Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 527: But Her Royal Highness

It was the officers and soldiers who escorted the emperor who robbed the emperor. To be precise, it was the soldiers of Sun Chongya, the commander-in-chief of the Right Association under the command of Jin Tongwu, the Marquis of Pingyang. To be more precise, it was Lord Ma Jixiang, the chief assistant of the Ming court cabinet, who asked the chief soldier, Sun Chongya, to rob him, and the targets of the robbery were the civil and military officials who followed the holy car to Anning. Of course, from the moment the escorting soldiers turned from protectors to perpetrators, the situation was no longer under Ma Jixiang's control.

Robbery of those accompanying officials sounds like Ma Jixiang is crazy. In fact, his brain is not broken. If he doesn't do it, it is very likely that Emperor Yongli, who has soft ears, will change his mind again and go to Sichuan instead of west Yunnan, because more than 90% of the After the emperor officially issued an order to go to western Yunnan, the accompanying officials all went to cry and remonstrate.

Speaking of which, Ma Jixiang had nothing to do with him. King Jin agreed that the holy car would go to western Yunnan, and the **** Pingyang Hou Jin Tongwu also received a warrant to send the holy car to Yongchang in western Yunnan safely, so this matter is already a certainty, and there is no need to worry at all. . However, Ma Jixiang was not at ease, afraid that Mu Tianbo and Fugang would obstruct the matter, so at his desperate request, the exhausted Yongli Emperor officially issued an decree to inform the accompanying officials that the ultimate purpose of the holy car's move. The land is Yongchang City in western Yunnan.

As a result, most of the officials who were kept in the dark knew that they were not going to Sichuan with the holy car, but to Yongchang City, a borderland of barren land. They naturally thought of the dispute between Lord Shoufu and the great scholar Guo Zhiqi in Kunming a few days ago. , I also thought of the words that the newly-appointed Guangdong official envoy said to the emperor - "If the emperor wants to move to western Yunnan, he must be a traitor. The emperor should order the soldiers to kill this thief!"

"The Holy Master listened to the horse thief Ji Xiang's words and wanted to go to Western Yunnan to benefit Myanmar. This is a policy to lose the country!"

"Go to western Yunnan, and the country will perish!"

The grief-stricken chauffeur officials and the peaceful local squires, the elderly and the common people burst into tears. They couldn't accept the fact that the holy chariot would even abandon the country and flee. Hundreds of civil and military officials who accompanied him broke through the Jinyiwei led by Ma Jixiang's brother Ma Xiongfei, and knelt down in front of the Yongli Emperor's car, crying and begging the emperor to take back the edict of leaving western Yunnan and go to Central Sichuan instead.

"It is a great misfortune for the imperial court to be unable to defend Kunming. The ministers and other ministers agreed with the King of Jin to move the holy car, but they hope that the holy car will be fortunate to Shu and not China to change to Yongchang to enter western Yunnan! ... Your Majesty is the son of tomorrow, when This country is in crisis, how can we walk across the border lightly? This is a big loss of hope at home and abroad. There are rumors from the outside world that saints are driving to western Yunnan and it is also fortunate that Myanmar is a vassal, but it is actually a foreign country. Keeping the vassal's duty of loyalty and obedience to welcome me, but when my monarch and ministers are in adversity, I go to the borders of other countries in embarrassment and ask his citizens how to see my monarch and ministers? Your Majesty can't call on China and foreign countries in other countries, and if the Burmese state calls troops to block my monarch and ministers, Your Majesty will be in danger. Who is going to guarantee it?  …”

Hu Xian also kowtowed and sobbed during the incident: "In the current situation in Yunnan, the word ZTE is nothing but the words of the courtier who loves the king and the father. In fact, there is no clue. But outside Yunnan, there are central Sichuan, Guangdong, and Jinsha, and I am all over the Ming Dynasty. There are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and there are thousands of loyal ministers and brave generals. How could Your Majesty leave Western Yunnan lightly and abandon these hundreds of thousands of loyal and brave warriors? Being able to cheer up is only for the rejuvenation of Ming Dynasty, so the ministers are absolutely reluctant to take your Majesty to the west of Yunnan!...The ministers thought that your Majesty should go to Central Sichuan, but if you can't go to Annan to Guangdong, your Majesty does not have any of these two places. If you go, you should also persevere, try the courage and pay, and retreat to recuperate. Outside, keep the gates, and inside, persuade the farmers and mulberry to stay for the rest of the year, waiting for the transfer of God's will. Fortunately, there will be diligent kings in the four directions. , you should still take the road to Shu, you can still get all the way!"

After speaking, Hu Xian and Liu Qing burst into tears. Hundreds of officials who persuaded them to persuade also burst into tears.

Baiguan persuaded Emperor Yongli to bow his head and be speechless, and he felt ashamed, but he didn't know whether he really believed Ma Jixiang's slander, or he was afraid of death and did not want to take the risk to go to Sichuan. He ignored Baiguan's advice, as long as Liu Qing He drafted the "Edict of Guilty" for him, and drafted the "Repentance to God" to express his shame and self-blame to the Ming army and the people.

What Baiguan wants is the actual actions of the emperor, what they want is the opportunity to go to Sichuan to plan a comeback, not the act of abandoning the country by running to the border!

The emperor's behavior finally made all officials feel chilled and despaired about the future. Therefore, Xu Yingyuan and his party, who were rushing to Anning, saw countless Yongli courtiers abandoning their posts, and then, under various soft or hard actions, - A small person, Xu Yingyuan, who was born in a man, set up a court frame for the new imperial regime that was still in the womb, from the minister to the chief. If you can move a few more scholars to Guangdong, the cabinet can be built up.


With tears in his eyes, Liu Qing drafted edicts for the emperor. In these two edicts, he scolded Ma Jixiang for using power to bring harm to the country, and even more vaguely accused His Royal Highness the King of Jin's cronies for mistaking fame and fortune. Yongli kept silent about the content of the edict, which made Ma Jixiang afraid, so he found his brother Ma Xiongfei and his son-in-law Yang Zai, and said to them: "We have been planning for so long, so that the holy car will go to western Yunnan and be lucky to Burma. Now it seems that although the sage has not changed his mind, he may not have other ideas in his heart.... Most of those court officials are not of the same mind as us. If we can't persuade today, we will persuade tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. There will always be One day, the sage will change his mind, so we must act, or we will be ruled by man in the future."

"What do you mean, brother?"

When Ma Xiongfei led people to stop the accompanying officials, he was severely punched by the head of the Ministry of Industry, so his face twitched when he spoke. He will catch the boss and beat him up, so that he knows how many eyes Ma Erye has!

Yang Zai frowned. With his familiarity with his father-in-law, he knew that his father-in-law was making another move, but he didn't know what move his father-in-law made this time.

Ma Jixiang said with a gloomy face: "In the final analysis, there are too many people who oppose us, so if we don't do it, we will never stop. Since these court officials are not on the same side as us, let them get out of the way, so that the sage will listen to us. yes."

"Get them out of here?"

Ma Xiongfei was startled, his brother's method was good, but he really couldn't think of any way to get all the officials to get out of the way.

Yang Zai was also a surprise, and many of the officials who were accompanying him had abandoned their officials and left the city on their own. Although people are desperate and angry about going to western Yunnan, they can still insist on not leaving, which shows that they are also determined to follow the Ming Dynasty and the emperor, and even say that they are ready to die for the country. These people are not even afraid of death, how can father-in-law tell them to get out of the way?

Ma Jixiang had a premeditated plan, he said to Yang Zai: "Sun Chongya, the commander-in-chief of the Right Association of the Marquis of Pingyang, is of the same mind as me, you go and tell him that he will send someone to lie about the approaching Qing army, the holy chariot must leave immediately, or else It may be overtaken by the Qing army." Speaking of this, there was a hint of sneer on his face: "We are good at everything, but we are too afraid of death, so the holy driver will definitely leave immediately."

Yang Zai shook his head and said: "The King of Jin is still holding on, and the Qing army will have to arrive in Kunming in a few days at the earliest. At this time, I lied that the Qing army was approaching, and the sage would not believe it."

"Don't worry, worthy son-in-law, the saint will believe it."

Ma Jixiang signaled that Yang Zai didn't have to worry about this, and said to him again: "Tell Sun Chongya that as soon as the holy car leaves the city, let his soldiers rob all the officials who are still to follow. In this way, I think there are still Who dares to accompany him! From now on, we will have the final say in what is in front of the Holy Master."

When Ma Xiongfei heard his brother's idea, he stayed there in fright. Yang Zai was also stunned for a long time, his lips parted, he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, sighed secretly and went to find Sun Chongya.

Everything was as Ma Jixiang expected. Sun Chongya felt that the future was bleak for the imperial court to retreat to western Yunnan. In this matter, I plan to make a huge fortune before leaving the Ming Dynasty ship that is about to sink.

According to the script provided by Ma Jixiang, Sun Chongya sent someone to inform Emperor Yongli that the Qing army had arrived in Kunming, but Emperor Yongli believed it without even thinking about it. Hurry out of the city and throw away the queen mother, the queen, and the prince!

Seeing that the holy car was really scared out of the city, Sun Chongya immediately led his troops to loot, but the timing was not right. When his soldiers started to rob, the holy car had not yet left the city!

Sun Chongya's soldiers were mad, and their eyes were red. It didn't matter if the emperor was not the emperor. If it wasn't for the inner supervisor and a few guards desperately protecting him, Emperor Yongli would probably have died in the hands of the rebels. Although the man was not dead, the horse carriage he was riding in was seized by the rioters. When he got out of the car and fled, he didn't even have any shoes, so he ran forward with bare feet and desperate for life. rescued by Tianbo. Da Shi Funa, Lei Yuelong and others were also rescued by Mu Tianbo. Seeing that the Da Shi was all right, Yongli was relieved for a while, and then he realized that he was patronizing and running, and his mother, wife and children were still in the city and did not come out. Woolen cloth!

Hearing that the queen mother, the queen and the prince were still in the city, Mu Tianbo was also anxious, and hurriedly sent troops into the city to save people. The Marquis of Pingyang, Jin Tongwu, was also startled by the chaotic soldiers in the city, and he hurriedly brought troops to suppress it, but the entire Anning City was in chaos. The soldiers who robbed him and his soldiers were originally one body. As a last resort, Jin Tongwu could only gather the more than 2,000 soldiers who did not enter the city and join Mu Tianbo to ensure the safety of the holy car first, but the soldiers in the city either acted together in chaos, or scattered like birds and beasts.

The poor civil and military officials in Anning City who are loyal to the Ming Dynasty even if they are desperate, no matter what they think, it is impossible for them to think that the court's first assistant will arrange for soldiers and horses to rob them. It's miserable, it's miserable. Gong Yi, the minister of households, and Zheng Fengyuan, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, even had their official robes stolen by the soldiers.

What makes people ironic is that the initiator was also unlucky. Lord Shoufu didn't expect that Sun Chongya's soldiers would start too fast, and the situation was out of his control. Those chaos emperors didn't recognize him. The dozen or so horse-drawn carriages that he had worked so hard to save were swept away by the chaotic soldiers when they were about to leave the city gate. With the help of his brother Ma Xiongfei and his son-in-law Yang Zai, he managed to find Jin Tongwu's soldiers. Save your life.

When he looked back at the chaos of Anning City, Ma Jixiang's beard was trembling, and he didn't know whether he was proud of his "wonderful idea" or regretted it.


When Xu Yingyuan and the others entered the city, they were not questioned by the guards at all, and no one stopped them. Even when the people saw them, they avoided them from a distance, and the robbery soldiers ignored them.

Uncle Guangping Chen Jian and the generals of the Shu Palace looked at the chaos in the city, but they were speechless. After a while, Chen Jian let out a wry smile, and after setting the meeting time with Xu Yingyuan, he led people to gather the soldiers of the Shu Palace.

In the chaos in the city, the soldiers of the Shu Palace must have also participated in it. At this moment, I don't know how many soldiers are still willing to obey Chen Jian's orders. Chen Jian also had the idea of ​​collecting as much as he could. Xu Yingyuan had already told him that they would take those court officials to Annan, and then return to Guangdong from Annan. The journey to Annan is not too close, and with so many courtiers and their families, there must be no shortage of escorting soldiers, otherwise it will be difficult to protect what happens on the road.

After Chen Jian and others went to gather the soldiers of the King of Shu, Xu Yingyuan and Liang Shuanghu did not dare to delay, and immediately went into the city to find the eldest princess. More than two hundred cavalrymen of the Taiping Army galloped through the city. Compared with the number of chaotic soldiers, they were better than the cavalry. Therefore, in terms of strength alone, the soldiers and horses from Guangdong who came to grab the princess were the most powerful. Energetic. Along the way, no chaotic soldiers dared to come over to stop them.

Xu Yingyuan and the others didn't know where the holy chariot was or where the princess was, so they could only find people all the way to ask questions. Finally, from the mouths of two robbery soldiers, they learned that the queen and the prince's car were trapped in Xicheng.

"The princess must be with the queen and the others, hurry up, let's hurry over there!"

Liang Shuanghu gave a drink and led his men to charge towards Xicheng.

When I got to Xicheng, I saw that more than a dozen carriages were blocked on the road, and there were panicked people and officials everywhere. Hundreds of rebels approached those officials and people from all directions, and then robbed them one by one. Both the officials and the common people wanted to cry without tears. Fortunately, those chaotic soldiers only seek money, and they don't harm people's lives, but if they encounter someone who refuses to hand over their wealth, it is inevitable to see blood.

Trapped on the street were the drivers of the queen mother, the queen, and the prince. The queen mother knew that the emperor had run away by himself, and she was so angry that she scolded the emperor for being unfilial, and she didn't even want her mother!

The queen hadn't figured out what was going on, and while she was busy comforting the queen mother, she told the inner supervisor and the guards to hurry out of the city. The eldest princess, Her Royal Highness Changle, had been following Queen Wang and the others, but when they arrived, they were blocked by the fleeing crowd. Looking at the chaos of soldiers looting around, the timid maids and the inner supervisor cried in fright, and His Royal Highness was also scared to hide in the carriage, shivering all over. Although the empress dowager is old, but after several dangerous situations, the old man can calm down. Although Empress Wang was also frightened by her husband's sudden departure, she thought that her husband would definitely not abandon them, so she reluctantly calmed down and commanded a few guards to drive away the crowd, trying to get out of the city quickly to meet her husband. However, there were too many people around, and there were too many soldiers, and the convoy was stuck there and could not get out.

During the chaos, I heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the east, and then a lot of cavalry rushed over. Queen Wang was overjoyed, thinking that the soldiers of the Marquis of Pingyang came to save them. I didn't want those cavalrymen to shout after coming over: "Where is the eldest princess, we are the soldiers of the Duke of Yue! Where is the princess, we are the soldiers of the Duke of Yue!"

The soldiers of the Duke of Guangdong? Which Cantonese Duke? !

Queen Wang was stunned for a moment, then remembered that her husband had conferred the title of the Guangdong scholar as Duke of Guangdong a few days ago.

"The Empress is here, come and **** you!"

An inner supervisor shouted subconsciously when he saw that the cavalry of the Duke of Yue was looking for Her Royal Highness. When he shouted, the rest of the inner guard and the palace maids also shouted, and the queen mother and the prince also stuck their heads out of the car window and looked at the cavalry with expectation.

The robbery soldiers were all stunned, temporarily stopped the robbery, and looked at the cavalry team vigilantly. The officials and people who were robbed cried out as if they saw a savior, begging the soldiers of the Duke of Yue to save them.

Those cavalrymen ignored the chaotic soldiers, officials and people calling for help, but rushed through the crowd, heading straight for the carriages, and one of the generals at the head shouted anxiously, "Where is the eldest princess! Where is Her Royal Highness? !"

"His Royal Highness is here!"

A terrified female voice came from a carriage.

Hearing this, Liang Shuanghu's heart fell with a big stone, and Xu Yingyuan was also overjoyed, and led his troops forward to disperse the officials and people around the carriage. More than 200 cavalry soldiers surrounded the carriage, and the Taiping soldiers on horseback stared at the chaos soldiers with knives and guns. Looking at these fierce cavalry, the chaotic soldiers did not dare to move.

Xu Yingyuan and Liang Shuanghu had never seen Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, so they turned over and got off the horse to the carriage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu Yingyuan saw that there seemed to be several women in the carriage, so he saluted the carriage, and then greeted the carriage. Said: "Is Princess Changle in the car?"

"I'm Changle."

A clear female voice came from the car, and then the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the young face of Princess Changle came into the eyes of Xu Yingyuan and Liang Shuanghu.

Seeing the appearance of the princess, Liang Shuanghu breathed a sigh of relief again, secretly saying that it's okay, this princess is not ugly.

However, Xu Yingyuan nodded slightly and said respectfully, "I also ask Your Highness to follow me to Guangdong."

In the car, Princess Changle was dreaming, looking at Xu Yingyuan in disbelief, her thin lips parted lightly: "Did the Xiucai ask you to save me?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Xu Yingyuan didn't know how to answer this, so he answered first. After Chang Le heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. It seemed that the chaos outside was not important at this moment. What was important was that the scholar who gave her the mutton soup was still thinking of her. (To be continued.)

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