Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 535: Nanning City Broken

During the Zhaoqing military meeting, Zhou Shixiang integrated the forces of the Ming army in Guangdong to move westward as soon as possible, so as to avoid wasting time and energy on internal friction, so he compromised with the military leaders in western Guangdong and gave them the treatment of new towns. This example will be discussed in the future. Xiong Chaozuo is not sure, but he is sure that Guangxi soldiers will not enjoy this kind of treatment. Dispersing the Qing army in Guangxi and placing them separately was an unshakable military order issued by the military commander's office to the towns, so Xiong Chaozuo could not let go, and he had no power to make changes.

The conditions have been issued, accepting the adaptation, ensuring the safety of all personnel, and not investigating their previous sins, including participating in the massacre, this condition is quite favorable for most people. Therefore, most of the officials' faces showed the ease with which the boulder landed. At this moment, they all looked at Wang Guowei, waiting for the commander-in-chief to make the final decision.

Xie Jun, the prefect of Nanning, was right next to Wang Guowei, and the closest he could see was the clearest. He found that Wang Guowei would be very hesitant and a little undecided.

Wang Guowei was really embarrassed. Before, the conditions for surrender he thought were simply changing the flag, replacing the flag of the Qing Dynasty on the top of the city with the flag of the Ming Dynasty. Other than that, nothing changed. In this way, even if the Qing army came back in the future, he would be able to surrender to the Qing again. After all, Nanning is now an isolated city, and it is impossible for the imperial court to demand that he really stick to the end and take the lives of the whole city's civil and military families to defend the Qing Dynasty to the end.

But now, the condition put forward by the Taiping Army was an adaptation, which suddenly cut off Wang Guowei's way back. Once he accepts the Taiping Army's adaptation, it can be imagined that all his soldiers and horses will be swallowed by the opponent, and not even the scum will be left, and whether he can do anything as a general soldier is also a question. These days, without soldiers, it is not easy to get along in Ming or Qing.

After hesitating for a long time, Wang Guowei finally said: "How can I believe that your army will not break his promise?"

"You don't have a choice, you can only believe it." Xiong Chaozuo said decisively, looking at Wang Guowei's bitter face, and his heart was very happy.

Wang Guowei was silent for a moment, and then said: "Can some people leave Guangxi?"

"No, either fall or die."

Xiong Chaozuo knew that Wang Guowei wanted to let some officials go to the Qing court, but his answer was no discussion. Zhou Dashuai clearly stated in the military order that the officials in Guangxi could not escape unless they surrendered.

"This matter is too big, can I think about it?"

Wang Guowei couldn't make up his mind and decided to delay it. If the Taiping Army could give him a few days, it is impossible to say that things would turn around.

Don't want to, Xiong Chaozuo's answer is: "Yes, but you must reply an hour later, even if it is half a column of incense overdue, our army will consider you to have no sincerity to surrender, and then the city will be broken, as our army said, the size of Nanning. Officials and their families died."

After speaking, Xiong Chaozuo didn't even look at the bewildered Nanning officials, and turned around as if no one was there.

After Xiong Chaozuo left, Nanning officials immediately argued, and the surrender conditions offered by the Taiping Army were quickly spread throughout the city during their debate.

In this world, small people can't affect the overall situation, but small people and big people think about problems from different angles. As the chief soldier, Wang Guowei hesitated whether he would be deprived of military power if he voted in the past, but the thousand generals under his command, who thought more of the generals, were the generals who still didn't order the opening of the city, could it be true? If they want to die together with their family and Nanning City, they will not succeed.

The senior generals had a heavy hand and had a say in this big event, so they quarreled there for their own benefit. The little people are more agile. They don't have many soldiers in their hands. The maximum number is no more than 100 people. They can't let the Ming army outside the city look at them, but when these little people come together, they are moved. capacity of the situation.

Just when the commander-in-chief was quarreling with a group of generals and officials, the two generals of the Nanning Green Camp and a Qiangong, who was from the Han army under the Dingnan clan, got together and began to plot something.

"Is it ok as long as I accept the adaptation?" Zong Zong, surnamed Qi, asked the commander Qian, who was born in the Han army, with a face full of surprise. President Qian's name is Lu De, a native of Jinzhou, Liaodong, but his family moved to Guangxi with King Dingnan as early as the fifth year of Shunzhi, and this meeting was all in the city of Nanning.

"That's what the people in the Ming Army said."

General Lu De said what the people from the Ming army said and these two generals, and the two generals were happy to hear them. For them, the low-level officers, it is not a problem to adapt anything. They were originally the Ming army. There is no such thing as a hurdle in the mind when changing the skin again. These days, as long as there is food to eat, it is not selling for anyone to work for. Now the situation is very clear, Nanning City will not last long, the Ming army really wants to attack twice, and this city will be destroyed in a matter of days. At that time, the city will be broken, not to mention the adaptation. If you can save your life, God will open your eyes, and the Bodhisattva will bless you. Therefore, they sincerely accepted the surrender conditions offered by the Taiping Army. The problem was whether to open the city or not.

Qi Pai, who was full of surprise, always thought of this question. He asked Lu De, "We don't want to fight, but what if the above doesn't agree?"

Lu De said with a "bah": "The above doesn't care about our life or death. To tell you the truth, Liuzhou and Xunzhou have already fallen, and Guilin is also called the Ming army to occupy, and we have no reinforcements at all."

After hearing this, another surnamed Jiang scolded Zong in a low voice: "According to this, Master Zongbing is lying to us?"

"What do you think?"

Lu De sneered, glanced at the tower where the affairs were being discussed, shook his head, and said, "Master Chief Bing and General Wang Can are discussing this matter, and the people of the Ming Army said, only give them one hour. Think about it, if the time is up and we don't open the door again, we just want to let them down and they won't accept it, then everyone will be a dead word."

"My second boy was just born, so I can't die." President Jiang said unwillingly.

"Allow him to be the first year of the new year, but not allow us to be the fifteenth?" Mr. Qi took his heart out, but he was willing to go out. He said to Mr. Lu De and Mr. Jiang, "Why don't we open the door now?"

President Jiang looked at Lu De, Lu De didn't speak, just nodded his head. The three of them had already made up their minds, and seeing that the time given by the Ming army was approaching, they did not dare to delay. General Tong Zheng.

Tong was born in the Han army, and his family members were all in the city of Beijing, so he refused to surrender, but he was afraid that someone would secretly open the city, so he led his guards to the city gate to inspect. After discovering Lu De and others, Tong Zheng didn't think much about it, because Lu De was also born in the Han army flag. He called Lu De and others over and instructed them: "Master Chief Bing is discussing something, I am afraid that some people in the city are scared by the Ming army, you have to watch me closely, you must look carefully here at the city gate. , don't let those Guangxi guys touch you."

"Honestly obey orders."

As Lu De nodded, he winked at Jiang and the others. When Tong Zheng found out that there were green battalion soldiers leaning towards him and felt that something was wrong and wanted to ask, Lu De suddenly drew his sword and shouted, "Don't do it yet!"

This loud roar alarmed the personal guards under Tong Zheng's men, but before they recovered, a group of green battalion soldiers rushed up and hacked them to death.

Tong Zheng was so frightened that he wanted to draw a knife to resist, but before he could wave the sharp blade in his hand, he found that a sharp knife came out from behind, passed through his chest, and blood came out "gugu".

Lu De stabbed Tong Zheng with a knife, and said in a cold voice, "General Tong, don't blame me, I just want to find a way to survive." As soon as he finished speaking, he drew his knife, and Tong Zheng desperately wanted to turn around, but unfortunately his whole body was covered in All his strength was drained, he fell to the ground, and he lost his voice in a blink of an eye.

The captain of the personal guard under Tong Zheng was dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. He subconsciously ran back to report the news, but he was blocked by another group of battalions before he ran a few steps. The green battalion soldiers actually didn't understand what happened, but seeing that the battalion soldiers in front were killing the Han army gang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ General Tong Can was beheaded on the spot again, so he also participated. In the face of the large number of Green Battalion soldiers, the captain of the personal guard could not resist, and was quickly cut to the ground.

"Open the door!"

After Lu De took control of the city gate, he immediately told President Jiang to open the city gate.

After the news of the opening of the east gate reached Wang Guowei, who was still arguing and had not made a decision, he stood up and sighed, knowing that he could no longer do anything now, and the only remedy was to quickly surrender and surrender. Otherwise, the Ming army would probably have used them.

After the east gate of Nanning was opened, the Taiping army in the eleventh town outside the city was stunned at first. After the Qing army in the city ran out and said they were about to surrender, they recovered and rushed to the city under the command of the officer.

On September 17, the 12th year of the Yongli calendar, the city of Nanning was broken. The chief soldier Wang Guowei, the general Li Yifu, the prefect Xie Jun and others invited to surrender.


Recently, Bones has to go out to earn money every night (cough cough, earn money seriously), the update is guaranteed to be updated twice a day, with a good idea, if you don't get stuck, you will fight for three changes. (To be continued.)

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