Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 579: 3 battles 3 wins


Recommended reading: Although the Fifth Town C Brigade is the only team in the Taiping Army that counts military merit on its head, it has strict orders. After soldiers enter the battlefield, they must go straight forward, and no one is allowed to cut off their heads. The heads are collected by the auxiliary soldiers at the rear, and then the heads are divided into teams according to the division of labor and combat performance, and then subdivided into individuals by each team.

It is difficult for the team responsible for charging and blocking to obtain the head, but these people are really fighting for their lives, and they are often the ones who sacrifice the most, so for them, even if the head is not captured, it is executed according to the highest reward standard. . This system is to prevent an enemy from being killed. Soldiers give up fighting and grabbing heads for the reward of the first level, and even get into infighting. Before the battle is over, their formations and formations are messed up, giving the enemy a chance to take advantage. , which led to the emergence of a first victory and then a defeat.

Similarly, the military regulations of the Qi family also stipulate that it is forbidden to **** loot on the battlefield, in order to prevent the enemy from throwing gold and silver property on the battlefield and induce their own soldiers to mess up their positions. Therefore, in every battle of Brigade C, all the captures, like other Taiping troops, are collected by special personnel and then handed over to the public treasury. After the battle, meritorious deeds are rewarded. Anyone who dares to **** money or hide money privately will be beheaded immediately upon discovery. Companions who do not know about it will also be beheaded.

The first battle was easily won, and 29 casualties were exchanged for the Qing army's nearly 1,000 casualties, which revived the morale of Brigade C, which had been running north for half a month. Brigade C, from the brigade school Yu Shizhong to the ordinary soldiers, were confused and uneasy about the town command post's continuous order to withdraw to the north and not allow them to fight with the Qing army. In particular, the descendants of the Qi family who were brought by Yu Shizhong from the north were deeply ashamed. From the day the Qi Family Army was established, the word retreat was the shame of the Qi Family Army. Now the adults of the brigade school finally led them back and fought the Qing army desperately, and they made such great achievements in the first battle, which encouraged everyone in the brigade C.

Yu Shizhong won the first battle, but Yu Shizhong was not satisfied or dazzled by the victory, but with his excellent military literacy, combined with intelligence, he judged that the Qing army on the northern front was not the main force of the Qing army. At this moment, the main force of the Qing army should be besieging Xiaobei Mountain in Liuzhou. , so only dozens of auxiliary soldiers were left to clean the battlefield, and the messengers were ordered to quickly report the victory of the town command post, and then ordered the whole brigade to continue to chase and defeat the Qing army.

Tong Zhengliang and Xu Tianyou led their troops to flee in embarrassment. One of the two generals suffered two consecutive defeats, like a frightened bird; Tired of running for their lives, none of the second generals was willing to intercept the Ming army at the rear, and everyone expected the other party to be a surrogate.

Along the way, hundreds of Qing soldiers were killed or captured by Taiping troops who were overwhelmed by their physical strength.

At that time, in Songjiawolou, a Qing army green battalion was overtaken by the C brigade. This green battalion was adapted from Sun Kewang's front army, and many of them were Guizhou soldiers. They originally thought that the Taiping army would not dare to fight against the Qing army, so they fled. Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly turned around and killed them. As soon as the two sides fought, the Qing army was killed, throwing away their helmets and armor, and even the Han army’s gang of banner uncles ran wild. Naturally, these former troops had no morale at all.

The Taiping army was eager to attack, and they did not let go. The green battalion had nowhere to escape, and they dared not turn back to fight. They had to escape into the nest of the Song family under the leadership of a thousand generals to fight the beasts. There were about five of them. Hundreds.

Songjiawolou is the place where big family members with the surname of Song gathered. During the Wanli period, due to the disturbance of the natives in Guangxi, the villagers of Han people with the surname Song who gathered here built this nesthouse in the appearance of a military village. The stone gate is extremely sturdy, and most of the houses inside are made of stone. After a hundred years of wind and rain, the villagers surnamed Song have long since disappeared, but this Song family nest is still standing. After the Green Camp soldiers escaped into this village, they wanted to stick to the ground and wait for help. At this time, although the battalion soldiers had no courage, but the idea of ​​surrender was not strong.

After Yu Shizhong heard that a group of Qing troops had escaped into Songjiawolou, he took people to inspect the terrain and found that if they attacked by force, there would be some casualties. So he ordered people to cut wood and collect hay, and use the wind to smoke the Qing soldiers in the nest with thick smoke. As a result, the Qing soldiers couldn't stand the smoke and ran out of the nest one after another. More than a hundred people were killed on the spot. All the remaining Qing soldiers threw their weapons and surrendered. Escape into the mountains.

After learning from the captives that their president had escaped from the back mountain, Yu Shizhong immediately ordered the team of his son Yu Youming to go into the mountain to hunt him down. Yu Youming lived up to his father's expectations, led his troops to chase, and finally caught up with the Qing army's thousand chief officers on the mountain. After some hacking, President Qian was pierced by Yu Youming on the spot. Yu Youming used a gun to carry the head of the thousand bosses all the way down the mountain.

In the Battle of Songjiawolou, 168 Qing troops were killed, 320 were captured, and one Qiangong was killed. On the Qi's side, only 6 people were killed.

The son Yu Youming led the troops to chase the fleeing Qing army general, while the father Yu Youming led the main force to continue to advance south, and encountered reinforcements from the Qing army four miles away from the Qing army camp.

After receiving the news of Xu Tianyou and Tong Zhengliang's defeat, Lian Guoan was angry and startled, thinking that the Taiping army in the north was going south to relieve the siege of Xiaobei Mountain, but at this time the battle in Xiaobei Mountain was at the last minute, and he could not tolerate that in the north. The Zhiming army arrived, otherwise it would be a loser.

In a panic, Xian Guoan ordered Liu Desheng, the deputy general of the left wing, Qi Wannian, the leader of the Han army, Zhou Guoding, Lu Sanxiang, and other generals to lead a large battalion of 2,000 troops and a lower army of 4,000 to intercept them. He also issued a strict order to Xu Tianyou and Tong Zhengliang, ordering the two generals to quickly gather troops and horses to join reinforcements to block the Ming army on the northern front.

After Liu Desheng, Qi Wannian and other troops arrived, they promptly responded to Xu Tianyou and Tong Zhengliang who were retreating. Finding that there were reinforcements from the Qing army, Yu Shizhong did not send an order to withdraw his troops, but after repeated weighing, he ordered the whole brigade to attack the Qing army immediately.

At this time, the C brigade continued to fight up and down and pursued all the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was quite tired and hungry. In order to motivate the soldiers, Yu Shizhong shouted "kill the thieves and then eat in Liuzhou", and the whole brigade lined up. The formation attacked the Qing army.

The Qing army led by Liu Desheng and Qi Wannian had never seen a Ming army with such high morale and fierce fighting. Like Tong Zhengliang's soldiers, the Qing army fell into a chaos of being massacred and wounded by the Ming army as soon as the two sides fought each other. .

Seeing that the reinforcements were no match for the Ming army, which numbered only two or three thousand, Tong Zhengliang and Xu Tianyou led their troops to retreat at the same time. As soon as the two of them retreated, Liu Desheng and Qi Wannian cursed angrily.

In this battle, the Qing army lost more than 740 people, while the Taiping army suffered only 21 casualties.

The difference between the enemy and the enemy's battle loss ratio is so huge that the morale of the C brigade is so high that it can't be added. However, after the war, Brigade C was unable to move further south. As for the Qing army, Xian Guoan heard that the northern front had suffered another defeat, and the tens of thousands of troops could not stop a Ming army of two to three thousand people. . It was still hard to persuade him to stay in the whole section, and finally he asked to lead his troops to the northern front for unified command, so as not to be killed by the Ming army who penetrated the defense line. (To be continued.)

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