Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 593: Big defeat

There are more than 3,000 Han troops in the main camp in the whole section, and more than 4,000 troops in the lower camp. There are more than 500 cavalry troops in front of them. The Han army in the big camp has a firearm. The advantage of firearms is much stronger than that of the Ming army. , if you form a formation and stick to it, no matter how big the losses are, you will always be able to hold on until dawn, and then you will find that the Ming army is empty and real, and Guoan will also send troops to rescue the southern camp line. In any case, the entire army will not be wiped out. [Full text reading] However, after hearing the cannons of the Ming army, the whole section could not count this, but lost his composure, and ordered an immediate breakthrough. As a result, nearly 10,000 Qing troops scattered.

Xu Tianyou, the commander of Guilin, rushed to the Central Army to seek shelter, but the sight in front of him made him fall straight to the bottom of the ice again. also followed.

The whole section was completely stunned. Instead of saying that the sound of the Ming army's artillery made him think that the trend was over, it would be better to say that the bluffing Ming army bluffed the veteran on the battlefield. When the first shot came, the panicked Quanji shouted in the Guangning dialect of his hometown, Liaodong, and asked his subordinates to break through with him.

Break through the siege, and the Chinese army will be in chaos. The battle formations of thousands of people stretched for several miles, and it was the color of the night. How could they be dispatched uniformly. So the whole festival is going east, but Zhou Guoding and Lu Sanxiang are going west. Qi Wannian and Liu Desheng, who were under the pursuit of the Ming army in the north and wanted to join the Chinese army, were also dumbfounded, so they shouted and joined the great rout.

Lu Sanxiang led the soldiers all the way to the west. In order not to let the Ming army find out, he asked the soldiers who were playing the torches to throw down the torches. Thousands of people ran wild in this dark night. On the way, countless Qing soldiers tripped over the stones on the ground and were pushed down by their companions behind them. The Ming army didn't even know where they were, but the Qing army scared themselves so much that they cried and cried all the way, and they fell and injured no less than a hundred people.

A lot of Qing troops really had no strength to run, and their eyes were smeared. They didn't know where they were and where their companions were running. They simply sat down on the ground, and then groped for the fire book and found some hay to ignite. . After the fire was lit, they were not ambiguous. They knelt where as soon as their knees were soft, as if they were at the disposal of the Ming soldiers.

There is no fire to light the way, and there is not even moonlight in the sky, but Lu Sanxiang is also surprisingly lucky. In the embarrassment, he was actually told to run to Yumeng Mountain. He shouted in all directions, and found that there were many soldiers running after him, but the Ming army did not find them, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

Feeling that their lives were saved, Lu Sanxiang and a group of Qing soldiers hid in the dark woods, some were afraid to breathe, and some were panting. All of them stuck their heads and looked at the scene in the distance, and found that their soldiers and horses had completely collapsed, and there were Ming troops chasing and killing them everywhere, and their last traces of courage were lost.

Lu Sanxiang sighed and touched his bald head. A very real question came to his mind, that is, how could he escape back.

Can't run out at night, can't run out even more when it's dawn?


When he found that the Qing army was in chaos, he broke through the siege everywhere, and the generals ignored the soldiers, and the soldiers ignored the generals. As a result, Yu Shizhong soon found that he could not command his subordinates, because the Qing army was in chaos, and the Ming army was also in chaos.

The brigade didn't know where the battalion was, the battalion didn't know where the guards were, and the guards didn't know where the team was. Only the corps leaders at the bottom could gather their soldiers.

"Chaos, use chaos to disrupt, where there are clear soldiers, chase them wherever!"

Yu Shizhong made the final order of the battle, and then sent someone to report the current situation of the battle and the town command post, requesting the town command post to immediately set up a shelter for the Qing army, and he personally rushed to Shibanqiao with his brigade guards directly under him. No matter how chaotic the Qing army was, if they wanted to break through, they would have to cross the stone bridge in the south. As long as the stone bridge is held, the Qing army will not want to run out. When it is dawn, the number of the Qing army who have lost their command will be of no use.

Under the order of "chaosing with chaos", the C brigade fought separately. In the dark night, the Ming army lost its unified command and chased and killed the Qing army. The only thing that could identify the two sides was their accent. For a time, the dialects of Guangdong and Guangxi were heard everywhere. Often, after a Ming army caught up with a Qing army, the result was Cantonese.

The Qing soldiers were also cunning, and found that there were shouting Ming soldiers everywhere, so they kept silent. After such a thing happened several times, the Ming army no longer hesitated to those Qing army who did not speak, and slashed and slashed after catching up. Later, the Qing soldiers did not answer, nor did they answer, they could only turn their hearts away and run forward with their eyes closed. Even if they open their eyes, they can't see.

The same chaotic scene also happened in Brigade A and B. The Qing army suddenly collapsed. In the dark night, Li Guoan and Hu Mingyi couldn't effectively command their subordinates to pursue the Qing army, so they simply gritted their teeth and dispatched their subordinates. Go out, anyway, the Qing army is in chaos, and the Ming army is always the pursuer no matter how chaotic it is.

In this battle, the Qing army could not turn the tables, and the big deal would be chaos. But this chaos, isn't it exactly what the Ming army needs?


Halfway through the whole section of running east, I remembered that the east is Liujiang River, and there are Ming army navy soldiers on the river. Did he lead people to run over there to kill himself, that is, the Ming army navy division on the river couldn't find them, and when the Ming army caught up, it was difficult He could not escape by jumping into the river. So the whole festival's thoughts turned extremely fast. Seeing that the army was in chaos and could not be saved, they turned to the south with their personal guards and more than a thousand Han army battalions closely following to break through.

There is only one hope for the whole festival, and that is that the Ming army did not completely block the way to escape south. It is impossible for thousands of Qing troops to act without being discovered by the Ming army. Soon, there were groups of Ming troops who were chasing after the whole section. The Ming army who was in charge of interception in the south also kept blocking the Qing army, which was desperately trying to break through.

I don't know how much lead I took along the way, I don't know how many people fell, and the whole section was almost stabbed from the horse with a spear by the Ming army. He almost relied on the lives of his subordinates to save himself the whole festival running south, and in the dark night, he managed to pass through Song's nest like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

The rest of the Qing army did not have such good luck. Their morale fell to the extreme, and many people could no longer bear it. They did not kill the surrenderers on their knees when they heard the sound of the Ming army in the dark. After the sound, they all knelt down and surrendered.

Some Han troops were unwilling to surrender and had nowhere to run. Under the pursuit and killing of the Ming army, they became fierce and charged towards the Ming army with their weapons and howling, and soon they were silent again. More Qing troops were lying in hiding, or hiding in the woods. The Ming army searched the mountains with torches, and the Qing army did not even have the courage to hit these Ming army cold arrows, because once the Ming army found them, the Ming army with bird guns would bombard the forest, and then start everywhere. set fire. Not wanting to be beaten to death or burned to death, all the Qing army could do was to hide themselves more secretly.

Geng Juxian led the people to charge forward regardless, and let the lead of the Ming army continue to fly over his head. He actually let him rush over, but there were only less than 300 people following him. Cao Rong, a former servant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was also in this team, but this time he was injured. He was hit by a lead called the Ming Army in the chest. Although it was not fatal, the wound continued to ooze blood, causing him to grit his teeth. .

The whole section, who finally escaped from the blockade and interception of the Ming army, was desperate again. The only stone bridge that could cross the river in front of him was already covered with Ming army. A torch is inserted on the bridge, reflecting the stone bridge like daytime.

"Rush over, rush over!"

Thousands of Qing soldiers rushed towards the Ming army on the stone bridge in order to survive. As a result, after the Ming army only fired a round of guns, no more Qing soldiers dared to rush from the stone bridge. Many Qing soldiers "bravely" jumped off the river and wanted to swim to the other side. However, the water of the river was icy cold, and the river where the cotton-padded clothes soaked in the water was extremely heavy, causing them to sink halfway down the river one by one. In such a situation, how could the Qing army in the back dare to go into the water?

If you can’t swim, you can’t rush over the bridge. It’s really like a mountain of defeat. Thousands of Qing troops are the elite of the Han army, and all of them are warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. The Ming army, no matter how tenacious Yu Shizhong defended it, had less than two hundred soldiers, and could not stop the Qing army several times over. However, under such a big collapse, no matter how brave the Qing army was, they would lose their backbone, and no one wanted to die, so no matter how many they were, they could not save the defeat.

"It's down, we're down!"

"Brothers of the Ming Army, we are also Han Chinese, we surrendered, we surrendered, don't kill us!"

There was no way to go up to the sky, and no way to go down to the ground. At first, more than a dozen Han soldiers shouted to surrender, and then all the more than a thousand Han soldiers surrendered. Some officers who refused to surrender and reprimanded those who surrendered were also slashed by the surrendering soldiers eager to survive. kill.

The whole face was ashes, and knowing that the situation was over, he took advantage of the chaos and led a few personal soldiers back into the forest. When the east was turning white, when he was wading the river to a canal in the southwest of Yumeng Mountain, a personal soldier accidentally fell into a place where the water was deep and screamed for help.

Dawn's cry for help frightened Quanji and several other personal soldiers. They were afraid that this personal soldier's cry for help would attract the Ming army's search, so one of the personal soldiers hacked to death in the canal under the signal of Quanji. companion in . A few people went around the canal and groped to the south. When it was almost dawn, they saw a small village in front of them that seemed to be very peaceful. Because they were hungry and tired, they decided to send a personal soldier to have a look and find something to eat. of. Unexpectedly, as soon as the personal soldier entered the village, he was caught by a team of Ming troops resting in the village. After waiting for a while, the whole section that did not see the personal soldiers coming back knew that it was not good, so he quickly left there with the remaining three personal soldiers.

Soon it was dawn, and the four of them hid all the way, but the main road to the south was guarded by the Ming army, and they had nowhere to go. In the end, the whole section sat under a big tree hugging her head and crying, and then unbuckled her belt and prepared to hang herself on the tree. The personal soldiers tried to persuade him to detour westward from the mountains to Guizhou, and he might be able to escape. When the whole festival was hesitating, a group of Ming troops suddenly appeared, and the one at the forefront was the personal soldier who went to the village to find food.

The commander of the left wing under Dingnan, the flag of the Qing and Han forces, was captured at this point. Hearing that the entire festival was captured, Zhao Ziqiang, the general of the fifth town, immediately ordered the people to be sent. I can't help but send the news of the great victory to the military commander's mansion.

Tong Zhengliang, the capital of the Han army, was the first to flee at night. He fled all the way to the Liujiang River. On the way, he gathered some defeated soldiers, about a hundred people. Tong Zhengliang saw that there was nowhere to escape~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so he led these rout soldiers to hide in the grass by the riverside, trying to escape the search of the Ming army here. Unexpectedly, after a team of Ming troops chased the riverside, they were too lazy to search in the grass, but set fire directly outside. As a result, Tong Zhengliang and others were surrounded by the fire and had nowhere to run but jumped into the river. Two days later, Tong Zhengliang's body was found outside Liuzhou city downstream. The body was swollen and half of his legs and feet were eaten by fish and shrimp.

Zhou Guoding, the former chief soldier of the former army, was the first Qing army general who surrendered to the Ming army. After his surrender, he was asked by the Ming army to enter the mountains to recruit the Qing army who was hiding. As a result, Lu Sanxiang, who was unable to escape, heard Zhou Guoding. After the voice of the country, he went down the mountain and surrendered without hesitation.

Qi Wannian, the leader of the Han army, died in the chaos of the army, and Liu Desheng, the deputy general of the left wing, died in battle. The deputy commander of the Han army, Geng Juxian, who was in command of the cavalry, fell off his horse in front of Songjiawolou and was captured. Cao Rong led his men to abandon the horse and wanted to hide in the mountains, but he was bound by his subordinates and sent to the Ming army to ask for surrender.

In this battle, the Qing army killed 39 generals and 5,260 soldiers, and nearly 6,000 captured and surrendered to the Qing army. More than 2,000 Qing troops fled into the mountains and lost their whereabouts. Only Xu Tianyou, the commander-in-chief of Guilin, led dozens of defeated soldiers to escape successfully.

Lian Guoan waited in the camp all night, but when he returned to Xu Tianyou and the dozens of defeated soldiers under him, his face was ugly and scary on the spot.

(To be continued.)

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