Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 46 Responsibility (1/2)

When the metal head closed its eyes, the girl in front of him trembled. First, a tuft of hair on her forehead stood up. Then she opened her eyes, revealing her red pupils. Then her cold face became lively in an instant. She first moved her hands and feet, then trotted in front of Li, and then said happily: "Brother, how is it? My body is not bad, right?"

Li looked at the silent huge machine, the metal head with closed eyes and motionless, and then looked at the lively girl in front of him. For a moment, he couldn't accept it. "What's going on? You ran from the big machine into this body?"

"Brother, don't panic, although it looks a bit like the legendary evil spirit possession or something, But the one possessed now is not some evil demon, but your most lovely sister. "

You nine thousand year old monster, why are you still pretending to be cute? Li thought to himself, "That's not what I mean. I mean, what have you become of yourself?" Li shook his head and said, "Are you still a human being like this?"

All the expressions on the girl's face disappeared in an instant. She asked coldly, "Then is Astarte still a human being? He does not have normal male physiological impulses when seeing beautiful women. He does not feel fear and does not know how to be afraid. He has two hearts and three lungs. His height is much higher than that of a normal person, and he needs to be adjusted with chemicals every once in a while, otherwise his deformed body will collapse. He has been fighting on the battlefield all his life, using himself as a weapon. Brother, this Is Astarte still a human being?"

"Be careful with your words, my sister. Astarte is the guardian of glory and the pride of the emperor. We gave up all ordinary lives belonging to humans just to protect humans."

"Isn't the essence the same? For the sake of a lofty goal, you turn yourself into a monster in a sense. Am I not the same? Of course, I will not deny that there is a little bit of selfishness in my behavior, maybe more than a little bit, more, a lot of selfishness in it. But so what? I have a lofty goal and am on a great road, but I am very happy on the way, I have expectations and aspirations, and I believe that one day, the dream will come true! There is nothing to hide, the endless ocean of knowledge is like heaven to me. But Do you really want to condemn me for my happiness? Do you want me to be sad and make sacrifices to satisfy you? "Vivien said angrily, "Besides, I didn't hurt anyone. This body was made with my own DNA. The electronic brain in the body allows it to work autonomously even when I'm not there. But at that time, she was just a machine, a puppet, not a real human being, just like a mechanical slave. But I'm much better than those scumbags of the Mechanicus. Only when I log in to the body, she has a soul. Just like using a certain program remotely, connect to the right port, the right user, enter the right password, and you can log in. How perfect, the only flaw is that the login operation can only be performed within the Reach system. What's wrong with me doing this? I did what you should have done, brother. I guarded the secret, I protected the family, I was loyal to the will of the Emperor, I enjoyed it, and I didn't hurt anyone! "

Li was speechless. Vivien was doing what she thought was right and didn't hurt anyone. In her opinion, those who were not hurt included herself. Although in Li's opinion, this behavior was undoubtedly harmful to herself, using her own body to experiment, playing with human bodies, and making her own body into a lifeless puppet, a device for logging in, this itself was a denial of self. Can humans really do this to themselves? This is a human body, not Windows.XP, which has no login or logout. But Vivien herself didn't think so, what could Li say?

"I don't know what to say," Li felt a headache, "I didn't say you were wrong to do this, I just think you don't cherish yourself enough, I just think you don't have to make yourself, make yourself..."

"Don't say it," the girl waved her hand and said decisively: "Brother, you are just pitying me. Seeing that my appearance now is different from that of ordinary people, 'Why do I look like a ghost? Is there any fun in living in a steel body? Is this still a human? 'It is this superficial thought that leads to the conclusion that my current situation is very miserable. What a superficial emotion. "

"But you said you were tired."

"So it was because of this sentence," the girl suddenly realized, "Brother, I think you misunderstood, I am not tired of living, long-term survival is not a burden to me, because as long as I am alive, I can continue to explore, the pursuit of truth is endless, and the exploration of knowledge has no end. I am just tired of doing those meaningless things in a stereotyped way. Exploring secrets and swimming in the ocean of knowledge is fun, but covering up the existence of secrets is not fun at all, it can only make people bored. Now it's good, you are back, then everything is perfect. I am responsible for the pleasant exploration, and the knowledge I get will bring you enough benefits, and you are responsible for covering up for me, brother, it is very simple for you, you don't need to do anything special, just do what a lord should do. "

"But you shouldn't be like this. I hope you can be happy. You should be like a normal person, wearing beautiful clothes, marrying a good family, having several children, and having a husband who loves you..."

"Then just like all women, you die meaninglessly in the tears of your loved ones. You live a mediocre life. That's enough. Thanks to you, I feel like vomiting just by hearing those words. I haven't experienced this feeling in thousands of years. I don't think it's necessary to discuss this matter in depth. Whether I am happy or not, I know it myself. We were adults nine thousand years ago. I have the right to choose my own life. I don't need you to tell me what to do, even if you are my brother."

Li sighed , "You're right, I really can't do this."

"Very good, then..." Vivian was stunned for a moment, then said: "Okay, it seems that we have reached a consensus. Everyone is busy, so let's stop here. An inquisitor of the Tribunal is entering the galaxy, and she sent a mission message. It seems that something has happened. Brother, you should do what you should do. You should be able to see the new equipment when you come back next time. I think you will like it then."

"Okay, I'm leaving," Li said, "Don't worry."

The girl pointed to her body and said, "Take No. 74." Then the girl closed her eyes, and the tuft of erect hair on her forehead seemed to lose its strength and fell down again. When this body opened its eyes again, her red pupils had lost their luster, and her face returned to indifference again. Vivian disappeared from this body, or perhaps it should be said that she logged out of this body. Then the huge machine started to move again, and the mechanical head opened its eyes.

"Goodbye, brother."

I still took the subway back, but there was one more person on the way.

In the rumbling carriage, Li could no longer read and rest peacefully. He looked carefully at the woman standing beside him. She was still wearing the same clothes, as if she were a real person.

"Your name is No. 74?"


"Why No. 74? Well, I mean, why is it 74, not 1, 2, 3, or other numbers?"

"DNA cloning technology is a very advanced and difficult technology. Even the Mechanicus cannot master this cutting-edge technology now, and no scientific experiment can succeed the first time. I am the 74th sister."

"Then what about your previous sisters?"

"They are failures and have been destroyed."

A strange look appeared on Li's face: "Dead?"

"It was destroyed," No. 74 corrected, "Only humans can say it is dead, and we are not humans."

Because it is just an item, it was not done well, so it was easily destroyed? Vivien, you treat humans, no, this kind of thing has nothing to do with humans, what do you think of your own body?

Li gritted his teeth secretly, but he was helpless and could only sigh and say, "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for this," No. 74 smiled and said, "I won't feel sad at all."

Li looked at No. 74's eyes, and the red eyes seemed like two empty holes, lifeless. Li couldn't help shaking a little. This unnatural thing like a doll made him feel a little uncomfortable. Li asked, "Since you can't feel sadness, then you can't feel joy, sadness, guilt, hatred, love, etc."

"Yes, human emotions, I don't have any." No. 74 explained, "In fact, you can completely regard me as a mechanical slave with special purposes. As long as this body is not completely destroyed, I can work normally. Even if it is destroyed, it's just a little trouble for my mother, you don't need to care at all."

It's just a doll that can be abandoned at any time, so it doesn't matter no matter what? Li's heart trembled. What is this? Is it hinting at her past fate? Is it condemning her sins? What does she want to say?

How could I be so unlucky to have such a thing happen to me?

All kinds of thoughts gathered and intertwined in Li's mind, and finally became a mess, just like throwing a basket of scattered wool balls into his brain and shaking it desperately. He patted his face, then walked to the wine cabinet and poured himself a glass of brandy. After drinking three glasses in a row, he exhaled the aroma of wine. Only then did Li feel that he could think.

The first thing to determine is whether he should help Vivien and whether he should stand on her side.

This question got the answer almost without thinking. Of course he should help her, after all, Vivien is his only sister.

But is she really his sister?

Huh? Stupid question. Li laughed at his cowardice and slapped himself hard.

Of course she is Robert Lee's sister, and isn't Lee himself?

It is indisputable that Vivien is his blood relative. Although it is unknown whether it is electricity or motor oil flowing in her body now, one thing will not change, that is, the two people have the same father.

Li asked himself what he had done? The answer is extremely clear. He did nothing. When his soul came to this world, he received a strong body, a glorious name and surname, and huge power that ordinary people could not imagine in their lifetime. It was so easy to get it without any effort, which made Li feel a little uneasy. Things that are obtained too easily will eventually seem a bit unreal.

My whole body feels light and airy, like a weightless feather.

If you only think about simple acquisition, be satisfied with what you have now, and then enjoy it easily, then such a person is just a bastard.

When a person acquires a lofty status, he also naturally acquires corresponding responsibilities.

Although Li is just an ordinary person with all kinds of problems such as greed for pleasure and indolence in work, he is still a man after all, and as a man, he should not have the idea of ​​​​evading responsibilities.

The difference between boys and men actually lies in this. Children do not need to take responsibility when they do something wrong and just apologize, while adults have to take responsibility for the faults of themselves and even their relatives.

And Vivian is the responsibility on Li's shoulders.

Yes, in the final analysis, I am just an ordinary person from the earth in the twenty-first century. Talking about empires, emperors, human beings, etc., although noble, seemed a bit too high. Mr. Li felt that some things were too ethereal and too far away. Only his only relative, this troubled and sad sister, made him feel the true weight.

His feet seemed to be firmly planted on the ground again, and his whole body was full of strength.

You have decided to help Vivien, so how should you help her?

Now there is something wrong with her thoughts. Li can understand that no matter who puts himself in a metal body and lives for nine thousand years, he will become a little abnormal. If you can communicate about ideological issues slowly and work hard, she will always change.

The most important issue now is concealment, and then keeping the danger away.

The first was concealment, which made Li feel a little uneasy.

Li looked at No. 74 standing in the corner. This was the source of his uneasiness, a young and beautiful girl, a mechanical slave. The two are so incongruous, just like an extremely beautiful girl working as a manure digger. This is so rare and a little too noticeable. As long as you are a normal person, you will not associate the two together.

"Do you have any disguise?" Li said, "You can't just go out like this, it's too conspicuous."

No. 74 nodded, then took out a standard gas hood mask from her cloak and put it on herself, put on a pair of old big leather boots, and then zipped up the open robe with a standard mechanical zipper. The slave worker appeared in front of Li.

Just like no one cares what the dirty beggar looks like on the street, whether the beggar is healthy, dead or alive. People passing by the beggar just cover their noses in disgust and walk away quickly.

In this world, no one cares about the life or death of a mechanical slave, and from a certain perspective, a mechanical slave is a more despicable existence than a beggar.

"Ha, it's really an excellent disguise." Li no longer worried about No. 74, "Then after I leave, I'll blow up this tunnel."

"Yes, Master."

After that, just pretend that nothing happened, do your own thing, and let this secret be buried deep underground. Then find opportunities to keep danger away.

After walking out of the secret passage, Li, who had just returned to the study, received news that two important people were waiting for him on the Silver Wing.

There was an old acquaintance, the beautiful but cold Inquisitor Elizabeth. She was wearing a white power armor in the style of a battle nun. The armor was covered with complex decorations in the style of a nun. There were strips of medal documents hanging on the shoulder pads. ; There is also a guy who has not been seen yet, but has been marked as a "dangerous person" by Li. This person is wearing a dark green robe, with eight mechanical arms behind his back, and a pair of delicate gold rims on his fair face. He wears glasses and has a hint of anxiety in his light blue eyes. If you don’t look at the flamboyant mechanical arm behind him, then he looks like a quiet scholar. There is no doubt that this person is the planet Zhiyuan 3. Manufacturing Director, Gustav.

When Li saw the two people in the conference room of the Silver Wing, the look on their faces already indicated the urgency of the situation.

Li put aside the prepared greetings and asked directly: "What happened that made you two come to me together?"

Elizabeth made an inviting gesture to Gustav, who was sitting on the other side, and introduced: "This is Gustav, the planetary director and manufacturing director of the Zhiyuan 3 foundry world under your leadership, Gustav , this is the galaxy governor, Mr. Li."

"Hello, Mr. Li," Gustave stood up and bowed and said, "I should have gone to congratulate you on your first day in office, but I couldn't get away from it because of some things, because the situation was too urgent. , so now I can only come and ask for your help.”

"Oh?" Li asked in shock, "What do you need my help for?"

"It's about stc."

Li's heart, liver, and lungs almost burst out of his chest. He had just met his sister and learned about the big secret about STC. Then he decided to help his only sister. The first thing he had to do was to hide the mechanical god. teach.

As a result, before I could even keep the secret warm inside, it was revealed here.

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