Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 533: Recalcitrant

Liuzhou is built on the river and surrounded by water on three sides. Geographically, Liuzhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, there are not many soldiers and horses in the city of Liuzhou. In addition, the Qing army massacred the city in Liuzhou last year, which led to Liuzhou officials wanting to recruit young people to go to the city. Can't help. After the troops and horses from the three towns of the Taiping Army came from Wuzhou along the river and appeared under the Liuzhou city, there was a dispute between the surrender and the defender in the Liuzhou city.

Yuan Dashou of Youjiang Branch, and Tian Shenglong of the Supervision Road of Guangxi Patrol led the way, while Liuzhou Prefect Su Lin and Admiral Xuezheng Huang Ding dominated the battle.

Su Lin was born in the Han army with a white flag and was from Gaizhou, Liaodong. He was transferred to Liuzhou in the 14th year of Shunzhi, so he did not want to surrender. Huang Ding, the admiral of Xuezheng, was born in the 12th year of Chongzhen as a jinshi. After Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan in the Qing Dynasty, entered Guangxi, Huang Ding surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. In the thirteenth year of Shunzhi, he was appointed as the Admiral Xuezheng of Guangxi with the title of Right Servant.

When the Zhujiang and the main war officials were in a dispute, the deputy general Xu Chonghua, who actually commanded the Liuzhou garrison, reviewed the situation and knew that the weak force in the city could not stop the Ming army, which was overwhelmed by the army, so he stood on the side of the Zhujiang faction out of his own life. With Xu Chonghua's support, the forces of the main surrender faction overwhelmed the main war faction. In the end, half a day after the surrender time given by the Taiping Army, Yuan Dashou of the Youjiang Branch, and Tian Shenglong and Liuzhou of the Supervision Road Guangxi Patrol. Vice-general Xu Chonghua, on behalf of the Qing army in Liuzhou, went out of the city to negotiate surrender with the Taiping army.

"From now on, when the army arrives, it will not be threatened by massacre of the city, but only by the massacre of officials."

"Those who fail to surrender within the time limit will be slaughtered by all the civil and military officials, together with their family members, as an example!"

"Gu Nian Liuzhou is actually the first city for the army to enter Guizhou and surrender, and it is only the number of people who will be executed, and the rest will not matter. Then, regardless of the size of the official rank, whether the surrender is not obeyed, the overdue will be executed. Negative, so that the military and people all over the world know that my Taiping military order is prohibited, so that people can be prevented from casualties."

After entering the city, Zhou Shixiang ordered people to arrest Liuzhou prefect Su Lin, admiral Xuezheng Huang Ding and other officials and family members, and then ordered the officials and gentry to observe the execution together. With an order, several officials and more than a hundred family members went to Huangquan.

Through these more than 100 heads, Zhou Shixiang must clearly tell those Qing court officials who are still stubbornly resisting: If you do not open the city, you will kill your whole family after the city is broken. It doesn't matter if your whole family is not in this city. When the Taiping army arrives in your hometown, your wife, children, and children will also bring knives. Otherwise, you cannot be afraid; if you are not afraid, you will have the courage to continue to fight for Manchuria.

In this world, from now on, loyal ministers have no queens, but traitors have no queens. At least, Zhou Shixiang asked the Taiping army to do so wherever they went.


Nanning Prefecture, the Qing army was stubbornly resisting.

The 10th and 11th towns of the Taiping Army were ordered to attack Nanning. The second town was adapted from the Ming Army in western Guangdong, and its combat effectiveness was weaker than that of the Taiping Army’s old four towns. However, more than 10,000 soldiers and horses attacked Nanning, which was guarded by only two or three thousand defenders. Fucheng, if this city really cannot be conquered, the tenth town general, Hu Ben general Wang Xing, the eleventh town general and Gao Lei general soldier Gao Jinku will not be able to lead any more troops.

In order to win the city of Nanning as soon as possible, Wang Xing and Gao Jinku drove the reorganized and recruited soldiers and bandits to attack the city continuously. Cloud ladders, chariots, gunpowder, all the siege equipment that could be used were all used, and they were all used on the Nanning defenders like crazy.

The Qing army in Nanning did not know what the situation in Guangxi was now, they only knew that the Ming army was attacking them frantically. As for Wang Guowei, the defender of Nanning, the fact that the Ming army did not care about the attack from the rear just means one thing, that is, Xunzhou and Liuzhou must have fallen, otherwise the Ming army would not have driven directly. Under the city of Nanning, such a desperate attack on the city of Nanning.

"Stand up! As long as we hold out, our reinforcements will come!"

Seeing the soldiers whose morale was obviously low and was frightened by the Ming army's offensive, Wang Guowei could only constantly patrol the city to cheer for the soldiers in addition to moving the silver taels from the treasury. As for the distant reinforcements, he didn't count on it at all.

Wang Guowei didn't believe that any reinforcements would come, and his generals also knew about it, but the soldiers didn't know it. After listening to the commander's words, their hearts were full of hope, gritted their teeth and desperately had to hold on.

Zhou Shixiang only gave orders for the tenth and eleventh towns to win Nanning, and nothing else. I don't need anything from him. A lonely city without foreign aid, three or five thousand guards, and two towns with more than 15,000 soldiers and horses to attack, Wang Xing and Gao Jinku too embarrassed to win?

Wang Xing and Gao Jinku were really embarrassed that they couldn't take it. Zhou Shixiang gave them Nanning, Xunzhou, Liuzhou, and Guilin several new towns. Now that Xunzhou, Liuzhou, and Guilin have been settled, there is only one Nanning city left. If they can't win it, I'm afraid they will be looked down upon forever in the Taiping Army system in the future. They are both raised by their parents, so why can't we compare to them? They are all Taiping troops, and they are all soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Is it true that people will look down on them?

Wang Xing worked hard to prove himself, and Gao Jinku also sold a lot of energy, but not to prove how capable he was, he just wanted to prove that he had no second thoughts. However, after a long time of attacking, there was no progress, and the second general couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. Thinking about the Taiping army's feat of taking Wuzhou City in the second town in one day, they were all shocked by the fighting power of the Taiping army.

In the city of Nanning, on the one hand, they were encouraged by the false news that reinforcements were about to arrive. On the other hand, the officers kept promoting the Taiping army to kill prisoners, saying that these Cantonese barbarians never left alive, so thousands of Qing soldiers were united and willing. The determination to work hard and defend the city was much stronger than what the Taiping Army had expected before.

The Taiping army's offensive continued. The Qing army demolished almost half of the houses in the city, turned them into batons, and threw them under the city continuously, or turned them into dry wood, and poured a pot of boiling dung juice into the Taiping army. on the head. Those captives and bandits who were driven to attack the city were in distress and wanted to retreat. The Taiping Army Superintendent's sword was even sharper. It's really a dilemma, and I'm suffering in the city.

Wang Xing's division in the tenth town was already equipped with a lot of gunmen. Seeing that the offensive was blocked, Wang Xing, according to the idea of ​​the staff sent by the military commander's mansion, gathered his gunners and placed them on the city. Rounds of fire guns kept shooting near the city wall, immediately suppressing the Qing soldiers on the city.

On the top of the city, in addition to the Qing soldiers, there are many young men and women who were driven to the city by the Qing soldiers. These young soldiers were used by the Qing army as cannon fodder to offset the firepower of the Taiping army, so that the consumption of the Qing army's own strength could be reduced as much as possible. It's just that the young and strong people are dissatisfied with the Qing army. Goodbye to the Ming army outside the city, where are they willing to defend the city for the Qing army. Although they did not dare to resist, they knew that they were not working hard enough, and they all hid behind the city wall with their heads hunched over.

"You gangsters can't die!"

Some Qing soldiers hacked to death two young soldiers with their swords, intending to shock the young soldiers to their deaths, but they did not want the death of these two young soldiers to anger the other young soldiers. They all stood up and picked up the knives and guns of the dead Qing soldiers. , roaring to fight with the Qing soldiers. Immediately, this section of the city wall was in chaos. On the one hand, the Qing troops pressed against the young and strong to resist, and on the other hand, they had to beware of the Ming army attacking the city.

Deng Yao, General Jingfang, who was commanding the 10th Town Second Brigade Brigade School outside the city, saw him. How could he miss such a good opportunity, and immediately ordered the brigade of the headquarters to climb the city. The soldiers of Brigade B were all adapted from Deng Yao's original subordinates. After receiving the order of the general, they rushed up to shout and kill. However, the Qing soldiers quickly suppressed the young men who were resisting in the city. Brigade B missed the best opportunity to seize the city. only forced to retreat.

Lei wood, lime... The Qing soldiers threw everything that could be thrown on the city wall, and even knocked down countless bamboo ladders, finally suppressing this wave of Taiping army offensive. Looking at the retreating Ming army, the Qing soldiers gasped for breath, but none of them dared to look at it, because although the Ming army under the city retreated, they retreated in an orderly manner. Hundreds of gunmen placed their platoon guns on the city one after another, and the heads of some Qing soldiers who could not escape were beaten into a hornet's nest by the guns of the Ming army, which was extremely miserable.

The orderly retreat of the Ming army made Chengtou Qing generals sigh for a while. The losses on the city were huge, and they did not know that they would be able to withstand several such desperate attacks by the Ming army. Wang Guowei's brows were also furrowed. He knew that Wuzhou City fell one day. It is said that the army used countless gunpowder to blow up the Wuzhou city wall alive, so he was very worried that the Ming army outside the city would also use this method to blow up. Collapse the city walls of Nanning. Without the protection of the city wall, even if there is only a small opening in the city wall, the blow to the defenders in the city is fatal.

"My lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm afraid that the troublesome people in the city are unreliable. I almost made them bad before, did you put them..."

A Qing army officer looked at the young men who were escorted to the city and made a decapitation. The surrounding officers were all stunned when they saw it, and they looked at the commander-in-chief subconsciously, but no one echoed the officer aloud.

The proposal of his subordinates gave Wang Guowei a headache. If it was in the past, he would kill these people if he wanted to kill them, but can he really do this now?

Nanning has been surrounded by the Ming army, and the Admiral is leading the main force to attack the Yongli court in Yunnan. There is no news from Guilin, Liuzhou, and Xunzhou at all. Therefore, the reinforcements are completely invisible, and Nanning is actually fighting alone. If you really want to slaughter the people in the city, can the Ming army outside the city let them go?

Wang Guowei ignored the suggestion of his subordinates, and the other generals also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it. If they really do such a thing, they just want to surrender and there is no way out, and the Ming army may really be able to slaughter them all.

After the Taiping army retreated, a letter came from a cavalry, saying that if the Ming and Qing troops did not surrender, after the city was destroyed, the officials who defended the city would be executed if they did not study martial arts. (To be continued.)

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