Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 462: Who is for who is against

Hu Qili was originally the superintendent of the Guangdong Green Camp. Anyway, there were more than 1,000 superintendents, and more than 900 soldiers from the Shunde battalion followed. After the Battle of Sanjiangkou, Hu Qili led 2,000 troops to capture Guishan County, the capital city of Huizhou. He designed to deceive the city gate and then killed Benfu Ya, coercing Ma Anmin, the prefect of Huizhou appointed by the Qing court, to fight with him.

Ma Anmin was originally the prefecture of Lianhua in the Ming Dynasty. After the Shaowu regime was overthrown, he opened the door and asked the Qing army to surrender. Tong Yangxing, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi appointed by the Qing court, stayed in office. Later, Li Chengdong returned to the Ming Dynasty anyway. Dare to change into the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty, but took the official seal to Ganzhou in the north overnight. As a result, after Li Chengdong's defeat, Ma Anmin, who "was not a thief", became successful in his official career. First, he was transferred from Sanzhou in Lianhua to Zhaoqing, and then he took over the position of Wang Zhangjun, the prefect of Huizhou, who was appointed as a political officer in Guangzhou. In just ten years, he has gone from a seventh-rank Sanzhou prefect to a fourth-rank grand prefect. It must be said that Ma Anmin's choice was quite insightful. If he took a wrong step, he would have become a man today. Bones.

In the current situation, although the Taiping army occupied Guangzhou, the King of Pingnan, Shang Kexi and the King of Jingnan, Geng Jimao died and the other fell, and the Manchu general Ha Mu and Mancheng asked the Taiping army to kill, but Ma Anmin was still not optimistic about Nanming. Compared with the Qing Dynasty, which accounted for most of the world, Nan Ming's arrogance was really not good. Back then, when Li Chengdong was anyway, the territory of Guangdong Province returned to the Ming Dynasty in an instant, but what happened?

The trend is unstoppable!

Ma Anmin didn't want to go anyway, he wanted to run, and he ran as fast as he heard Li Chengdong anyway, but Ma Anmin's speed was a step slower. Just as he had the official seal in his arms, Hu Qili's soldiers rushed into the mansion. .

"Master Ma is willing to return to the Ming Dynasty?"

Hu Qili asked someone to put a knife on Ma Anmin's neck and didn't talk to him, but asked him whether he would like it or not. If you don't want the knife, cut it down.

After some hesitation, Ma Zhifu, who was even more afraid of being liquidated by the Qing court, chose a path he was very unwilling to take - Guiming anyway.

Ma Anmin agreed to Hu Qili's request against his will, and on the surface he cooperated very well with Hu Qili in taking over the Huizhou site. Behind the scenes, he sent people to Wu Liuqi in Chaozhou to ask for help, and even wrote a blood letter begging Wu Liuqi to hand over to the capital for him. Lest the army of another day kill him, the Qing court cut off his head indiscriminately. As for whether the blood used in writing belonged to his Mazhifu or someone else, it is impossible to say.

With the cooperation of Ma Anmin, Hu Qili took over the counties in Huizhou very smoothly. Most of the magistrates appointed by the Qing court responded to the "call" of the prefect, and everyone changed into a brand new official uniform of the Ming Dynasty. Only the magistrates of Longchuan and Haifeng had their braids cut off. The grandfathers of other counties still had braids hanging behind their heads.

However, although Hu Qili has already returned to the Ming Dynasty anyway. However, many of his subordinates did not cut their braids, and even Hu Qili himself did not cut off their braids, so that the common people often saw a group of Ming troops raiding their homes under the leadership of a few officials with braids, euphemistically called "persuading them." food.” If someone asks something good, most of the Ming army will say that this is from the Taiping Military Academy in Guangzhou.

In view of the success of the Taiping Army, Hu Qili can be regarded as a good example. Not only did he learn from the Taiping Army's "persuasion" to collect his military salaries, but also learned how the Taiping Army rolled a snowball and madly incorporated green camps in Huizhou. Recruited bandits, recruited young and strong men, and expanded the 2,000 troops to 14,000 in just a few months.

At the same time expand the strength. In the name of the Huizhou General Soldier, Hu Qili wanted to appoint officials. Not only did the generals who followed him go to Ming Dynasty were promoted to rank, but the leaders of the battalions and bandits who were recruited were also given officials. If the official seal was not enough, they used wood to carve it. As a result, hundreds of officials with wooden official seals appeared in Huizhou overnight to receive defenses in various counties. Two guards could appear in the same county!

These "wooden officials" made Huizhou a haze, and the people complained. Such actions were not only disdainful of Zhou Shixiang from Guangzhou, but Ma Anmin, who went against his will, was ridiculed in his heart, thinking that Hu Qili acted so absurdly. It must be untenable in Huizhou.

Sure enough, Wu Liuqi from Chaozhou tried several times with Hu Qili on a small scale. Suddenly, a large number of troops were dispatched to Yu Jieshiwei, which severely damaged the generals of the Han Dynasty under Hu Qili, and invaded Lufeng. Threatened to spend the Spring Festival in Huizhou.

Hearing the news, Ma Anmin was overjoyed, and secretly contacted some big gentry in Huizhou city who had been persuaded by Hu Qili for food, and planned to open the door to answer when Wu Liuqi's army arrived. He never thought that Hu Qili asked the Taiping Army in Guangzhou for help. "General Vigor" did not even see the shadow of the Taiping Army, so he hurriedly led his troops to withdraw eastward. Wu Liuqi, who returned to Chaozhou, did not dare to fight with the Taiping army. He shrunk in Chaozhou city and never dared to come out.

Wu Liuqi was useless, and Ma Anmin could only put his hope of restoring Huizhou on the Manchu, Mongolian and Han army led by Prince Jian Jidu. He was thinking day and night in Huizhou that Prince Jian's army would be able to pacify the **** like Taiping bandits and Hu Qili, but the news came that Prince Jian's army was surrounded by Taiping bandits at Jieshiwei, and finally the Mongolian soldiers killed Prince Jane and surrendered to the Taiping bandits. !

This news was like a bolt from the blue. Ma Zhifu seemed to hear the bad news. At that time, his face turned pale and his hands were shaking. For several days, he could not eat or sleep in the prefecture. Several of Ma Anmin's cronies knew why the magistrate was afraid. They also participated in the matter of Ma Anmin's collusion with Wu Liuqi and contacting the gentry in the city. They were worried that Hu Qili would kill their heads after knowing this, so some people were unwilling to wait to die and asked Ma Anmin to take the risk. When there are not many Ming troops in the city, quickly contact the manpower to seize Huizhou City, and then mobilize the entire city to go to the city to stand firm.

Ma Anmin agreed to the suggestion of his cronies, but the big gentry who had contacted earlier were shunned by him as the prefect, and none of the people sent to contact them could enter their house. Without this group of powerful local snakes in the city Support, what can Ma Anmin achieve as a bare prefect? ​​Could it be that these few cronies can disperse the hundreds of battalions left by Hu Qili?

Ma Anmin thought about committing suicide, but he couldn't get this ruthless hand on him. When several cronies saw this, they knew that the prefect could not be counted on, so they all fled for their lives. The tree fell down and scattered, Ma Anmin waited for more than ten days in the palace, and suddenly a group of Hu Qili's soldiers came, saying that they were ordered by the commander-in-chief of the Taiping Army and Ming Xingpingbo, and asked Ma Zhifu to immediately go to Lu Feng to discuss matters.

In addition to the prefect Ma Anmin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the magistrates of Huizhou counties rushed to Lufeng after receiving the notice, and Hu Qi, the Huizhou commander in Haifeng, also brought his general Wang Dalin and others to Lufeng. As soon as he entered the city, Hu Qili asked his subordinate Han Chaozong, who had been in Lu Feng, about the purpose of Zhou Shixiang's summoning him, but Han Chaozong did not know.

On April 23, Zhou Shixiang summoned dozens of civil and military people from Huizhou in the Lufeng county government office. As soon as his **** sat down, Hu Qili led a group of civil servants to greet Zhou Shixiang. After they saluted, Zhou Shixiang told them frankly and honestly that he decided to reorganize Huizhou soldiers and reorganized Huizhou soldiers into the seventh town of the Taiping Army. The government envoy Si Yamen took over, and the original officials who were worthy of use remained in office, and those who were unbearable were deposed, so as to clean up the administration of Huizhou officials.

"The campaign of the Eastern Expedition was a complete victory, the pseudo-prince Jidu gave his head, and more than 10,000 puppet soldiers surrendered, and eastern Guangdong was no longer threatened by the puppet soldiers. Therefore, Uncle Ben decided to return to Guangzhou, and after a short rest, he led his elite troops to the King of Qin in Guangxi. King of Qin. Before, Bengbo wanted to rectify the military and government of Guangdong in order to make the orders clear and smooth. In the future, the military affairs of the Guangdong governments will be handled by the military commander's government, and the civil affairs will be handled by the government envoy Siyamen. , all of them will join the Taiping Army system and listen to the tune. Anyway, all officials should be assessed by a division, or promoted, or retained, or dismissed. Now, there is one thing that Ben Bo needs to know, and that is, "Speaking of this, Zhou Shixiang got up. He glanced at a group of Huizhou officials who had not yet responded, and asked loudly: "Who is in favor, who is against!" (To be continued.)

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