Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 431: 0 households in Pengzhou


Grandma went down to the field for burial, and her bones are too tired, so I have one more session today, and it will be back to normal tomorrow. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d (According to local customs, the day of death is counted as one day, so it will be buried on the third day today)


Pengzhou Qianhusuo is located at the foot of Sangpu Mountain in Chaoyang County, so the beach is covered with grass. Hao Shangjiu once stationed troops here when he occupied Chaozhou. Later, Hao Shangjiu was defeated and Pengzhou was occupied by the Qing army. Because Wu Liuqi has been prohibiting the sea in Chaozhou for the past two years, and the Pengzhou Institute is a key sea point, so he appointed a foreign commissioner here, leading more than 400 battalions to be responsible for the prohibition of the sea.

Because of the prohibition of the sea, the fishermen who used to live by the sea were all ordered to move inland, and the people who had lost their source of life could only go to Pengzhou to seek a living, mainly logging on the Sangpu Mountain, and then selling them to those wood dealers at a low price. very limited. The family with a small population can barely support it, and the family with more people can't support it, and they have no food and clothing for three meals. Some fishermen couldn't bear the hunger of their wives and children, so they secretly went out to sea to fish, but they were caught by the Qing soldiers and became weathered heads hanging on the forbidden sea boundary monument.

After the Taiping army drove Wu Liuqi all the way back to Chaozhou Fucheng from Huizhou, they cut off the communication between Chaozhou Fucheng and other places. The Qing army at the Pengzhou Institute had been unable to get in touch with the county seat four days ago, let alone the city. Qian Zong Su Liangzhong was in his forties, and his body was so fat, his face was full of fat, and he was exhausted after running a few steps. He looked like a military attaché. But a few years ago, people were not like this. At that time, Su Liangzhong was strong and strong, and when he took off his clothes, he was full of flesh. But now it's impossible. The two years in the Pengzhou Institute were too comfortable, and as a result, Su Liangzhong was abandoned.

Su Liangzhong couldn't figure out what was going on right now, and he didn't dare to send someone to contact the county seat anymore, because the three groups he sent were all halfway through, and the cavalry of the Taiping Army intercepted them, and none of the people below. Dare to die again. Su Liangzhong had no choice but to lead his subordinates to hide in the station, hoping that the commander-in-chief would kill the Taiping bandits who had entered the bandit as soon as possible, and hope that the Taiping bandits would not come to trouble him in this Pengzhou bandit.

In such a situation, Su Liangzhong naturally had no intention of enforcing any restrictions on the sea, and his battalions did not dare to go out for patrolling, which gave the nearby people a chance to sneak out to the sea to fish. However, when the Taiping Army touched the Pengzhou Institute, the Qing soldiers inside did not know it at all.

The Taiping Army who touched the Pengzhou Institute was Zhao Ziqiang's army. He was originally the general manager of the Green Camp, but after he surrendered, he was entrusted with the position of a thousand households, and he still led his troops to garrison the South China Sea. When the main force of the Taiping Army was on the eastward expedition, the reorganized soldiers, including the Nanhai soldiers, were ordered to accompany the army to prevent them from fooling around in the rear. These green battalions were not very effective in combat, so Zhou Shixiang gave them orders to go to various places to attack the weaker Qing army strongholds, and to wipe out the villagers who had formed their own villages.

Finding that the Qing army in the Pengzhou Institute did not notice their arrival at all, Zhao Ziqiang and the Taiping army, who were adapted from the former battalion soldiers under his command, were all enthused and eager to go to the top. Compared with the military discipline of the Taiping army, which is still restrained when the main force of the Taiping army executes the grain feeding. The military discipline of these Green Battalion soldiers adapted from the whole team is too corrupt, and what they have gone through is two points worse than that of the Qing army. But when I think that these people are Qing soldiers, and they have not accepted the reorganization of the Taiping Army, they are only used as cannon fodder to bring them to Chaozhou. By the way, they can solve the problem of insufficient manpower. Therefore, Zhou Shi is also concerned about the reorganization of these green battalions. One eye is closed, as long as they can complete the task.

Zhao Ziqiang did not want to come to Chaozhou. He had no loyalty to Zhou Shixiang. He didn't want the Taiping Army to hang on the tree, but the situation was stronger than people. The Taiping Army was weaker than the Manchu army, but compared with Zhao Ziqiang, it was so powerful that he panicked. The magistrates were better off now, and felt that they were incapable of resisting the Taiping army. Zhao Ziqiang could only bite the bullet and lead his troops to Chaozhou. Fortunately, Wu Liuqi of Chaozhou listened to his prestige on weekdays, but the Taiping army also shrunk the eggs. Zhou Shi did not attack the Chaozhou city, so as to avoid himself becoming cannon fodder. Instead, he was ordered to loot everywhere. This order is very good. Zhao Ziqiang did not dare to fight with Wu Liuqi's elite soldiers, but he was very confident in dealing with those small Qing troops and regiments. These days he has broken four stockades. Not only did he pay a large amount of money to the Taiping Army, but he also had a big pocket, and his subordinates also made a fortune, so there is a wholehearted desire to work for Zhou Dashuai.

Another fat sheep!

Zhao Ziqiang happily looked at the defenseless Pengzhou Institute and issued the order to attack. long time bandit. The sudden scream of killing over the calm Pengzhou caused the Qing army, who had never expected an enemy attack, to be stunned. The nests scurried around.

The Qing soldiers who responded in a timely manner rushed to the defense points, preparing to stop the Taiping bandits who were rushing in, but most of them were busy running away. The Taiping army that rushed up was too scary, they couldn't figure it out. How many people dare to resist.

Su Liangzhong, who was pushing Pai Gow with a group of men, was lucky. He was holding a Tian Jiu good card in his hand. He laughed loudly, and was about to reach out to grab the scattered silver in front of him. He couldn't help but start from his heart, and grinned and scolded: "What son of a bitch!" Before he finished speaking, he saw the door of the house being pushed open with a "bang", and one of his subordinates made a face. In a panic, he rushed in: "Sir, the Taiping Army has killed you!"

Su Liangzhong was stunned, but it took ten seconds to react, but instead of putting on his suit of armor to fight the enemy, he quickly pushed open the window with his hands and feet and jumped out, then ran to the river without looking back. go. When they jumped out of the window, they happened to be seen by two of their subordinates. The two of them had their knives in their hands, ready to come to protect Mr. Qian Zong, but they wanted to flee in embarrassment. Said also followed Mr. Qian Zong to the beach, and looked back while running, for fear of being seen by others.

Su Liangzhong is fat, but he can run quite fast when it is crucial to save his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After walking through the grassy beach, he found the most suitable spot and squatted down like a rabbit. He didn't want to bury his butt, and the grass on both sides swayed. He was so frightened that his eyes drummed and his legs trembled. Only when the Taiping Army found himself, he was screaming for his life when he saw a head popping out from each side. , It's not who his personal soldiers are who have a smooth forehead.

"Don't panic, adults, the little ones are here to protect the adults!"

One of the personal soldiers showed their loyalty to Su Liangzhong with a flattering smile on their faces, while the other couldn't stop agreeing, nodding his head as if he was not dizzy. Looking at the posture of these two, Su Liangzhong's heart is bright like something, but his head is dangerous. The Taiping army is killing people in the office. Since the two have caught up with him, he will keep them. no. At the moment, I was also sighing, and I couldn't stop praising the two of them for their loyalty. After the Taiping army was defeated, I would definitely reward you well. Hearing these words, the two personal soldiers grabbed their eyes and eyebrows. They were overjoyed.

The Taiping army suddenly attacked, and the Qing army was confused and unprepared. Naturally, it was impossible to organize an effective line of defense. Those stone walls built hundreds of years ago have been washed by wind and rain for hundreds of years, and have already collapsed in several places. The large gap that allows carriages to pass through is not taken seriously by the Ming army or the Qing army, and they are even more reluctant to look for trouble. It took manpower and material resources to repair it, so the defense line of Pengzhou was as if it did not exist. The Taiping army who rushed in did not even realize that the stone walls erected in front of them were actually the defense line of the defenders. The road leading to the place, they rushed behind the stone wall in the shortest time, and rushed towards the center of the Pengzhou place.

(To be continued.)

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