Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 453: Don't wear the sky on your head, don't put your feet on the ground

There was no information between the north and south of the Qing army, but the Taiping army did. The second and third towns in Huizhou received news every day from the navy of the Jinghai Institute. They learned that a student from Lufeng went out of the city to persuade a Mongolian leader to surrender, and got three or four hundred Mongolian soldiers to bring horses to surrender. Afterwards, Zhou Shixiang couldn't help but become interested in the student, and ordered Lu Feng to send the person's information.

Lu Feng quickly sent the information of the student. The person's surname was Dong and his name was Changqing. He was a student in Changning County, Huizhou. After the Qing army entered Guangdong, he did not want to eat clear chestnuts to serve foreigners, so he vowed to "don't wear the Qing Dynasty on the head. Without stepping on the land of the Qing Dynasty," he built a boat in his hometown, and sat in the boat with his mother, and lived in seclusion on the river.

The deeds of Dong Changqing, the magistrate of Changning County appointed by the Qing court, gave birth to a heart of respect and love for talents, and in order to protect his reputation, he was sent a message and asked him to go ashore, but Dong Changqing ignored it. The magistrate was not annoyed, so he had a plan and asked the yamen to tie the person directly. As long as Dong Changqing came ashore, he would have broken the oath of the day, and then seduced him with fame and fortune, knew him with reason, and persuaded him with affection. Take Dong Changqing's mother to blackmail him. After several prongs, I am not afraid that Dong Changqing will not submit.

He didn't want the matter, but was disclosed to Dong Changqing's villagers by the county government. If the kidnappers failed, they forced them to run away. The magistrate of Changning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that Dong Changqing could not be forced, so he gave up. This magistrate is also a generous person. He did not have any intention of harming Dong Changqing because of this incident. In the following years, he deliberately preserved it. If not, Dong Changqing and other scholars who were unwilling to shave their hair and refused to accept their clothes would have been arrested by the Qing army long ago. If you are caught and killed, unless you go to sea, either the river or the river will always be unable to escape the hands of the Qing soldiers.

Since the second year of Yongli, Dong Changqing did not go ashore for ten years, from youth to middle age. For ten years, he has been looking forward to the return of Master Wang of Daming to Guangdong day and night, but he has never been able to see Master Wang. Daming Banner!

After the villagers told him, Dong Changqing burst into tears from the bow of the boat. At that moment, his heart was not excited because of the appearance of the Daming army, but sadness - the sadness of waiting alone for ten years.

At that time, Changning was still under the control of the Qing army, the situation in Huizhou was not clear, and his mother was old, so Dong Changqing did not dare to go ashore easily. However, Mother Dong advised him to go ashore and join the Ming army in Huizhou immediately. Dong's mother never blamed or complained about her son's choice and persistence. Although she is a female-like generation, she also knows the righteousness of the family and the country, and the wealth of the king bears the king's worries. A talented scholar, so the son chooses to be loyal to Daming, and it is natural to be a mother. There are too many people in this world who are the people of the Qing Dynasty, and he is not inferior to his mother and son, so let his mother and son be loyal to the emperor of the Zhu family.

Dong's mother country woman, married and married to Dong's family only a few years ago, her husband died of illness. She was a woman who dragged her son and was scolded as a Kefuxing. I was really afraid that one day the clan would eat his husband's family meal and sell herself to a foreign country. someone else's wife. In those years, Dong's mother lived in real fear. Until her son was admitted to a scholar, Dong's mother finally let go of the worries that had been in her heart for more than ten years. All this, only because the son was admitted to the scholar, admitted to the Ming Dynasty. Dong's mother recites the goodness of Daming, and her son reads the book of sages. The sages did not ask people to cut their hair and work hard for the aliens. Therefore, she stood firmly by her son's side, choosing not to wear the Qing Dynasty or step on the ground of the Qing Dynasty like her son.

Under the persuasion of his mother, Dong Changqing finally set foot on a land that he had not stepped on for ten years, and went to Huizhou to join the army under the cover of the villagers. Hu Qili, the commander-in-chief of Huizhou, didn't pay attention to this famous student in his hometown, and he didn't care about talent at all. He just sent Dong Changqing to be a document in the army at will, and was responsible for the calculation of money and food.

This document can be done by anyone who can read, and even a shop assistant can do it. Hu Qili's arrangement is so chilling. However, Dong Changqing did not dislike it, and he did not feel resentment because of this, but he did his ministry very seriously. Later, the Chaozhou Qing army attacked Huizhou, and Dong Changqing followed the food delivery team to Lufeng City. At the head of the city, he saw how the Chaozhou soldiers showed their might and might, and how the Huizhou army in the city was timid and fearful. After that, he saw how the Chaozhou Qing army fled and was chased all the way to Chaozhou. , All this is only because of the Taiping army from Guangzhou, the Taiping army that beheaded Shang Kexi, killed Hahamu, and slaughtered the whole city.

Prince Qing led the army to attack Lu Feng three times before and after. In times of crisis, Dong Changqing went to the city to help fight despite his weak body. The stone is very heavy, but Dong Changqing has little strength. It is very difficult for him to walk on the city road. If he can't walk two or three steps, he has to stop to take a breath and take a breath. Move the block to the city head, turn around and go down to help. When he saw the wounded soldier, he could also step forward and help lift it together with the civilian husband. At first, he could not see the blood, and he vomited a few times, but later he got used to it.

Yu Shizhong, a travel school in the second town, accidentally saw Dong Changqing dressed as a student. He was very surprised at the time. He had never seen a scholar working hard there like a young man, and he was neither tired nor dirty. Yu Shizhong asked a Huizhou officer to ask Dong Changqing. There were people from Changning in the army who immediately informed Dong Changqing of not wearing the Qing Dynasty or stepping on the ground of the Qing Dynasty. Yu Shizhong admired him greatly and decided that this person was talented, so he recommended him. Give the town general Tie Yi.

Tie Yi himself was illiterate, but he knew that his chief was a scholar, so he respected the scholar very much. After a few conversations with Dong Changqing, he saw that he was able to cope with it, and he was not as humble as an ordinary scholar when he saw himself, and occasionally said a few words about the war. Quite the point of view, I naturally appreciate it, and ask him to be a staff officer in the town.

The Mongolian leader Alta led his subordinates to roast horse meat and drink and sing outside the city. The Taiping army in the city did not take it seriously. Dong Changqing pondered after seeing it. The next day, he found Tie Yi and proposed to send someone out of the city. Exchange horses with the Mongols.

Tie Yi was surprised that the Mongolians could kill and eat horses, so how could they exchange rice and noodles with the Taiping Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dong Changqing said that horse meat is actually inedible. , is bound to accumulate in the abdomen and cannot be discharged, and eventually swell to death. It is clearly written in the Compendium of Materia Medica that horse meat is poisonous, smells bad, and cannot be discharged. Therefore, Mongolians easily do not eat horse meat unless they are forced into a desperate situation. Obviously, the Mongolians outside the city are in a desperate situation, otherwise they would not kill horses to eat. Those who are in a desperate situation but can have food, they will not care about other things. It is said that they are drunk at the moment, if they have a choice, they will not be willing to be swelled to death.

With a skeptical attitude, Tie Yi agreed to the matter, but Dong Changqing said it right. The Mongols were really willing to exchange war horses for rice noodles.

After making two transactions of rice noodles for war horses, Dong Changqing boldly proposed to take advantage of the situation to persuade the Mongolian soldiers to surrender. With the previous success, Tie Yi would naturally not object. Dong Changqing asked himself to leave the city. In order to make himself more like a messenger to persuade him to surrender, he asked someone to make the clothes of Ming Dynasty officials, put them on and leave the city. As a result, after some words, the Mongolian leader Alta was willing to surrender, so that the Taiping army could get three or four hundred Mongolian soldiers and a few hundred warhorses, which made Tie Yi happy and praised Dong Changqing for being a god.

When Zhou Shixiang asked Tie Yi to report Dong Changqing's information, Tie Yi took Dong Changqing's words along the way, which was "The Tartar army has been in a desperate situation, so you might as well attack it with a heart-to-heart battle. In order to survive, the Tatar soldiers will kill the captive chieftains, and the uncle can get thousands of Tatar soldiers to serve them without any effort!”


Bones has been out for the past two days, and I have tried my best to update it. Although I only updated one section yesterday, there are more than 5,000 words. There are two more festivals today. I went to the wedding banquet in the evening. My bones are already greedy for cups, so I didn’t drink much in these two days.

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