Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 388: Counterattack ends

The all-out counterattack against the Hobgoblin army, orchestrated by Thorne and the Lords of Twilight, quickly turned into a one-sided hunt and defeat.

The surviving hobgoblin commanders immediately discovered that their hobgoblin priests, lizardman shamans and bullywugs spellcasters had not played their due value in this large-scale defensive battle, and were directly attacked by Twilight Town. The Assault Squad and Half-Elf Rangers cleaned up.

They also found that the crude swords and tiny sticks and javelins in the hands of the lizardmen and bullywugs allies were useless against the heavy warriors in the front ranks of Twilight Township's army.

Most of the soldiers in this army are professionals with extraordinary strength, which makes these rabble allies tortured by the sun powerless to fight back.

At the same time, these Hobgoblin warriors who had received formal training since childhood finally got out of the fear of half-elf rangers, reorganized their defensive formations, and prepared to take advantage of their numbers to resist the army of Twilight Town.

However, what they did not expect was that the heavy cavalry regiment from Iron Horse Town appeared on the battlefield with the shocking sound of horse hooves.

Like a torrent of steel, they unleashed a deadly charge on the flanks of the Hobgoblin lineup.

In the absence of obstacles, trip lines, trenches, traps and other defensive means to resist.

This cavalry is like a sharp knife, wrapped in unmatched momentum and will instantly pierce the last hope.

Not only did they break up the formation that the Hobgoblin warriors had managed to organize, but they also defeated various large creatures such as the dire wolves, ogres, dire apes, and swamp monitor lizards that they relied on to break the formation.

At the same time, it also broke everyone's nerves.

On the battlefield, lizardmen, bullywugs, and various slaves, as the hobgoblin army disintegrated, became at a loss in the chaos, and could only howl to death.

In the era of cold weapons, a stable formation is the basis for ensuring victory, and high morale is the key to victory. Once the psychological balance and organizational foundation of the enemy are destroyed, it is equivalent to winning.

Therefore, the general retreat of the Hobgoblin Legion means that they have failed in this counterattack.

At this moment, without the suppression of the hobgoblin warriors, these humanoids finally exerted their greatest advantage, which is the so-called chaotic nature.

A group of bullywugs, blinded by the bright light, crashed into the Twilight Town army's defenses like headless flies, with no chance of turning back.

The dwarf goblin and the mighty ogre lost their lives in the shoving and trampling of each other.

The low-intelligence vicious wolf clashed with the swamp monitor lizard.

There are even a few daring lizardmen who run in droves to Twilight Town's assault squads and half-elf rangers, before embracing the darkness in terror.


The heavy cavalry in Iron Horse Town is taking advantage of speed to hunt down all the fleeing enemies as much as possible and expand the results.

However, most of the heavy cavalry had already come to the edge of the battlefield in the back and forth rushing, dismounting and resting, accumulating physical strength, and preparing to organize the next wave of charges.

As heavy cavalry, the thickness, toughness, strength and coverage area of ​​their full body armor must reach a certain level to ensure that the knights can withstand general slashing and bow and arrow killings.

Sufficient thickness and area resulted in huge weight, which sacrificed their mobility, resulting in increased physical consumption of knights and warhorses.

The army of Twilight Town continued to push forward steadily, slaughtering those enemies who turned back in fear.

Although on this chaotic battlefield where the enemy is fleeing, they can fully pursue the deserters with all their hands and feet, and maximize the fruits of victory.

But the whole army's attack means that their perfect formation will be completely messed up. Without the advantage of the formation, these top monsters who unknowingly charge too deep in the fight are likely to fall into the siege of deserters and lose their lives. .

After all, the enemy seems to have fled, but they are still far more numerous than the army in Twilight Town.

And the reason why they ran away was because Twilight Town's steady push-up lineup made it impossible for them to break through.

Therefore, the army of Twilight Town needs to play the role of bulldozers, not lawnmowers.

In the face of the disorderly melee on the battlefield, Thorne, who is wandering in the fringe area, is careful every time he strikes.

Although he enjoyed every time he swung the sharp blade in his hand and felt the thrill of the blade slicing through the flesh and blood of the enemy, he would not lose his mind and become a violent bloodthirsty person who wanted to kill.

Because he is well aware of the threat of all humanoids in the wilderness and the harm of war to their otherworldly compatriots, it is this knowledge that allows him to always maintain a very sane mind easily.

That is to say, every killing he does now is not to enjoy the fun and hearty feeling brought by the killing, but to help the territory of the wilderness civilization from being destroyed and destroyed.

So he has no guilt in the war with these civilization destroyers.

From killing hobgoblin challengers and daemon lizardmen to rushing to the siege tower to kill the hobgoblin army captain, he can feel his ranger's heart progressing.

This was no doubt a sign to him that he was getting closer and closer to finding the way of the Ranger.

The blade in Thorne's hand flashed a scorching fire, and the last Hobgoblin warrior in front of him fell to the ground, clutching his neck.

In just a moment, the enemies who were trying to encircle him were cleaned up again, so that a vacuum appeared around him.

This didn't last long, though, as he found a swarm of bullywugs ramming towards him like headless flies.

Bully frogs living in the bottomless swamp are only a little taller than dwarves, and the challenge level of an adult bully frog is about 1.

The main reason why these weak bullywugs are lucky enough to be allies of hobgoblins rather than slaves is their strong reproductive ability.

In the absence of natural predators, a female bully frog can lay eggs twice a year, ranging from hundreds to thousands at a time.

Moreover, these eggs can be successfully hatched into tadpoles in about a month, and within two years, an adult bully frog was successfully born.

That is to say, a female bully frog can develop into a tribe of thousands of bully frogs in just two years with sufficient food and no natural enemies.

With such a powerful reproduction rate, goblins and kobolds will bow their little heads in front of them.

Although bullywugs reproduce at such a powerful rate, in the chaotic bottomless swamp, not every egg can survive from tadpoles to adult bullywugs, and most of them are eaten by swamp beasts or other natural enemies. .

That's the case, bully frogs still have the largest number in the bottomless swamp, and for hobgoblins, they are born to be cannon fodder for siege.

"Quack quack..."

When a large group of bully frogmen found Thorne's figure, there was a messy frog croaking, which made people's eardrums hurt.

Although he didn't understand Bullywugs, he could still hear from the loud chirping that they were expressing mutual pleasure and excitement.

As a race with an advantage in numbers, they naturally developed the characteristics of suppressing the enemy with an advantage in numbers and being soft and afraid of hardship.

Therefore, when these bullywugs with frog heads on their heads found that there was only Thorne, they all rushed up bravely with their rough metal weapons and wooden sticks in their hands.

A few bullywugs took the opportunity to throw javelins tied with sharp stones at him.

Facing the threat of a few javelins, Thorne easily dodged, and if he wanted to, he could even reach out to catch it and return to his original owner.

But in that case, it seems that the efficiency of killing the enemy is too low.

- "Desert Wind Sect (Stance Skill): Flames!"

As a large group of bully frogmen approached, a flaming barrier shrouded Thorne within one meter. The heat wave swept the area around him, and bursts of hot breath erupted. The whole body was set on fire.

With Thorne's constant movement, the bullywugs screamed wildly, and their clothes and flesh scorched and disappeared in pieces of flame.

Thorne put away the flames and continued toward the center of the battlefield.

After a while, he encountered a group of lizardmen.

The leading lizardmen seemed to have seen the tragic scene of Thorne burning down a large group of bully frogs in a short while, and immediately hissed a few times at the men behind him, and all the lizardmen behind were horrified.

Although the figure in front of them frightened a large group of lizardmen, the direction of the figure was the route leading to the bottomless swamp. If they turned back, they would most likely continue to pursue the Twilight Town army.

So the group of lizardmen, who were chasing behind and blocking the way, hesitated for a while, then bit the bullet and continued to flee in the direction of Thorne.

They escaped very fast, but when the torrent formed by a group of fleeing lizardmen was about to rush in front of Thorne, it immediately split into two to the left and right, and Thorne who was standing in the same place seemed to be divided into a torrent. water reef.

Faced with this situation, Thorne naturally waved his two swords unceremoniously.

A deadly sword light flickered, blood splashed, and the surrounding lizardmen fell to the ground one after another.

A lizardman who failed to escape in time tripped over a stone and looked at the ranger who came with his sword. In desperation, he covered his head and face with his arms and shivered. The end result was that his arms and body were separated by the blade of the sword. .

Thorne charged back and forth among the fleeing lizardfolk, none of which could block his blow, and none of the lizardfolk escaped after entering his death radius.

the other side of the battlefield.

The violent savage personality Hao swirled with the clinking machete in his hand, and with this large-scale attack, slaughtered a group of bully frogs who besieged him, and the sharp blade followed his movement, bursting with layers of blood. .

The bully frogs surrounding the barbarian all wanted to take advantage of him to turn around and attack the sap.

But every time the barbarians turned around and saw the blood-stained and mad face, the only thing they could think of was to turn around and run away.

The barbarian with a wild smile on his face rushed to another target, and the attacked hobgoblin quickly raised his steel shield to resist.


As the force of the machete hit, the hobgoblin, whose body was knocked out, stared in disbelief at the shield that was dented and rendered unusable.

When he looked up at the barbarian, a blade that shone **** red in the sun landed in his dilated pupils.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a scorching wind brushed past the barbarian's ears, startling him so much that he quickly stopped the attack.

When the Hobgoblin who survived the disaster was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the galloping arrow precisely pierced through the armor covering his chest and pointed to his heart.

On the verge of death, he saw the streamlined arrow feathers still trembling slightly in his chest.

"Damn it! Who is stealing Lao Tzu's head!"

The savage who was secretly frightened touched his unharmed ears, saw the sharp arrow stuck in the hobgoblin's chest, turned and roared in the direction where the arrow came from.

"...This is a deadly quasi-head, scaring people to death."

The barbarian Hao saw the half-elf ranger who was shrouded in a cloak not far away, his eyes narrowed, and he muttered something, then he continued to look for his next target with a machete.

But just as he roared up to a screaming bullyfrog, another arrow flashed with fire and arc so that he had to jump to the other side.

The terrified Bullywag was still standing there. He lowered his head, and his two large, fading eyes wanted to see the arrow poking at him, but all he saw was a blood hole piercing his chest.

So he put a finger into the blood hole, trying to stop the gushing blood, and then fell on his back and fell silent.

The very depressed barbarian carried the machete, stared at the half-elf ranger not far away, and said, "Hey! Ranger, are you the one who grabs the head like this?"

"Have fun." Thorne, who was passing by, put away his weapon, no longer teasing the barbarian, but gave him a strange look, then shrugged and turned away.

After all, a person's physical strength is limited, and he is no exception.

With Twilight Town's full-scale counterattack, he cleaned up almost all of the more threatening spellcasters, and he had no interest in facing these trash fish.

The savage reached out and rubbed his messy hair, and when he was trying to force the Ranger to behave so strangely, his keen intuition made him feel a figure approaching him behind him.

The moment he turned around, he immediately found that a bully frog with amazing bouncing power had smashed his forehead with a condescending force with a stick in his hand.


The stick hit the barbarian's head and it broke in two. The bully frogman stared in disbelief at the other stick in his hand, and stupidly chose to look up at the barbarian, as if to see his Why is the forehead so hard.


Immediately afterwards, the head of the poor bully frog was smashed into a smashed watermelon in the violent back attack of the furious barbarian.


I don't know how long it took, Thorne dragged his tired body to the tower in Twilight Town.

Looking around, the chaotic battlefield is like a **** on earth, the smoke of gunpowder drifts in the air, the air is full of disgusting blood, and the remains of various humanoid creatures are everywhere under the city tower.

When he noticed that the army of Twilight Town, which seemed to be a fortified city wall, was advancing to the edge of the forest, he knew that the war was coming to an end.

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