Half Immortal

Chapter 17: Promenade Hotel (17)

The painter has come out in the flames that keep beating and spreading. This fire seems to have touched the bottom line of all the people in the painting, and the screams of the woman are intertwined with the angry shouts of the painter.

Yan Mingguang glanced at the gradually burning studio, and said in a light voice, "You burned the studio."

Gao Ming is still at a loss.

The skeleton is!!"

From the very beginning, the dungeon's furnishings and the waiter's drawings were the most misleading for all players.

From the moment she was brought to the restaurant in the hotel lobby, whether it was Yan Wei himself or others, all his attention was on the painting. Because the portraits are most densely distributed on the promenade, and all the stories of the painter are related to the paintings.

But they overlooked the most important point - this entire promenade hotel, the promenade and the most things in the room, in addition to portraits, there are mirrors!

The hotel is misleading them, but also reminding them. All of the dead players appear to have died from gouging, but players die differently, as does the waiter's choice to pick up the corpse.

Different, it means... The ghosts of this copy are not only the painter and the person in the painting controlled by the painter, but two groups of ghosts.

Yan Wei had only vaguely guessed when he saw himself in the mirror without blinking, until he saw Sun Shi's body in the studio, he completely understood.

Everything they found about the painter's life was correct. A painter who was naturally gifted at painting portraits, he made a name for himself with his abilities, opening hotels and exhibitions. But one day, the artist's talent was exhausted, and he could no longer draw smart eyes. The painter who has always pursued perfectionism can no longer complete perfect paintings. He went to the hospital to see a mental disorder, and gradually he was with the female doctor who treated him.

Later, the painter suddenly discovered a method - that is, gouging out other people's eyes, he can draw that person's eyes.

The female doctor has a pair of very beautiful eyes. The painter used a knife to gouge out his lover's eyes.

Similar to the memory shared with them by the skeleton in the basement, after the eyes were gouged out, the painter took away the eyes of the female doctor and completed the portrait of the female doctor. But the female doctor died because she was gouged out alive, and the body was thrown into the gym on the basement floor by the hotel waiter.

What happened after that was not the information the female doctor shared with them at all! Yan Wei was very strange from the beginning, why did the painter only kill the female doctor in the past ten years? Why did he only goug out a pair of eyes and then die from gouging out his own eyes? Would a person obsessed with painting be willing to goug out his own eyes and die in the second place?

That must be impossible. There is only one answer that can explain these questions, that is, the painter just gouged out the female doctor's eye, and he himself was killed by others.

By whom?

The female doctor who was turned into a ghost after her death and desperately wanted to get her eyes back! After the female doctor died, she turned into a ghost and parasitized on her corpse. She has grievances from her lifetime and wants to find a pair of eyes for herself. The painter's obsession made the painter want to dig out the eyes to fill in the painting, and the female doctor's resentment made her want to dig out the eyes to fill in what she had lost. So she dug out the eyes of the painter, and the dead painter also turned into a ghost because of his obsession, even before the corpse rotted.

The painter turned into a ghost and hid in the painting, but the doctor still could not find her eye that was gouged out during her lifetime. She is constantly looking for eyes, so she dug out the eyes of two players last night. It's a pity that these eyes are not hers. The artist hid her eyes well, but she still can't find her own eyes.

The woman in the long skirt and the middle-aged man were killed by the painter, but the two players on the thirteenth floor were killed by the female doctor! And today, the information they got on the basement floor was also deceived by the female doctor.

"So this skeleton is the biggest danger! She is the first victim, but also the second murderer. Yesterday the painter said to me, 'Tomorrow you will also die', and the waiter He muttered to himself 'he will kill you all', but it wasn't him who did anything to us, the waiter said 'she' not 'he' - the doctor will kill us all." Yan Wei ducked towards him The sharp nails pierced from his shoulders, panting slightly and finishing all the inferences, "She won't let us go, and the method she said to defuse the danger in the hotel is completely false."

Gao Ming was stunned for a moment, and there were several wounds on his body that were pulled out by ghosts. When Yan Wei finished speaking, Gao Ming couldn't dodge in time, and a **** hole was dug out of his thigh by the **** hand sticking out from the portrait hanging on the wall.

He hissed: "My God, how did you think of this? And what are we doing to burn the studio, my brain is not enough."

Yan Wei: "There are too many ghosts in the corridor, let's talk about it when we enter the room!"

It took less than a minute from burning the painting room to running to Room 1. The painter was about to catch up with them, and the three finally reached the door of Room 1. Yan Mingguang first turned around and stepped into the room lightly and cleaned up the few ghosts in the room. The three of them immediately ducked into Room 1 and closed the door with force.

The moment they entered the room, the corridor suddenly changed—

On both sides of the corridor, the normal floor mirrors that were not covered with blood suddenly shook a lot. A few people just ran to the door of Room 1 when a skeleton slowly walked out of a mirror!

The orbital bone of the skeleton has a very uneven edge, apparently damaged by a sharp weapon during his lifetime.

—This is the skeleton of the female doctor that Yan Wei and others saw on the basement floor!

But this time, the skeleton actually came out of the mirror, acted on its own, and let out an angry roar: "You actually burned the studio! There are my eyes there, you burn Got my eyes! You **** it!!!"

The eyeless women who had bumped and scratched at the door of Room 1 also retreated.

The skeleton bumped into the painter who came out.

The female doctor and painter who just shouted to kill Yan Wei and others actually fought directly on the corridor.

Gao Ming pressed the door hard, heard the movement outside, turned his head back and glanced at Yan Wei, and asked, "What's going on? The two bosses fought themselves?"

Yan Wei was very tired.

He leaned against the wall, took a few deep breaths, and then said: "They gouged each other's eyes, of course there is a great hatred. If my guess is correct, the painter usually relies on these portraits to walk around, while the female The doctor moves by the mirror, none of them can meet anyone, they all touched us today to kill us, and of course they were hit."

While they were talking, Yan Mingguang, who had just listened to Yan Wei's brief explanation, had already started to use sheets and other things to quickly cover or wrap all the mirrors that could be found in the room.

The people in the picture in this room have been cleaned up, and the medium mirror that the female doctor can move freely has also been temporarily covered, so they can get a temporary respite.

"Outside, I feel..." Yan Wei listened intently to the movement outside.

Yan Mingguang said, "The skeleton is stronger."

Yan Wei came to the conclusion: "That is to say, the winner will be the skeleton. If she cleans up the painter, the first thing must be to smash the door and clean up us."

At this time, the fire in the fresco room seemed to intensify, and the burning smell spread on the top floor. Across a thick wall, the three of them gradually smelled the breath of flames and the smell of countless scraps of paper being burned to ashes.

"Ah, the hands of the people in these paintings are too powerful, it hurts me to death. If we can't pass the level, will we still be gouged out by skeletons alive? My God Yan Wei, how did you guess it?"

The door of Room 1 was slammed hard.

The painter and the skeleton are intertwined with each other, and the person in the painting under the painter still wants to come in. Fortunately, these ordinary ghosts don't have much intelligence, and without painting as a medium, they can't move in instantaneously, but just rush clumsily outside the door.

The wooden door creaking and crumbling. Yan Mingguang directly blocked the sofa at the door, allowing the door to last longer.

But time is running out for them to break out.

"Long story short," Yan Wei leaned against the wall and said in a hurried tone, "Gao Ming, do you remember when I asked you just now, when did your roommate die?"

"Remember, it was about eleven o'clock last night."


Yan Wei laughed softly at such a critical moment.

But those pale brown eyes were still as bright as stars under the dipping smile, as if the sky was falling, and there was no way to add confusion to these beautiful eyes.

He said: "Last night at eleven o'clock, the one the painter was going to kill was me. After I slept, I was transferred to the studio by the painter—probably by painting—and it is unclear what happened at that time. I said it. I escaped the trigger of death and left alive, but I remember it clearly at the time, and it was also at eleven o'clock. At that time, Yan Mingguang also met the waiter. The painter was in front of me, the waiter was in front of Yan Mingguang, Then who killed your roommate?"

"The painter's moving medium is portraiture, which we will know the next day. And the female doctor's moving medium, I guess is the mirror, because the gym is also covered with mirrors, those black blood And she didn't dare to flow through the mirror at all. And she needed to coax us to go to the studio to help her get her eyes, indicating that she couldn't go to the studio - there was no mirror in the studio. Last night, for the two players who died on the thirteenth floor, what were there near the corpses? "

Yan Mingguang whispered: "Mirror."

"Yes, the mirror!" Yan Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, "On the first night, Yan Mingguang and I also encountered a death trigger. At that time, I was very strange, why there is no painting in the room, and also There was no movement to open the door, but the ghost was able to come in and leave **** handprints everywhere. Now that I think about it, it was a female doctor who entered our room at that time."

So the **** handprint is particularly slender.

The skeleton of the female doctor entered and exited their room directly through the bathroom mirror. And the ragdoll placed by their bed was actually placed by the waiter in their room to attract skeletons - the first night's death trigger.

They threw the doll out, the skeleton gouged out the doll's eyes, and they escaped. And the woman in the long skirt next door triggered the painter's death condition, gouging out the eye and died.

The chronological order at that time was that the woman in the long dress died first, the body was thrown to the ground floor by the waiter, and stayed with the skeleton, and the blood from the corpse of the woman in the long dress also stained the body of the skeleton . In the middle of the night, the skeleton came to their room. Their room was filled with **** handprints because the skeleton was covered in blood from the woman in the long skirt at the basement level.

The next night, the casino mechanism was turned on, the difficulty was raised, and the ghost limit was lowered. Skeletons do not have the restriction of placing dolls at the head of the bed, and they can kill people only by passing through the mirror. Gao Ming's room and bathroom had a mirror, so when Gao Ming's roommate was washing his hands, he faced the mirror and was instantly gouged out by the skull with his hands from the mirror. In Sun Shi's room, there was a dressing table beside the dead player, and there was a mirror on the dressing table.

His hands were not stained with blood. Only after killing Gao Ming's roommate, the skeleton's hands were stained with blood, and then he went to kill Sun Shi's roommate, and there were some **** handprints where Sun Shi's roommate died.

So the corpses of the two players on the thirteenth floor were not thrown to the basement floor by the waiter, and the wounds from the gouged eyes were very similar to the painter's wounds. They were all directly pierced by hard objects— That's the skeleton's hand.

But the skeleton dug out so many eyes and still couldn't find hers. The painter has been hiding in the painting, and the doctor could not find the painter, nor her eyes.

So she took aim at the "guests" who were still alive and looked useful - that is, the players.

She coaxes the remaining players to lead the painter out of the studio, and searches all the paintings in the studio, hoping the player can find her eyes.

The clues that Sun Shi found at the exhibition... should be related to this. Sun Shi thought that what he found was the key to breaking the game, but in fact it was just false information that the skull deliberately showed him. In the end, Sun Shi's strength was not good. Although he was deceived by the skeleton, he didn't even have the ability to draw out the painter, and died directly in the studio.

The skeletons have come to deceive them again. They made up a seemingly complete logic chain, and wanted them to take the female doctor's eyes out of the studio.

The female doctor never said from the beginning to the end that they could survive after finding the eye. Even if they brought out their eyes, the female doctor and the painter would never have let them go. The moment they entered the dungeon, all players were just looking for eyes and tools to provide eyes in front of these two ghosts.

On the closed door of Room 1, holes have been poked by the hands of several women in the painting, and one arm after another with black blood is stretched forward forcefully.

The entire hotel floor shook every now and then. The three of them could hear the movement of the female doctor directly hitting the painter against the wall.

"...But I think one thing, she didn't lie to us - her eyes should be the key to breaking the game this time. If you find the eyes, all grievances in this hotel will be dissipated. But since, let's help her Finding the eyes is death—Sun Shi’s death helped us by trial and error, so what can we do when we find the eyes?” Yan Wei’s eyes narrowed, “So I think what we need to do is not to help the female doctor find the eyes, but to help the female doctor find the eyes. Yes…"

"Ruined the eyes."

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows, and the hero glanced at Yan Mingguang who said this.

Gao Ming covered his wound and suddenly realized: "This is the reason why you burned the studio! We don't have to venture in to find our eyes, just destroy the whole studio..."

Yan Wei nodded: "Yes. And the painter and the female doctor are definitely incompatible. If we want to survive under their hands, then we must draw the painter and the doctor out at the same time, let them bite the dog, and fight for us to be completely Burn down the break time in the studio."

At this moment, Gao Ming was covered in paint, and there were several blood holes in his arms and legs that were caught by **** hands. This is the fourth dungeon he has experienced, but such a dangerous low-level dungeon is the first time. He endured the pain, his eyes stopped on Yan Wei's face, and he couldn't contain the surprise in his mind.

The youth's windbreaker was damaged in several places, and the arm was also punctured by the nails of the **** hand, and the blood that dripped out stained the clothes in that place. The scarf he was wearing was stained with blood, his cheek was scratched with a shallow cut, and his face was tired but radiant - that was because of those bright eyes.

Even in such a situation, every creaking of the door tugged at Gao Ming's heart, but Yan Wei was able to remain calm.

It was only a few minutes after they walked out of the elevator to the studio, and when Yan Wei suddenly set the studio on fire, the three of them took refuge in Room 1. But Yan Wei was able to sort out the misdirection of the copy in the moment of seeing Sun Shi's body, find out the real direction of thinking, and instantly came up with the method of burning two birds with one stone.

Gao Ming is just an ordinary low-level player. Thanks to the convenience of his career before entering the building, he barely survived a few dungeons. He has never been in contact with any big person or genius in the world of the building, but when he was living in the world of the building, he heard the legends of many powerful people, and even watched several live broadcasts of the casino buildings of emerging players that have attracted much attention.

The mysterious Lin Zhen, the unfathomable Jiang Xiu...

Yan Wei is definitely not worse than these people.

What's more, there is Yan Mingguang, who is taciturn and incomprehensible, but now he can see that the initial body index must be against the sky.

Gao Ming sighed: "Although I am very nervous now, I think I am really lucky. If I hadn't met you, this copy... I would definitely not be able to get out."

"Did you also see a black, towering building and walked in by yourself?"

"How can you, so you came in on your own initiative? You are indeed," Gao Ming pushed his old-fashioned black-framed glasses that were somewhat damaged, and laughed at himself, "I almost thought I was out I had hallucinations and wanted to go to the hospital. But one day, this building appeared directly in front of me, and I stepped in without noticing. I don't want to stay here at all, I just want to leave completely... When you get to the building World, you can use points to exchange for everything, but you will also find that many people just want to get rid of the life of entering the dungeon until they have enough points, but when the points and layers are enough...they change their minds."

Yan Wei glanced at Yan Mingguang.

The man's pair of silver-framed glasses had long been put away during the fight, and that deep but dull face appeared in front of him without any obstruction. Except for the messy hair, this man's appearance still hasn't changed much at the moment, it seems that the fight just now did not leave any traces on Yan Mingguang's body.

When Yan Wei mentioned entering the building, the man just lowered his head and glanced at the swallow necklace hanging around his neck, speechless.

When this person mentioned the past and where he came from, he was even more silent than usual. Yan Wei knew that Yan Mingguang definitely didn't want to talk about it, but under the pressure of life at the moment, he actually wanted to hide.

He raised his eyebrows: "Why do you keep looking at your necklace? Could it be from your first love? Hey Yan Mingguang, should I help you with some kind of lovelorn counseling—"

Yan Mingguang glanced at him and said indifferently: "You should shut up."

Yan Wei: "...A teammate anyway, be polite."

At this moment, the burning smell is getting heavier and heavier, the temperature in Room 1 has gradually risen, and the three of them are so hot that their foreheads are sweating. The door of Room 1 was also completely smashed, but there were a lot fewer people in the picture, and only a few bits and pieces were left to rush in, and they were all solved by Yan Mingguang at the moment of entering.

Obviously, the painter is about to lose.

Yan Wei got up, walked slowly to the smashed door and looked out. The flames had begun to spread from the side of the studio, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed that Room 1 would be burned too.

The painter still struggles with the doctor. But now, the artist's limbs are only one hand and one leg, and he has fallen to the ground without any ability to resist. At this moment, the painter's hoarse voice still sounded in a low voice: "I will not give your eyes back to you... They are mine! They belong to my perfect painting—!"

The skeleton bent down and stretched out the pair of bone hands, tearing the painter alive! !

At the moment when the painter was torn apart, all the portraits were painted fragments, and the only remaining women in the paintings disappeared instantly. The skeleton stood up slowly in front of the tongue of fire, his neck twisted, his pitted and empty eye sockets pointed straight at Yan Wei.

"Now it's your turn... You burned the studio! Burned my eyes! I'm going to hollow out your eyes and empty your blood!!"

Yan Wei slammed back into the room.

He turned his head, and Yan Mingguang looked at each other, and the two said at almost the same moment, "No!"

The inference just now, find the eyes, and do the opposite of what the skeleton said, destroy the eyes, and the ladder of this copy will appear. But at this moment, judging from the degree of burning, the studio has already been burned to the point where it can no longer be burned, and everything should have been destroyed... Why is this dungeon not over yet?

For a moment, the skeleton is close.

At the moment when she was about to reach out and grab Yan Wei, Yan Mingguang strode forward, yanked Yan Wei behind him, raised his hand with a short blade and stabbed at the skeleton.

The skeleton's face, which should not have been expressive, seemed to sneer.

The next moment, she actually grabbed Yan Mingguang's hands, and the other bone hand attacked Yan Mingguang's eyes. Yan Mingguang responded in a timely manner and kicked when he lifted his foot, but at the moment when he was about to kick the skeleton, he was directly thrown out by the skeleton!

Although Yan Mingguang quickly grabbed the short blade and stood up, Yan Wei still showed surprise, and Gao Ming even showed panic in an instant.

Not even Yan Mingguang is an opponent, this skeleton... is not a boss that can be cleared by violence! The strength of the skeleton is probably completely beyond the strength level of the low-level dungeon, and it is impossible to succeed with brute force alone.

Dark black smoke came from the burning studio next door, and the gradually rising temperature made people dizzy.

Yan Mingguang, who failed again in the confrontation with the skeleton, spat out a mouthful of blood that flowed from his throat just before the collision, as if feeling something, Yan Mingguang quickly took it out of his pocket and took out the Painter's self-portrait.

The next moment, the self-portrait dissipated in his hands, turning into a dark gray long whip floating in front of Yan Mingguang!

Gao Ming was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Grab it! This is a copy implosion prop, which has a greater bonus than ordinary cold weapons!"

Before he finished speaking, Yan Mingguang had already grabbed the handle of the long whip, waved it hard, and fought against the skeleton again.

Although this prop has brought help, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the strength gap between the skeleton and the three. The female doctor also found out that Gao Ming was the weakest among the three. The bone hand grabbed the whip, and the reaction force pulled Yan Mingguang away again, and he came to Gao Ming in an instant!

Yan Wei grabbed Gao Ming to dodge.

He staggered, trying to cooperate with Yan Mingguang, pulling Gao Ming to dodge.

In just a moment, the three of them have been consumed a lot, and it seems that they can't last for a few minutes!

Yan Wei took another deep breath. He tried to calm himself down, reason running in his mind.

The studio has burned down, and the flames are about to spread to them, but the copy is not over, and the stairs have not appeared. There must be something they overlooked and failed to do.

What went wrong? Ruined the mind of the eye? No, it won't. The doctor was coaxing them before, and never thought of letting them live. The way the doctor said to break the situation must be fake, and Sun Shi also paid the price with his life. It's just the opposite, find the eyes and destroy them, and let all the grievances in this hotel die because of the disappearance of the eyes.

It's okay to destroy your eyes, so what's going on now? Aren't the eyes burned out?

The doctor can walk in the mirror. Except for the only place without a mirror in the studio, the doctor can go everywhere in the hotel, and he must have already rummaged all over the place. She couldn't find her eyes anywhere else, so the doctor was sure the eyes were in the only place she couldn't go - in the studio.

But the studio burned, and the doctor's eyes were not destroyed.

Thoughts flashed over and over in Yan Wei's mind, and suddenly—

Yan Wei's eyes lit up.

He got it!

The doctor's eyes are not in the studio!

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