Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 357: Hawkeye Walker

The thick night shrouded the vast land, and the faint starlight sprinkled on the wilderness. The two figures walking forward stopped behind a bush that swayed with the night wind.

"Jessica, you look a little uneasy."

The sorcerer Anaquis calmly looked at the dead gnoll corpses on the ground, looking at every fatal wound left on their bodies, and turned to look at the succubus paladin in full-body armor beside her. said.

"Night lord, why don't you let me and the ranger complete the task of cleaning up the gnoll scouts, two people are at least more efficient than one person, this will save more time."

The paladin Jessica kicked away and looked at the disgusting gnoll corpse, a puzzled look appeared on her cold face.

She is a paladin who has already reached level 10, and has mastered many succubus-like spells, so it is not difficult for her to deal with the enemies outside the gnoll camp.

The most important thing is that for a paladin, if she wants to quickly reach the conditions for perfect advancement, it is natural to slaughter as many evil creatures as possible, so she doesn't want to miss every opportunity to hunt gnolls.

"This group of gnolls is different from the gnolls on the outskirts of the Great Sword Mark Mountains. If you go, it will only cause trouble for him, and it is very likely that when we are discovered, our intentions will be exposed early, and our plan will not be able to be executed smoothly. down."

The sorcerer Anaxis walked over to the corpse of a Flynn's gnoll, leaned over and looked at it carefully, and said calmly.

"I have to say, this Ranger came too soon." Judging that the dead Flynn's gnoll strength was around the third rank, the Warlock nodded secretly and sighed inwardly.

This is one of the most powerful gnoll tribes from the depths of the Great Sword Mark Mountains. In their tribe, in addition to a large number of abyss gnolls, there are also two gnoll leaders who have reached the fourth rank and worship.

And, there is one more important factor, they are a tribe ruled by the Flinders gnolls.

Flynn gnolls are not only natural leaders and elite hunters, they are also clever and cunning strategists.

Therefore, the only way to approach the gnoll camp quietly is to clean up all the scouts around the camp.

Obviously, no one in the entire Stallman town is competent for this important task.

I will cause him trouble?

Hearing the Night Lord's affirmative words, the paladin Jessica froze for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

In Stallman Town, she usually dislikes others to support her own hind legs and does not like to act with them.

Now, in the eyes of the night lord, she has become a trouble for others, and she doesn't know how to refute this sentence.

After all, the half-elf ranger from Waterfall Town could not only do what he couldn't do, kill the gnoll leader and the priest entrenched in the north of the town, but also be able to defeat himself cleanly. This strength is worth it. She approves.

The succubus paladin Jessica thought that she had paid so much, but in the end she was not as good as her compatriot, a half-elf ranger.

Even her proud charm spell did nothing to him, which made her feel an invisible pressure and motivation.

At the same time, it also made her determination to perfect the advanced hero level stronger.

"When everything is done, take your demon hunting team to the Endless Wilderness, that's where you should go." Hearing the paladin's slightly helpless sigh, the sorcerer Anaquis comforted. .

"Everything?" Paladin Jessica repeated suspiciously.

The so-called 'it's over' naturally means that the entire Emerald Field is at peace, which means that the gnolls from the Great Sword Mark Mountains are no longer a threat.

But is everything really as simple as the Night Lord says?

The paladin's firm heart was shaken a little.

"We must not only have confidence in ourselves, but also in all the civilization settlements in the Emerald Wilderness. The power of belief can sometimes overcome all difficulties and obstacles."

The sorcerer Anaquis looked in the direction of Winter City, and involuntarily said something that even felt inexplicable to him.

"I see, Lord of the Night." The paladin nodded solemnly, and his heart became firm again.

The two continued to walk silently, and after walking for a while, the sorcerer suddenly stopped.

She stood there and frowned slightly, then said coldly, "Hawkeye Walker, you've been following for so long, so it's time to show up."

As soon as the sorcerer's cold words fell, a few green leaves suddenly fell from the trees.

What followed was an ordinary goshawk flapping its wings and galloping down. When it was about to touch the ground, it turned into a figure and appeared in front of the two of them.

This is an old human man wearing a cloak of pure black feathers.

I saw him holding a dead wood crutch that was taller than himself to support his frail body, and greeted the sorcerer with a smile on his old face: "Hello, Night Lord of Stallman Town, Eagle Eye Walker greets you."

"You are here to stop my actions, the eagle-eyed walker of the Emerald Garden." The warlock glanced coldly at the old human, with a chill in his tone.

The paladin Jessica on the side looked cold after hearing the identity of the human old man, and involuntarily touched the holy rune fine golden broadsword hanging on her waist.

Extreme druids.

As long as they are compatriots or original residents living in the five towns of the Emerald Wilderness, they all hate it.

Therefore, when Jessica heard the identity of this human old man, she immediately realized that the other party was likely to stop their next actions.

The plan against the gnolls must not be destroyed, otherwise, when the gnolls fully attack Stallman Town, many compatriots will die tragically in the war, which no one wants to see.

"Balancing is naturally my mission." The old man said to the two with his hands on the dead wood crutches, still maintaining a smiling face.

"Could it be that witnessing the gnoll destroying Stallman Town is what you call 'balanced nature'?" Jessica, the succubus paladin, asked first.

"Don't get me wrong, beautiful lady paladin, I am here to prevent the tragedy of Stallman from happening."

The cloudy eyes of the old human met the cold gaze of the paladin, smiled gently, and then turned to the warlock to explain his purpose.

Then he paused and continued: "Dandar Night Serpent, the derivative of the original nightmare, the Devourer of Filthy Images, I'm right, the night lord of Stallman Town."

Hearing the old man's words, the paladin's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at the warlock worriedly.

The Night Lord is a sorcerer who is trying to break free from the control of the Old Ones, so unless she advances to the Legend of Destiny, she will not be able to completely escape the revenge of the Night Serpent.

This is also the main reason why she does not dare to use all her strength, she is to resist the revenge of the suzerain all the time.

If she really can't withstand the nightmare invasion of the Night Serpent, the entire town of Stallman will be indelibly hurt by her madness.

"I know what I have in mind, so I won't let you worry about it." The deep black eyes of the sorcerer Anakis fluctuated for a while, then calmed down again, and said lightly to the human old man.

"What if I have to stop this action? The night lord of Stallman Town." The old human clenched the dead wood crutches in his hands and straightened his hunchbacked waist.

"You are not my opponent, and such consequences are not what you want to see, so tell me your true intentions."

Noticing the gentle face of the old human being, the sorcerer's face hidden in the dark red hood froze for a moment, as if he knew what it meant, so his tone softened.

Just when the human old man was about to speak, he suddenly seemed to sense something and turned his head to look into the depths of the jungle. Those turbid eyes suddenly became as sharp as eagle eyes under the bleak night.

The paladin and the warlock immediately followed the old man's gaze.

After a while, Thorne led the animal companion Fulongmon to appear in the sight of the three of them.

"Who is this?" Thorne walked to the Warlock's side, looked at the old man wearing a feather cloak not far away, and asked subconsciously.

In tonight's plan against the gnoll tribe, the human old man was not involved, and he could clearly feel that the old man's strength was definitely in the fourth-order paradigm.

Because he moved silently under the blessing of many divine arts and specialties, he was able to be quickly detected by the sharp eyes of the opponent and directly locked his position. This is not something that ordinary fourth-order professionals can easily do. of.

"Hello, half-elf ranger from Waterfall Town, stalker of the Way of Silence." The human old man noticed Thorne's suspicious gaze, smiled at him gently, and greeted him first.

"You are a Druid from the Emerald Garden." Seeing the mark hidden in the cloak, Thorne frowned slightly and said, "How do you recognize my identity?"

He could clearly feel the tension between the two sides, especially the succubus paladin Jessica, her hand was already tightly on the hilt of the sword, and her icy eyes also radiated chills, directly locking on the man who looked human and animal. On the harmless Druid.

However, after a little thought, he immediately understood the general purpose of this human druid here.

It is likely that the so-called 'balance of nature' is holding them back tonight.

In other words, this hateful old man who smiled at him was an extremist Druid.

Thorne's doubtful eyes gradually returned to calm, and his right hand unconsciously touched the position of the sword hilt.

"As a ranger who is being observed by Jade Leisure Court, how can you not know your name. Now, I finally saw the real person, and it is as outstanding as the old man imagined, do you think so? The arsonist of the Way of Silence, Suo Well." The human old man looked at Thorne with a smile and joked.

Hearing Eagle Eye Walker Guli's strange words, Warlock Anaquis glanced at Thorne in surprise, apparently she didn't know what the great thing the Ranger did to be so famous in Jade Garden.

He was regarded as a key observation object by Jade Leisure Garden.

This is not something to brag about, it is more like a blacklist, which means that in further upgrades, these extreme druids will bring the 'rage of nature' to their heads, and then Act as nature's fertilizer.

And he also became an arsonist. Thinking of this, Thorne immediately remembered that he had indeed set fire to his Hobgoblin camp in Tranquility Forest.

Because he was in a hurry every time he walked, he did not notice whether these fires caused forest fires, but the only certainty was that the fires were extinguished every time. As for who, he would not too much to know.

"What do you mean?" Thorne asked calmly, looking at the smiling human druid.

If he is really blacklisted by Jade Xianting, and the situation becomes serious, Archbishop Lausian of Merikai Temple will definitely notify him immediately.

But the truth is, he doesn't know yet.

Besides, there are also the eyes and ears of the emerald garden, the Druid Master Qingchen.

Similarly, he did not inform himself, which means that this matter was not as serious as he imagined.

"Is someone secretly helping him?" Thorne began to guess in his heart who it was.

"Don't be confused, it's your own actions that helped you." The old human seemed to have guessed Thorne's thoughts, smiled back, and then reminded him with a slightly solemn expression:

"Heruk's group of goblins is not as simple as imagined. In addition to successfully uniting the bully frogs and lizardmen in the bottomless swamp, there is also a sleeping green dragon in the silent forest, so you are not When you are absolutely sure, you must not act rashly.”

"There is still a sleeping green dragon. No wonder Archbishop Lausian reminded him to stop harassing the Hobgoblin camp. I'm afraid it is to prevent these Hobgoblin dogs from jumping over the wall and awakening the sleeping green dragon." Thorne's eyelids jumped. , finally realized how dangerous his original move was.

"Thank you for your reminder." So he thanked the old man and stopped talking.

In any case, this smiling old man is a kind reminder, and he naturally won't give the other party a slap in the face, but if he is going to stop them and their group from dealing with the gnolls, it will be another matter.

"You can say your intentions, the eagle-eyed walker from the Emerald Garden." Seeing that the two were no longer speaking, the sorcerer Anaquis said aloud.

"I was entrusted by Your Excellency Nightingale Walker to come here to give you something, and by the way, I will help her with a word for you." The human old man put away the smiling expression that looked at Thorne, his expression became positive, and he said seriously to the sorcerer: "The path you chose is the right one, and I hope you can keep going strong."

Nightingale Walker.

The sorcerer's expression was dazed for a moment, and he recalled the fragmentary memory of the two of them getting along in his mind, and immediately recovered his calmness, and took an exquisite amulet handed over by Hawkeye Walker.

She gently stroked the familiar lines on the amulet, pondered for a moment, and said slowly, "Tell her a word for me: Prejudice will only bring about alienation."

"I'll help you convey it." The human old man smiled gently, then turned his turbid eyes to Thorne, and said with a strange smile:

"The stalker of the way of silence, if you want to deal with the green dragon, I suggest you go to the awakened red copper dragon, of course, if you can find him, as for how to persuade, it depends on whether you can put this The red copper dragon with eccentric personality will make you happy."

After speaking, Hawkeye Walker turned into a small falcon again and disappeared into the deep night.

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