Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 379: multilingual barbarian

The arrogant barbarian taunted the invaders in Twilight Town incessantly, and suddenly noticed that most of the hobgoblin warriors under the city tower looked at their wrathful Legion Commander suspiciously, and instantly understood the source of the problem.

I saw him immediately stop taunting, change the language most familiar to all hobgoblins, stand on the tower and continue to open his map cannon:

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wah wah wah wah, sika, ysima, twitter... (goblin language

Obviously, not all hobgoblins understand Continental Common.

After the barbarian's thunderous goblin words sounded, the horde of goblins finally boiled.

Uncontrollable anger was contorted directly on their puzzled faces. This anger was like the fiery magma in the volcano was about to erupt, so much so that they pulled out their well-maintained bright weapons and eagerly prepared Come to a glorious sword duel and slash to death this cheap-mouthed savage.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Hobgoblins are a group of races with extremely strict military management. Their own lawful evil camp makes these evil races dare not act rashly when their superiors have not given orders, unless they encounter them. Enemy elves.

Seeing the restless crowd, the savage had a very bad expression, while showing his powerful biceps, he raised his **** and laughed wantonly, and he continued in another language without hesitation. ridicule:

"Hooho! Guga, Solassa, Jiho, Hoho... (Dragon

Immediately, the lizard crowd in the bottomless swamp was in a frenzy. These lizardmen who believed in demon lords were not as disciplined as hobgoblins. Simple provocative words caused them to suddenly become chaotic, but this chaos was eventually maintained. within the lightest limit.

Because the leader of the lizardmen kept warning them, in order to strengthen the credibility of this warning, the surrounding lizardmen warriors who acted as guards had shredded more than 20 lizardmen soldiers in a row.

The angry lizard people were stunned by the fear of death, and could only stand in place, their tails slapped the ground constantly, staring at their bloodshot eyes, clenching their weapons, and let out a shrill roar.

"Quack...wow wow...quaw...Iwaii...qua...quaw... (Bullywugs The barbarian's map cannon, under the blessing of "Amplification", has never been interrupted. This time, the target of taunting Transferred to another group of bully frogs with frog heads.

"Quack! quack! quack! quack!"

For a moment.

The countless frogs croaked louder than the pond in midsummer, and the bully frogmen with amazing bouncing power jumped out of the formation one after another, waving their spears and screaming in the direction of the city tower to launch a death rush.

However, the fate of these bullywugs, swept away by rage, was tragic.

With the help of the Twilight Town guard Arrow Rain, they left a corpse full of arrows and ended the farce.

"Hahaha... No way! No way! Does anyone really want to be a tortoise and dare not come out to fight?!"

Under the bright sunshine, the barbarian's ridicule continued, the anger accumulated by the invaders under the city tower was gradually increasing, and there were even bursts of squeaks due to clenched fists.

However, what is surprising is that the brows of Sarayan, the lord of Twilight Town, slowly squeezed together with the voice. In the end, he couldn't help but turn around and look at the smiling ranger beside him, expressing his inner worries:

"Lord Thorne, is this method really feasible? Although we can successfully anger the hobgoblin army and let them fight with us alone to delay the time, you seem to have overlooked a problem, that is, our high-end combat power is not suitable for Hobgoblins don't have any advantage at all."

As a complete hobgoblin army, there will be no shortage of third-order professionals in their army, and coupled with the high-end combat power of bully frogs and lizardmen, for Twilight Town, it is completely full of strength and quantity. Being crushed.

After all, in their town's high-end combat power, only the barbarian Hao's strength reached the third-order hero level, and the others were almost hovering at the second-order level for the sake of a higher degree of completion, and they did not dare to rush to upgrade their level.

Although Twilight Town's high-end combat power is due to systematic reasons, their occupation system is relatively complete, while the strength of humanoids in the wilderness is entirely due to the improvement of racial talent, and has never undergone any systematic training, resulting in In a confrontation, the two sides can have an advantage.

That is to say, the strength of their players, in the case of the same level, most of them can have an advantage over humanoid creatures.

Of course, if it is the original inhabitants of a civilized society, it will be another matter.

However, the current situation is that if there is a rank difference between the two, in Twilight Town, there are only a handful of people who can successfully leapfrog the challenge, and the number of third-order professionals in the Hobgoblin army is at least double digits.

No matter how strong a person's hard power is, can he still continuously fight dozens of Tier 3 professionals?

Obviously unlikely, at least that's what Sarajan thought.

"Don't worry, I have taken all these factors into consideration. As long as there are no Tier 4 professionals in the Hobgoblin army, it will not be a problem. The most important thing you need to do now is to make everyone ready to go out of the city to fight at any time." Thorne Not very concerned, he said:

"When we drag the Hobgoblins until the noon sun is at its strongest, the people of Iron Horse Town will cooperate with us to launch a counterattack."

Watching the barbarian's taunting, Thorne knew the plan had been successful.

Whether hobgoblins or lizardmen and bullywugs, they are sheltered by their devotion to their gods, rooted in the wilderness far from civilized society.

So when they hear any remarks about insulting their gods, they are almost as angry as lit barrels of fire.

Especially the hobgoblins whose militarized management is very strict.

Although they belong to the lawful evil alignment, they are not as impulsive and irritable as the chaotic trolls like the lizardmen and bullywugs.

But what they admire most is the honor of military warfare. Facing the provocation of the enemy on the battlefield, if they choose to retreat, this will undoubtedly shake the Hobgoblin's firm belief in the Almighty.

Hobgoblins are a group of fanatical war fans, and they are also a group of races with a very firm belief in gods.

Of course, the reason why the plan was so perfect was also due to this 'illiterate' barbarian who was proficient in multiple languages.

From this, it can be seen that the phrase 'the hooligans are not scary, just fear the hooligans have culture' really makes sense.

At the same time, it also made him understand that this seemingly insignificant "taunt" skill can sometimes really work wonders.

For example, if a spellcaster is casting a spell, if your "taunt" skill is too high, you can even irritate the other party with the charm of the language, so that the other party can't concentrate on casting the spell at all.

The mental break is sometimes more serious than breaking their force field protection.

Of course, it is also possible that when you are walking on the street, you will be beaten inexplicably because of a casual rant...

"Then please." The Lord of Twilight Town was slightly relieved when he saw Thorne's confident expression.

He naturally understands where the other party's confidence comes from. As a ranger who can enter and exit freely in the Hobgoblin camp, it is impossible to have no special features.

Now he can only pin all his hopes on this Ranger.

Then the two immediately turned their attention to the bottom of the city tower. The Hobgoblin army commander seemed to have already dispatched his men who were ready to fight because of the barbarian's ridicule.

"Beard, you go! As long as you win this duel, I promise to help you build your own ogre tribe in the Barrenskull Mountains." The Hobgoblin Legion standing on the siege tower pondered very carefully. , immediately looked down at the headed ogre below and instructed him.

He felt that in this case, it was better to find a Tier 3 cannon fodder to test the enemy's realities, and this ogre who was not very smart was undoubtedly the best choice.

"No problem! Legion Commander!" Hearing that the Hobgoblin wanted to help him establish a tribe, the ogre excitedly showed a hideous smile and made a sound like a gun battle, and then walked out with a weapon.

"The arrogant hanging hairy chops, roll down for Lao Tzu, I must tear you to pieces today! Then twist your head off and use it as a chamber pot!"

The ogre in full body armor raised his spiked mace, stood outside the attack range of the tower, and roared even more arrogantly than a barbarian.

"Let me come first!"

Like drinking water, the savage man gushed down a large bowl of strong wine, moistened his throat, then carried the machete in his hand, jumped down from the city tower, raised the knife and pointed at the ogre and shouted: "The common man is so arrogant, watch me take you down!"

——“Supernatural ability: Greater Berserk!”

With a roar from the barbarian, his small universe instantly burst into flames.

This powerful angry roar, his unusually burly body also swelled rapidly with a crackling sound, terrifying muscles and sinister blue veins also emerged, and soon turned into a figure taller than an ogre of behemoths.

- "Earth Split Slash!"

Immediately afterwards, the barbarian clenched the hilt of the knife with both hands, raised it above his head, and then kicked his legs vigorously.

At this moment, under the dazzling sunlight, his unusually mighty body was like a whistling cannonball, smashing into the ogre not far away.


The condescending barbarian collided violently with the ogre with unrivaled aura, and the machete and mace, not to be outdone, made a symphony of gold and iron.


The ogre, who was half-kneeling on the ground, was shaken by the turbulent force, bleeding from seven holes, and his arms, which were thicker than an adult's thighs, seemed to have lost consciousness, and it was difficult to move it, so that the heavy mace almost dropped out of his hands.


The sharp blade took the opportunity to slash his sturdy arm, and a stream of blood spurted out, and the ogre threw away his mace, clutching his almost broken arm and wailing in pain again.


In the continuous attack, the dull sound of falling to the ground soon sounded.

It was clear that in the face of enormous power, the ogre's slow movements and clumsy minds simply could not withstand the relentless onslaught of the barbarians.

"Mixed-haired gnomes, are you all capable of this? Are you relying on an ogre to help you maintain this **** glory? Your **** gods are watching you!"

The savage personality Hao took a few breaths, then threw the ogre's head into the horde of goblins, carried the clanging machete, and fired the map cannon very arrogantly.

"Although Gehao has a bad mouth, his strength is still very ferocious. His fighting style is as crazy as his professional barbarian, otherwise he will not be the first person to successfully advance to the hero level. "Sarayan looked at the arrogant barbarians in the city and said to Thorne beside him.

"Is it a perfect advance?" There was a flash of surprise in Thorne's eyes. Although he was far away from the barbarian, he could still feel the awe-inspiring aura that the other party radiated after the rampage.

From this, it can be seen that after this guy advanced to the third rank, he definitely mastered some kind of powerful special ability.

"That's right, this kind of person is born to be a barbarian. It is natural for a barbarian to advance." Sarajan sighed slightly.

It is precisely because of the benefits obtained from the perfect advanced step that all the high-level officials of the entire Twilight Town are stuck at their own levels and yearn for the most perfect development. This is also the fundamental reason why the high-end power of the town is not comparable to the Hobgoblin army.

Thorne nodded and looked at the hobgoblins.

Perfect progression is exactly what he is after, and now seeing the shocking power of the barbarian perfect progression, he can't help but start looking forward to it.

Hobgoblin camp.

"Go!" The blue-faced Hobgoblin army commander glanced at the rolling ogre's head and turned his gaze to the guards beside him.

Hearing the words, the Hobgoblin guard clenched the long sword and steel shield in his hands very excitedly, and charged towards the barbarian.

The moment the barbarian's scarlet eyes met with the Hobgoblin, the two of them didn't say a word, and at the same time they waved their weapons and launched a charge.


the moment of collision.

Scarlet blood spurted out, and the long sword guarded by the goblin stabbed into the belly of the barbarian, stuck by the tangled abdominal muscles, making it impossible to penetrate again.

And the barbarian who stole the enemy's attack had a cold smile on his mouth. I saw that he took this opportunity to smash the hobgoblin with his heavy fists, trying to block the steel shield in front of him, and the machete in his hand was clanging. With lightning-like shots, the Hobgoblin's head chopped off the dust at an extremely fast speed.


The dull sound of falling to the ground sounded again, and the surging blood soon dyed the surrounding soil red.

"Mixed-haired goblins, are you all capable of this?" The pale-faced barbarian sneered arrogantly while holding his bleeding abdomen.

Looking at the very badly beaten barbarian, the Hobgoblin army commander set his eyes on a bear goblin guard.

The goblin bear grinned, shaking the hair all over his body, jumped, jumped out of the formation of the goblin, and approached the injured barbarian at a very fast speed.

"The big bear with mixed hair, I won't play with you."

Seeing that the opponent was a nimble bear goblin, the arrogant barbarian changed his face, slammed a cruel word, turned around and ran in the direction of Twilight Town, and directly took the excited goblin bear in the distance. To look dumbfounded.

On the tower, noticing the barbarians who had chosen to retreat voluntarily, Sarayan looked relieved and was about to speak when a woman in red came over: "Let me come this time."

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