Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 414: Tang 3 water cowhide


In Beijing, after half a month of tossing and holding two meetings of the king and ministers, the Shunzhi side decided to form an army to go south to Guangdong. Counting more than 1,200 soldiers from the 3 Niu Huang Banners in Manzhou, 4,900 soldiers from 9 Niu Lu in the Mongolian Two Red Banners, and 5,800 soldiers from 14 Niu Lu in the Han Army's Two White Banners, more than 4,000 soldiers from the Green Battalion in Zhili and 3,000 soldiers from the Green Battalion in Henan , a total of more than 20,000 people formed the army under the command of General Pingyuan Ji Du.

After the army arrived in Guangdong, Guangdong Wu Liuqi, Tang Sanshui and other Qing troops all returned to the control system. In addition to the supply of food and grass on the spot in Guangdong, another part was allocated by Zhejiang and Nanzhili. For this reason, Shunzhi ordered that the southeastern batch of food and grass should not be released from Beijing, and it should be left for the army to directly use it after reaching Jiangning. After the army left the capital, the supply of food and forage was handled by the places along the way. Officials at all levels should not be slack, and those who violated the rules would have their officials cut off, or be beheaded in severe cases.

The Mongolian Eight Banners and the Han Army Banners were the main force this time. The Qianfeng Camp was built in the Tiancong period, and its initial name was Ge Bushian Chaoha Camp. In the third year of Shunzhi, the battalion system was established, and the battalions were drawn from the commanders of the eight banners of Manchuria and Mongolia. The forward battalion has officers such as commanders, commanders, and guards. The commander is also led by the princes and ministers, and the commanders at all levels below are served by the Manchus and Mongolians. The 3 Niu Lu selected this time are the Manchu soldiers with the Yellow Banner, and they are also the emperor's direct forbidden army, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than the rest of the Niu Lu.

The transfer of the Qianfeng battalion to join the war was because Jidu and the flag owners of the flags came to Shunzhi at the request. The Zhengbai Banner and the Inlaid Blue Banner who accompanied Jidu to Guangzhou were reluctant to publish the cattle records. Among them, the Zhengbai Banner was the most violent. The Zhengbai Banner was originally led by the regent Dorgon, and its Niu Lu was the strongest. After Dorgon's death, Shunzhi wanted to strip off the Niu Lu of the Zhengbai Banner, and also created a prison and implicated numerous officials from Zhengbai Qi, making Zhengbai Qi more powerful. This was a big loss, which led to the fact that although the Zhengbai Banner was the top three banners, the support for the emperor was the weakest. (Author's Note: In the official history, there was a general of Zhengbaiqi who wanted to **** Yongli from Wu Sangui, and planned to protect Yongli and go to Shaanxi to oppose the Qing. The incident was leaked, and dozens of generals and schools were killed, and more than 2,000 soldiers.)

The Zhengbai Banner soldiers sent to Guangdong and their families were all killed. This made Zhengbai Banner, who was dissatisfied with the emperor, strongly opposed to sending troops. Although the emperor was their banner owner, the officials under his banner also formed a group to fight against the emperor for their own interests. . In order to gain more support, the officials of the Zhengbai Banner asked to meet the owner of the Xiangbai Banner and the King of Xin County, Doni.

The two white flags are rooted. At that time, Emperor Taizu was too fond of his youngest son Duo Duo, so he gave Duo Duo all the Niu Lu he directly led. The inlaid white flag that led to Duoyi is the flag with the most cattle records and the strongest strength of the eight flags, both before and after entering the customs. Before the two white flags entered the customs, there were 98 cattle records. Later, Dorgon transferred the cattle records with yellow flags led by Hauge into the normal white flag, making the number of cattle records of the two white flags reach more than 120. Even after Shunzhi weakened the two white flags again, plus the attrition caused by the years of war after entering the customs, there are still more than 80 cattle records of the two white flags. At present, there are 25 white flags garrisoned in Niu Lu and 33 inlaid white flags, and the rest are all over the city. Either stay outside the customs and be stationed in Shengjing.

The loss of 4 Niu Lu and more than 1,000 banners at once, plus thousands of family members who went south together, is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Zhengbai Qi. There was a lot of discussion under the banner, and it was said that if the emperor wanted to draw troops from the Zhengbai Banner, it would be to eradicate the Zhengbai Banner. Some people are even more wondering if the emperor's hatred for Dorgon has not disappeared. Only by fighting against the white flag.

Doni, the king of Xinjun, was appointed Prince Xin in the sixth year of Shunzhi, but as soon as Shunzhi ascended the throne, he was demoted to the king of the county. Ridiculous proposal, but it does not mean that he has no suspicion and dissatisfaction with Shunzhi in his heart. In addition, he also objected to dispatching a large army to Guangdong to destroy the Taiping army again, and believed that the local Han army officers should be reused. In order to achieve the control of the Han by the Han, and minimize the casualties of the Manchu children as much as possible, after the Yongli court in Yunnan was resolved, the army would be used in Guangdong, but the enraged emperor even directly changed his decree to lead the army to Guangdong. The princes and ministers present at the time No one dared to persuade him, and Duny naturally didn't dare to talk too much.

This could not be dissuaded, but Duny and the other Manchu princes and ministers were very careful. The emperor wanted to send a large army to Guangdong, but he could no longer send the Eight Banners soldiers from Manchuria. The people from the Zhengbai Banner asked him to support the two white banners for the sake of the same spirit. Duny agreed without hesitation.

The two white flags refused to send troops, and the inlaid blue flag was also a victim of the Guangdong Incident. Naturally, they would not support the deployment of troops from their flags. The Zhenglan flag and the two red flags were dead, and Ji Du and others in Beijing were behind the excuse that the army had not been formed. Instigation, of course, followed suit.

There are six banners in the Eight Banners against sending troops, and Shunzhi cannot ignore the fierce opposition of his subordinates no matter how determined he is. After hearing about the Guangdong Incident, the Empress Dowager also called Su Ma to pass a message over, saying that Manzhou is the capital of the country, and it must not be taken lightly.

The princes and ministers opposed it together, and the queen mother also opposed it, which made Shunzhi less interested in moving the army south. Anyway, he changed his will once, and it is not impossible to change it again. However, when he saw Tommafa's sad face, he still gritted his teeth and held a meeting of the king and ministers, requesting that a large army be sent south, and that Manchu children must be accompanied by the army.

The reason why Shunzhi insisted on sending Manchu Erlang south to Guangdong was because he kept a memorial from Tang Sanshui, a hero of Shaozhou and deputy general of Zhaoqing.

Tang Sanshui's remarks made it clear that the Taiping army had no more than 10,000 soldiers. The army was short, and most of them were foot soldiers. They all depended on the location to fight. From top to bottom, they didn't have the courage to fight in close quarters. Every battle must be several times as much as the enemy dares to fight. Its leader, the thief and scholar, is cunning, but has many ruthless tactics, and his subordinates are all bandits and green forest thieves. After capturing Guangzhou, they burned, killed, and looted. , euphemistically called it "persuading grain", but the people in Guangzhou, both the commoners and the gentry, all suffered from the Taiping Army, and their minds were clear, and no one was willing to serve the Taiping Army.

Tang Sanshui reported to Shunzhi the situation of the defeat of the Jingnan General Hamu in more detail. He said that Hahamu was lured to the mud by the Taiping Army, causing the horses to get stuck in the mud and unable to take advantage of the cavalry, so they were encircled and annihilated by the Taiping Army. Even so, the Taiping army also paid huge casualties. According to his spy who sneaked into Guangzhou, although the Taiping army has gathered some green camp troops and recruited a large number of bandits, there are tens of thousands of troops on the surface, but the actual combat troops are only a few thousand.

Tang San described to the Shunzhi Emperor how he defended Shaozhou and how he dealt heavy damage to the Taiping army. According to him, tens of thousands of Taiping troops came to attack Shaozhou that day, and all the soldiers in the city were feared by the thieves, and no one dared to fight. At a critical moment, Tang Sanshui shot an arrow at the head of the city, and the blind thief turned one eye over Jianglong. Then at the head of the city, he shouted, "The imperial court will provide you with food and drink, in order to repay the kindness of the country, and the thieves are here. If you come here, you can’t wait until you’re desperate!” After speaking, he opened the city gate and led his own soldiers to attack the thief soldiers decisively. As a result, the thieves soldiers were overwhelmed by a single blow, and they were chased by him for more than ten miles, leaving dozens of dead bodies. thousand. Since then, the Taiping bandits no longer dared to peep into Shaozhou, but when they saw the banner of Tang Lieutenant General, they took a detour from a distance and did not dare to fight at all. In order to prove that what he said was true, Tang Sanshui even more conclusively claimed that the thief general Fan Jianglong who was blinded in one eye by him was Li Fengming, the general of the thief scholar. Now he has changed his nickname, and the thief soldiers call him "Blind Li" .

In the end, Tang Sanshui almost slapped his chest and told the emperor that as long as the imperial court gave him money and food, he would be able to defend Shaozhou, and if he was given three to five months, he would be able to rectify his department and restore Guangzhou on behalf of the imperial court. The thief Xiucai was locked in a car cage and sent to Beijing, where he was escorted to Caishikou for a thousand cuts!

Tang Sanshui's statement was too detailed, and it was corroborated by the prefect of Shaozhou, so Shunzhi couldn't believe it. Chaozhou Wu Liuqi also rushed to deliver, but the description is limited, only that the Taiping army was photographed in Chaozhou and the soldiers did not dare to attack, but he was also unable to divide his troops to recover Guangzhou due to the disturbance in Huizhou.

One could send troops to recapture Guangzhou as long as the court gave money and food, but the other could not be separated. Comparing the two, Tang Sanshui's image suddenly became incomparably tall in Shunzhi's mind. He imitated Emperor Chongzhen of the previous dynasty and wrote Tang Sanshui's name behind the screen of Dongnuan Pavilion, meaning that this person must be reused in the future.

After writing Tang Sanshui's name, Shunzhi did two things. One was to immediately appoint Tang Sanshui as the chief soldier of Shaozhou. Satisfied or not, he must also send a large army to Guangdong, and even send Manchu children to Guangdong.

The soldiers of the Han people can beat the Taiping bandits so badly, the generals of the Han people can make great contributions, and the Han people all know how to work for the Qing Dynasty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can't the children of Manchu be for the Qing Dynasty and the emperor for him? Did you die!

Zhou Shixiang knew that it was Tang Sanshui who made Shunzhi determined to send an army to Guangdong to beat him, but he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

At this meeting of the princes and ministers, Ji Du and others stopped arguing about whether to send a large army to Guangdong to join Shunzhi. Instead, they proposed that Manchu troops could be sent south, but they had to be transferred from the emperor's own pro-army, or the vanguard battalion. Whether it is a guard barracks, a cavalry barracks, or an infantry barracks, as long as it is a pro-military army.

Jidu and their abacus are very simple. Although Shunzhi is the emperor, national affairs are still decided by the meeting of the princes and ministers. The emperor is the banner owner, and they are also the banner owner. When sending Manchu children to fight, you can't just fight other flags to fight for your life. The emperor, the flag owner, should also express it. The soldiers of the two yellow flags can't just be raised and enjoyed in the capital.

Shunzhi gritted his teeth and agreed, and ordered to transfer troops from the forward battalion, but he was only willing to transfer 3 cattle records. Under the mediation of Yue Le and others, the princes and ministers of the banners finally approved the plan, and transferred troops from the Mongolian and Han banners to form an army.

Jidu was the capital that led the army out on the 2nd of October. Zhili Green Camp and Henan Green Camp had already headed south. They were originally dispatched by the Qing court to accompany Jidu to Ping Haikou in Fujian, so no matter how loud the quarrel in the court was, it was impossible. It was their turn, the Han troops, who expressed their willingness to go or not. Therefore, the DPRK and China have not completely decided how many troops to send to Guangdong. The Zhili Green Camp and the Henan Green Camp have already arrived in Shandong. After arriving in Jiangning, they will wait for the Manchus from Beijing. The army went to Guangdong together.

Along with Jidu's apprenticeship, there was also Belle Dueryou, the generals of the Eight Banners, including Nahai, Ezhenjidali, and Yiertu. When Ji Du left the capital, only Yue Le sent off on behalf of the emperor, which made Ji Du very unhappy. (To be continued.)

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