Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 422: The Son of Heaven, for whom the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong


Pit father!

Pit the talent!

Zhou Shixiang was stunned, God knows when Zhu Qinglai told Blind Li this, and Blind Li took some stupid medicine and dared to shout at this time.

That's right, he wanted to make him a prince forever, but that's not the way to do it. In this world, in front of the emperor's envoys, how could he not recognize the emperor if he didn't give the prince a title!

Dead blind man, I am so good to you, fifty Manchu girls are so willing to get you, so you repay me like this! Can you **** grow your brains and move your heart!

Zhou Shixiang was really stunned and didn't know how to deal with this sudden situation. He stood there stupidly looking at Guo Zhiqi, the smile on his face was still hanging, but he looked very embarrassed, as if he was not smiling.

Blind Li's "roaring words", like his mother's fairy sound, can't go around the beam, echoing in the council hall, and echoing in everyone's ears.

The commander wants to invite the prince? Why don't I know about this?

Song Xianggong looked at Zhou Shixiang in surprise.

Wang Zhangjun and Zuo Qing were also dumbfounded, staring at Zhou Shixiang's back in a daze. There was only one thought in their minds - the thief show is really courageous!

It was Zhou Shixiang's pre-instruction that the two of them were only blind Li Nong, so that he could use this stupid mouth to say things that he couldn't say directly. After all, Zhou Shixiang opened his mouth and asked Yongli to be named a prince directly, which would be a shame to Yongli. Too disrespectful and too domineering.

However, the two of them were not optimistic that Yongli would be able to seal Zhou Shixiang as a prince, because although Nanming only had so much land left, and the Duke and Uncle had also indiscriminately sealed a lot of them, they were very strict with Wang Jue. The title was also granted privately by Chen Bangfu and others without the knowledge of Yongwu forging the golden book and the golden seal, and Yongli has never recognized it. Later, if it wasn't for the fall of Guangdong and Guangxi, Chen Bangfu and others wanted to sell Yongli to the Qing court in order to enter the ranks. In order to get the protection of Sun Kewang, Yongli had to admit Sun Kewang's title of Qin King after desperate, and thus the Ming Dynasty came into being. The first prince of different surnames.

Li Dingguo's King of Jin and Liu Wenxiu's King of Shu, to some extent, were also conferred by Yongli's desperation. After all, he had to rely on Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu to fight against Sun Kewang. Not giving Li and Liu the title of princes is not enough to motivate them to work for them. In other words, Sun Kewang's King of Qin, Li Dingguo's King of Jin, and Liu Wenxiu's title of King of Shu were all chips that Emperor Yongli took out to survive, and they were the only things he could take out.

The only person in Yongli who took the initiative to make a king without being threatened is Fujian Zheng Chenggong. In the third year of Yongli, Zhu Youlang made Zheng Chenggong the king of Yanping County, and in the eighth year he added Zheng Chenggong as the Chao King (Prince), but Zheng Chenggong refused to resign. Accepted, still in the third year of Yongli's reign as the title of Yanping County King.

Yongli made Zheng Chenggong the king. In fact, it is also to gain the support of Zheng's, after all, although the Zheng's site is not large. But with more than 100,000 soldiers and a powerful navy in hand, the Qing army in the southeast was contained for the Yongli court. If the Zheng family had not been restrained in the southeast, the Qing court would have already transferred the army from the southeast to invade the southwest, and there would be no Yongli lingering in Yunnan today. In other words, Yongli made Zheng Chenggong king also to save his life.

In addition, Li Chengdong's Ningxia King was posthumously named after his death. When he was alive, Yongli only named him Duke Huiguo. Apart from these four living people and one dead person, Yongli has never crowned one person as king, not even posthumously. It can be seen how important the king is in Yongli's heart, and he will never give the king a reward unless his life is critical. After all, it would be worthless if the prince was flying all over the sky like the prince and the prince.

If it was an official who was loyal to the Ming family, they would never treat Yongli as a king. However, Wang Zhangjun and Zuo Qing were both defectors and relegated officials, and they had no loyalty to the Ming family. Calendar of royal affairs. Although it is biased, it is the essence of it.

The Taiping Army is in Guangdong, the Yongli court is in Yunnan, and Guangxi is separated from the two. Naturally, the Taiping Army has no threat to the Yongli court, nor to the Yongli Emperor himself. Therefore, Zuo Qing and Wang Zhangjun did not think that Yongli could give the king to Zhou Shixiang.

Furthermore, if Zhou Shixiang instigated the blind Li, in front of the court envoys, arguing to make him a marquis and a duke forever, Zuo and Wang would not be surprised and take it for granted. It's not impossible to even seal the county king, but now the blind man Li is shouting about the title of the prince. Naturally, they are not optimistic about Zhou Shixiang's "self-invitation" move to become king.

It's a young man who is too impatient. The news of Guangzhou's recovery hasn't arrived in Kunming. You are so eager to ask the court for the title of prince. This is how Guo Zhiqi sees you, and how does Yongli see you? Sun Kewang was not in such a hurry back then!

Things have to be done step by step, how can you eat a fat man in one bite, let alone such a face-breaking act of wanting a king.

Zuo and Wang shook their heads secretly, and listened to the meaning of the blind man Li's words. It seems that if Yongli did not give Zhou Shixiang the title of prince, Zhou Shixiang really did not recognize Yongli as the emperor?

Zuo Qing and Wang Zhangjun looked at each other, and both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes. The two of them can't help but worry, if Zhou Shixiang is really greedy for profit and wants to make Yongli a prince, but Yongli would rather die than seal him, will the Taiping Army really have a feud with Nanming?

Over the years, there have been too many examples of the various forces in Nanming being defeated due to internal strife. The left and right political parties are not optimistic that the Taiping Army, which has separated from the Nanming banner, can continue to develop. It must be known that the existence of the Taiping Army is related to the lives of both of them. In case the Taiping Army soldiers If they fail, neither of them can escape.

The Qing court's Jidu army came to Guangdong after the year. Before the enemy, Zhou Shixiang had to fall out with the Yongli court because of the king's appointment. Isn't this a way of seeking death.

Wang Zhangjun opened his mouth and tried to persuade, but he didn't know how to persuade. Zuo Qing watched Guo Zhiqi and Qin Rong's reactions, and the more he looked, the colder his heart became.

Qin Rong and Guo Zhiqi were obviously shocked by Blind Li's words, one was ashen, and the other was silent.

Qin Rong's chest was already full of anger. The previous Zhou Shixiang had called the court to be an important official under his subordinates. This made the governor of Qinzhou dissatisfied with the city walls and other officials. He set up the Chief Executive, did not mention the matter of taking back the Governor Xingyuan at all, and also appointed Wang Zhangjun and other villains as political officials. It can be seen that in Zhou Shi's eyes, there is no existence of the Governor, not even the Guangdong government.

Even though the imperial decree brought by Guo Zhiqi gave Zhou Shixiang the power to set up six officials, the imperial edict only gave him the power to appoint military officers below the second rank and civil officials below the sixth rank. It is a third-rank official position, so the officials appointed by Zhou Shixiang are not legal.

Qin Rong wanted to seize the matter and force Zhou Shixiang to abolish his privately set up envoys, so that Governor Lianchengbi could return to Guangzhou. In this way, the military and political affairs of Guangdong can be re-attributed to the Governor's Yamen, which is also the reason why Lianchengbi let him come to Guangzhou. However, Guo Zhiqi didn't care about this, and instead reprimanded him, which made him very unwilling. Thinking of what Zhang Xiaoqi, the former governor of the four prefectures, and Cheng Bangjun, the head of the Ministry of War, told him, and that Zhou's subordinates openly clamored for the emperor to seal Zhou as a prince, and if he did not seal it, he would not recognize the court. The image of Zhou Shixiang's domineering was in Qin Rong's mind. ingrained.

Master Qin was loyal all his life. How could he bear such a domineering villain, he even scolded the Qing army scolding Zhou Shixiang's thief and scholar countless times in his heart.


It is different from Qin Rong who has already determined that this matter was instigated by Zhou Shixiang. Guo Zhiqi was suspicious. If it was, then the nature of the matter would be serious. If it wasn't, then the big thing could be turned into a small one, and the trivial thing could be turned into nothing. Wouldn't a dignified scholar care about a scumbag?

Chen Qice and Zhu Tong from Zhaoqing told Guo Zhiqi that most of the Taiping army consisted of surrendered soldiers and bandits, so it was reasonable to bring out some idiots. Wasn't that Liang Shuanghu, who Zhou Shixiang sent to Kunming, also a fool? Those who do not know the big characters, in front of the emperor, regard the "Shunzhi is a dog" behind him as "serving the country with loyalty", only to make the emperor laugh. It can be seen that there are many people in the Taiping Army, and because these people are bandits and soldiers, they don't care much about the system and majesty of the imperial court, and it is normal for them to be offensive.

As long as the Taiping army is loyal to the Ming Dynasty. As long as Zhou Shixiang was loyal to the emperor, Guo Zhiqi would not care about the gaffes of his subordinates. He even thought about proclaiming to the emperor to make Zhou Shixiang the king of the county, so that the military and government of Guangdong could be under the command of Zhou Shixiang, thus breaking the previous dilemma that the Guangdong ministries fought independently without a unified command, which was repeatedly defeated by the Qing army.

The premise of the support of the great scholar is that Zhou Shixiang is loyal to the king. rather than domineering. In case this matter is really instigated by Zhou Shixiang, Guo Zhiqi must be treated with caution.

It stands to reason that the merits of Zhou Shixiang can indeed be crowned as a king, but if he can be crowned as a prince, it depends on the emperor's will, not what the ministers want. The emperor does not give it, but the subject must have it, and if he does not, he will not recognize the emperor. This is no longer domineering, but rebellion.

Thinking that the emperor changed the Duke Xingguo originally granted him to Duke Xingping because Zhou Shixiang was an important official of his subordinates.

Things are a little tricky, so don't take a stand. The situation in Guangdong has just improved, and nothing can happen again.

Guo Zhiqi quickly turned his thoughts, thinking about how to deal with this.

The meeting room was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Blind Li Ran didn't realize what effect he had just shouted would have on his commander. He just stared at Guo Zhiqi and Qin Rong with dissatisfaction. It seemed that his commander's original decree for the prince was to ask these two white-faced traitors to give him to him. Changed.

Zhou Shixiang turned around and glared at Li, the blind man who had caused him great trouble. Seeing the eyes of Zuo Qing and Wang Zhangjun, they seemed to believe that this was their own mission. This is really what the blind **** Li did on his own, not at my instigation!

The atmosphere was embarrassing and weird, as if there was a powder keg in the council room that could be lit with just one click. Zhou Shishang couldn't stand the look in his eyes. As natural as before.

"Now that the decree is finished, let Bengbo hold a banquet for the great scholar to wash away the dust."

Zhou Shixiang seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, so he wanted to do his best as a landlord and hosted a banquet to entertain Guo Zhiqi.

Guo Zhiqi noticed Zhou Shixiang's self-proclaimed, and saw that his expression was not false, he was relieved, and tacitly wanted to play down the matter, and was about to speak, but Qin Rong said angrily: "Uncle Xingping, what are you doing? Heart? You asked for an official from the court earlier, but now you actually want the emperor to make you a prince. Is this prince title something that a minister can ask for? Do you still have the imperial court or the emperor in your eyes?"

Qin Rong angrily pointed at Zhou Shixiang, even if this domineering thief, whom he identified as the same as Sun Kewang, wanted someone to kill him on the spot, he would still angrily rebuke him for his unreasonable thoughts, so as to do his best, so that the emperor would not be ashamed.

Guo Zhiqi frowned, secretly scolding Qin Rong for being an idiot, even though Zhou Shixiang was behind the instigation of this matter, he couldn't make it clear!

"Benbo doesn't think so. Master Qin, don't take what this idiot says seriously."

Zhou Shixiang felt a headache, and he tried his best to play down the matter, but Guo Zhiqi didn't seem to want to dwell on this, but Qin Rong jumped out.

"Is Uncle Xingping a three-year-old child?" Qin Rong sneered and pointed at Li Dao, the blind man, "If it wasn't for Uncle Xingping, he would have dared to say such outrageous words!"

Blind Li found out that something was wrong. He seemed to have done something wrong, but after thinking about it, he didn't realize where he was wrong. Zhu Qinglai made it clear to him that his marshal really wanted to ask Yongli the title of a prince, and he dared not to give it. Our Taiping army went up and down and did not recognize him as Emperor Zhu. This was obviously said by the big handsome himself, why the big handsome does not admit it now, the blind man Li couldn't understand, and his expression was also very confused.

"It's not what Benbo meant, Master Qin, don't misunderstand." Zhou Shixiang was really hard to say. He had ideas, but he didn't have time to act.

"It's not what Xing Pingbo meant, then this person is outrageous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His words are to deceive people's hearts and disturb my principles. Please also ask Xing Pingbo to rectify the law and listen to him!" Qin Rong looked at him coldly. With Zhou Shixiang.

Song Xianggong's complexion changed, and Guo Zhiqi also trembled: Qin Rong is too much!

Zhou Shixiang's face also sank, and he said coldly: "What my people say and do, if I don't ask Lord Qin to teach him a lesson, it is a mistake. Ben Bo will punish himself, and there is no need for Lord Qin to shout and kill."

"If you don't kill this person, it means that what he said was under your orders. What a good uncle Xingping!" Qin Rong laughed angrily, and laughed to expose the true face of the thief Xiucai.

"What if it's what Bumber meant!"

Qin Rong's laughter angered Zhou Shixiang, and shouted angrily: "Sun Kewang can be the king of Qin, why can't I be the prince!"

Hearing this, Qin Rong blushed and scolded, "How dare you ask for the title of Prince!"

Zhou Shixiang snorted angrily, "It's just that I have tens of thousands of soldiers under my command!"

"You! Rebellious!" Qin Rong was so angry that he pointed at Zhou Shixiang and couldn't help shaking.

"Is it a big rebel? Did Bengbo ever say that he would rebel?" At this point, Zhou Shi, on the contrary, no longer hides his armpits, and does not need to be hypocritical. He would have made him a prince forever. It is better to say it earlier than later. . He clasped his fists at Guo Zhiqi and said, "Dare to ask the great scholar, can Benbo's achievements be king?"


Guo Zhiqi was surprised that things turned towards the side he didn't want to see the most, and he hadn't reacted yet.

"No matter how great your achievements are, whether you can make a king or not requires the consent of the emperor. Since you are a minister, you can't ask for it yourself! If the emperor gives you, you are the king. If the emperor doesn't give it to you, you can't ask for it!"

"What if I have to ask the emperor to make me a king?" Zhou Shixiang threw off his robes, walked out of the hall with his sword, and pointed to the sky: "The emperor, who is strong and strong, will do it!" (To be continued.)

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