Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 522: Burning Kunming

I'm really sorry everyone, I didn't have time to update yesterday. This time it was really a natural disaster. The 17-level tornado was too severe. The severely affected village was more than ten miles away from my home. It was on the side of the 204 National Highway. Many people were killed and injured. Many of them were smashed to death in their own houses. Seeing those grandmothers howling with their grandson's (girl's) corpses in their arms, the bones are very uncomfortable, and I really cry. (See the news for details)

The electricity arrived at eleven o'clock in the evening, and the bones turned on the code as soon as possible, just to be able to update it in time, and to mourn in silence for the dead hometown (and I can only mourn in silence, I can't do anything else, I hope the seriously injured can survive. Bar.)

The fleeing of a large number of people made the city of Kunming in the dark like a dead city, with its streets and alleys in disarray. An empty house stood in pitch darkness in the night, and the dog, which was chained in the yard, barked from time to time, but he didn't know whether he was hungry or found that his master was gone.

The tall Kunming city wall surrounded the city in the dark, and the soldiers who used to patrol it were no longer there. The gate is also open, and it seems that they don't mind changing the owner of Kunming City at all. On the streets on both sides of the city gate, there are countless pots and pans scattered on the ground, which are all done by those Kunming people who fled and were reluctant to abandon their belongings. They didn't mean to throw away these belongings, but were pushed around by the crowd when they went out of the city, and eventually the pot fell and the bowl was broken.

Looking at Kunming City from the night sky, it is a dead city, and you can't see any lights at all, but when you are inside, you can find that it is not a real dead city, because there are still people in the city. Vaguely, people can still be seen rushing from their residences in the city to the city gate in the dark, and then looking out of the dark city, hesitating again and again, and finally gnashing their teeth and taking their parents, wife and children on a road to survive. They don't know if they can come back, but like their neighbors who went out of the city during the day, they carefully tidied up the inside and outside of the house when they left home, and even carried the firewood piled up in the yard into the kitchen. Hanging the iron lock on the door, he walked towards the unknown.

Most of the people obeyed the King Jin's decree to flee the city, and there were some who insisted on staying in the city or not. In addition to the lonely and widowed old people who stayed in the city, the rest were the common people who had never heard of the military discipline of the Qing soldiers. They simply thought that even if they really changed the dynasty, it had nothing to do with them. They were just ordinary people, and they did not hinder anyone. Therefore, the Qing soldiers would not kill them, because the Qing yamen also needed them to pay grain and pay taxes.

It is true that the Qing soldiers can't harm them now, because the nearest Qing soldiers are more than 120 miles away from Kunming City. However, the withdrawal of the imperial court and the government has not only made Kunming an empty and lonely city, but also made Kunming a chaos. City.

The chaos is caused by those gangsters who take advantage of the chaos and loot, have no humanity, and only know how to make a country and make money. The rich all ran away, but there were more left behind. Without officers and soldiers and government officials to stop them, the local gangsters will never miss any opportunity to make a fortune. Even if the people who were robbed by them were poor people who didn't have much oil and water, everyone knew the truth of how little can make more money.

The robbery in Kunming started from the moment Sheng Jia left the Guogong Mansion, and it never stopped. There are robbery in the fleeing team, and there are also robbery in Kunming city. There are even murder cases, such as heinous cases of **** and gang rape.

Even the worst government is better than no government at all.

Without the existence of the government, the worst side of human nature will be brought into full play. I don't know how many tragic things happened in Kunming City at night, but unfortunately no one stopped it.

In order to protect themselves, the people who stayed behind could only lock the courtyard gate and the house door, use a large log behind the door to hold it tightly, burn incense and ask the Buddha to bless those bad people who did evil outside their house from rushing to their home.

In a bungalow with a yard in Xicheng, a middle-aged man hid his wife and children in the house, and guarded the back of the house with a kitchen knife, carefully listening to the movements around him. If he was holding a torch in his hand now, he could clearly see that his face was extremely white, with no blood at all. He heard footsteps approaching and the bone-chilling laughter.

"Come and see here!"

A dozen or so rascals with knives, daggers, hammers and other weapons in their hands rushed to the man's yard. The man was very scared, very scared. He couldn't beat so many people. What will happen to his wife and daughter.

The man's throat moved up and down, and his legs were shaking violently, but he did not retreat, but stood behind the door holding the knife tightly. There was only one thought in his mind, that no matter how many people there were outside, he would hack to death the first one who rushed in.

Suddenly, there was a painful cry from outside, followed by a man's scolding: "Damn you, you have eaten the guts of an ambitious leopard, dare to come here to do evil!"

Later, the screams outside became more and more louder and louder. After dozens of breaths, there were no screams outside, but there were footsteps. Listening to the footsteps, there seem to be many people outside.

The man dared not open the door to see what kind of people were outside, he only knew that those must be murderers. His heart trembled even more, because he didn't know if the murderers would rush into his house like the bad ones.

What reassured the man was that the murderer outside did not rush into his house, but went further and further away, and then he heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the alley.

The sound of horse hooves made the man subconsciously think that King Jin's soldiers were back. He didn't dare to open the door to see, so he found a stool and climbed to the courtyard wall to see. There were really officers and soldiers in the alley, with torches and red military uniforms. Densely standing there, there are probably hundreds of people. One of the leading generals said something to the two men in official uniforms, too far away to hear clearly, but the man felt that they seemed to be arguing about something.


Liang Shuanghu was really anxious, and the surnamed Xu said that he was going to rob the commander of his wife, lest the princess fall into the hands of the Tartars and the commander's reputation would be humiliated. This is right, although the commander did not know that the emperor had promised him a wife, but the will has been issued, and the whole world knew that the eldest princess was the wife of his family's commander, and it really fell into the hands of the Tartars. The handsome has no face, but those of them who are subordinates have face? The emperor can't protect himself now, just because he threw his two sons away, can you believe that he has always protected the princess? So this matter really has to listen to the surname Xu, go out and grab people back, so as not to follow the emperor in precarious times.

The problem is that the surnamed Xu also said that he wanted to coax the people to the west to chase after the holy car, so that there would be chaos on the holy car, and they would easily start robbing people. This is also true, Liang Shuanghu also listened to it. He and his subordinates shouted in the city for a long time, and his voice became hoarse. Finally, he coaxed most of the people of Kunming to the west to chase the holy car, and made the emperor's motorcade into a mess. It's the best time to grab people. But when things came to an end, the surnamed Xu was not in a hurry. He said that he would not go to grab the princess, but to do a big event in Kunming City. What the **** is going on? Stealing your wife is important!

Guo Shao is also very dissatisfied with Xu Yingyuan's change of mind. Kunming City really can't stay now. God knows when the Qing soldiers will come. It will take a long time and something goes wrong. Who is responsible for this?

"Brother Xu, this is burning my eyebrows. It's been a long time since the holy car was out of the city. If we don't chase after him, the daylily will be cold!" Guo Shao was in a hurry.

"What nonsense is there for us to do in this city?" Liang Shuanghu sulked.

Xu Yingyuan looked at the two anxiously and said, "When I came from Dongcheng just now, I found that the grain storage in the city's grain depot is all there, so we have to do this."

Guo Shao was stunned: "Brother Xu means we're going to grab the food?"

Xu Yingyuan shook his head and said, "There is so much grain, we can't finish it. I heard from Master Guo that the grain storage in Kunming was raised by the King of Jin for more than a year, enough for hundreds of thousands of troops to eat for more than half a year. Sun Kewang was prepared to defend the city when he attacked the city, and he didn't want Sun Kewang to be defeated so quickly, so the food was useless and kept in Kunming."

"So much grain?" Guo Shao was very surprised: "With so much grain, why did King Jin abandon Kunming?"

Xu Yingyuan said: "The King of Jin is newly defeated, and the Qin soldiers do not obey orders. What's the use of more food, the problem is that there are no soldiers to defend. The Qing army has advanced several times, and every way is tight, the King of Jin is really not sure to hold Kunming. , this is the only way to abandon the city, otherwise you think the King of Jin will agree to the emperor's retreat to western Yunnan."

Guo Shao frowned after hearing this: "The King of Jin is also true. Since he decided to abandon the city, why did he keep the food in Kunming, why didn't he send troops to move it away? Could it be that so much food should be left to the Qing army?"

"I can't help it." Xu Yingyuan sighed, and he had no way of guessing why King Jin kept so much grain in the city, but he didn't know that King Jin had ordered the Kunming defenders to burn the grain, but he was stopped by the emperor. . (It is a historical fact that Yongli did not allow the burning of grain in Kunming, which made the Qing army in Yunnan do not have to worry about food and grass, and accelerated the process of Yongli's downfall)

"What does Brother Xu mean?" Guo Shao asked.

Liang Shuanghu thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Master Xu means to transport these grains back to Guangdong?"

Xu Yingyuan chuckled lightly: "When will the two or three hundred of us rely on so much grain to move it? The Qing army is approaching Kunming, and it will definitely arrive in a few days when it is full, and we will not even finish moving a granary by then. ."

"Since we can't move out, why are we staying here?"

Liang Shuanghu became more and more dissatisfied, and Guo Shao was also confused. Xu Yingyuan suddenly said seriously: "Before I came, the commander had a secret order that if the emperor abandoned the city and fled, he would burn the entire city of Kunming to the ground, leaving not a grain of grain, not a house, or a well for the Qing army!" Speaking of this, he paused, "So we're going to burn the city now!"

"Burning the city!"

Liang Shuanghu and Guo Shao gasped. The city of Kunming is very big, not to mention food, there are tens of thousands of houses for the people, and there are at least tens of thousands of people in the city who have not left. , what should the people do?

"Don't be a woman, if you don't burn the city and burn the food, more people will die than the people in the city now!"

Xu Yingyuan took out a secret letter from his arms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and handed it to Guo Shao: "This is a warrant to act cheaply from the commander, look at it."

Liang Shuanghu was illiterate, so he couldn't understand what the warrant said, but Guo Shao could see it clearly. The commander stated that all the personnel in Kunming belonged to Xu Yingyuan. In other words, Xu Yingyuan was their head now. What did he say? , Guo Shao and the others will listen.

After returning the warrant to Xu Yingyuan, Guo Shao expressed his willingness to listen to Xu Yingyuan's orders, but before burning the city, he must send someone in the city to notify the people who did not leave to evacuate, so as to minimize unnecessary casualties of the people. On this point, Xu Yingyuan agreed. Burning the city is important, but if you really want to burn tens of thousands of people alive in the city of Kunming, it is also a sin, and it is unbearable.

At the moment, Guo Shao, Liang Shuanghu and others acted separately, and the people who were hiding at home soon learned that the soldiers of the King of Jin wanted to burn the city to prevent Kunming from falling into the Qing army. Some people believed it, and some people didn't believe it. Before dawn, Kunming was full of fire.

The first to catch fire were the granaries that stored food. Liang Shuanghu and others spread the hay and dead branches prepared in advance on the ground, then poured kerosene and ignited it with flint. Suddenly, a raging flame erupted. The fire spread quickly, and in less than a moment, the grain depot was on fire. Millions of stone rations were burnt to the flames. (To be continued.)

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