Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 203 Black Dragon

Favilia, who once knelt down to woo the woman she had a crush on on Sunset Square with flowers and was tragically abandoned, is now an excellent warrior. In the past three years, he learned a lot in the big forge of the military camp, but what really surprised him was that he discovered his talents and hobbies in the military camp.

If Faviria had to use one word to describe his life before entering the military camp, it would be mediocrity. Although his grades in college were not bad, there was nothing to be proud of. However, after entering the military camp, However, he quickly adapted to life in the military camp and soon discovered his strengths.

Faviria is very accustomed to the life in the military camp with strict rules. In the military camp, as long as you comply with the rules, you won't get into too much trouble. From this perspective, it is indeed better to live in the military camp than in the military camp. There is a lot of simplicity in society, at least in the military camp, most of the time it is on the table, and there are no hidden rules that catch people off guard. Another surprise was that Faviglia discovered that he had an extraordinary talent for explosives. He seemed to have the ability to predict the effects of explosions accurately, and he found that he quickly fell in love with explosions. In Faviglia's mind, explosion is no longer a simple job, but more like an art. So in less than half a year, Faviglia became an explosives expert. For some reason, "Black Dragon" became his nickname.

"We sincerely welcome you, Sergeant Faviglia," Reilly seemed to have forgotten the words he had said to Faviglia before. He extended his hand enthusiastically, with an excited look on his face. Said: "Finally we have waited for you. We really need you. I can't even imagine what we would do without you. Sit down and talk."

Faviria was not polite, straightened his back, sat on the marching chair in the barracks in a standard military posture, and asked: "Sir, what do you need me to do when you urgently recruit me to your regiment?" Something?"

"Of course," Rayleigh smiled, "The main reason is that something happened to the only demolition expert in our regiment."

"Something happened?" Faviria asked in confusion, "Can I know what it is?"

"It's not a big deal," Reilly sighed and said, "The unlucky guy before you was a smoker. I don't know how a smoker became an explosion expert. I had already advised him not to smoke. Don't smoke. After all, we are engaged in explosives. Think about it, isn't it very dangerous to smoke while playing with dangerous explosives in your hands? But he never listened a week ago. I got up, and before I got up, I took out a cigar and put it in my mouth, and the result was terrible.”

Faviria was stunned. Well, he understood that smoking was bad, and it was extremely bad for people in this industry. It was against the rules at all, but what did this have to do with getting up in the morning and smoking cigars? Did you smoke while lying in bed and set the sheets on fire? Then he asked: "What's so bad?"

"That guy accidentally lit the detonator as a cigar," Reilly said with regret on his face: "Maybe he was not sober so early in the morning. Anyway, when we found him, his head was completely black. Although we gave him The report is about sacrifice, but what should be written on the epitaph? Oh, what a headache. The most troublesome thing is that we are in urgent need of a demolition expert in our recent operations. There is only one in our regiment, and this only one smokes the detonator like a cigar. "There is no other way. I can only report to the superiors and ask for a more reliable blasting expert."

"It's indeed very bad," Faviria nodded, and then said: "Then tell me what you need me to do."

Rayleigh's battle plan is very simple, that is to lure all the orcs in front of them into their preset battlefield, and then use the prepared explosives to hit them hard. At that time, all they need to do is "Boom!" Let all the orcs' butts catch fire and fly into the sky. Then all the soldiers need to do is wait for the explosion, then rush forward and kill all the dizzy orcs, and the matter is over.

The plan was good, and the location for the ambush was chosen. It was a valley with a very good location. There are two troublesome problems. First, setting up large-scale explosives is not a simple matter. This does not mean that it can be easily done by burying explosives underground and waiting for the enemy to come over and press the detonation button. . If you let an outsider do it, it is very likely that the expected effect will not be achieved at all. Maybe a few orcs will not be killed, but your own people will eat dirt. It is necessary to maximize the use of explosives to defeat the morale of the orcs in an instant, and at the same time cause a large number of casualties to the orcs during the explosion. To achieve these goals, professionals must be required. Of course, the more important point is the second point. The orcs themselves will not run to the land where explosives are buried and wait to be bombed. If you want the orcs to enter the expected ambush point, you need to have a bait, so that the bait can lead the orcs into the whole set. , but how should the bait survive on a land full of explosives? Of course, the easiest way is to ignore the life or death of the bait and blow up the bait and the orcs into the sky. Then you can just sacrifice yourself. But if you do this, Rayleigh will most likely be beaten from behind by his own people. Black gun. Therefore, not only must we eliminate the orcs on the largest scale, but we must also ensure that our own people are caught in the explosion and will not be killed by our own bombs.

In other words, a safe zone needs to be drawn out in the center of the explosion site, and then everyone will just have to guard the safe zone.

It is not easy to achieve such a highlight, even if you are not a particularly powerful blasting expert.

"I see," Faviria nodded, stood up decisively and said, "Then it's time for me to go."

"Hey? Where to go?"

"Of course we will conduct an on-site inspection. If there are no problems, I will start working immediately."

"Of course there is no problem." After Riley said this, he yelled outside the camp: "Abigail, Abigail, are you here?"

After a while, a young man came in. After saluting, he stood at attention and said, "Abigail is here to report. Commander, what are your orders?" This young man named Abigail was wearing a neat military uniform. His slightly thin face was expressionless, and his face was as pale as a dead person. In fact, he looked like a dead person, his face was expressionless and lifeless, and even his voice was flat and maintained the same tone. , without any ups and downs.

"This is Abigail," Captain Reilly pointed at the young man who had just entered the room and introduced him: "Even though he has a dead face, he talks and walks like a dead person, but he is one of the members of our regiment. The most trustworthy company commander. Captain Abigail is fearless. When we need a volunteer to lead his team to attract the attention of the orcs and lead the orcs into an ambush, Captain Abigail takes the initiative. After taking on the mission, we didn't give up on it even after our only demolition expert died. Damn it, I really didn't expect that I have such a team that is not afraid of death. Abigail, I can see it. I really want to enter the Temple of Rest! Are you so anxious?"

Abigail saluted a standard military salute and said: "It is my greatest honor to sacrifice for the God Emperor!"

"Look," Reilly shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "As a regiment commander, I should feel lucky to have a company commander like you, Abigail, under my command. Abigail, you are great, A hero who is not afraid of death, but I can't just watch you take your people to die. Of course I can do that, but if I do, it won't take long for me to go to a military court, so I'm going to the top I sent a telegram and they found us the 'Black Dragon', the best blasting expert on the entire Autumn Star. He will mark a safe area for you. In other words, your mission is not certain to die. You don’t have to think about the sacrifice of honor. Even if you want to enter the Resting Garden, you have to see if I give you a chance. Black Dragon, um, is it called Favilia?”

"Yes, it's me."

"You have heard the plan. Do you think you can complete it? I mean, is my company commander really safe? Can he survive in an area covered by explosions?"

"Sir," Faviria replied calmly: "If you want to ask whether Captain Abigail's mission is dangerous, I think it is self-evident, no matter what kind of battle it is. , the team responsible for the decoy mission is always the group that bears the greatest risk, but as long as Captain Abigail can bring his people and his enemies to the predetermined position, then I can explode, Company Abigail. "The commanders will be unharmed - as long as they stand within the safe area I have marked out, they cannot be harmed by the bombs."

"Great, this is really great. As expected of a black dragon," Captain Reilly looked back at Captain Abigail, who was standing in the center of the room. "What about you, Captain? You can do it very well." Complete your mission? Bring your people and the enemy to the designated location?"

Captain Abigail's dead expressionless face twitched. Faviria thought for a while and couldn't identify what kind of expression it was, but if he had to guess, he felt that it should be an angry expression. Bar.

"Abigail, what am I going to ask you again?" Reilly asked loudly, "Can you complete your mission?"

"Of course!" Abigail replied with a louder roar: "Captain, I swear to the death to complete the mission!"

"Idiot, I don't want you to die! I want you not to die! If you complete the mission, you won't die, and your people won't have to make too many sacrifices! Do you understand!?"


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