Chapter 73 Looking for the witch Gu Ziyun, and accidentally meeting the loving aunt’s family!!

The matter of moving several new members of the Hera Palace was soon put on the agenda.

Bai Chengze arranged this matter for his subordinates to do.

He himself has more important things to deal with.

Since he suffered an assassination at Yichen’s house, the whole person has become much more serious.

This represents the emergence of a new crisis and his situation is not optimistic.

The last time on Lifeng Mountain, the two demonized people encountered on the night of the full moon, and the demonized people who met in Yichen’s house,

The figures of these opponents still lingered in his mind, lingering.

Before encountering them,

Bai Chengze didn’t think at all that there was still the existence of the “Witch” organization in this world.

When he learned the truth, the sense of distress in his heart couldn’t help but deepen a little.

After all, these ‘witches’ and ‘witches’ researched by South Korean secret organizations are all top killers and assassins.

And himself, apparently targeted by the other party’s organization,

Bai Chengze’s existence has threatened the organization, and the organization will definitely not let him go easily.

According to the urine nature of the research organization, as well as Dr. Bai’s disposition, they will definitely try their best to get rid of Bai Chengze.

And Bai Chengze, although he is not afraid of these people,

But he knew that he would be deeply disturbed by it for some time to come.

So, in order not to be harassed by it,

The best thing he could do was to find an opportunity.

The research organization was served in one pot, and it was all in one net.

However, it is not so easy to end this organization, and the organization is full of talents.

Moreover, the closer to those at the top, the more ferocious the means and abilities become.

These demonized people have different levels of their own abilities,

Like the two that Bai Chengze met last time on the mountain, they are probably at the level of grade B.

And the one I met at Yichen’s house was probably an A-grade level.

Further up, there are S-class demonized people, whose abilities and levels will also be stronger.

If these opponents keep pestering him, then Bai Chengze’s life will definitely be seriously disrupted and he will be restless day and night.

Thinking of this, Bai Chengze decided to take action immediately,

He needs to find a helper for himself to cooperate with him in fighting back against the research organization and uprooting them.

After all, three piles for one fence, three gangs for a good man.

There is a way that is difficult to support alone, and it is difficult to sound alone,

One more person, one more road, and one more care.

And this ‘helper’ candidate, Bai Chengze’s first thought was Gu Ziyun.

Gu Ziyun, is the heroine in “The Witch”,

She grew up in a research organization and was one of the subjects studied.

In a cleanup activity,

At the age of eight, she killed several guards and managed to escape from the base.

After escaping, she ran to a farm.

Adopted by a kind middle-aged couple on the farm, she became an ordinary little girl in an ordinary family.

And Bai Chengze knows that although Gu Ziyun’s identity is ordinary,

But the abilities contained in its body are endless and amazingly large.

She is a rare S-class demonized person in the organization,

It can be said that it is one in a thousand miles, and the dragon and phoenix among people.

Her strength,1 is completely different from those A and B children.

The reason why Gu Ziyun is S-class is because the highest level is only S-class, and her ability has long been above everyone and is unique,

Even if it is the same S-class player, she can easily crush it, without any pressure In the original work, she went deep into the research base alone,

He casually destroyed everyone in an entire base, including a large group of high-level demonizers.

It can be seen that Gu Ziyun’s strength is indeed extraordinary.

The main thing is that she also has the same purpose as Bai Chengze,

They all want to destroy the research organization, Bai Chengze is in order not to be harassed by it,

And Gu Ziyun is for a drug that suppresses the condition in the body.

The two have the same path, very different,

The enemy of the enemy, that is, his own friend.

Bai Chengze really wanted to meet this friend who had never met for a while, see how old she was now, and see what she was doing recently.

He briefly explained the affairs of the group,

He also arranged the work of the association to Xu Sheng and Dahu, and then, with a small group of elite men and horses, drove to the hill around Pyeongchang,

The scenery here is beautiful, the air is fresh, the sky is blue and the clouds are clear.

The rolling green hills look low, but they are close to the white clouds.

There are also endless plains and fertile soil, which look full of life.

It is a mecca for tourism and leisure.

At the same time, the witch Gu Ziyun also took root here, incognito, grew up as an ordinary girl, went to school, and lived here.

When he arrived in Pyeongchang, Bai Chengze asked his men to find a place to live in the small county town, and he moved separately from them and drove to a farm.

The surrounding area of this farm is bare, and there is such a family within a radius of a few miles, and this is the final destination of Gu Ziyun’s escape from the laboratory.

It was the farm couple who adopted her and named her Gu Ziyun.

Bai Chengze opened the perspective of God, and naturally knew the ins and outs of the story.

In order to avoid being too ostentatious, Bai Chengze did not choose to drive the extended version of Da Lao,

Instead, he chose the original stable and simple black Equus sedan.

Drive to the vicinity of the farm,

He pulled the door and got out of the car.

Pretended to check the tire in front of the left side, and then stuck a pushpin into the tire,

I did this to make my motivation seem more normal.

Otherwise, if you rush to the door, you will definitely be suspected by Gu Ziyun,

If you don’t get it right, you will be regarded as an organization person, and maybe you will fight with her.

If the two of them started to move, the destructive power would have to tear down the farm.

Therefore, he must not integrate here so abruptly, so he came up with this strategy.

Putting nails on the tires, Bai Chengze stood up, shook his head, and took a careless step,

After going around in circles, Yuyu came to the farm of Gu Ziyun’s family.

The farm is open, just outside the house is a cattle pen, Bai Chengze’s eyes sweep around the cow pen,

It seems to be a novelty to these cows and cows.

Teacher Gu, who was feeding grass to the cow, heard the movement behind him,

He turned around, put down the hay in his hand, and lifted his eyes: “You are?” ”

Bai Chengze looked at the kind and honest middle-aged man in front of him, he was Gu Ziyun’s adoptive father, a retired teacher, and now a farmer, whose job was to raise cattle, and rely on this to make a living and support his family.

Bai Chengze scratched his head and pointed to the car not far behind him, “Passing here, the tire of the car pierced a nail and broke down.” ”

“Gee,” Teacher Gu was a little sorry, and then said enthusiastically, “I have some tools in my house, I wonder if you can use them?” ”

“Is that okay?”

Bai Chengze was a little embarrassed, “I just came to take a look casually, I didn’t expect you to really be able to help, if that’s the case, then thank you in advance.” ”

“You’re welcome,” Teacher Gu wiped his hands on his body, “You come with me, the two of them tossed and turned in the utility room for a while, and finally dragged a jack,”

A tire screwdriver, and some bits and pieces came out.

“I’ll just come by myself.”

Bai Chengze rejected Teacher Gu, saying that he could do it.

Teacher Gu was enthusiastic: “I’ll help you, maybe I can help.” The two came to the side of the car,”

I’m struggling around the car,

On the opposite side of the muddy road, a car came from afar,

It was a black Lincoln Navigator, with white smoke billowing from the front hood, which looked funny and somewhat dangerous.

This scene quickly attracted the attention of Bai Chengze and Teacher Gu,

The two looked at the Great Lincoln who was heading towards them with a slight fascination, and even the work in their hands stopped.

Right under their gaze, the elder Lincoln stopped in front of the farm.

Jumping from the car a curvaceous young woman,

She said something inside the car door,

Then he shook his head and walked towards the farm.

Teacher Gu quickly stood up, “That… Madam, how can I help you? ”

What he didn’t expect was that today’s day would be so lively,

In just one hour, two cars broke down near his home, and his farm was bare, with only one family within a radius of a few miles, without any neighbors.

So the car will come to him,

It didn’t seem to be a particularly unexpected thing, so Teacher Gu didn’t think much about it,

He is a kind and warm-hearted heart,

When you encounter this kind of thing, you can naturally help.

He stepped forward and called down the young woman who was about to walk into the farm, “I am the owner of this farm, have you encountered any trouble?” ”

The young woman smiled coyly and pointed to the big black Lincoln behind her,

“I was traveling with my four daughters, and suddenly the car burst nearby… Teacher Gu negotiated with the woman in front of him for a while and learned some information,”

Soon he took her to find Ding Gu again.

Bai Chengze, who was not far away, was dumbfounded, because, if he was not mistaken,

Just now this woman turned out to be. Zheng Eun loves Aunt?

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