But listening to the head teacher's description, this time the Card Builder Association assessment competition.

There are additional generous rewards.

This is something Su Lin doesn't know.

In his impression, becoming an elite member of the Card Builder Association is the greatest reward.

It is equivalent to obtaining status, benefits and honor at the same time!

He could feel Murong Yanran's expressive gaze.

Just tell yourself to participate!

then asked.

"Teacher, I've heard of this assessment. But I haven't heard that there will be generous rewards. Is this a temporary decision of the Card Builder Association?"


Murong Yanran nodded.

She herself is a member of the Card Framer Association.

And a true member of the elite.

For some decisions within the association, she has certain intelligence and information access rights.

"Students, the ten thousand races are not dead. After discussion, the Card Builder Association has decided to support some card builders through various channels. In order to enhance the strength of our human race. This time it consumes the foundation of the human race.

Students who can't participate this time don't have to be disappointed, this is a long-term process, and there will be more similar events in the future, covering various fields!

Even, our Beiqing College will have similar competitions in the future. It is by no means impossible for the winner to obtain treasures such as the Sky Soul Fruit. "

The eyes of the students in the class suddenly became hot.

They saw it with their own eyes.

Su Lin was directly promoted from a 2-star card builder to a 5-star card builder because he got two Sky Soul Fruits!

If you get a chance.

That's a real success! Indomitable!

See your words have a motivating effect.

Murong Yanran smiled slightly.

"Student Lin Yinmiao, just sit there."

She pointed to the place across the aisle from Su Lin's table.


Lin Yinmi slightly nodded her chin.

With graceful steps, she came to the seat prepared for her in the eyes of everyone.

The person at the same table with her is Geng Tian.

Facing a new tablemate.

She had already forgotten what to express, and the eyes around her made her very absent.

It was another torment!

"Everyone focused on me and started class. Today we are going to learn about a special niche branch of the magic card. Its structure is relatively difficult, and we only need to understand it briefly.

That is the magic card of the data type. This kind of magic card is used by only a few families in the world. You may not have heard of this type of magic card.

The characteristic of the magic card is that it has the possibility of evolution, but the disadvantages of this kind of magic card are also obvious.

The requirements for stars are extremely high, and there are great requirements for card builders and card magicians. If its potential cannot be stimulated, it is not even as good as ordinary goblins.


on the desk.

Su Lin turned his attention away from Lin Yinmiao.

Don't blame him for being lustful.

It's really that the other party is too dark and straight! So eye-catching!

But compared to Hei Changzhi, what is more attractive to him is the content of the magic card told by the head teacher.

"Data class."

Su Lin suddenly became interested.

What, sounds a bit like a Digimon from a previous life?

Especially its evolvable feature.

made him more interested.

When Murong Yanran told about the construction process of this kind of magic card, Su Lin's interest was instantly halved.

Write data, use data as the foundation, and finally create the magic card!

Firstly, he doesn't understand the logic of the underlying architecture of this kind of data magic card, and the learning cost is not low.

Secondly, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of magic card are obvious, and it is not suitable for the current self!

In the future, if we can meet card builders of the data magic card family, we can communicate with each other.

Just when he was listening attentively.

Did not notice.

Ye Xiaoqian at the same table was a little strange.

She glanced at Su Lin, and then secretly glanced at Lin Yinmiao.

Observe it from time to time.

It seems to be too much concern for the two of them.

The reality is...

She is having a conversation with a mysterious being!

This mysterious existence originated from the 4-star magic crystal world that her family gave her. Not long ago, when she was exploring the soul crystal world.

I got a call by chance, and the call was harmless and friendly.

So Ye Xiaoqian went to check how it existed.

Finally found the secret hidden in the magic crystal!

There is a powerful wandering soul outside the secret treasure. Her face is blurred and she can't see her true face clearly, but her strength is far beyond the 4-star limit of the 4-star soul crystal world.

Achieving an amazing 9 stars!

After a brief exchange with her, Ye Xiaoqian learned that she was a split soul body, and there were other soul bodies scattered everywhere.

One of the sleeping bodies is in the secret storehouse that cannot be opened.

When she returned to reality from the soul crystal world, she found that the powerful wandering soul also returned to reality with her.

It even resides on a magic bracelet on her body!

Because Wandering Soul didn't know his name or identity, he lost a lot of memory.

However, Ye Xiaoqian was dumbfounded by her understanding and understanding of magic cards and card builders.

So he called her senior.

Considering that her identity is secret, she may have enemies, so she keeps this matter secret.

No one tells anyone.

But not long ago!

When Lin Yinmiao came to the class.

The magic bracelet on Ye Xiaoqian's wrist shook.

The senior who boarded in it communicated with her spiritually and told some things.

"Senior, do you mean you know her very well? Then... is she your former friend, clansman, or enemy?"

"do not know."

"Oh, I guess it shouldn't be the enemy. According to what you said, senior, you have been asleep for a long time. She is only 7-star now, and you are only a part of the soul body and already have 9-star strength! It doesn't make sense if it is an enemy."

"You're right, I agree with your point of view. Xiaoqian, do you want to participate in the Card Builder Association's event?"

Ye Xiaoqian was shocked, and joy burst into her eyes.

"Can you? Senior!"

"It's more than enough for you to break through the 5-star strength by taking the Sky Soul Fruit, but you lack the correct guidance. As long as we find a way to decipher the hide-and-seek, I'm sure I can raise you to 6-star. Then you can compete with your little boyfriend gone."

"Damn it, senior...we are pure classmates." She sneaked a shy glance at Su Lin's side cheek.

See his serious appearance.

"Senior, I'm going to class first. Let's talk later in the evening!"

"it is good."

The wandering woman smiled slightly.

Then he stopped talking.

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