Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 365: The bitter dragon in Tiema Town has been for a long time

In the dimly lit tavern, the only source of light was a half-stained candle next to the counter.

Through the flickering light of the candles, it could be seen that in this secluded room, there was only the tavern owner sitting at the counter.

I saw him holding his forehead with a sullen face, letting out a helpless sigh from time to time.


Suddenly, the door of the tavern was opened, projecting a bright sun and two silhouettes.

The tavern owner snapped back to his senses, and immediately turned his melancholy eyes towards the source of the light.

"It turned out to be Your Excellency Silver Crow. Welcome to the store."

The tavern owner immediately got up to meet him, and then grinned at the silver-white long-haired human man. Unfortunately, he lacked two front teeth, so he did not look so beautiful.

"Oh... Brave shopkeeper, it turns out that you are missing more than two front teeth. It's really pitiful."

The human man, who was called Lord Silver Crow by the tavern owner, looked at the tavern owner's face with scratches like cat's claws in surprise, and joked in amazement.

The tavern owner's face twitched so obviously that it affected the wound on his face, causing him to grin in pain.

"Two guests, do you need anything?"

Then he glanced suspiciously at the unfamiliar half-elf beside Your Excellency Silver Crow, smiled at him, picked up a rag and walked to a dusty table to wipe it.

"We..." The silver crow messenger looked at the ceiling blackened by the smoke of the fireplace, at the little spider leisurely weaving a web, and after a while, he said:

"Then let's get some... the shop's improved version of elf mead, uh, get a bottle first. For mead... any suggestions, dear shopkeeper?"

"Fruit salad?" The tavern owner suggested hesitantly.

"No!" Silver Raven Walker suddenly noticed that the half-elf beside him frowned slightly, so he directly refused:

"Desserts should be eaten later. This friend of mine has been wandering in the wilderness for many days. He definitely needs a hearty meal to relieve his tired stomach from digesting dry food, so let's have something to fill his stomach first. Well, sour or spicy will do."

"I'm willing to serve you." The tavern owner smiled slightly, trying to cover up his upper jaw with two missing front teeth, looking at the half-elf beside the Silver Crow Walker, and suggested, "Why don't you have some hard pickled garlic and vinegar first? Head trout, or sauerkraut..."

"Very good, then let's serve two people. Another soup, the kind I often drink, let me think about it... There are mushrooms, seaweed, egg flowers, small fish, and a mess of crumbs floating in it." Without waiting for the half-elf to speak, Silver Raven Walker was the first to answer with a smile.

"Fresh fish soup?" The tavern owner said the name of the soup.

"That's right. Little lamb with savage eggs and onions. Fifty more crayfish, more fennel in the pan, as much as you want, and then... we'll talk about it later."

"I'm willing to serve you." The tavern owner's mouth couldn't help but grin.

"Sorry... Wait a minute, I forgot something very important." The silver crow messenger seemed to remember something, called the shopkeeper who was about to leave, and then patted his stomach through the linen robe and said:

"I've been in shape recently, so forget the lamb. After all, the main purpose of our coming here is not to eat and drink, but to have a pleasant chat."

"I can understand, Your Honorable Silver Crow." The tavern owner smiled and bowed to him.

"Understanding—especially important in your line of work. Give me your hand, dear shopkeeper." A few clinking gold coins fell into the innkeeper's hands, causing him to laugh so much that his upper jaw was missing two front teeth.

"This is not an advance." Silver Raven Walker winked at the tavern owner and emphasized: "This is just a tip. Go back to your kitchen and don't keep my guests waiting."

The tavern owner bowed to him again, walked quickly into the kitchen, and then said to a clerk in the hall, "Go and report to the lord, the silver crow messenger of the Emerald Garden has brought a special guest."

The guy who ran the hall was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something, so he immediately got up and prepared to leave.

"Go through the back door, don't make our guests suspicious." The tavern owner reminded in a low voice.

The tavern was dimly lit, but it was unaffected by the two guests, who were always able to pick out the tiny bones that could get in the way of the hardhead trout on the table.

"How does the soup taste, half-elf friend." The silver crow messenger shook the spoon in his hand, looked at the half-elf opposite, and said with a smile.

"It tastes good." Thorne burped carefully, raised his head and replied, and continued to work on the fish soup in the bowl.

Druid of the Emerald Court: Herald of the Silver Raven.

As for the human man sitting opposite, the only information he knew was from chatting with Master Qingchen.

And the reason why he knew that there was a copper dragon wandering in the jade field was also passed on to the jade garden by the young druid in front of him, and then learned from the mouth of Master Qingchen.

That is to say, the purpose of this Druid, who calls himself the 'Silver Crow Messenger', is to live in Iron Horse Town to observe the traces of the red copper dragon, so as to save the other party's chaotic and amusing personality from causing any trouble in the wilderness.

"Actually, you should taste the elf mead that was re-improved by the people of Iron Horse Town." The silver crow messenger picked up the glass and took a sip, kindly suggested:

"You see, this delightful mead is brewed from exotic honey in the wild, and even dwarves find it very appealing. Well, though these stubborn guys are hard-mouthed and won't admit it at this point."

"I'm very sorry, it's a habit of mine." Thorne put down the cleaned pottery bowl and replied.

Although he still doesn't quite understand what the Druid's purpose is, he knew from the simple conversation between the other party and the tavern owner that this secluded tavern might have some other guests coming next.

That's fine, just to let him know what happened recently in Iron Horse Town, which caused everyone to stay in the room and dare not come out.

"It turned out to be a principled ranger." The silver crow messenger put down the glass, pondered for a while, and continued: "Friend Thorne, do you know that there is actually one thing that takes precedence over principles."

"Is it the way of one to balance?" Thorne guessed that the druids of Jade Garden often talk about balance, so he can directly guess what the other party wants to say without even thinking about it. .

The only thing that puzzled him was whether this very young high-ranking Druid belonged to a balancer or a moderate.

As for the extremists?

From the other party's words and deeds, Thorne can see that, and is very sure that he is definitely not an extremist.

As a ranger with a perception attribute of 22, he still has this judgment.

"No no no." The silver crow messenger shook his head and said while peeling off the crayfish, "It's a conflict between order and chaos."

"The conflict between order and chaos?"

Thorne, who heard the strange remarks, looked startled, and looked at the young human druid with interest. He was crunching the shrimp shells with his teeth and sucking the white shrimp meat.

"It's very simple." The silver crow messenger licked his fingers and said: "Chaos represents aggression, it is on the side of violence, and order is the opposite of chaos."

"Chaos, order... It does sound like two very elegant words." Thorne frowned and continued:

"Your Excellency Silver Crow, you have to understand that chaos and order are a never-ending struggle. It begins when we are born, and it continues even when we die. No one can escape the conflict between order and chaos, so you can't arbitrarily Define a person to any party."

The two most typical representatives of order and chaos are the demons of Baator **** and the demons of the bottomless abyss, and their never-ending **** battle in the abyss seems to tell the world that this is a war that will never end.

As long as the **** battle in the abyss is over, the demons and devils of these lower planes will immediately set their sights elsewhere.

"But good order is the foundation of all good things." Silver Crowwalker picked up another crayfish and looked at the slightly frowning ranger with a smile:

"Don't forget, order is born out of chaos, followers of Gwairen, hunters of the Way of Silence."

"In your opinion, chaos represents aggression, standing on the side of violence and attack. But, Silver Crow Messenger, don't forget that chaos can also protect civilization from evil. There is no doubt that chaos can also Stand on the side of goodness." Thorne looked calmly at the Druid who was leisurely peeling shrimp and said:

"And the so-called order in your mouth is to do what you want and not to do it, to let what you don't want to do, and to destroy the other in order to see things with one eye.

Similarly, some people are very fond of using violence to maintain order, so does this mean that the so-called order and chaos have begun to become blurred.

Maybe you think that my wanton slaughter of the Heruk Hobgoblins in Tranquility Forest is destroying the order of nature, but for us in Waterfall Town, it is undoubtedly maintaining the order of Waterfall Town from the destruction of Hobgoblins. "

In today's Waterfall Town, order is only applicable to the internal management of the town. Without order to maintain the development of the town, it is just a mass of loose sand.

But for the enemies of the wilderness, Thorne believes that it is more efficient to fight violence with violence.

"You got it wrong, Ranger. What you call 'chaos' is only suitable for a very small number of people. If the world is really as chaotic as the abyss, then it is not far from extinction. Now the emerald field, The power that means light and tranquility is only order." The Silver Raven Messenger explained to Thorne with a smile.

"I understand what you mean, but in today's Emerald Field, the order has long been in chaos. Therefore, we must end it through chaos, and then establish a new order." Thorne finally understood the druid's strange brain Loop, continued:

"After all, the old order always has to give way to the new order, and the process of giving way is chaos. Is that what you mean, Silver Crow Messenger?"

This is a Druid who does not seek balance, but instead studies chaos and order. For Thorne, he was indeed surprised by the other party's remarks.

However, what really shocked him was the strength of the Silver Crow Messenger.

As a human being, from his appearance, Thorne could see that the other party was only in his twenties at most, but he was a Druid with the strength of the Paragon.

If the real age of the Silver Crow Messenger is really in his twenties as he looks, he is undoubtedly a very talented person among the aborigines in this world.

"You really surprised me that you can understand what I mean so quickly." The silver crow messenger threw a lobster claw on the table and said meaningfully to the ranger:

"However, I still hope that you can understand the true meaning of 'order and chaos', and perhaps this will determine how far you can go on the road of a ranger."

After the silver crow messenger finished speaking, he glanced at the empty plate and felt a little regretful. Then he waved his hand gently, and his wrist soaked with salt water was instantly cleaned by an invisible force.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up and said a very inquisitive sentence to the Ranger: "Remember! At any time, the most stable road is undoubtedly the one that has been built for the longest time."

"Thank you for your guidance, I will keep it in my heart." Thorne took the other party's words in his heart, and stood up to thank him for his leaving back.

The true meaning of 'order and chaos' will determine how far his journey as a ranger can go, for which he neither agrees nor disagrees.

After all, his Ranger Heart progress is growing little by little as he defends against the foes of the wilderness, which means that his current behavior is very much in line with the path of the Ranger.

A short while after the Druid left, the heavy footsteps that did not surprise Thorne finally came, followed by five or six people in silver and white armor.

"Lord of Iron Horse Town." Seeing the blond man at the head, Thorne immediately remembered the scene of passing through Iron Horse Town half a year ago, and thus recognized the identity of the other party.

"It's that cold wizard." Then, Thorne fixed his gaze on the only man in a black coat, and remembered the scene of this guy giggling under the influence of the magician's spell.

"Hello, half-elf ranger from Falls, Mr. Thorne, welcome to Iron Horse."

The lord of Iron Horse Town walked to Thorne first, took off his gloves, put his hand in front of him, and introduced himself: "As you think, I am the lord of Iron Horse Town, Helm."

"Your mood seems...it looks very bad." Thorne got up and shook hands with the lord, noticing the deep sadness in the other's eyebrows, and said tentatively.

The strange situation inside Iron Horse Town and the strange expression on the lord's face made Thorne realize that the town did not support Twilight Town because it was really in trouble.

"To tell you the truth, Iron Horse Town has been suffering for a long time." The lord of Iron Horse Town, Helm, sighed and replied helplessly.

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