Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 399: Tang 3 defected?

"What's the matter, what is the style of the thief show?"

The Taiping army suddenly advanced in four formations, without testing, without a striker, and directly pressing up in four formations.

Kong Guozhi was also stunned there. He originally wanted to lead his troops to attack the Taiping Army's left formation, but now the Taiping Army is out in four formations. It is not that he is going to attack the Taiping Army, but the Taiping Army is coming to attack him.

Kong Guozhi did not expect that the Taiping army would come up like this and fight, and once it came up, it was all there, and there was no left behind, and he couldn't help but lose his position. The Taiping army did not fight according to the rules and regulations, and his Nangan soldiers suddenly became the target of the four Taiping army's joint efforts.

"Fucking thief is really a thief!"

Seeing that the Taiping army was about to rush towards his own team, Kong Guozhi immediately made a decision, knowing that he could not retreat, otherwise his Nangan army would likely become a rout.

"Kill the thief with me!"

Kong Guozhi beat his horse and led his personal soldiers, carrying the banner of his general army, and charged towards the Taiping army in front of him.

Seeing that the General Soldier was taking the lead, the Nangan Green Battalion soldiers also came back to their senses, and they quickly gathered together and rushed towards the Taiping Army along with the General Soldier's banner.

Kong Guozhi stared at the junction of the Taiping army in front of him, thinking about rushing in from there, but before he could get close, he heard the Taiping army general shouting on the opposite side, and soon, the Taiping army broke out. Countless firearms. In the sound of gunshots, dozens of Qing soldiers fell to the ground.

"Crush, keep rushing!"

No one would die in the battle, and Kong Guozhi didn't care about the casualties of dozens of people.

During the charge, two crossbow arrows hit Kong Guozhi, but they were deflected by the armor on his body and did not hurt Kong Guozhi in the slightest.

The cavalry of the Taiping army also roared and killed them, and the Taiping army who rushed at the front didn't know where they came from, and they shot their cavalry bows right away.

Ban Zhifu led more than 200 cavalry and rushed up to engage the Taiping cavalry. The two sides slashed and killed together, thinking that the cavalry of the Taiping Army were all rabble with poor riding skills, and they would not want to fight. Ban Zhifu's people folded in half, and then listened to the Manchu dialect from the other party's mouth. The Qing army was like a mouse seeing a cat, and their morale was not high, and they immediately became timid - the uncles of Manzhou surrendered the Taiping army, and they even beat a fart!

Ban Zhifu saw that the third formation of the Taiping Army was about to encircle Kong Guozhi, and in a panic, he ordered the cavalry to charge with him, but only a few dozen people were willing to charge with him, and the others were hesitant. The state soldiers' fear overwhelmed their sanity.

Among the cavalry of the Taiping Army were the Han troops under the Pingnan vassal, and the people who saw the leader of the capital, Ban Zhifu, had relatives and friends there. It was actually in the formation that he shouted to ask the opponent to run over quickly. Although none of the subordinates really listened to the opponent's shout and cast over, but their hearts were fluctuating, and the fighting spirit could not be brought up. Ban Zhifu couldn't hold back his subordinates, he knew that he couldn't contain the Taiping cavalry, and he couldn't run away any longer, so he had no choice but to lead them back.

Shang Zhixin saw that Kong Guozhi's department was about to be surrounded by the Taiping army, and Ban Zhifu's cavalry could not stop the Taiping army's cavalry. The other troops immediately stepped forward to respond and blocked the Taiping army no matter what.

Song Rui and others knew that they must not let the Taiping army eat Kong Guozhi's department, otherwise they would die without a place to be buried. At the moment, they each trumpeted and led their subordinates to charge up. In this battle, there is still no formation to pay attention to, and the fight is fierce, and they rush up to kill. Whoever has the most lives left will win!

Tang Sanshui also ordered his personal soldiers to carry the banner and rushed forward bravely with more than 2,000 Zhaoqing battalion soldiers. It's just that Lieutenant General Tang's troops were a little slower than Nanxiong soldiers and Yingde soldiers, and Lieutenant General Tang turned his head and looked back, but he didn't know what to do.

Seeing Tang Sanshui's slow movements, Shang Zhixin was furious, but he could only watch, as long as Tang Sanshui moved forward instead of turning around and running away, His Royal Highness would burn high incense!

After Ban Zhifu led the remaining cavalry back, Kong Guozhi had already been surrounded by half of the Taiping infantry on the battlefield. Shouting to kill. I saw the cavalry of the Taiping Army from time to time protruding and advancing from Kong Guozhi's department.

In the face of the attack of the Taiping army several times its own strength, coupled with the piercing of the cavalry. The southern Jiangxi soldiers' front was unstable. Kong Guozhi saw Shang Keyuan during the battle, and the other party also saw him. But it was not as good as what his nephew Shang Zhixin said, he didn't really work for the thief's talent, but instead led the Pingnan Han army under him to continuously advance towards Kong Guozhi's department.

Shang Kexi, Geng Jimao, and the Han army under Kong Youde were originally firearms soldiers. Most of the officers were trained by Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai, Daming, so they have always attached importance to firearms, and they are also all firearms. Although the Han troops under the vassal are now a new generation, the emphasis on firearms under the vassal still makes these new Han troops more proficient in shooting guns than the infantry right battalion of the Taiping Army.

The Taiping army and the Han army under the two vassals have fought several times, either because they occupy more people and bully less people, or because the geographical advantage makes it difficult for them to use their firearms, and then they win. Ten Zhou Shixiang couldn't save the Taiping army. After all, the Taiping army was formed for too short a time, the quality of its soldiers was too low, and he did not have the conditions to improve firearms. As a result, both sides are now using the same weapons. Win less.

Fortunately, the addition of a large number of Han army descendants has improved the firearms training and tactical drills of the Taiping Army. This was outstanding in Lutouhe's two big wins. But even so, if the Taiping Army hadn't suddenly invaded Guangzhou and caught the three Han Niu Lu Han troops under the Pingnan domain in the city by surprise, it might not have been possible to capture Guangzhou in one fell swoop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Most of the Han troops were killed, and the rest The families of the Han army under the Pingnan vassal were all held in the hands of the Taiping army, and they were forced by the Taiping army to attack Manchuria, slaughtering many Manchus, and the blood of the Manchus on their hands was enough to make them imprisoned by the Qing court. Beheading a hundred times, so where is Shang Zhixin not willing to serve the Taiping Army sincerely, just like Suna and other Manchu soldiers, there is only one thought in this meeting - the stronger the Taiping Army, the better their lives will be. Live longer.

The same is true of the troops of Jingnan, who were in the middle of the infantry, and the Han army. Their princes all surrendered to the Taiping army, not to mention them. Under the slight adjustment of Taiping officers, these Han soldiers who were skilled in using firearms used segmented shooting even better than the Taiping army, and the reloading speed of guns was much faster.

Under the fire of the Han weapons and the turns of the Manchu and Han cavalry, the Nangan soldiers could not bear it, and hundreds of casualties were reached.

Kong Guozhi saw that his subordinates suffered heavy casualties, and the Taiping army surrounded him again. Song Rui and the others had not yet come up, and they were worried that they would be eaten by the Taiping army before Song Rui came up. He intentionally retreated, but before he could order it to retreat, Song Rui and the others retreated at the same time. Looking again, Zhaoqing Green Camp on the right had already run away, not running away, but at Shang Zhixin. The direction kills the past.

Damn, Tang Sanshui defected? ! (To be continued.)

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