Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 506: The enemy is vicious and will retreat!

"More than 2,000 cavalry can't break through the Taiping army! What are you all doing!"

Looking at the cavalry generals such as Ma Mingyuan, nephew Ma Zhilong, and his family's relative Ma Zhongxin, who had returned in embarrassment, Ma Xiong didn't fight at all. The more than two thousand Guyuan Huihui cavalry under his command were brought out by his adoptive father, Ma Jiaolin, and handed over to him by himself. From north to south, even Li Dingguo, the King of Jin in the Ming Dynasty, could not do anything about them. He was even supported by Guangxi Admiral Guoan, and he deliberately stayed in Guangxi to guard. He didn't want to lose more than 300 in just one charge today, which made Ma Xiong unacceptable. If it weren't for the fact that the cavalry generals were all his cronies and clansmen, they would have been dragged out of the formation long ago.

Dai Liangchen, the commander of the Han army, had a good relationship with Ma Zhongxin and others on weekdays, so he went up to say a few good words for them, saying that the Ming army's artillery fire was too fierce, and the foot formation was too dense, and the foot army was unable to Containing and disrupting the formation of the Ming army made it impossible for the cavalry to start. If they really tried their best, how could they not be able to break the Taiping army, but the loss would be too great, and it was not worth it.

Dai Liangchen and Ma Xiong were both generals under the command of Kong Youde, King of Dingnan. The two, Xian Guoan and others followed King Dingnan thousands of miles south. Press the anger down. In sight, Li Ruchun and the others had been pushed back by the Taiping army again, and there were corpses everywhere in front of the battle. If it wasn't for the ferocious supervising team sent, I'm afraid those green battalion soldiers would have caused the Taiping army to collapse. At this time, the cavalry of the Taiping Army was still quietly staying at the lower left of the hillside, and there was no sign of being dispatched.

Ma Xiong was not afraid of the cavalry of the Taiping Army. In his opinion, even if the so-called cavalry was not mentioned, no matter how hard the southern barbarians in Guangdong were to train, they would never be able to train the men from the north. Most of those cavalrymen were captured warhorses, so choose some soldiers who could barely stand on the horse and not fall down. At first glance, they were a little scary, but they were actually used to scare people. Hundreds of cavalry can crush them. [The update is fast, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, and there are no pop-up windows. I like this kind of website the most. It must be praised until now. The Taiping cavalry has not been dispatched, which seems to confirm Ma Xiong's guess, that is this cavalry. Can't hit at all.

On the river, the warships of the Ming army's navy sailed across the river one by one, but all they could do was to cheer for their own troops and horses, but they could not go ashore to help out. The distance from the battlefield is too far, and the artillery of the Ming army navy can't hit it at all.

The navy was incapable of taking over the battlefield, and the cavalry was a decoration. What Ma Xiong was thinking about was the Taiping army's infantry formation and their artillery. The Qing army's infantry formation, mainly the Green Battalion, was obviously no match for the Taiping army's infantry, and the cavalry failed to break through the opponent's line of defense, so Ma Xiong was considering whether to order the troops to withdraw and no longer fight the Taiping army. The fortified city of Wuzhou consumed the Taiping army, making Wuzhou a meat grinder, and hanging the Taiping bandits under the city little by little. But if the order is to withdraw now, the infantry will definitely not have time to withdraw. Once the Taiping Army is called into a pursuit battle, the Green Battalion will probably collapse, and the loss will be too great. Without the infantry of the Green Battalion, how could the cavalry alone be able to defend the city. After all, defending the city requires troops!

When Ma Xiong couldn't make up his mind, his son Ma Chengyin was known to be top-notch in riding, and he had the pride of not being afraid of tigers when he was born. South barbarian!"

Hearing this, the retired cavalry general Ma Mingyuan hurriedly persuaded: "Chengyin, don't underestimate these Taiping bandits, they are not ordinary Ming troops, Prince Jian, Hahamu, Shang Kexi, they all told them to defeat them.

Ma Xiong's nephew, Ma Zhongxin, was also afraid that his brother would be foolish and bold, and he would be foolish and brave, and persuaded Ma Chengyin not to be a hero.

Ma Chengyin, however, was not convinced, and said indignantly, "What are you afraid of? My clan is not inferior to the Manchu soldiers in terms of bravery!" Then he said to his father, "The Han Chinese have no more soldiers than us, and they are clearly here to fight the vanguard. If you don't defeat them now, will you wait for the Taiping bandits on the river to bring in more Han Chinese to fight them?"

"Second brother, you don't understand. The Han soldiers are powerful. I saw it clearly before. Their formation is not something we can easily break through."

Ma Zhongxin's good-hearted persuasion was taken by Ma Chengyin as a donkey's liver.

"Second brother, how can you say such a thing!"

Ma Zhongxin was incensed by his cousin's words, he took off his clothes, pointed to the wounds all over his body, and said loudly: "Frightened? From north to south, brother and I never charged forward! Do you think I stabbed the wound on my body myself!"

"You are brave, why do you want to grow others' ambition and destroy our prestige!" Ma Chengyin was actually a little guilty, but so many people looked at him, but he refused to bow his head to his brother and admit his mistake.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, all the generals were in a daze, and Ma Xiong couldn't hang on his face, Dai Liangchen saw this and took the appearance of an elder and scolded them: "Nonsense, don't even look at what this is. Place, do you want to be dragged to be beaten with a bat!"

Being reprimanded by Dai Liangchen like this, Ma Zhongxin and Ma Chengyin's voices suddenly became hoarse, and all the generals also looked at Ma Xiong, whether it was to fight or retreat, it was Ma Xiong who had the final say.

Ma Xiong glanced at the generals, and all the people standing here except Dai Liangchen were his clansmen, and they were also his cronies, and they were the most capable generals under him. From the eyes of this group of people, he saw the fiery eyes of his son Chengyin seeking to fight, but he also saw the unwillingness to fight in the eyes of his nephew Zhongxin and others. He hesitated again, he was not a yellow-haired child, how could he not know that what they said was true, the Ming army was too powerful, and if he really wanted to charge again, the loss would definitely be too great for him to accept.

"Ma Si Baba, what do you say?" Ma Xiong's eyes finally fell on the face of an elder in a robe, a white hat and a beard.

The one who was called "Ma Si Baba" was a great scripture teacher invited by Ma Xiong from Hubei. His name was Ma Minglong. He was born in a Huihui family, a prominent place in Hubei. He followed his father to learn Chinese and Huihui scriptures since he was a child. At the age of 15, he went to Tongxincheng, Ningxia, in the northwest to study the classics from several Huihui scholars. Six years later, he returned to his hometown and devoted himself to the research. At this time, a Huihui master from the west arrived in Hubei~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ma Minglong worshipped him as a teacher and learned the authentic scriptures of Hu Da. Because Ma Minglong is humble and eager to learn, studies hard, and can adopt the strengths of various Huihui schools, he has a high reputation in the minds of Daming Hui people.

After Ma Xiong entered Guangxi with King Kong Youde of Dingnan, he always wanted to build the Dahuihui Temple in Wuzhou and Liuzhou. However, due to the continuous war, the Dahuihui Temple could not be built until he led his troops to capture Liuzhou last year. As soon as the Dahuihui Temple was built, he invited the famous Ma Si Baba to come to teach the scriptures, so as to spread Hu Da's teachings and fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Ma Si Baba requested to accompany the army out of the city. Considering that Ma Si Baba would not have any trouble following him, Ma Xiong took him with him. Before the battle, he even asked Ma Si Baba to read the scriptures for the returning soldiers under his command, which made the morale of the returning soldiers very high. At this time, the high morale was depressed due to the failure of the charge.

All the returning generals respected Ma Si Baba, and when they heard the words, they all looked at Ma Si Baba.

Ma Si Baba moved his long beard and recited the sutra number very devoutly, and then said to them in a very vicissitudes of life: "The soldiers of the Han people are vicious, I know you don't want to fight recklessly, but Hu Da once taught you to encounter vicious men. Is the enemy going to back down?"

When the generals heard the words, they all flashed fiercely, and the generals such as Ma Zhongxin and Ma Mingyuan who had previously said that they would avoid the war were even more ashamed. Only Dai Liangchen sneered in his heart, disapproving of Ma Si Baba's words, because in his opinion, these generals and soldiers were actually Han, and they were fundamentally different from those with serene eyes. Their ancestors were all Han people, but somehow Those who look at themselves are the same as those of Semu, but they look down on the Han people on the other hand. Now that the Qing Dynasty is in the world, whether it is Hui people or Han people, not all people want to serve the Manchu people.


There is one more update, which will be released after 12:00. (To be continued.


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