Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 317: Spear of Destruction

"What on earth is that?"

Suspicion was in everyone's heart, and the demons were even more terrified. Such a flashing, beautiful, and even magnificent beam weapon was not the style of the weapons possessed by their Chaos Demons.

It was a beam of light that pierced down from the sky, or perhaps it gushed up from the ground? Anyway, most demons couldn't figure it out for a while. This beam of light suddenly appeared in the dark sky, so bright that it illuminated the night into day. None of this mattered. What really made people tremble in their hearts was the violent destructive power flowing from the beam of light.

It was an unreasonable destructive power. If you were enveloped by this beam of light, no, just being touched by the edge, you would probably be turned into ashes in an instant. Yes, the real ashes would be turned into flying ashes in an instant by the power of the beam of light.

In fact, a battalion of bloody demons in the rear army of the demons were suffering such treatment. From a distance, it looked like a thin beam of light, and it didn't seem to be as terrifying as the power flowing from it. But the bleeding demons at the farthest distance from it were overwhelmed by the huge destructive power of this beam, both physically and mentally. They were like helpless humans kneeling in a destructive natural disaster. It was a submission from the heart, from body to soul, to this absolutely destructive power.

Only those bleeding demons standing at the foot of the beam could fully experience this terrifying power. This beam was not thin. It had a radius of ten meters. The entire beam presented a huge cylinder with a diameter of twenty meters, and the height was unpredictable. It went straight to the sky. What was even more terrifying was that this beam was still moving slowly. Any creature that was covered or touched by the beam, whether it was a demon, a building or something else, would turn into ashes in an instant. Any protective armor had no room for resistance in the face of such a destructive force. It was such an unreasonable and complete destruction, and on the land where the beam passed, there were crystallized lands with a trace of hot steam.

"This is an attack, an attack from the sky!" The demon commander who was still able to think discovered the truth, but what could he do even if he discovered the truth? The attack came from the clouds in the sky. He could neither resist such an attack nor fight back to destroy the enemy. He could only watch the beam slowly move and turn the demons in his camp into ashes. He had no way to restrain his men, so he could only follow the crowd and flee with the other demons in the camp who were still alive.

"What is that? It's attacking our reserve army!" On the front battlefield, the fierce battle continued even in the dark. The massive demon army continued to attack the castle of the Eldar like the sea washing away the rocks. Every attack stirred up a wave of red waves of blood.

The Eldar's city defense is as solid as a rock. They slaughter demons in large numbers and very efficiently. They use sharp blades, light darts, spears of light, and their beautiful and gorgeous weapons to block the demon's wave outside the wall. They fully exert the fierce firepower of the Eldar through the solid fortress, but all the demon commanders understand that no matter how solid the reef is, it can't resist the scouring and erosion of the waves. Such a high-intensity siege has been going on for almost three days, and the demons can continue endlessly. The demons will not care about more deaths. Casualties are just a set of numbers for them, and they are meaningless numbers.

But the Eldar can't care about death like the demons. Although their warriors are brave, they will get tired, hesitate, and fear. Their commanders are not cold enough, and they don't know how to let their subordinates die, and they don't have the capital. So such a seemingly solid castle will be knocked down by the demons sooner or later, but the problem is the Eldar's backhand.

Now the Eldar have revealed their trump card, but who can tell me what this beam attack from the sky and clouds is? Almost all the demon commanders were roaring.

The reason why it is almost is that the commander of the Chaos Demon Fleet, which is still in orbit, has understood what happened. Not only the commander of the fleet, but most of the crew members in the fleet ran to the window on the side of the ship and watched this strange scene.

The beam was shot from a moon in the universe, or more accurately, from the eyes of the moon that showed its hideous teeth and grinned.

What's more terrifying is that this moon hanging in the sky at night, with a silver grinning mouth and a mouthful of sharp teeth, is shattering and cracking. The terrible smile is gradually shattered under the obvious cracks, and the terrible smile becomes ridiculous, and the fleets that are being transmitted from the mouth of the smile are suffering a catastrophe. Under the power of the cracked rocks and the collapsed space gate, they have no chance of survival.

Rocks that looked like islands broke off from the surface of the moon in large chunks. The huge islands that were scattered everywhere were like fallen mountains, or like land falling from the sky, and some of the ships sailing around the moon were completely killed like swatting flies.

"That's just the dying struggle of the Eldar people! Ignore him, we continue to attack! As long as we capture this castle, we can enter Eden. By then, no creature can stop us. Eden is ours "As the commander of the expeditionary force coalition, Behemoth's strength and wisdom cannot be underestimated. Five minutes after the continuous attack of the beam, his huge figure like a building suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Above, Behemoth has the head of a dragon, the hooves of a goat, a sharp beak like a bird, long curved horns, and huge bat wings. The muscles on his body are as tangled as old tree roots. Holding a long knife made of flames, this terrifying demon is a demon prince. His appearance itself means great ominousness and disaster. Behemoth's voice is dirty and full of demonic power, which carries with it The roar of the power of chaos resounded throughout the battlefield at this moment: "Attack, attack, attack!!! Don't stop, don't stop!"

All the demons on the battlefield went crazy with the roar of Behemoth. They no longer paid attention to the beams behind them, and instead devoted themselves even more crazily to the battle in front of them. They wanted to climb up the city wall and pounce on the enemy. In the castle, tear apart all enemies!

After boosting his morale, Behemoth turned around and turned into a black mist, dissipating into the battlefield. The next moment, the powerful demon prince returned to the temporary palace built for him on the front line. On the throne, as soon as he sat down, Behemoth's roar resounded throughout the palace, shaking the walls with dust. "What is going on? What is going on with them? Do you understand?" ?" The commanders present lowered their heads. Naturally, they didn't understand, so the Demon Prince's roar continued, "Where did this unfortunate attack come from? Aren't there so many of our fleets floating in the sky? Are all the fleets eating shit? Contact the fleet, I want to find out what is going on!"

Soon, Behemoth contacted the fleet. In the communicator, the commander of the fleet was looking somewhere with a look of fear.

The Demon Prince was completely angry, and his roar sounded again: "What the hell is going on, what is attacking my army! I need an explanation! It's better to satisfy me, otherwise I will Throw you into the mire of Nurgle and let you rot away slowly!"

"Sir, sir, we don't know exactly what happened now. I only understand that the attack came from the moon."

"Moon, how come, isn't the moon ours!?"

Long before the attack was launched, the demons used their huge power to affect the two moons, one of which turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the other became a grinning demon with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"My lord, one of our moons is collapsing."


The Demon Prince roared angrily, and suddenly punched the sky. Then a huge hole was punched in the roof of the palace, and the moon in the sky was revealed.

Just as the fleet commander said, the moon is collapsing and shattering. The silver-white devil's smiling face is like a crushed biscuit, shattering and scattering.

At this time, Behemoth noticed with astonishment that in the midst of the shattered and scattered moon, something was gradually revealed, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

Five minutes later, everyone saw clearly that what emerged from the moon's case was not a butterfly, but a giant celestial body that was as transparent and beautiful as a diamond and in the shape of a water drop. It was a A huge and gorgeous flying body made by the Eldar.

The attack was issued from this flying body hidden in the moon. It was a fatal psychic beam attack, a spear of light that had been strengthened ten thousand times.

"Nah," Behemoth was stunned, and then murmured: "You've been tricked, it turns out this is the spear of world destruction."


Looking at the wonders in the sky, Li took a deep breath and said, "I really didn't expect that the Spirit Tribe could do this. I simply can't imagine what kind of terrifying technology the Spirit Tribe mastered in the glorious period. The Chaos are in bad luck now. The enemy opposite us is smart and depends on us for life and death. "

"What's going on?" Elizabeth asked in confusion, "Why can't I understand what you're saying?"

Li took a long breath, looked up at the sky and said, "If my guess is correct, what you see breaking out of the moon in the sky is the main gun system of this Eden."

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