Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 445: Striker Battalion

Wu Liuqi fell to the ground, but he wasn't dead. Zhou Shixiang's shot was not on his chest, but at the bottom of his neck. The blood wouldn't stop flowing, and he couldn't breathe. The personal soldiers hurriedly undid the armor on his body, trying to use a cloth to block the wound of the Admiral, but he couldn't stop it, and he could only see the blood blisters in the Admiral's mouth, blood from his neck, and his body twitched.


Wu Liuqi knew that his life was not long, he couldn't breathe, he struggled to look up at Zhou Shixiang, who was looking at him with a gun. Not coming up, the hands resting on the arms of the personal soldiers slowly fell.

When he died, his eyes were still open, and he really couldn't rest his eyes. I think that Wu Liuqi practiced a good skill when he was young. The people in Jianghu called him "the strange beggar", the army called him "the strong general", and now he is the Guangdong admiral and the prince of the Qing Dynasty. Bao, I don’t know how many Ming army generals were killed under the stick, and I don’t know how many scoundrels were killed when Chaozhou took office, and the blood of countless people was dyed red on their heads. It's really useless and can't be more useless!

"Lord Admiral is dead, Lord Admiral is dead!"

Wu Liuqi's personal soldiers wailed, and all the Chaozhou soldiers also screamed miserably as if they had lost their father and concubine. However, the Taiping army was greatly encouraged by the death of Wu Liuqi, and everyone fought bravely to kill the Qing army.

Zhou Shixiang ordered his guards to **** Wu Liuqi's body, but Wu Liuqi's guards carried his body and ran down the mountain, apparently not wanting the body of the Admiral to fall into the hands of the Taiping bandits. The guards had to give up because of the inconvenience of chasing them in iron armor.

The morale of the Chaozhou soldiers was low, and the army had no fighting spirit. They could hold back for a while and then retreated down the mountain. As soon as the Chaozhou soldiers retreated, Zhili's Zhending soldiers and Tongzhou soldiers suddenly leaked on the flanks. Zhou Shixiang led his own guards and gathered hundreds of soldiers from the first town to attack the Tongzhou soldiers from the hillside.

Tongzhou's general soldier Zhang Dan couldn't bear it, and he retreated down the mountain regardless of the fact that the Zhending soldiers were still at the top. Jiang Fan, who was originally surrounded by his retreat, immediately escaped and concentrated his forces to attack the Zhending soldiers. In the chaotic battle, Yang Zhenwei, the true commander in chief, was brave, but after all, he was old and weak. He asked an unknown soldier of the Taiping Army to stab his left leg with a spear. The spear body, asked his subordinates to support him.

There was the Taiping Army above, and the Taiping Army to the left and right. After the Tongzhou soldiers who had been supporting him at the bottom retreated, a big gap was revealed. In the area of ​​​​hundred feet.

Two of the three troops of the Qing army retreated, and another commander personally led the troops to kill them. The morale of the first brigade was greatly boosted. The deputy general Guoquan was killed in the battle, the guerrilla Li Shizhong was killed in the battle, and the chief soldier Yang Zhenwei was injured again. Although there were still more than a thousand people, in an instant they were all leaderless and could only fight on their own. Under the step-by-step oppression of the Taiping Army, the space for real soldiers to operate is getting smaller and smaller.

Knowing that this battle was lost, Yang Zhenwei struggled to support a thousand bosses, and instructed him laboriously: "Take the people down, you can't fight anymore, back quickly..." After saying this, he fainted.

The Qian Zong originally had the intention of retreating, but they dared to fight again after receiving the order of the general soldiers. They roared and led their troops to retreat, but the way back was blocked by the Taiping Army. Killed in the army encirclement and ran down the mountain.

Jiang Fan was unwilling to let Zhending soldiers run away, and led his troops to chase them all the way from behind, biting Zhending soldiers dozens of meters away from the foot of the mountain. One side chased and killed from top to bottom, while the other side just ran away. As a result, the Taiping army slaughtered Zhending soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables. The cut down Zhending soldiers kept rolling down from the hillside, and the foot of the hill was full of wounded soldiers who were rolling and screaming. If it wasn't for the urgent arrival of the two Niulu Mongolian soldiers, who shot arrows at the mountain on their horses and contained the Taiping army's offensive, the Taiping army might have taken advantage of the situation to disperse the Zhending soldiers, Chaozhou soldiers, and Tongzhou soldiers.

Jiang Fan did not dare to lead his troops to fight against the Mongolian cavalry, so he had no choice but to lead them back to the mountain. In this battle, half of the more than 2,200 soldiers under his command were killed or wounded. In one battalion, there was only a small flag officer and a dozen soldiers left, and almost the entire battalion was wiped out. This battle also made the Taiping army re-understand the combat effectiveness of the green battalion soldiers. The green battalion soldiers from the north were indeed more capable of fighting than the south. Zhou Shixiang judged the combat effectiveness of the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion who entered Yunnan with Wu Sangui from these Zhili soldiers.

The Zhili battalion and Chaozhou soldiers who retreated to the foot of the mountain looked at each other, wanting to cry without tears. There were only 600 or 700 soldiers left in the more than 1,700 Zhending soldiers. Tongzhou soldiers were better, but they were less than a thousand people. In this short period of time, the Zhili battalion lost 15,600 people, wounded a general soldier, killed a lieutenant general, two guerrillas, and even more than a thousand generals. The Chaozhou soldiers also suffered nearly 1,000 casualties. The most terrible thing was that the death of the main general Wu Liuqi made the Chaozhou soldiers lose their backbone, and a group of officers would surround the body of the Admiral and do not know what to do.

There were more than 100 wounded soldiers who escaped, and most of them suffered minor injuries. Those who were seriously injured were either because relatives and friends snatched them down from the army, or they were officers, otherwise no one would risk their lives to carry them down. Bandaging for minor injuries is likely to survive as long as the wound is not inflamed, and those with serious injuries can only resign themselves to fate. Most of these injuries are broken arms and legs, and even if they survive, they are useless.

Looking at the blood gushing out from the wound, the wounded soldiers who were too incapable of screaming in pain could only stare blankly, or they closed their eyes and sat on the ground weakly, slowly waiting for the **** of death to take them away.

A 16 or 17-year-old Tongzhou soldier burst into tears, but it was his uncle who was stabbed by the Taiping army for him in order to save him, and made the Taiping army cut off his head in front of him. The soldier was so frightened at the time that he was dragged by his companions and ran down the mountain, but he didn't even grab his uncle's head.

The cry of the young soldier spread like a plague. The Chaozhou soldiers were already choked up by the death of Admiral Wu Liuqi, but they didn't immediately start howling after hearing the cry. The life and death of Yang Zhenwei, the commander-in-chief of the Zhending Bing, was unknown, and the casualties were the most serious. Zhang Dan, the general soldier of Tongzhou, knew that he would never cry, but he was able to control his own soldiers, and how could he control Zhending soldiers and Chaozhou soldiers, he was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Xu Shi was really badly beaten just now, and he left his hometown to work hard in this foreign land. No one knew when he died. Tongzhou soldiers also started to cry. At first, they choked and wept softly. After a while, he couldn't hold back no matter what. Looking at the red eyes of their subordinates, the officers were panicked.

The Han and Mongolian soldiers who were still attacking the mountain pass were the first to hear the cry from the left wing. The cry was obviously not from the Taiping Army on the mountain, so the Han and Mongolian soldiers were stunned and subconsciously retreated. Disengage from contact with the Taiping Army. As soon as they retreated, the soldiers from Henan, who had been a little ineffective at work, also hurriedly retreated as if they were catching straws.

There was silence on the side of the Chinese army, and the exciting drum beat had stopped long ago. Obviously, the Qing army had already admitted the defeat of the offensive.

Jiang Fan rectified the remnants, transported the wounded Taiping soldiers to the rear, and collected weapons for the Qing army to attack again. He organized the remaining soldiers into a battalion, and the rest were included as his direct soldiers. In order to prevent the previous defeat of the troops from repeating, Jiang Fan ordered people to point out some deserters, and ordered executions regardless of their wails. Before they died, two of the Han soldiers were told not only that their heads would be chopped off, but that their family members in Guangzhou would also be killed, which made the two Han soldiers feel ashamed.

Looking at the corpses all over the mountains and plains and smelling the blood in his nose, Zhou Shixiang looked at the movements of the Qing army on the opposite side, wondering whether Jidu would organize another attack. Brigade A suffered more than half of the casualties. If the Qing army's next attack was more violent than this time, it would be difficult to guarantee that the Qing army would not attack. He didn't have any mobile troops at hand except for the iron guards stuck on the official road. If Jidu really came out, even if he could survive, the first town would probably be abolished.

Looking around, I found that in addition to the excited expressions on the faces of the surviving soldiers, there were also proud expressions on their faces. I couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Just like before, the soldiers who survived each battle will truly become the Taiping Army. A member of the Taiping Army. Zhou Shixiang deeply agreed with Jiang Fansuan's practice of linking up his family members. Otherwise, he couldn't make the Han army give their lives to the death, and they had to know the consequences of not giving their lives!

When the Zhili battalion and Chaozhou soldiers retreated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jidu knew that the attack had failed, but he could not give up, and he had no choice, because his food supply was blocked by the Taiping army, no After breaking the Xuanwu Mountain, the tens of thousands of Manchu and Mongolian troops will run out of food in ten days.

Seeing that the morale of the green battalion was low, Yiertu, the commander-in-chief, was afraid that it would not be effective to attack again today. He might as well take a day off to regroup and attack again tomorrow, but Jidu gritted his teeth and ordered the forward battalion to prepare to attack.

After listening to this order, Yiertu couldn't help but take a deep breath. It was customary in the Qing Dynasty to use troops. The green battalion came first, followed by the Han army, followed by the Mongolian army. At the end of the Manchu army, only when the green battalion, the Han army, and the Mongolian soldiers could not be defeated can they be called Manchu children. Go into battle, otherwise the Manchu children will be used as supervisors to kill those deserters, and they will never go into battle easily. But now the Green Battalion's attack has failed, and the Mongolian soldiers have not yet arrived, so why did Prince Jane ask the Manchu disciples to fight for their lives. Furthermore, before leaving the capital, the emperor had clearly stated that the forward camp should not be fought in waves. This time he went south to Guangdong only to strengthen his army. Isn’t Prince Jane’s actions in violation of the Holy Order?

Yiertu thought about it for the children of Manzhou, and naturally discouraged him, but Jidu did not listen to his advice and insisted on ordering the Qianfeng Battalion to go out. Hearing this order, Du Eryou, Nahai and other Manchu generals came to dissuade them, but Jidu made up his mind.

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