Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 495: Massacre the city without opening the city

The city of Leizhou in the dark is destined to be unable to calm down. The soldiers and young men on the top of the city gathered together, staring blankly at the rout soldiers under the city. The generals followed behind the commander-in-chief Gao Jinku and talked in a low voice. Their discussion only revolved around one thing, and that was the mad attack of the Taiping army on the Ming army all over Guangdong.

Xian Qiyu lost, Zhang Yue lost, Wang Han lost, Feng Zhengbo Xiong Chaozuo lost, Song Guogong Ye Biao surrendered, Dai Guogong Shi Shangyi surrendered...

In less than half a month, the 20,000 to 30,000 Ming troops scattered in western Guangdong were either annihilated by the Taiping army or surrendered to the Taiping army. Now only the southernmost Leizhou and the Qinzhou behind them are still under the control of the Ming army. The soldiers who escaped told them that the fall of Leizhou City would not be too long.

A group of more than a hundred Taiping cavalrymen drove hundreds of Ming troops from the kiosk to the city of Leizhou like a duck. kill. But if the defeated soldiers ran too slowly and asked them to come up, the saber in his hand would be swung down without hesitation.

Threatened by the Taiping cavalry, the defenders did not dare to open the city gate. They only dared to put down hanging baskets from the city and pull up the routed soldiers who were crying and letting them in.

After the officer in the rout was pulled up to the city head, he immediately found the commander-in-chief, and after telling the details of the loss of the kit, he was still in shock.

The fact that more than 2,000 soldiers and the same number of regiments and young men were attacked by several hundred Taiping troops made Gao Jinku and his men speechless. They knew that the Taiping army could fight, or else they would not have defeated the Manchu and Mongolian army led by Prince Ji Du of Qing Jian. capsule. No matter how bad the soldiers in the kiosk are, there are more than 4,000 people, and they rely on the kiosk, how can they be destroyed by hundreds of soldiers!

Gao Jinku couldn't believe that he was famous for his arrogance. Back then in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, he defeated Li Chengdong's tens of thousands of soldiers with several thousand soldiers.

The fallen soldiers under the city were pulled up to the city wall by hanging baskets one by one, but they were able to save a few. Those Taiping cavalrymen who were chasing ducks all the way, seeing that the defenders in the city were well prepared, could not take advantage of the chaos to seize the city, so they were no longer polite to those defeated soldiers. Although they were only a hundred or so, they killed hundreds of defeated soldiers to the point where only a few dozen people were left screaming and crying against the wall. The defenders on the city didn't even have the courage to open the city gate and let their own people in. They just took their bows and arrows in panic and shot down the city. In the night, I can shoot a few more.

Some daring officers shouted to open the city gates to let people in, but those generals who already knew about the defeat of the sacks would let them do so and stop them without hesitation. Their reasons are very good. All you can see in Mingli is the hundreds of Taiping cavalry, but who knows if there is a large group of Taiping troops hidden in the night, and they will kill them immediately when the city gate is opened.

The cavalry of the Taiping Army outside the city left the shooting range of the defenders. Leizhou City was safe, but morale was extremely low. Those defeated soldiers who were pulled up to the city exaggerated the strength of the Taiping army infinitely, saying that they were countless times more vicious than the Qing army. This rumor suddenly made the defenders even more panic. The defenders all had their families in the city, and they secretly went back and told their wives and children to hide in fear. In this way, everyone in Leizhou City could no longer sleep peacefully in the dark night, and they inquired about what was going on outside the city. , There is a saying in all of them - "A force stronger than the Qing army is about to attack Leizhou City! If the defending army does not open the city and surrender, after the city is broken, there will be no chickens and dogs!"

In this tense atmosphere, the sky was getting brighter, and as the line of sight became clearer, the soldiers standing at the head of the city finally got a clear view of the outside of the city. With such a small number of people, there is no large group of people hiding!

Immediately, the Ming army in the city became disturbed and disturbed, and some generals began to shout that they would go out of the city to destroy the hundred and ten daring Taiping troops.

"Sir, send troops out of the city, or else you won't be able to raise your military spirit!"

"The Taiping Army has only 100 people, and we also have cavalry. We will send them out of the city to defeat them in one fell swoop, lest the Taiping Army think that we have no one in Leizhou!"


The prudent general advocated not to leave the city, but the daring general shouted to leave the city. The chief soldier Gao Jin was also conflicted in his heart. Although he knew that there were only 100 cavalry in the city, the news that came yesterday was too terrifying, and the situation was very clear. Portal, they must have rushed towards Leizhou City. Now, I'm afraid I'm on the way. If this will send troops out of the city to fight, in case the Taiping army's brigade kills...

Thinking of this, Gao Jinku felt shivering, but seeing the eagerness in the eyes of Qiu Zhan's subordinates, and seeing the low morale in the city, he was shaken, knowing that he had to send troops to fight, otherwise the morale of the army could not be restored at all.

"Go to battle, fight quickly!"

After the commander-in-chief had spoken, the generals who were begging for battle were overjoyed and shouted to take the credit. At this time, the commander-in-chief was heard saying, "Be careful after you leave the city. If you see something wrong, come back immediately!"


After being in the Qing army for a long time, the two generals who had only changed into Ming military uniforms for a few months habitually responded repeatedly, and then ordered troops to rush out from the city gate.

Four hundred cavalry is the largest mobile force in Gao Jinku's hands, and it is also the biggest capital. Looking at Leizhou, apart from Gao Jinku, which other company can have so many cavalry!

Four hundred cavalrymen who followed Gao Jinku to pacify Nanchang, fought against Ganzhou, and then went all the way to Guangdong shouted and killed the hundred and ten Taiping soldiers. They screamed and seemed so brave.

After discovering that hundreds of cavalrymen suddenly burst out in Leizhou City, the hundred and ten Taiping cavalrymen were not afraid. Their guard, Manchurian Guerma, smiled at the hundred and ten Mongolian soldiers under his command: "The southern barbarians in the city have left the city. Follow me to kill them all and win this feat!"

After speaking, Guerma drew his sword and rushed towards the hundreds of Ming army cavalry. The Mongolian cavalry roared to keep up, the sword-wielding sword and the arrow-drawing arrow were no less brave than those of the Ming cavalry. Although those Ming cavalrymen were the elites of the former Green Battalion and had an advantage in strength, against these Mongolian cavalry, the advantage was not so obvious. The hands of the two sides were actually indistinguishable. Gao Jinku in the city could see clearly that his subordinate cavalry seemed to be inferior to those of the Taiping cavalry in horse-fighting skills.

At this time, the Ming army on the top of the city was staring blankly at the cavalry fighting on both sides. Although the number of people fighting on both sides was not large, the tragic aspect was no less than the war. After two rounds of fighting, the Ming army on the top of the city was shocked to find that their cavalry was at a disadvantage. Although there were still more cavalry than those of the Taiping Army, more people died.

It's a Mongolian soldier!

Gao Jinku finally found out that the Taiping cavalry were not Han, but Mongolians, because their roaring voices were so familiar. In the chaos, he even heard the voice of Uncle Manzhou.

At this point, Gao Jinku still didn't understand what was going on, and he was living in vain. Obviously, there were many Manchu and Mongolian soldiers in the Taiping army, and why these Manchu and Mongolian uncles joined the Taiping army to work for the Han people was fundamental. There is no need to guess, there is only one answer, that is, the Han people in the Taiping Army are more powerful than them.


Gao Jinku let out a long sigh. He could understand why the Kiosk had been defeated so badly, because just the hundred or so Manchurian cavalry could not be resisted by his subordinates. Appeared brigade Taiping.

Gao Jinku's face was bitter, and the two subordinates who were fighting with the Taiping cavalry were secretly complaining. They clearly had an absolute numerical advantage, but they couldn't end the battle as soon as possible. I thought that as long as they rushed over with the momentum of Mount Tai, they would be able to drive the more than 100 Taiping cavalry away, and then strangle them one by one. Unexpectedly, these more than 100 Taiping cavalrymen not only greeted them, but also were so capable and skillful. They either swim there with bows and arrows to shoot, or pick up sabres to fight face to face. In short, fight whatever is beneficial to them, causing the entire city to be filled with smoke and dust. Although it is only a battle of a few hundred people, it looks like thousands of troops are fighting.

Time continued to pass, but the opponent was fighting in Vietnam but was brave, and there was no sign of collapse at all. The two Ming army generals immediately sank, and they looked south nervously. They were afraid, afraid that the Taiping army would suddenly appear in the army. under the eyelids. When the time comes, how long will they be able to withstand the thunderous blow of the Taiping Army brigade!

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

The two generals of the Ming army issued an order to retreat. They just wanted to leave the battlefield early and return to the city. Unfortunately, when people are unlucky, they can choke to death while eating. Just as the Ming cavalry was about to retreat, another group of cavalry rolled up dust and appeared in their sight.

not good!

Whether the Ming army on the top of the city or the Ming army below the city, their hearts suddenly cooled down, and I saw the black cavalry of the Taiping Army who arrived to kill the city. At this time, the Ming army cavalry under the city had long been exhausted by those Taiping army cavalry. Facing the opponent's large reinforcements, they could still withstand it, and where did they dare to resist, they turned their horses and ran back. Regardless of whether the back is exposed under the opponent's knife.

Gao Jinku didn't order anyone to open the city gate and let his subordinates in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he said just now that they would run back when the opportunity was wrong, he still closed the city gate tightly and let them No matter how you beat it outside, you won't open it. Gao Jinku was scared, really scared. When he faced Li Chengdong's army of tens of thousands in Ganzhou, he was never as scared as he is today.

The Taiping cavalry who arrived chased the Ming cavalry all the way to the bottom of the city, and then fired a few rounds of bows and arrows at the Ming troops who were knocking on the city gate before leaving far away. Watching the cavalry below fall one by one, the Ming army generals in the city felt cold in their hearts. They haven't experienced such a scene for a long time since Gao Jinku entered Guangdong from Ganzhou. They were also afraid.

After half a column of incense, Tie Yi, the second town general and commander of the Taiping Army, finally appeared on the horizon with the three main brigades of the second town, and the darkness approached Leizhou City. Seven or eight thousand people marched on the broad plain, and the scene was daunting from a distance.

At the front of the Taiping army team was a banner embroidered with the three characters "Taiping Army", a banner embroidered with the character "Zhou", followed by a banner with the character "Ming" and another embroidered with the character "Zhou". The banner with the word "dead array" is particularly dazzling among the many banners, and it is the soul of the Second Town.

The opponent was playing the Ming army flag, and his own was also playing the Ming army flag. What the **** is this brute force!

The Ming army generals in Leizhou City looked at each other in dismay, and none of them could speak.

Gao Jinku's face was tense, and he watched the Taiping troops approaching Leizhou City without moving. He only pondered one thought in his heart: Can I defend this city?

After surrounding Leizhou City, a horse from the Taiping army rushed out and approached the city. The knight above took out the longbow from his back, took out the arrow branch from the quiver, and shot an arrow towards the city head with a "whoosh" sound. . A piece of white cloth was tied to the arrow with six words written on it - "If the city is not opened, the city will be massacred."

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