Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 339: Legend of the ancient steel soul

Merikai Temple.

In a glade surrounded by misty oak trees, Thorne, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes.

Listening to the cheerful birdsong and watching the small animals roaming and playing in the woods, Thorne felt an unprecedented tranquility and peace, and even the idea of ​​a permanent seclusion flashed in his mind.

However, for him, this thought was only a flash in the pan.

Thorne smiled and waved to drive away the little sparrow that fell on his shoulders, lifted the desert wind in front of him, and stood up.

When he held the hilt of this ancient weapon, he was instantly surrounded by a soft breath and an almost invisible flame, and the slightly cold air was immediately dispelled, replaced by a pleasant warmth.

This is the "Guardian of Flame" that can endure the environment and the "Dance of the Flame Wind" that improves the agility attribute of the ancient abilities.

"It's just one demon soul to elevate you to legendary quality." Looking at the sword in his hand, Thorne was silent for a long time, and then whispered to himself.

For Thorne, there are two ways to obtain the demon soul.

The first is to go to the bottomless abyss alone, which is the base camp of demons, no matter what kind of demons can be found there.

However, the premise is that you need to have enough strength to compete with the demon lord.

The second method is relatively simple, and that is to go to the endless wilderness in the easternmost part of the continent, which is the only place to go to the Karatu continent.

Because the endless wilderness is the main battlefield of the abyss demon in the catastrophe of the turbulent year, there are still cracks in the bottomless abyss in that place, and countless demons breed.

That kind of place is indeed a very good choice for someone like him who wants to rely on killing demons and quickly increase the power of demons.

It can be regarded as a direction for his future efforts. As the main battlefield for fighting demons on the main material plane, Thorne believes that there are definitely many talents who are good at dealing with and studying demons in that place.

However, he can't leave now, and at least he will not consider going until the territory of the entire Emerald Field is stabilized.

Thorne stared at Mo Feng in his hand for a long time, and finally shoveled it lightly, then drew another weapon.

steel soul

Type: Legacy Weapon

Equipment Requirements: Concentration level 10, Basic Fortitude checks +3

Legacy Ritual: Fearless (Completed)

Ancient Ability:

Sword Shadow: When the user's kendo level reaches level 5 and uses the Steel Soul for melee attack, it will produce afterimages that confuse the enemy.

Insight: When the user's kendo level reaches level 7 and holds a steel soul, the user's insight increases by 30%.

Body: When the user's kendo level reaches level 8, holding a steel soul, and being eroded by spells, he can automatically activate "Perfect Spirit", "Be Careful" and "Spirit Body" to resist saving throws.

Soul Breaking: When the user reaches level 9 of a kendo, and hits an enemy with a steel soul, the target must make a Will saving throw, and if the target fails the check, it will fall into a short-term stun state.

(Note: Whenever the steel soul is drawn out of the scabbard, time seems to slow down, one second will slip away quietly, and it seems to be fleeting.)

The awakening of the new legendary weapon will inevitably weaken its own physical attributes by 1 point and permanently reduce its health by 10 points.

However, compared to these attributes, this penalty is a bit small.

For Thorne, this new weapon forged in the Underdark has basically taken shape, and it has also played its due role in the process of fighting the Hobgoblins.

With a 2-point magic-breaking attribute, it is like chopping melons and vegetables when facing those low-level hobgoblin spellcasters, and their confident low-level protective force fields are almost shattered at a touch.

Without this weapon to help him quickly kill hobgoblin spellcasters, he would not be able to move freely in the hobgoblin camp.

But this sword still has a lot of room for improvement, because its main material is aurora colored steel, so if you want to enchant it, you can only go to the Temple of Good God.

There are now two options before Thorne.

That is to ask the dragonborn paladin for help and take him to the church of Tyre in Sept City, but I don't know if the paladin can help him introduce the high-level personnel of the church.

Another option is to go to the church of Ilmater, the suffering **** in Deep Rock.

The reason why he chose to go there is mainly because he has a paladin ring, and he believes that with this token, the high-level personnel of the temple should receive him.

As for whether the high-level personnel of these churches are willing to help, in fact, he has no idea. After all, he doesn't know each other. If he wants to ask someone for help, the other party will definitely not be so readily nodded.

For Thorne, it can only be a step by step.

"Desert Wind and Steel Soul, these two weapons will accompany me until I step into the fascinating legend of destiny." Thorne looked at the basically formed two sharp blades and whispered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the blue sky through the gap in the trees, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

In the entire multiverse, every Legend of Destiny is unique. It does not mean that "Legends" are powerful, but because they are powerful, they are called: Legends!

Thorne doesn't know what catastrophe will happen in the future, but he understands very well that in this world, with strong power, you can go further, stand on the peak of the world and look down on the world.

Some people may say that those who only pursue strength all their lives, resulting in no people and things worth remembering and caring about, what is the use of living for a long time.

But Thorne will refute them. If you don't pursue powerful power, how can you protect those people and things that are worth your care?

Just like when he watched the lower part of Pushang Town being captured but could not do anything, he was still powerless when he looked at the dead comrades in arms one by one.

It's been a long time...

Thorne, who came to his senses, put the weapon into the scabbard, looked around, and found that Sigrid and Lilia were not in sight, so he walked towards the depths of the temple.

Five days have passed since the battle with the hunters of the hobgoblins. In the past few days, in addition to the ancient ritual of awakening the Steel Soul Sect, he practiced his qi refining technique.

Since he entered that wonderful realm again in the Hobgoblin camp, Thorne found that the progress of qi refining seems to have improved a little. Although the improvement was very small, he could clearly perceive it.

Therefore, he has been consolidating and comprehending this wonderful practice by taking advantage of the quiet environment of Merikai Temple these days.

Now that it has been consolidated successfully, and the ancient weapon has been awakened, he feels that it is time to leave.

As for the Hobgoblin Camp, he didn't plan to go there.

According to the information disclosed by Archbishop Lausien, he was informed that in the Heruk Hobgoblin group, in addition to the high-level priests, there was also a terrifying existence asleep. There is no peace in the forest.

Therefore, he plans to return to the waterfall town today.

Now the Heruk Hobgoblin is busy with the evil lizardmen to conquer the neutral lizardmen in the bottomless swamp, and when they have integrated the forces of their allies, it is time to attack the emerald field.

In the face of this crisis, all the forces in the entire Emerald Wilderness must deal with it early.


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