"Oh? I'll see. Ye Kaishan was interested.

Next, everyone came to a huge venue.

"This is the largest auction hall in the national capital, gathering the divine and strange things of the south and the north.

I received news in advance that there will be good things from the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom today..."

Xu Zhen enthusiastically led the way in front and said tirelessly in his mouth.


Wolf Country..." Ye Kaishan's heart moved slightly, the Heavenly Wolf Country was a country bordering the Yan Country.

There are some orcs with the blood of demon beasts, cruel by nature, eager to kill and aggressive.

Friction with Yan Guo for many years, the two countries have fought constantly, big and small, I don't know how many times they have fought.

"What good things can the Celestial Wolf Kingdom have?"

Ye Kaishan pondered, followed several lords, and came to the high-class VIP room, overlooking the entire venue.

It didn't take long for the venue to be full, full of dignitaries of the Yan Kingdom, people from the Immortal Cultivation Family.

It didn't take long for the auction to begin.

At first, there were some demon pills, magic weapons, talismans, and then strange beasts.

It looks weird and cute, and has some special features, which are very popular with nuns.

During this period, several lords couldn't help but shoot something.

But Ye Kaishan was motionless, and did not see the heartbeat.

At this moment, the host of the venue suddenly raised his voice, faintly full of excitement.

"Next, it's the baby from the Celestial Wolf Country, presumably everyone has been waiting for a long time, so let's start..."

As he gulped, the staff pushed up a huge iron cage.

Inside it was an orc.

She roared and slapped the iron cage, revealing her sharp fangs, scarlet pupils, and a pair of pointed beast ears on her head.

The body is dressed in simple animal skins, looming and wild.

Seeing this, the male monks present silently swallowed their spit.

"Guys, this is the rabbit people of the Celestial Wolf Country, if you want to experience the exotic style, she can satisfy all your fantasies..." The

host began to explain, his words fierce and full of temptation.

"Beast-eared girl..." Ye Kaishan looked at the orc in the iron cage with a strange face.

He finally understood what the good thing in Xu Zhen's mouth was.

It turns out that immortal cultivators also have two-dimensional attributes and like this thing.

"How is Ye City Lord? Still satisfied? Xu Zhen came up and asked, looking like he was about to praise me.

Master Ye likes concubinage and beauty, which is well known.

Inferred from this, you must like this too.

I have to say that he sees people really accurately.

For the first time since entering the venue, Ye Kaishan became interested.

He bowed his head slightly, revealing his heart.

"How about I help you take it down?" Xu Zhen was overjoyed, and then asked tentatively.

Ye Kaishan did not rush to answer, but secretly checked the quality of the rabbit man.

Red, cultivation is the sevenfold of qi training, yellow level spirit root.

In addition to cultivating so-so, everything else is useless, especially in terms of wisdom, and there are more bestialities.

"No hurry, take another look." Ye Kaishan said lightly, he is relatively demanding now, not without standards.

Next, one after another, the orcs were pushed out one after another, all kinds of things.

Ye Kaishan saw with his own eyes that a monk bought a minotaur in a fart, that tonnage, that bucket waist, suffocating.

But the other party seemed to be good at this mouthful, and his face was full of satisfied colors.

In this process, Ye Kaishan has been secretly checking the quality of the orcs.

None of them pass the test.

"Next, this is the last orc, it is said, also a princess of the tribe, and it took a lot of effort to capture her..."

the host continued, very loudly.

The words fell, and a huge iron cage was pushed out.

In the corner of the iron cage, curled up a silver-haired orc, her body was dirty, but it was difficult to hide her delicate facial features, and a pair of furry beast ears on her head, which looked very cute.

Seeing this, the venue immediately set off a noise, and everyone was amazed by this orc.

In the eyes of many people, a coveted color has emerged, which is very meaningful.

"Compared to what everyone has seen, this is a cat Terran girl, her body is soft and boneless, and her personality is relatively obedient.

Moreover, her cultivation has reached the completion of Qi training, and she can also help you cultivate..." The

host said more cryptically, but the smile on his face already said everything.

"Catwoman..." Ye Kaishan thought about it, checking the quality of Catwoman.

Suddenly, a green light rushed out of her.

Green quality, Xuan-level lower grade spirit root, foundation building... Complete!

"This catwoman is hiding her cultivation..." Ye Kaishan looked strange, and carefully looked at the catwoman who was cowering there.

She seemed scared and looked pitiful.

But through her lowered eyes, you can see that the jewel-like eyes do not have the slightest panic, only a calm and composure.

Could it be that here, Ye Kaishan laughed, this is still a cat woman with a story, I am afraid that she was deliberately caught.

So, when everyone was bidding wildly, Ye Kaishan slowly spoke.

"Five thousand lower grade spirit stones!"

The starting price was one thousand lower grade spirit stones, and after shouting, it reached three thousand, and as soon as he opened his mouth, it was five thousand.

In Ye Kaishan's opinion, a catwoman who has built a foundation that is pleasing to the eye, even if she buys it back as a thug, it is worth it.

As soon as the five thousand lower grade spirit stones came out, many people immediately withdrew.

But there is still competition.

"Six thousand Lower Grade Spirit Stones!" A voice came from a VIP room, from the Third Prince of the Yan Kingdom.

"Seven thousand!" Ye Kaishan calmly quoted the price.

At this time, the several lords on the side began to be anxious, Xu Zhen cleared his throat and said loudly.

"This is the price quoted by Lord Ye City, I hope you will be calm and not make mistakes yourself."

He directly used his identity to suppress, and did not care who the other party was.

It was hard to invite Ye Kaishan out, how could he allow those who did not have long eyes to touch the mold?

Sure enough, after listening to his words, the venue fell into a brief silence.

Ye City Lord?

Isn't this the ancestor of the Ye family?

The only Jindan ancestor in the Yan Kingdom!

Where do everyone dare to compete, they can't wait to bid for Ye Kaishan.

The third prince's face turned green, but thinking about the identity of the other party, he could only choose to endure.

There are many princes, but there is only one Jindan ancestor.

Don't say it's him, even if his old son comes, I'm afraid he has to give this face.

Seeing that no one offered any more, the host could only helplessly drop the hammer and announce the deal.

"Patriarch Xu... You're going a little too far. Ye Kaishan shook his head and smiled, he turned out to be an oppressive villain.

"Where, I'm afraid that these little ones don't understand things and touch the mold of the ancestors."

Xu Zhen laughed, and the other lords also nodded one after another, and said, "

It is appropriate for juniors to honor their predecessors."

Later, under the escort of the auction house, Ye Kaishan returned to his residence with Catwoman.

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