Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 408: Taiping Army 4 Towns


After returning to Guangzhou from Sanjiangkou, Zhou Shixiang immediately started to reorganize the army. First, he ordered the various ministries to count the troops and horses. There were 21,500 soldiers and 14,000 young people. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest-updated novel includes 10,600 soldiers, 5,500 reserve soldiers, and 5,500 soldiers from the baggage battalion. The soldiers originally belonged to the second left and right battalions of the Taiping Infantry and the recruit battalion were about 5,000 soldiers.

On the way back to Guangzhou, Zhou Shixiang had already figured out how to consolidate and expand his army. He intended to set up the Taiping Army into four towns, and select elite soldiers from various ministries into the first and second towns, the rest into the third town, and the rest into the fourth town. town.

The establishment of a town is as follows: 20 soldiers are set up as a team, with a team leader and a small flag; 3 teams are set up as a team, with a team leader and a general flag officer; the 3 teams under the jurisdiction of a team are named A, B, and C respectively. , the team is also set up with ten soldiers directly under the direct command, in charge of the guards, the flag and drums, and another 5 members, so the number of troops in one team is 75; , Wei Xia's team is named A, B, C, and Weizheng has 20 soldiers directly under him, which are called guards.

The 3 guards are a battalion, and there is a battalion captain with the title of 1,000 households. The guards under the battalion are named A, B and C. There are 40 soldiers directly under the battalion commander, who are called battalion soldiers. One, the rank of commander and the same know; the battalion is named A, B, C, and there are 100 soldiers directly under the brigade commander, called brigade soldiers, who are in charge of guards and flag drums; therefore, a battalion has 2,425 soldiers.

The 3 brigade is a town, and a town general is assigned the title of commander. The brigade under the town's jurisdiction is named A, B, C, and the town will have 300 soldiers directly under the command, also known as the town soldiers, who are in charge of the guards and give orders. Therefore, there are 7575 soldiers in one town.

This adaptation is generally the same as that of Xiangshan, but the brigade commander and division commander were changed to brigade school and town general. Each team has 2 deputy guards with the rank of small flag, one of whom is an Anjun envoy; One of them is the middle envoy of the An army; each battalion has 2 deputy battalions with the rank of 100 households, one of whom is the ambassador of the An army; There will be 2 deputy generals under the command, with the same title, and the Anjun envoy will be led by the town general.

The town will temporarily plan to be the same as the chief military officer. A brigade school is equivalent to a general, and a battalion captain is equivalent to a guerrilla. Weiwei is equivalent to a thousand generals, and team is equivalent to a general. The official appointment will not be implemented until it is reported to the Yongli court. At present, Zhou Shixiang can only serve as a governor in the name of his own Guangzhou chief military officer.

Old soldiers who are good at fighting are called sharp soldiers; new recruits are called selected soldiers; In the Taiping military system, sharp soldiers and selected soldiers are the main soldiers. The preparation of troops into the camp is called the selection of troops.

In addition to the four towns of the infantry army, another horse brigade was set up, called the cavalry brigade, and its brigade was organized into a town of the synchronous army. The number of officers and soldiers is also the same, with a brigade of 2425 soldiers; the brigade school does not have direct soldiers, and the soldiers are also divided into sharp soldiers and selected soldiers.

Then set up a battalion of artillery, battalion and other synchronous army town. The number of officers and soldiers is 5,000, and the soldiers are divided into front gunners, deputy gunners, and auxiliary gunners, which are equivalent to sharp soldiers, selected soldiers, and prepared soldiers. The main gunner operates the gun, the secondary gunner carries the gun, and the auxiliary gunner carries the gun.

After the formation of the four-town infantry and the Majun brigade, the first town will be stationed in Qingyuan. The second town was stationed in Guangzhou, the third town was stationed in Zengcheng, the fourth town was stationed in Xiangshan, and both the Majun Brigade and the Artillery Battalion were stationed in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Camp was established under Yuexiu Mountain outside the city.

The candidates for the town leaders are Ge Yi in the first town, Tie Yi in the second town, Jiang He in the third town, and Shao Jiugong in the fourth town. The cavalry brigade was headed by Shao Chengguo. The Manchurian Suna is the deputy in charge. Qi Hao will be the leader of Paoying Town.

The first town and the second town are composed of elites selected from the Taiping army and the surrendered soldiers. They are also the two towns that the Taiping army can fight most in the four towns. Zhou Shixiang has only one requirement for these two towns. Go out to meet the Qing army. Therefore, the generals of these two towns chose Ge Yi and Tie Yi, who were both brave and suitable for the charge. The bald Jiang He is also a brave general, but the bandit is even more angry than Ge Yi, and he likes to drink. Zhou Shixiang was afraid that he would make a mistake by drinking, so he only gave him the third town. Shao Jiugong is loyal enough, but he has no bravery. He does things with attention to the head and tail, and he does not dare to give up his heart to fight. He is heavy-handed, so Zhou Shixiang gave him the fourth town.

The first and second towns will be the main forces to fight against the Qing army in the future, while the third and fourth towns will stabilize the rear, so the selection of the town generals will naturally be different. The gun town is an attack force, and it acts with the first town and the second town during the war. Zhou Shixiang planned to set up artillery brigades under each town army to strengthen the firepower of the infantry towns after the scale of artillery was expanded in the future.

Half of the Han army under the Jingnan domain and the Han army under the southern domain were elected to the first town, and the appointment of officers below the town generals was mutual coercion. The descended generals are the commanders and Weiwei of the descending soldiers of the Pingnan domain. Originally, all the officers above the generals of the two feudal vassals were sent to the military training hall to serve as instructors, or they were changed to civilian officials, and only low-level military attachés were allowed to serve. Most of the officers above the battalion lieutenant in the two towns were from the Taiping Army, and the officers below the battalion lieutenant accounted for more than half.

The original water camp in Yongle Township of Xiangshan was also transferred to Guangzhou, and the Taiping Army Water Camp was set up on Changzhou Island, where the former Qing army navy was stationed in the Pearl River, where the Huangpu Military Academy was located hundreds of years later.

The number of soldiers in the water camp is tentatively set at 5,000 people. However, due to the lack of warships in the water camp, it cannot undertake combat tasks in a short time. Therefore, Zhou Shixiang asked General Ling Hai Chen Qice to dispatch a part of the naval warships to Changzhou Island to ensure the protection of the Pearl River. Owned by the Ming Army. At the same time, it provided food and grass supplies for Chen Qice's navy, and sent people to learn navy tactics from them.

Chen Qice, who had already occupied Zhaoqing with Zhu Tong, readily agreed to Zhou Shixiang's request and dispatched Zheng Chengkui to lead more than 40 warships to Changzhou Island, and gave 12 warships to the Taiping Army. This move made Zhou Shixiang overjoyed. Although the 12 warships were few, it meant that the water camp was no longer an inland navy, but a "navy" capable of operating on the Pearl River and even the Lion Ocean.

Shuiying Town will be led by Zhou Shi on a blind date. He gave Song Xianggong the task to build the Taiping army's shipyard within a year anyway, and the Taiping army must be able to launch their own warships within two years at the latest. . The powerful Zheng's navy has always been envied and envied by Zhou Shixiang. However, the navy is too much money, and also consumes too much energy and time, and it is not the power that determines the battlefield at the moment, so Zhou Shixiang can only develop the infantry first and wait for it. After acquiring several southern provinces or all of Jiangnan, Fang then proceeded to set up a "navy".

Zhou Shixiang established a military commander's mansion in the Pingnan palace in Guangzhou, and set up personal soldiers. Blind Li served as the commander of the Iron Man Guard, with the same rank as a sergeant general.

The military commander's mansion has two departments, the military and the civilian. The military department is in charge of Zhao Sihai, and the civilian department is in charge of Song Xianggong. At the same time, Song Xianggong is also the governor of Guangdong. Of course, this appointment was not endorsed by the Yongli court, but Zhou Shixiang himself. do. According to the system, he cannot appoint officials by himself, except for the provincial governor. Furthermore, Qinzhou has the Governor's Yamen, and Gaozhou has four governors. No matter how they are arranged, it will not be Zhou Shixiang's turn to control the Guangdong Governor Si Yamen.

In view of the low literacy rate of the Taiping Army, it is impossible to organize a "literacy" campaign for the entire army in a short period of time. Therefore, at the suggestion of Shao Jiugong and others, Zhou Shixiang built a military training workshop in the former Jingnan General's Mansion. Officers are required to enter the classroom in batches to teach in batches. The school lasts for three months, and the main study is the "Taiping Army Infantry Exercise Code" adapted from his previous life's army exercise code.

After the establishment of the four towns, one brigade and two battalions, the military commander's office presided over the deployment of troops. For a time, troops and horses were mobilized everywhere near Guangzhou, from the east to the east, from the west to the west, and there was a lot of noise. It took seven or eight days to assemble the various departments in place, and the officers and officers were also clearly implemented. During this period, Zhou Shixiang seldom slept, and listened to the reports of various ministries with red eyes, lest there would be a rebellion during the mobilization.

After the establishment of the army, Zhou Shixiang decided to pay the army again. Sharp soldiers are paid 1 silver in the moonlight, and their families are supported by the Taiping army public treasury; the selection of soldiers is not fixed on monthly silver, and their families are supported by the Taiping army public treasury. During the training period, the farmland at home is also organized by the village offices to help cultivate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to reduce the burden on the family.

Officers' salaries are 2 taels per month, 24 taels per year, and 24 taels per year, and 20% for those who are above the rank and file. Those who have made meritorious deeds in battles, whether officers or soldiers, can be rewarded with other rewards, or silver, or food, or things, or land.

After the establishment of each town, Zhou Shixiang called Song Xianggong to open the public treasury to reward the soldiers of the three armies, and presided over the land consolidation in the actual control area.

The family members of the Han army in Guangzhou were divided into three groups, one group was transferred to the former cottage, the other group was transferred to Renhou Township, and the other group was resettled in Panyu. After the family members of the Han army were resettled in the local area, the local area allocated land for them to cultivate. Like the old Taiping army camp, they also set up villages to govern. The Taiping Army only provided them with the farming tools and seeds they needed for their initial life, and they had to support themselves. Only after their men had served in the army for three years could they enjoy the treatment of family members of the Taiping Army.

More than 4,000 Manchu women were also expelled from Guangzhou and settled in Xiangshan. The local township and village offices chose their husbands' homes for them, and they were able to support themselves like the Han army's families. When these Manchu women were in Guangzhou, they were not favored by the Taiping army officers and men in the city, but when they were sent to the countryside, they became sought-after goods, and were sold out by local men in less than a month.

Song Xianggong was appointed as the political envoy of Guangdong, and Wang Zhangjun, who was demoted, appointed the political envoy to the right to participate in politics, and Zuo Qing was the left to participate in politics. The prefect of Guangzhou was succeeded by Liao Ruixiang, and his magistrate of Xiangshan gave Guo Shao, the ambassador of the Salt Section of Longan Township, who had not returned. Xu Yingyuan, who returned from Taishan, got a council position in the military commander's mansion.

The Guangdong Governor Si Yamen has only one major task to do now, and that is to implement the establishment of township and village offices in the area actually controlled by the Taiping Army, and to effectively integrate all human resources and resources. In addition to speeding up the drills, the Taiping troops stationed in various places also have one thing to do, and that is to suppress the bandits. (To be continued.)

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