Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 424: sent troops to expedition

Guo Zhiqi left Guangzhou, and Zhou Shixiang went out to see him off in person when he left, but Zhou Shixiang had no idea whether the great scholar was really willing to help him seek a prince from Yongli, and whether he really believed him.

Before Guo Zhiqi left, he asked to see Geng Jimao and Li Suotai, and Zhou Shixiang agreed. Geng Jimao, who had been under house arrest for many days, heard that Guo Zhiqi, an imperial envoy of the Yongli court and a scholar, wanted to see him, and was so excited that he almost cried.

When Guo Zhiqi and Geng Jimao met, they did not let Zhou Shixiang's people present, so Zhou Shixiang did not know what Geng Jimao and Guo Zhiqi said. When seeing Li Suotai, Guo Zhiqi allowed Zhou Shixiang's people to be present, but the two did not say anything.

Guo Zhiqi wanted to persuade Li Suotai to capitulate, but Li Suotai insisted on not obeying. After his hard words, Guo Zhiqi could only leave with regret. From beginning to end, Guo Dajie never accused or reviled the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing Dynasty.

This made Zhou Shixiang very strange. Although Geng Jimao also surrendered, after all, what he reported for him on the bright side was anyway, no accident, the Yongli court must canonize the "King of Jingnan" who came back anyway as the two-character prince of Daming , just as the Qing court is about to confer the canonization of the Ming Dynasty Qin Wangsun is expected to be the righteous king of the Qing Dynasty. This is a political gesture, so it's not surprising that Guo Zhiqi's attitude towards Geng Jimao, who is about to become Daming Prince, is not surprising, but Li Shuitai is the son of the great traitor Li Yongfang. And the blood of the common people, his people are firm and will not surrender, how can this senior Guo have the idea of ​​​​hero cherishing heroes to him, and he has never spoken evilly against him.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shixiang couldn't understand it, and he could only attribute it to Master Guo's respect for the enemy.

The news of the Qing army's attack on Guizhou made Guo Zhiqi concerned about the safety of the southwest. In his words, it was revealed that he wanted to ask Zhou Shixiang to separate a group of troops to cooperate with the Ming army from Zhaoqing and Gaozhou to attack Guangxi, in order to contain the general Zhao of the Qing Dynasty who was attacking Guizhou from the north of Guangxi. Butai and the National Security Department of the Guangxi Admiral Line relieved the pressure of the King of Jin. Of course, Zhou Shixiang refused this request, and he was about to face the Jidu army soon. At this juncture, how could he divide his troops to Guangxi.

Guo Zhiqi seemed to know that his request was a bit difficult, and after sighing, he asked Zhou Shixiang to hand over Hong Shiming to him and take him to Kunming. Zhou Shixiang also did not agree to this request, and Guo Zhiqi was disappointed but not angry. As long as Zhou Shixiang looked at Hong Shiming well, he could not treat him harshly just because his father was Hong Chengchou.

After deciding to leave Guangzhou, Guo Zhiqi wrote letters to some of the former disciples he recruited along the coast, asking them to come to Guangzhou to accept Zhou Shixiang's restraint. Then they left with Qin Rong. Guo Zhiqi went directly to Qinzhou from Xinhui, but Qin Rong went to Zhaoqing.

Zhaoqing was the place where Yongli was enthroned in that year. It is more important to say that he is there than Guangzhou. Li Chengdong wanted to take Yongli back to Guangzhou anyway. However, the Guangxi officials who followed Yongli at that time were worried that after the emperor went to Guangzhou, there would be no place for them in the court, so they resolutely opposed it, and finally the Yongli emperor returned to Zhaoqing.

The main purpose of Qin Rong's visit to Guangzhou this time was to stand in front of the Governor Lianchengbi, so as to implement the matter of Lianchengbi and Qinzhou officials returning to Guangzhou, but now this matter is not to be mentioned. Although Qin Rong is stubborn, he also has self-knowledge. He knows that he has offended this uncle Xingping, who has tens of thousands of soldiers. And whether Zhu Tong is willing to let the governor return.

Guo Zhiqi and Qin Rong left. Zhou Shixiang and Song Xianggong held several meetings in the military commander's mansion, mainly on the dispatch of troops after the deployment of the year, focusing on the mobilization of food and grass and the people of each county. In the past few days, he went to Shi Yuanling's place once, and stayed in Lin Wan'er's room for two nights.

After Shi Yuanling's incident, Zhou Shixiang felt sorry for Lin Wan'er, so on the night Wan'er arrived in Guangzhou from Xiangshan, Zhou Shixiang took the jade carriage to her room. That night was naturally a "fight", but fortunately, Wan'er was not a newly married wife. After a "fight", Zhou Shixiang asked for mercy. Secretly, it is true that a person can't look like a person, and there is a heart that has been turbulent for a long time hidden under Wan'er's lovely appearance.

It's already the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there are eleven days to go before the Chinese New Year. The business in Guangzhou that had been stagnant due to the arrival of the Taiping Army has become active again. The city faintly began to have a happy New Year's day.

After a sudden rise in the morning, after walking around Nancheng with Lin Wan'er, Zhou Shixiang was going to go to Yuexiu Camp after lunch to see how the Second Town was preparing for the dispatch of troops, but as soon as he took the bowl, Hu Qili's urgent report from Huizhou arrived. .


Hu Qili suffered a defeat. Three days ago, his deputy general Han Chaozong was defeated by Wu Liuqi's troops at Jiazimen in the northeast of Jieshiwei, with more than 2,000 casualties. After Wu Liuqi won the Jiazimen victory, he immediately took advantage of the victory and occupied Jieshiwei. Han Chaozong led more than a thousand remaining soldiers to retreat to Lu Feng and asked Hu Qili for help. After receiving Han Chaozong's call for help, Hu Qili led the commander Biao's elite troops to Lufeng on the one hand, and sent people to Zhou Shixiang for help on the other hand.

Hu Qili had no choice but to ask for help, because this time Wu Liuqi could be said to have attacked with all his troops. He planned to have seven or eight thousand troops, of which three or four thousand were elite soldiers of his direct line. Wu Liuqi had been preparing for this attack for more than a month, and unexpectedly hit the Han Dynasty clan, causing Hu Qili's largest mobile force to be disabled. He could only lead more than 1,000 of the old main force of the supervising standard who had returned to the good to go first to reinforce the Han Dynasty.

Hu Qili was worried that Wu Liuqi's attack this time was likely to have been instructed by the Qing court to fight for the upcoming Jidu army, in order to directly burn the war to Guangzhou, not Huizhou or Chaozhou. His lips are dead and his teeth are cold. He has no possibility of returning to the Qing army. He can only hope that Zhou Shixiang will lead the main force of the Taiping army to come to reinforce him.

The Huizhou war disrupted Zhou Shixiang's original plan to send troops after the new year. Considering that if Huizhou was occupied by Wu Liuqi, Guangzhou would face the threat of the Jidu army after the new year. Zhou Shixiang immediately decided to send troops to the east.

The main force of the Eastern Expedition consisted of the first and second towns, artillery battalions, and cavalry brigades, with a total of more than 20,000 troops. The third town is the reserve team stationed in Huizhou Prefecture, and the fourth town is deployed to defend Guangzhou, and together with Shuiying, ensure the safety of Guangzhou.

After the order to send troops was issued, the students from the armament training center immediately returned to the various departments. In addition to leaving the guards, the instructors all set out with the army. At the same time, they ordered Zhao Ziqiang, a thousand households in the South China Sea, Wang Zhaoxing, a thousand households in Foshan, and Hu Mingyi, a thousand households in Xin'an, to lead their troops to Guangzhou to participate in the Eastern Expedition.

Zhou Shixiang specially named Geng Zhongde and Shang Keyuan, and asked the two admiral deputy envoys to lead the instructors from the workshop to form a teaching team and be assigned to the military commander's mansion.

Song Xianggong proposed to hold a swearing-in meeting to boost the morale of the army and the people. Zhou Shixiang agreed, and the oath would be sacrificed to the flag, as well as to send troops.

"Take Li Suotai's head to sacrifice the flag, and ask Hong Shiming to make a military letter."

Zhou Shixiang arranged the matter without even thinking about it.


On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, the small year, the auspicious day of the zodiac, the sword and soldiers are sharply used.

At dawn, the drums and horns rang in unison, and the soldiers from the first town, the second town, the artillery battalion, and the cavalry brigade of the Yuexiu Camp marched from the barracks to the main campus. In addition to the main force of the Taiping Army, there are more than 3,000 independent battalions adapted from the original green battalions.

The army was solemn and silent, and everyone quietly watched and waited for Zhou Shixiang's arrival. At three o'clock in the morning, Zhou Shixiang, fully armored, came out from the north gate of Guangzhou with a group of generals. The guards held high the banner in front, and hundreds of cavalrymen in full armor and red cloaks followed closely behind.

Three cannon blasts swept through the air, the trumpeter raised the long horn high, "woohoo" a burst of chirping, echoing echoes from the empty peaks and peaks.

Amid the cheers of more than 20,000 soldiers, Zhou Shixiang boarded the platform and slowly glanced at the three armies. His face was full of determination and confidence.

Knowing that he was going to die, Li Suotai did not struggle, beg for mercy, or be afraid, and let the executioner hold him down. At the beginning, he did not kneel, but when he was pressed forcibly, he still did not kneel. The executioner had no choice but to hit the joints of his hind legs with the back of his sword. Under the pain of the heavy blow, Fang fell to the ground on both knees, his head still raised, showing contempt.

Zhou Shixiang snorted coldly, what kind of hero is he trying to die!

Tie Yi strode up the stage with a solemn expression, and shouted to the executioner: "Kai-knife-sacrificial-flag!"

Then there were three more cannon shots, and Li Suotai's **** head rolled on the damp grass, his eyes widening, still showing his unwillingness.

"All officers and men, stand still and listen to the commander's order!"

Under the gaze of more than 20,000 pairs of eyes, Hong Shiming, who was dressed in the Ming Dynasty sixth-grade official uniform, stepped onto the stage tremblingly with a pale face. He glanced at the north helplessly and opened the letter of dispatching troops that he had written last night. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Shixiang looked at Hong Shiming coldly, a subtle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, if the Qing court knew that it was too written, but didn't know how to look at Hong Chengchou, and how did Hong Chengchou look at himself.

Well, it seems that the fourth family letter to report safety should be sent. I wonder if Mr. Hong will feel relieved when he sees his son's family letters of safety.

Hong Shiming sighed after reading the military dispatch he had prepared, and heaved a long sigh. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh about his current situation.

More than 20,000 soldiers cheered. Most of them didn't know who Hong Shiming was who read the letter to them. They only knew that they were going to go out with the commander. The cheers came from the bottom of the heart, and some were unwilling, but whether they wanted to or not, at this moment, they were all Taiping troops, and they had only one choice, and that was to fight the Qing army to the end.

As a drummer named by Zhou Shixiang, Suna slammed the big drum with an excited face. Accompanied by the sound of the drum, groups of Taiping troops left the school grounds and headed east without looking back.

On the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month of the eleventh year of the Ming Dynasty, the Taiping Army sent troops to the east to conquer Wu Liuqi, the commander-in-chief of Qing Chaozhou, and opened the prelude to the battle of Huizhou. (To be continued.)

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