Chapter 62 Gunfire Negotiations!!

It was seven o’clock in the evening, and it was completely dark.

Garry Peak Cave, somewhere in KTV,

This is a huge private room.

In the middle of the box is a large iron cage,

Inside the cage, Shi Ming was covered in blood, and he was unconscious at the moment.

Big Tiger looked at his watch, waved his hand at his subordinates on the side, nodded, and opened the iron cage,

Pulled out one of Shi Ming’s hands,

Then, he placed a cigar clipper on top of the only remaining little finger of his right hand.

With a burst of force, Shi Ming’s little finger fell off, and his entire right hand became bare.

A huge pain eroded his whole body, forcing him to wake up from fainting.

He howled with tears in his heart, his eyes were gloomy and fierce, and his heart seemed to contain endless anger and sorrow.

With a casual glance, his howl gradually subsided.

He saw that on the huge sofa in the box, Bai Chengze was sitting leisurely in it, holding Erlang’s legs and holding a cigarette in his hand.

In front of him, kneeling a young girl in the flower season,

The girl was on all fours, looking well-behaved and docile.

What surprised Shi Ming was that this figure he knew was Fan Chenfei, who he had been pursuing for a long time.

Seeing her appearance, Shi Ming’s eyes were full of shock, as well as incomprehensible dazedness.

Bai Chengze glanced at Shi Ming in the cage, and then, she gently pulled Fan Chenfei up and led her to the side of the cage,

He grabbed one of Fan Chenfei’s hands and placed her white and flawless palm on top of the cold metal cage, “Do you like this?” ”

Fan Chenfei looked away and nodded slightly.

Bai Chengze smiled lightly and ghostly, and stroked half of Fan Chenfei’s face, “I will create one for you.” ”

Hearing this conversation, Shi Ming’s whole person became a lot messy.

The pain in his hand seemed to gradually numb, replaced by an endless pain in his heart.

Shi Ming slammed his head into the cage, grabbed an iron pillar with a fairly sound left hand, and shook it vigorously, “Bastard, I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you!” ”

Bai Chengze sneered and glanced at Shi Ming contemptuously.

He shook his head and patted Fan Chenfei’s butt, “Go play.” ”

Fan Chenfei obediently walked out of the room and disappeared.

Shi Ming’s gaze followed her back, dull and messy.

If the pain brought to him by the damage of the body is a steel needle,

Then, the pain brought to him by the scene just now was like countless sharp swords.

Pierced his whole person alive and tied it into a honeycomb.

Bai Chengze slowly squatted down, looked at Shi Ming’s gray appearance, and smiled regretfully.

He used one finger, as if teasing a puppy, to pull Shi Ming’s chin, “Are you sad? ”

Shi Ming did not speak,

At this moment, he is a prisoner of the ranks, no matter what he says, it is useless and redundant.

Bai Chengze stood up and wiped his hands with a handkerchief, “I have another surprise for you.” ”

The words landed, followed by a knock on the door,

A little brother poked into half of his head, “Big brother, the person has arrived.” ”

Bai Chengze nodded and motioned to bring people in.

A woman then appeared in his sight.

The woman walked like a green cloud, and a simple long skirt fluttered out of the dust,

She shook her head, ruffled the long light brown hair around her neck, and her eyes quickly scanned the scene inside the house.

The first to enter her eyes were Shi Ming in the cage and Bai Chengze standing by the cage.

When Shi Ming saw the comer, his whole body trembled slightly,

He turned around and extended his hand to the outside of the cage, “Mom! ”

Like a child who has been wronged, tears can no longer be controlled and fly out.

Cai Yun, who had just arrived, glanced at Shi Ming stunned, shocked by his downfall.

She gently covered her mouth with two fingers, “Shi Ming, you…”

Shi Ming’s tone was urgent and anxious, “Mom, why are you here?” Help me. ”

Caiyun was overwhelmed for a while,

She looked at Bai Chengze on the side, “You are that gentleman, right?” ”

Bai Chengze crushed the smoke on the metal railing of the cage,

Then stretched out a hand, “Madam, it’s nice to meet you.” ”

Caiyun shook the letter suspiciously,

Her hands were warm and warm, like baby’s skin, smooth and tender.

Bai Chengze did not let go of his hand, but pulled her to come

On the sofa, sit side by side with her.

“Don’t worry,” he began, “Ling Gongzi likes it here. ”

In the cage, Shi Ming suddenly began to shout, “You’re finished, I’ll let you die without a whole corpse, and there is no place to die!” I…”

Bai Chengze’s breath was heavy, and his mood became a little unbeautiful.

“I have a guest, can you get him to shut his mouth?”

Big Tiger nodded, came to the edge of the cage without hesitation, opened the chain, and grabbed Shi Ming’s chin from inside the cage,

Then, one hand pinched Shi Ming’s mouth, and the other hand reached into it and pulled out his tongue,

A subordinate came over with a knife,

Shi Ming glanced at Yu Guang in horror, and then began to shake his head frantically, trying to break free.

But the power of the big tiger is too great, and all the resistance is so useless in front of him.

A cold light appeared in front of his eyes,

In the next second, countless blood droplets spewed out from Shi Ming’s mouth, and an indescribable pain spread throughout his body,

He wanted to shout, but he couldn’t make an accurate sound, so he could only speak.

Big Tiger picked up half of his blood-red tongue from the ground, and it was still a little warm.

With some disgust, he put it in the small wooden box held by his subordinates, and then wiped his hands on his body.

After doing all this, his gaze looked at Bai Chengze, as if asking if the other party was satisfied.

Bai Chengze waved his hand at him, “Hard work, you guys go about things, I have something to talk to Madame.” ”

Hearing this, Big Tiger and several subordinates in the room walked out of the room one after another.

The whole room fell solemn, only Shi Ming’s painful voice.

At the same time, Caiyun was already speechless in surprise,

Her eyes and mouth are wide and round,

Confronting the youth in front of him with an incredulous expression,

“Do you know our background?”

She said angrily.

Bai Chengze lit a cigarette, and the wind was light, “I just knew that I did this.” ”


Cai Yun shook his head, “You guys must be crazy! ”

Bai Chengze pouted, “Madam, I thought you could figure out the situation.” ”

“Aren’t you afraid of the group’s retaliation against you?!”

Caiyun’s tone was still a little angry.

Hearing this, Bai Chengze shook his head,

He stood up, “Madame is not a good negotiator. ”


Caiyun hesitated.

Bai Chengze frowned, “Didn’t Chairman Shi tell you?” ”


Caiyun’s eyebrows were slightly lame.

“It seems that you really don’t know,” Bai Chengze shrugged, “Madame, what do you think there is to talk about between us?” ”

In fact, Caiyun didn’t know what he was talking about.

She also didn’t understand why the other party would choose her by name.

It’s just that the environment at the moment is not optimistic, which makes her feel a little depressed.

Bai Chengze paced, “Madame is much younger than I thought. ”

Cai Yun then understood that the other party was actually beating his own idea.

She covered her chest with both hands, hugged herself and said, “You are delusional! After figuring out Bai Chengze’s intentions,”

Caiyun’s mood suddenly became a lot more complicated,

First of all, it comes from the sensitivity and oppression of the environment, and secondly, her heart is extremely resentful of Shi Dongcheng,

This old man is really bad.

Obviously knowing that it was a pit, and let himself jump into it,

Before coming, he didn’t have a hint at all, even a cryptic reminder.

So much so that she really foolishly thought that she was negotiating on behalf of the Golden Gate Group.

All nobility and grace disappeared at this moment, and there was only endless hatred in her heart,

Strangely, among these hatreds, there seems to be more hatred for Shi Dongcheng.

She can’t wait to cut it by a thousand cuts and eat its flesh raw.

Caiyun’s life has been lived in great shadows and dullness.

At countless moments in her life, she would fantasize about another self in a parallel world, was she living another life?

Maybe that one herself is very happy, very happy, she has a normal home

Court and a happy marriage, unlike themselves, live in a hopeless illusion.

Hatred has been surging in my heart, but I don’t know who to hate a little more.

Should you hate your parents? It was they who arranged this obviously wrong marriage and pushed her down a path of despair.

Should you hate Shi Dongchu? It was the culprit of everything, and it was he who provoked it all and led her into the abyss of irreparable disaster.

Or, should hate Shi Ming, he is the root of all evil, if it were not for him, maybe there would not be this deformed marriage.

Her gaze looked at Shi Ming in the cage and felt a great sadness.

He has the strength and background that countless people envy, but he is always disappointing and sighing.

If his father is a big bad man with a city government, then he can only be regarded as a mindless little trash.

Sometimes, garbage also has the opportunity to be favored by God.

Caiyun’s thoughts are getting farther and farther away,

She gradually thought of the confused way ahead, and forgot her situation.

Sometimes she thinks about it a hundred,

It’s just that at that moment, she didn’t have the courage, she could only cope and make do with continuing to survive.

And at the end of the day, did she really do anything wrong from beginning to end? Never.

This is the saddest thing in her life, the most lamentable and pitiful.

Now, she will encounter another injustice in her life.

Bai Chengze stopped pacing, “Madam, how much are you willing to pay for Gongzi.” ”

A questioning brought Caiyun’s thoughts back on track.

She suddenly smiled bitterly, “Me? ”

Caiyun stood up, came to Bai Chengze, and wrapped her arms around his neck, “My answer is, zero.” ”

“But I suddenly figured out something,” Caiyun continued, “I want to live for myself once, even if the consequences are very disastrous…”

Bai Chengze gently ran the tip of one finger across Caiyun’s face, “Madame’s courage really moves me. ”

While the two are hooking up,

In the iron cage on the side, Shi Ming suddenly seemed to go crazy,

He gripped the cage’s fence with one left hand and shook it violently, while his bare right hand stretched out the cage and waved it in the air.

Shi Ming’s mouth was stubborn, his head shook like a rattle, his expression was extremely distorted, and he looked very painful,

He wanted to shout, he wanted to scold, he wanted to roar, but he didn’t have a tongue and couldn’t make the sound he wanted to make.

He watched his stepmother and his enemies embrace, and his heart shattered into countless pieces, fragments bursting and withering.

Cai Yun suddenly pushed Bai Chengze away, looked into his eyes and said, “Do you think he is very noisy?” ”

Before Bai Chengze could speak,

She casually grabbed a fruit knife from the table, came to the front of the cage, and threw it in coldly,

With a condescending perspective, he said, “I’ve never liked you, even the slightest.” ”

In a word, Shi Ming became much quieter,

His expression became calm and deep, and the whole person was slightly distracted,

With his left hand, Shi Ming gently picked up the knife on the ground and glanced at it thoughtfully.

He suddenly laughed maniacally, laughing like the cry of a nightingale,

After laughing a few times, Shi Ming looked at Caiyun in front of him, his mouth squirmed, and he didn’t know what he said.

The next second, without hesitation, he plunged the knife into the left side of his throat,

Blood instantly flowed down the blade, dyeing the originally silver steel red.

He maintained a kneeling position, looked up slightly at Caiyun in front of him, closed his eyes and smiled.

A tear slipped from the corner of his eye, followed by endless blood gushing out of his throat.

Not long after, he suddenly fell stiffly to the side, curled up in a posture, like an infant in an infant.

Shi Ming died, he died alive.

Caiyun looked at his corpse, laughing while wiping tears,

Bai Chengze came to Caiyun’s side and gently grabbed one of her wrists, “Because of your personal grudge, you caused me to lose a lot of money.” ”

Cai Yun shook his head, “It’s okay, I’ve already brought it to you. ”

“We,” she said, “can we start now?” ”

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