Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 529: 3 Think before you act

In Yiliang County, Kunming, Yunnan, Wu Yingxiong, the son of King Pingxi and the consort of Heshuo, was ordered by Emperor Shunzhi to come to the army to visit his father who fought in the southwest for the Qing Dynasty. When passing through Hanzhong, Yingxiong couldn't resist the request of his younger brother Wu Yingqi, so Yingxiong took him to Yunnan with him.

The last time Wu Sangui saw his eldest son, Wu Yingxiong, was ten years in Shunzhi. He was overjoyed to see his eldest son again after five years. After the father and son talked about the love they hadn't seen for many years, Wu Sangui, who had become a grandfather, naturally asked about the two grandsons.

"Princess treats the son very well, Shifan is also very white and fat, and he can already be called Dad." When mentioning the two sons, Wu Yingxiong looked happy, "But the second son's name has not been named, but the son wrote a letter to the family before. I wanted to ask my father to name the second child, but my father led the army again, so this matter has been put on hold. The son came this time, and the princess also warned him that he should ask his father to name the second child no matter what."

"It's your father's job to choose a name for your son. How can you ask my grandfather to choose it?"

Wu Sangui laughed happily, saying so, but he took the pen and dropped the paper and wrote three big characters. Wu Yingqi probed to see it, but it was three big characters "Wu Shilin".

"Shi Lin?"

Wu Yingxiong read it carefully several times and was very satisfied with the name his father gave his second son.

"I thought about this name a long time ago, but I was afraid that you and the princess would think that the old man was too busy, so I kept it in my heart. I finally took it out today."

Wu Sangui looked at the eldest son Ying Xiong with kindness on his face, and thought that the eldest son had been staying in Beijing as a proton since the first year of Shunzhi, and he felt quite uncomfortable, but he thought that Ying Xiong was also a father now, and he had become two The grandfather of a grandson naturally has a different feeling in his heart.

"I'll go back to Beijing with my eldest brother to see my nephew Shilin, and see if Shifan still recognizes my uncle. Does the princess really like what the eldest brother said and love Shifan very much."

The 16-year-old Wu Yingqi is quite tall and tall. Compared with his eldest brother Ying Xiong, Ying Qi is quite like Sangui and looks like a military general.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional, Wu Sangui moved in his heart, put down the brush, glanced at Ying Xiong, who did not think much about what his younger brother said, and said meaningfully to him: "Although Shilin was born by the princess, the heir should not be taken lightly. , you must be aware of this. In the future, you will be the father of the Pingxi throne."

Wu Yingxiong was startled, understood what his father was talking about, and hurriedly said: "Father, don't worry, Jianning has no such idea. Shifan is a son-in-law, and this will not change anyway."

"That's fine."

Wu Sangui nodded, thinking that he was less than 50, but he thought too much about the succession of the throne, so he smiled and ignored the matter. He caught a glimpse of his second son, Yingqi, who was tall and majestic. He thought that he had been busy fighting for the past two years and had been neglecting to teach his son. Say, what kind of book knowledge have you and your husband learned?"

Wu Yingqi didn't think that his father would suddenly ask him about his studies, so he blushed and said, "What can you teach me, sir, it's just four books and five classics."

Wu Sangui raised his brows slightly: "Apart from the Four Books and Five Classics, did your husband teach you any other books?"

Wu Yingxiong smiled and looked at his younger brother.

Wu Yingqi had some headaches. His father knew that he was not good at studying, but he was good at bowing horses, but he insisted on asking him about his studies. Isn't this embarrassing him in front of his elder brother. He bit his head and said: "Father, sir, half of the Analects of Confucius ruled the world in ancient times, so the child thought that as long as he could read these four books and five classics well, he would not worry about not having the ability to govern the country and the state, and the rest, it doesn't matter whether he learns or not. of."

Wu Yingxiong did not expect that his younger brother still knew about half of the Analects of Confucius governing the world, and he was really impressed with his younger brother.

Wu Sangui was also stunned, and immediately laughed and scolded: "Confused, what a pedantic view!"

"Mr. was chosen by the father for the child, why did the father say that what the husband said was pedantic?" Wu Yingqi pouted, feeling injustice at his father's words.

Wu Sangui chuckled and asked, "You must think that your husband has read more books than my father, don't you?"

Wu Yingqi didn't even think about it, he said of course, "Sir, he has a wide range of books, and he is well-versed in poetry, books, rituals and music. Naturally, he has learned more than his father." After speaking, he thought of something, and added: "This is what my father said back then. of."

Of course Wu Sangui remembered saying this to him when he was choosing a teacher for his second son, but he shook his head and said, "I have said this before, but I ask you, if your husband is to lead the troops, what do you think it is? Your husband is great, or your father and I?"


Wu Yingqi scratched his ears and didn't know how to answer.

Wu Yingxiong smiled and nodded at him: "Second brother, what's so difficult to answer, of course our father is amazing."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's my father who is amazing, my father is amazing!" Wu Yingqi couldn't help nodding his head.

Wu Sangui laughed again, and then asked Wu Yingqi, "Then do you know why your father is so powerful?"

Wu Yingqi shook his head and said the truth: "My son can't tell the truth."

Seeing that the second son doesn't understand if he doesn't understand, he is not hypocritical at all, nor does he pretend to be a hero, Wu Sangui is very relieved in his heart, but he does not show any expression on his face.

"There is a conflict between two people walking together over one issue. Both sides are learned people. No one can say anything about the other, but no one is willing to admit defeat. At this time, how to decide the winner?"

Wu Sangui asked a question, which was not only for the second son, but also for the eldest son.

"Don't you know?" Wu Yingqi is very honest. He really doesn't know. He thought about it, looked at his father inquiringly, and whispered, "Would you like to ask a learned person to judge?"

Wu Yingxiong was also thinking about this problem, but he couldn't do anything for a while. As the younger brother said, ask another person to judge, but if these two people don't believe this person's judgment, how can you solve it, do you need to ask another person to judge?

Wu Sangui's smile slowly faded, staring at his two sons, and said solemnly: "At this time, the only thing that can solve the problem is a fist."

"A fist?"

Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi were both startled. Father's answer was a bit bizarre.

"It is a fist. Whoever has the strongest fist is the winner, and whoever has the right words. In other words, whoever has the strongest fist is the right side, and the one who loses is the one who is more knowledgeable and who has more It makes sense, but if he can't stand this fist, he is a loser and is wrong. Do you understand this truth?"

"Baby understand!"

Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi said in unison, no matter how amazing the answer is, but when you think about it, it is so real. Aren't things in this world often solved with one fist?

Wu Sangui was very satisfied with the responses of his two sons, which was his life experience. Xu Shi felt that this topic was a bit heavy, and the atmosphere between father and son was a little depressed, so he eased his cheeks a little, and asked Wu Yingqi, "Apart from the Four Books and Five Classics, have you ever read other books secretly?"

Wu Yingqi suddenly became nervous, not knowing what his father's words meant, and looked at his father a little scared.

Seeing his second son's expression, Wu Sangui laughed, and then said in a harmonious voice, "What are you afraid of? My father avoided the teacher and your grandfather to read other miscellaneous books when he was a child." Then he pointed to his eldest son Wu Yingxiong, " Your elder brother used to be like this when he was a child."

Wu Yingxiong was a little embarrassed by what his father said. Wu Yingqi blushed and said, "As for the other books, the boy has read a few."

"what book?"

"Historical Records and Sun Tzu's Art of War."

"Oh? Did you read these two books?" Wu Sangui was a little surprised. He never thought that his second son, who never liked to read, would know these two books.

"Both of these books are good. If you like to read them, let your husband explain more to you." Wu Sangui laughed, picked up a yellow pear on the fruit plate on the desk, and placed it on the two brothers. In front of them, he said to them, "Have you heard the story of Kong Rong giving pears?"

The two sons replied in unison, "I have heard of it." Wu Yingxiong added: "My son was taught several times when he was a child." Wu Yingqi also nodded his head to indicate that he had also heard his teacher say many times when he was a child.

"Yeah." Wu Sangui asked them with a smile, "Since you've heard of it all, then my father asks you, if you were Kong Rong, how would you get pears?"

Wu Yingqi blurted out: "Of course, take the smallest!"

However, Wu Yingxiong was thinking seriously. He knew that his father would not suddenly ask about the pear fetching. He must have other deep meanings, so he did not answer.

Seeing that the eldest son was thinking, Wu Sangui asked him, "Yingxiong, why don't you answer?"

Wu Yingxiong looked up at his father and said, "Father, the story of Kong Rong making pears is known to everyone. I don't think the father's intention to ask his son is to let him learn from Kong Rong! If so, what's the use of the father's question? It's just the son. I didn't know how to do it, so I didn't answer."

Wu Sangui nodded with satisfaction, and said with approval: "You can think hard, it shows that you are thoughtful, and you can do great things in the future!"

Wu Yingxiong's face was flat, as if he hadn't heard his father's words. Wu Sangui was even more pleasantly surprised when he saw it, and couldn't help but exclaim: "I am not happy when I am proud, and I am not happy when I am frustrated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My son Yingxiong really has amazing talents!"


Wu Yingqi saw that his father repeatedly praised his brother, but he put himself on the side, his mouth bulging and bulging.


Seeing the pouting face of his second son, Wu Yingqi, Wu Sangui couldn't help laughing, and then said, "My son Yingqi is loyal and loyal, and his future is unlimited."

"Thank you father for the praise!"

Seeing that his father praised him, Wu Yingqi slowly opened his face and smiled. At this time, Wu Yingxiong suddenly asked his father, "According to my father's wishes, how should my son get pears?"

Wu Sangui did not answer the eldest son, but instead asked him: "Have you been thinking about this question?"

Wu Yingxiong replied, "Yes!"

Wu Sangui glanced at him with admiration before saying, "According to my father, you need to think twice before you act." (To be continued.)

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