Looking at the message sent by Zhao Meijing on the screen

Bai Chengze shook his head helplessly.

Auntie needs help again?

Speaking of which, Aunt Meijing does indeed have some greed.

Just helped her once yesterday

Today, he asked Bai Chengze to go and help.

However, after a little thought, Bai Chengze finally responded.

Because he prides himself on not being a desperate person, especially when it comes to women.

Especially a kind aunt like Meijing, he doesn’t want her to feel left out or deceived in any way.

Send Buddha to the west and help people “to the end”.

Faced with the needs of Aunt Meijing, Bai Chengze had no reason to refuse.

He drove alone in a black Equus to Orange Street.

Because the car is too conspicuous, it must not be parked in front of Aunt Meijing’s house.

So, Bai Chengze got out of the car in advance at a long distance

Seeing that there was no one around, he put the car into the carry-on space.

The night was thick, the mist was steaming, and the sky and earth were shrouded in a white mist.

The viewing distance is about twenty or thirty meters.

This is a good disguise for Bai Chengze.

He walked alone in the fog, silently smoking a cigarette, and soon came to Zhao Meijing’s door along the avenue.

Tie Shanmen’s door is still half-hidden, presumably the aunt specially left the door for him.

Bai Chengze glanced left and right, and looked at Yichen’s home on the side.

In Yichen’s home, the windows are lit with orange lights, which looks warm and pleasant.

In contrast, Zhao Meijing’s home was dark, with only one bedroom emitting a faint glimmer.

For some reason, Bai Chengze, who has been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, was a little uneasy in his heart when he came to Aunt Meijing’s house.

It’s like, there’s a burglary feeling.

But the more this sneaky atmosphere, the more there is a sense of tense excitement.

It wasn’t until Bai Chengze walked through the courtyard and successfully stepped into Aunt Meijing’s house that he let go of his heart and exhaled a long breath.

He discreetly and gently locked the door, took off his coat, and casually threw it on the sofa in the living room.

While holding the sleeve of his shirt, he walked to Meijing’s bedroom

When the bedroom door was pushed open

Aunt Meijing was standing by the bed

She acted a little helpless

Pointing to the messy scene on the bed

“Auntie just laid out the sheets, some of them don’t understand, I think… Looking for your help…”

Aunt Meijing’s tone was still so weak and weak

The gestures and movements are still so gentle and elegant.

With a playful smile on her face, she had a condescending feeling, that confidence, as if she could easily play with Bai Chengze in her palm.

Bai Chengze smiled and came to Zhao Meijing’s side

He pulled her into his arms and looked down to smell the nice fragrance on her.

Holding Zhao Meijing’s two warm slender jade hands, Bai Chengze said:

“I’ll teach you, I happened to learn a little…”

The autumn fog rises, and the night is not clean.

The whole of Seoul is shrouded in a white fog.

The air is humid and cold, making everything lonely.

The streets, more and more thick fog,

Slowly walked out of a slender and tall figure

She wears a pair of headphones and her blonde hair falls over her shoulders.

The Peugeot and handsome face looks childish, but the clothes on the body show maturity.

If you can describe it with one thing,

Then it should be “when the peach is ripe”.

The girl is eighteen years old and is Zhao Meijing’s youngest daughter, named Zhang Peilin.

She has an edgy and fashionable style that should not be at this age.

Although it was late autumn, Zhang Peilin completely ignored the coolness of autumn

Wearing a royal blue suspender short T on the upper body, a denim denim hot pants on the lower body, and the limbs are exposed in the autumn night, the whole person looks out of place with this season.

But at first glance, the figure is very irritating.

That’s how the world of young people is

Different, energetic and rebellious.

Zhang Peilin drank a little wine with her girlfriend tonight

At this time, there is a shallow slight drunkenness,

The cheeks were flushed, like two pink petals.

She looked at the time, it was already nine o’clock in the evening.

Zhang Peilin smacked her lips and muttered to herself

“It’s too bad now, I came home late yesterday, and I came back so late today, my mother must be angry…”

She pushed open the iron door of the courtyard

While walking lightly into the courtyard

Still talking to himself:

“I don’t know if my brother has come back, if he is at home, my mother may not be so angry…”

Mindfulness nagged,

Zhang Peilin had already arrived in front of the house

Pushing open the door, there was no light in the living room, and it was dark.

She exhaled a long breath

It seems that today is quite lucky, the mother has fallen asleep.

Zhang Peilin tiptoed, walked along the wooden stairs step by step towards the bedroom on the second floor.

For fear of disturbing her mother, she moved very cautiously and did not dare to make a sound.

As she walked upstairs,

Her ears twitched twice unconsciously

It was as if a somewhat stretchy, low sound was heard.

The voice came from the mother’s bedroom

Zhang Peilin frowned and stopped.

She slowly retreated downstairs

Then, she nervously came to the living room

The light was turned on with a “click”.

“Mom?” Zhang Peilin tentatively shouted softly.

A mother’s response came from the bedroom, “Huh? Xiaolin, are you back? ”

In Zhao Meijing’s tone, there seemed to be some unconscious panic and unease.

Zhang Peilin came to the door of Zhao Meijing’s bedroom and gently pressed the doorknob.

It didn’t open, and the door was locked.

So she knocked lightly on the door twice

“Mom, are you all right?”

A response came from inside the bedroom, “It’s okay, what’s wrong Xiaolin?” ”

“It’s okay if you’re okay…”

Zhang Peilin frowned and slowly retreated into the living room.

She sat down on the fluffy couch and thought about tonight’s weirdness.

Then, she touched a black jacket beside her

This jacket doesn’t look special, but it’s a little dazzling.

Because Zhang Peilin knew that her brother would not wear this style of clothes.

With a little hesitation, Zhang Peilin picked up her coat

I put it under my nose and sniffed

She smelled a nice fragrance

This made her more convinced that the coat was definitely not her brother’s.

Could it be that someone came to his home?

She fumbled inside her coat and found a coffee-colored cowhide purse.

When I opened it, I found an ID card in my wallet, and my name said “Bai Pu”.

“Bai Pu?”

Zhang Peilin frowned and muttered softly.

Later, he stuffed his ID card and wallet back.

She laughed bitterly and shook her head.

Looking at the age on the ID card, it is not much different from his brother.

Presumably, the brother brought a friend to the house, and the friend was negligent and left his coat behind.

Zhang Peilin patted her head

“What am I thinking about? How could a mother talk to such a child…”

While muttering, she turned off the light in the living room and walked back upstairs lightly.

The night was comfortable, Zhang Peilin lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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