Academy are warlocks and part-time wizards.

This means that if they want to steadily improve their strength, they cannot do without the consumption of huge resources.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to do everything by themselves, and establishing or joining forces is their trend.

With a lifespan of more than 800 years, the wizard is a profession with unlimited potential, and each of them has their own system capabilities.

Based on these, Herist was unwilling to live in the Warlock Academy all the time.

For their future, she must think clearly for her compatriots, and then choose to join the family forces in the Rizim City.

Although many high-ranking and powerful families have cast olive branches to them, after careful consideration by Heliste, they decided to make an investment with both risks and benefits.

What about Rose, the spider goddess.

When their power grows, what are these high-level gods?

At that time, it will only be a matter of a sentence for this Rezim King City to be renamed.

"The battle seems to be over soon."

Julis walked to Herist and stood side by side with her, looking at the buildings of the Wanread family and said.

"Yes, I have seen the ending." Herister's beautiful eyes flickered a few times and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Julis sighed, and suddenly shouted again: "Be careful!"

Herist immediately looked in the direction Julis pointed out.

There was a sneer at the corner of Julis' mouth, and a magic dagger that was ready to attack directly stabbed Harist in the back of the heart.

What kind of abyss is this world, and how is our soul bound here?

In the light my skin is a disgusting ebony color, and in the dark it glows with the goodness of my heart.

I really want to get out of this place, out of this life, out of the mistakes of this world, to find a place that doesn't conflict with my beliefs.

But whenever I think back to my compatriots who died tragically because of my naivety, I know that my soul is deeply bound here.

My name is Carlock, but I am not a dark elf in my actions, in my heart, or even in my soul.

If that's the case, let the wrath of the people who find me so different come down on me.

Only in this way can I find an excuse to leave this hopeless and helpless world.

Carlock, holding swords in both hands, stood on the balcony of the central stone pillar of the Wanread family. At his feet, the corpses of two priestesses were silently telling what had happened.

Then Carlock immediately walked towards the inside of the stone pillar.

The two guards in the corridor discovered the uninvited guest and were about to pass the block when two cold lights flashed, and the two drow guards lay on the ground quietly with their necks covered.

Carlock walked silently along the curved wall of the stone pillar, towards the core of the Wanread family.

Two more guards appeared on the steps blocking the way, Carlock's eyes narrowed... Then the two guards blocking the road fell down again clutching their necks.

The wandering swordsman Karlock walked towards the top of the stone pillar while waving the sharp blade in his hand.

In his path, the corpses of drow warriors and priestesses lay silently on the ground.

"It's here."

As Carlock walked down the steps to the very top of the column, he found an ornate metal door adorned with almost all kinds of spider variants.

According to Sharish's description before he left, he immediately confirmed that this was the place where the priestesses of the Wanread family gathered to pray.

As long as they are all eliminated, the battle is almost over.

However, the moment he appeared, more than a dozen elite drow warriors, led by the martial arts chief of the Wan Ruide family, had already blocked his way, and all waved their swords and surrounded him.

"Good come!"

Carlock's deep eyes burst out with endless fighting intent, he clenched the two fine gold swords in his hands and made a low voice.

"Your movements are still so clean and neat, just as I imagined, my respectable teacher." At this time, the voice of the drow swordsman Sharish came from behind Karlock.

"Then let's fight together!" Carlock smiled.

"Happy!" Sharis showed the same smile.

Immediately, the master and the apprentice waved their swords to meet a group of guards from the Wan Ruide family.

The impact of weapons, the screams of death, and roars and roars flickered frequently in this empty corridor.

After a while, the two masters and apprentices, whose bodies were covered in blood, stood at the end.

"I've seen our future." Sharish walked over to Carlock and said with a smile.

"What I see is my own ending." Carlock smiled slightly, turning around and leaving Sharish behind.

Immediately afterwards, Sharish's expression turned cold, and he stabbed his sword in without hesitation.

In the empty and silent corridor, only Gerson walked silently.

The reason why it was so silent was because almost all of his compatriots went to raid the territory of the Wanread family.

The drow Gerson thought his chance had come.

Among the nobles of the royal city of Rezim, according to tradition, each family sacrificed its third boy to the spider **** queen.

And the newborn child of Priestess Rose Evelyn is her third son, so Gerson must save his poor child and take him out of this cruel underground world.

The only way to save the child is to kill one of Evelyn's other two children.

Only in this way, his newborn child will no longer be the third child. If Evelyn is still forced to sacrifice, it will undoubtedly anger the **** spider.

Smart, she will definitely not be so messy.

So, he appeared here.

Suddenly, a cobweb that had already been woven came under Gerson's hood.

Gerson's expression turned cold, and he instantly pulled out the long sword from his waist. Intensive cold light flashed through, and the woven spider webs fluttered like fluff.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up with a long sword, and the spherical body of the mutant spider entrenched on the top of the cave was cut with a gap, and the viscous liquid was sprayed out.

Gerson put the long sword in the scabbard and turned to leave.

Everyone thought he was a waste, but only he and his swordsmanship teacher Karlock knew how strong their swordsmanship talent was.

The reason why he lived a submissive life was for today.

After all, his child was innocent, and he couldn't let this new-born kid fall victim to the sacrifice of Rose.

"Gerson, I've been waiting for you here for a long time." Just as Gerson was about to step into the room of the two children, a pale yellow figure blocked his way.

"Kazik, why is he here?" Gerson looked surprised. He was very clear about the strength of the mantis man Kha'Zix, and he knew that he was not Kha'Zix's opponent.

"Evelynn already guessed that you would come here, I don't want to kill you, don't make me embarrassed, you'd better go back by yourself." Mantis man Kha'Zix rubbed his jaws and let out a whistling insect chirping.

"Have you ever had a child before?" Gerson dropped his long sword and stared blankly at Kha'Zix in front of him.

"No..." Kalock replied, shaking the two small tentacles on his forehead.

"You haven't even had a child. How can you know how painful a father is after losing a child." Gerson roared at the mantis man Kha'Zix.

"This is what I promised Evelyn, and I can't break my promise." Kha'Zix the mantis rubbed his jaws, and the insects sounded like a funny whistle.


Gerson suddenly knelt directly in front of Kha'Zix and pleaded with grief: "Kazik, I beg you, just let me in, I've lost all my family, I don't want any more Lose this poor child."

After he finished speaking, he started to kowtow to Kha'Zix, and soon a large amount of red blood splattered from his forehead.

"This..." Mantis man Kha'Zix shook the two small tentacles on his forehead back and forth, showing hesitation in his heart.

In the end, he hesitated for a while, and walked to Gerson with some reluctance, intending to help him up.

Just as Kha'Zix was about to approach the opponent, Gerson, who was crawling on the ground, suddenly stood up, raised his long sword like lightning, and precisely stabbed the mantis man Kha'Zix's abdomen wrapped in the exoskeleton.

On the other side of the cave, the priestess Evelyn of Rose were nervously looking at the goddess maid they summoned: the wax melting demon.

"Respected goddess and maid, Evelyn greets you." Evelyn walked out of the crowd, came to the wax Rong Yao, and said calmly: "I hope your presence can bless the fourth natural disaster family."

As soon as Evelynn's voice fell, all the priestesses sang a song praising the Spider God Queen again.

"You are just a bunch of bereaved dogs." Wax Rong Yao frowned, if she had eyebrows.

"According to tradition, we will offer the most satisfactory sacrifice to the spider **** queen." Evelyn quietly watched the wax melting demon.

"Tradition is the tradition of the family, and you are just a group of bereaved dogs, so you are not worthy." Wax Rong Yao's expression softened.

"I stick to my approach," Evelyn said.

Immediately afterwards, Marion came out with the baby in her arms, then gently placed the newborn baby on the back of the spider icon, and raised the sacrificial dagger.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Evelyn walked up to Marion and grabbed her hand holding the dagger tightly.

"You regret it!" Marion looked cold.

"Let me do it myself." Evelyn smiled and took the dagger from Marion's hand.

At the handle of this cruel weapon is a spider with only eight legs sticking out, covered with barbs, which looks like kicking hair on a spider, and these eight feet are all bent down at the same angle, forming a line a sharp blade.

Evelynn, clenching her dagger, began to sing a poem praising the Spider Queen by herself.

After a while, Evelyn's chant came to an end, and the dagger was held high by her.

The atmosphere in the audience became solemn and tense, and it was obvious that everyone was looking forward to the climax of this evil sacrifice.

The dagger slowly moved down with Evelyn's wrist, but on the way, Evelyn suddenly turned the blade and stabbed Marion's heart beside her.

"Do not!"

Marion let out a cry of pain, but it was too late, and her eight legs like sharp blades on the dagger gripped her heart tightly.

There was a dead silence as Evelyn drew the dagger from the dead Marion.

"Betrayal! Fraud! Cunning!"

Wax Rongyao's laughter sounded: "You really know how to please the goddess. From today, the Royal City of Rezim will welcome a new family: the fourth natural disaster!"

A fireball exploded, and the wax melting demon disappeared without a trace.


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