Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 664: Am I still a genius?

In Qinzhou, Lianchengbiwo didn't even know that he had been appointed by the Tang king as the second assistant of the cabinet, and Zhang Xiaoqi didn't know that he had become the head of Xiaojiuqing. Zhou Shixiang ordered someone to deliver a letter to Qinzhou, asking Lianchengbi and Zhang Xiaoqi to come to Guangzhou to attend the state ceremony of Tang Wangjian, and at the same time assume new positions. Along with this letter, there was a brigade of soldiers from the first town who went to Qinzhou. This move clearly told the two governors that you had better be more knowledgeable.

After Song Xianggong entered the cabinet, Liao Ruixiang took over as the governor of Guangdong, Wang Zhangjun, the prefect of Guangzhou, was promoted to the governor of Guangdong, and the remaining officials were promoted in turn.

The cabinet, the six ministries, the General Affairs Commission and other major yamens are all located in the governor's yamen, and the internal structure has been slightly changed, and everything is simplified. The Xiaojiuqing Yamen has some of the original official yamen set aside around the governor's yamen. The layout of this yamen is naturally not comparable to the Chongzhen Dynasty or the Hongguang Dynasty. After all, the southern capital is the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty. After the rest of the year, not to mention the interior, the facade must be beautiful, which cannot be compared with Guangzhou. But compared with the Yongli court, the newly-baked Tang Dynasty court in Guangzhou is much better. At least the yamen looks small, the office space is limited, and the staffing is small, but at least it is stable, not moving from east to west like the Yongli Dynasty. move. When the Yongli court was in Anlong, many yamen were directly located in thatched huts, not to mention the six ministers and nine ministers, and even the cabinet was a muddy yamen.

Zhou Shixiang had already tried his best to set up the imperial institutions according to King Tang's wishes, and King Tang couldn't ask him to do more. After all, most of the world was still in the hands of Taqing. After more than ten years of military disasters in Guangdong, the territory was also devastated. , This is about to be upgraded to Guangzhou City, the capital city, and the number of people has only just recovered to 200,000. With limited conditions, Tang Wang knew that Zhou Shixiang had done a good job.

On the third day after the list of Xiao Jiuqing was sent, Guo Zhiqi came twice on behalf of King Tang in order to negotiate with Zhou Shixiang about the candidates for the six ministers.

In his speech, Lord Shoufu apologized that Xiao Jiuqing did not have Zhou Shixiang in his pocket, but said that Xiao Jiuqing was irrelevant. Tang Wang appointed those people as Xiao Jiuqing, just to show that he was still a minister of Yongli. Zhou Shixiang didn't have the heart to be suspicious. I don't know if it was King Tang's explanation or Guo Zhiqi's own decision, but he told Zhou Shixiang with certainty that after King Tang supervises the country, Zhou Shixiang's opinions will still be accepted in military and political matters, and the court and King Tang will not interfere. In this regard, Zhou Shixiang was very sincere and fearful, saying that since His Royal Highness has overseen the country, the affairs of the government should be handled by His Highness with full power.

Zhou Shixiang said whether it was true or not. He knew it, and Shoufu Lord also knew it. The two knew each other and did not mention the candidate of Xiao Jiuqing.

Guo Zhiqi did not feel much guilt for the Emperor Yongli for his transformation from a scholar of the Yongli court to the chief assistant of the Tang Dynasty's government. If the great scholar was silent before the Tang king was not in custody, he is active now. I have to say that Guo Zhiqi is indeed a capable person. After only a few days in Guangzhou, he has come up with all the regulations of the court, and some aspects are even better than the people in Zhou Shixiang's military commander's house.

Guo Zhiqi mentioned some names, all of which were officials appointed by the Yongli court in the past. What he meant was that the King of Tang thought that these talents were worthy of use, and the court was at the time of employing people, so he might as well entrust them with important tasks.

Zhou Shixiang smiled without saying a word, and asked Lord Shoufu how he felt. Guo Zhiqi named the two of them, and casually talked about their deeds back then, and he appreciated them very much in his words.

Zhou Shixiang listened calmly, but when Guo Zhiqi thought he recognized these people, Zhou Shixiang took out a list of names and handed it to him.

After Guo Zhiqi took it, his face was a little ugly. Because these six names on the paper correspond to each department, it is obvious that this is the candidate of the six ministers recognized by Zhou Shixiang.

The list was decided by Zhou Shixiang after thinking about it for a long time. There is a saying that he hates less when the book is ready, but he hates less when it is used. There are so few credible civil servants in his pocket that he suddenly It is impossible to find many available people.

In the end, he settled for six. Among the six, the minister of the Ministry of Rites was actually served by Hong Chengchou's son Hong Shiming; the minister of the Ministry of War was served by Dong Changqing, the sixth officer of Zhou Shixiang; the minister of the Ministry of Housing was served by Guo Shao, the minister of the Ministry of Punishment was Xu Yingyuan, and the minister of the Ministry of Industry was Cheng Hanbin, the ambassador of the Ordnance Bureau. , and the official minister is Gui Yongzhi.

Among the six, Xu Yingyuan and Guo Shao were both born in a high school, and both are currently detained in Annan. There is no need to say much about Hong Shiming's background. Dong Changqing was a student from Huizhou, and he made great contributions to the battle between Chaohui and Huizhou. Cheng Hanbin came from the north and had great insights into ordnance, so it would be more appropriate for him to be the minister of the Ministry of Engineering in charge of ordnance manufacturing. And Nagui Yongzhi was originally the staff and teacher of Li Suitai, the governor of the Manchu and Guangxi Provinces. He was half a staff officer. He used to be an official among the six officials. He was quite familiar with the information of the civil and military officials of the Taiping Army. It's the best use of it.

Below the names of the six people is a word "left", which is clear at a glance that Zhou Shixiang wants all six to serve as the left servants of various ministries. In addition to the official Shangshu, the six departments each had two servants, and the Ming system respected the left, and this left servant was naturally the second largest in the department after the Shangshu. And now the cabinet bachelors of the Tang Dynasty's regime are all the six ministers. In other words, these six left servants are the real leaders of the six departments~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Shi's face change relative to Guo Zhiqi has never been seen, smiling. He asked, "Do you think that the six people can be used for it?"

"I'm afraid that the qualifications are a bit shallow."

Guo Zhiqi knew that there was no objection to this matter. Who asked Tang Wang to appoint all Xiao Jiuqing, and none of them were given to Zhou Shixiang. Now Zhou Shixiang brought out six left servants by himself, and it looked a bit **** for tat. There was no way to directly oppose it, so the first assistant euphemistically proposed the biggest flaw of this list, that is, these six people are too young and their qualifications are too shallow. How to be the six ministers of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhou Shixiang chuckled lightly: "As the old man said, my prince is also very young and has no qualifications. Could it be that I should resign this prince to the court?"

"The Duke of Yue's words awakened the dreamer, yes, after careful calculation, what qualifications does the old man have to serve as the first assistant."

Guo Zhiqi knew that Zhou Shixiang definitely wanted these six people to serve as left servants, so he didn't do anything useless, got up with a smile, said goodbye to Zhou Shixiang, and went to show the list to His Royal Highness Tang Wang.

After Guo Zhiqi left, four people came out of the back hall, but Song Xianggong, who had just become a scholar of Wuyuan Palace, Yuan Kuoyu, a scholar of Dongge University, Gui Yongzhi and Dong Changqing.

Yuan Kuoyu walked forward with a flattering smile on his face: "Commander, His Royal Highness Tang Wang has spent a lot of thought these days."

Zhou Shixiang glanced at Yuan Kuoyu, smiled and shook his head: "Actually, there is nothing to blame for His Highness's actions, just compare your heart to your heart. Lu Yao knows horsepower, and you will see people's hearts over time."

Duke Xiang of Song suddenly said, "The Northern Expedition is imminent. If the King of Tang has been suspicious of the commander, how will this matter be resolved?"

These words made Yuan Kuoyu and the others tremble in their hearts, and they all looked at Zhou Shixiang at the same time.

Zhou Shixiang smiled and did not answer Song Xianggong's words, but asked them: "You look at it now, do I still look like a scholar?" (To be continued.)

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