Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 808: General He Ren!

Zhou Shixiang hosted a feast for Qian Qianyi and Liu Rushi.

In the Ming Dynasty, women were not allowed to sit at the table. Liu Rushi held the ceremony and refused to sit. Zhou Shixiang insisted on asking. Qian Qianyi smiled freely and took his wife's hand to sit at the table.

The banquet was carefully managed by Yan Shaoqing, the prefect of Suzhou. Considering Qian Qianyi's old age, he was mainly vegetarian and not very meaty, but the dishes were all famous dishes with unique ingenuity.

After the banquet was over, tea was served, and the two sides entered the topic.

Zhou Shixiang first praised Qian Qianyi for insisting on anti-Qing actions in Jiangnan, and finally asked Qian Qianyi to serve in the Tang Dynasty regime. He made it clear that as long as the State of Supervision arrived in Nanjing, he would ask the old Zongbo of the State Commission for Supervision to be the Grand Master of Sangu.

How to arrange Qian Qianyi, Zhou Shixiang was quite tricky before, because he wanted to use Qian's fame to stabilize Jiangnan, so it was necessary to have high officials and generous money to make him useful. However, he couldn't really entrust him with a real job, so as to bury hidden dangers in the future. Therefore, under the suggestion of Gui Yongzhi, he decided to appoint the third grand master.

Sangong, the collective name for the three positions of Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao, is the first grade. In the early years of the establishment of the imperial dynasty, the Sangong was responsible for assisting the emperor in handling important state affairs and government affairs, and his position was extremely important. In the third year of Hongwu, Emperor Taizu appointed Li Shanchang as Taishi, Xu Da as Taifu, and Chang Yuchun as Taibao. During the Jianwen period, the post of San Gong was removed. During the Yongli period, Emperor Chengzu restored the position of San Gong, but there was no actual grant. In the third year of Xuande, Emperor Xuanzong conferred the title of Grand Master Zhang Fu, Mu Sheng as Taifu, and Chen Mao as Taibao. At that time, the three officials were almost exclusively granted. However, since the Xuande and Zhengtong years, the three dukes have become empty titles, adding and gifting officials to ministers of honor, Qi, Wenwu and Wu. The position is respected, but there is no real power.

After Wanli, Zhang Juzheng was the only one who held the post of Jia Taishi in ten years of Wanli, other than that, no one else could get the three Dukes. Now, Zhou Shixiang wants to ask the supervisor for the title of Taifu for himself. No matter how well-mannered Qian Qianyi is, he can't sit still. He even said that he has no merit, so why would he dare to grant Taifu.

However, Zhou Shixiang insisted that it was necessary to ask Qian Qianyi for the post of Grand Master. Jiang Guozhu also said on the side that Lao Zongbo was the head of the literary world, and the world had a heart. How could this post of Grand Master be impossible.

Qian Qianyi sighed with emotion, so he did not refuse, and instead recommended the two to Zhou Shixiang. One is Gu Yanwu and the other is Huang Zongxi.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!

Hearing Gu Yanwu's name, Zhou Shixiang was moved.

Qian Qianyi said that Gu Yanwu was talented. During the Hongguang years, the Qing army went south, and the Jiangnan was bloody. Gu Yanwu and his close friends Guizhuang, Wu Qirong and others joined the army and joined a volunteer army headed by Wang Yongzhu, the censor of the capital. However, the rebel army was a rabble, lost to the arrogant Eight Banners elite, attacked Suzhou and collapsed. Gu Yanwu sneaked back to Kunshan, and defended the city with Yang Yongyan and Guizhuang to resist the enemy; Kunshan fell within a few days, and as many as 40,000 people died. The younger brother was killed, but I was spared by the passing of the language path before the city broke.

A few days later, when Gu Yanwu’s mother Wang Shi heard the change, she went on hunger strike to die for the country. On her deathbed, she instructed Yan Wu, saying: “Although I am a woman, I have received the country’s favor, and I am righteous. If I don’t forget the teachings of my ancestors, then I can rest in the ground.”

National hatred!

The 100,000 men of Jiashen will all disarm the soldiers, not as good as an old woman in the south of the Yangtze River!

Zhou Shixiang asked where Gu Yanwu was now. Qian Qianyi said that he was not in the south of the Yangtze River, but went to the north to investigate the situation of the mountains and rivers in northern China, and at the same time to avoid disaster, because the Qing court was ordering him to arrest him.

Qian Qianyi recommended Gu Yanwu to Zhou Shixiang, but Zhou Shixiang did not know the inside story, but Jiang Guozhu admired him very much. Why? Because Gu Yanwu made this old Zongbo very embarrassing.

In the 12th year of Shunzhi, Gu Yanwu returned to his hometown Kunshan from other places. Unexpectedly, Lu En, his family servant, saw that the Gu family was in decline and Gu Yanwu had not returned for a long time, so he betrayed his master and went to Ye Fangheng. Gu Yanwu secretly executed Lu En, but Ye Fangheng colluded with Lu En's son-in-law, kidnapped and imprisoned Gu Yanwu, and forced Gu Yanwu to execute himself. Fortunately, Gu Yanwu's good friend Lu Zebo and Songjiang's military envoy had an old relationship, and they spoke on their behalf. Gu Yanwu's case was transferred to Songjiang Prefecture for trial. Finally, the case was closed on the charge of "killing guilty slaves".

When things were critical at that time, Gu's friend returned to Zhuang to ask Qian Qian for help. Qian Qianyi was a leader in the literary world, and he was committed to secretly fighting against the Qing Dynasty. He couldn't bear Gu Yanwu's murder, so he told Guizhuang that if Gu Yanwu was his protégé, he could come out and speak for him.

Guizhuang did not want to lose Qian Qianyi, a powerful Austrian aid, although he knew that Gu Yanwu would not agree, he still worshipped Qianyi as his teacher on behalf of Gu Yanwu. After Gu Yanwu found out, he hurriedly asked someone to ask for the post of a disciple of Hui Zhuang Daishu, but Qian Qianyi refused to give it. Gu Yanwu wrote a confession, stating that he had never been listed on Qian Qianyi's gate wall, and asked someone to post it everywhere on Tongqu Avenue. This made Qianyi very embarrassed, and mocked: "Ningren is too impatient."

Jiang Guozhu, who knew this inside story, naturally admired Qian Qianyi's recommendation of Gu Yanwu, and he would definitely not be able to do it.

Zhou Shixiang asked Huang Zongxi who he was. Qian Qianyi briefly informed that Huang Zongxi was from Yuyao, and he sold his property during the national crisis in Hongguang, summoned more than 600 young and middle-aged people in his hometown to gather in Huangzhupu to fight against the Qing Dynasty, and was appointed by the King of Lu as the director of the Department of Staff and Fang of the Ministry of War. Due to the disparity in strength, the rebels were defeated, and after the Qing army occupied Shaoxing, the remnants of the Yellow Collar entered the Siming Mountain, stationed at the Zhangxi Temple and established a stronghold. Arrested, took refuge in Hua Anshan. In the later dynasty, King Lu was promoted to the censor of the left deputy capital, and together with Ruan Mei and Feng Jingdi, they sent envoys to Japan to beg soldiers, and crossed the sea to Nagasaki Island and Sasma Island, but did not return. Then he returned home and lived in seclusion, and was wanted three times by the Qing court. He still sent a secret letter from King Lu to contact the rebels in various places in Jinhua, and sent people into the sea to report to King Lu that the Qing army was about to attack Zhoushan. In recent years, Qian Qianyi has also been in contact with Huang Duo.

"Since it is the person named by the old Zongbo, the scholar minister should ask the supervisor to use it."

Zhou Shixiang readily stated that these two will definitely use it in the future. Seeing this, Qian Qianyi was also relieved. In the conversation, Gui Yongzhi was instructed by Zhou Shixiang, implying that after the Tang King arrived in Nanjing, he would make sacrifices to the Xiaoling Mausoleum and climb the great treasure. However, the Tang King was benevolent and righteous, and he was concerned about the emperor on the southern tour, and he was afraid that he would not bear the burden of this world.

"The big one, the person who has made meritorious deeds, sits on it. At this time, the southern capital is newly established. It is precisely when the king of Tang needs to be reassured by the great treasure to calm people's hearts and inspire people's hearts. How can the king of Tang resign?"

Qian Qianyi has no problem with supporting Gui and Tang. He knows that the Jiangnan gentry have no problem with which emperor to support, as long as the Ming Dynasty can be restored, so which descendant of the Zhu family will be the emperor, for the Jiangnan gentry Not an important thing.

Qian Qianyi knew even more that Zhou Shixiang asked his grandfather for him. Since he had borrowed something from him, he was also willing to repay him, so he immediately expressed his willingness to use his old body to replace the Jiangnan gentry to invite Tang Wang to the throne.

Seeing Qian Qianyi agree, Zhou Shixiang was overjoyed. He said that the weather is cold and the old Zongbo is old. He might as well stay in Suzhou for a few days. He will go back to Nanjing to arrange various matters. As soon as Tang Wang arrives, it will not be too late for the old Zongbo to go to the southern capital. However, Qian Qianyi insisted on going to Nanjing with Zhou Shixiang. As a last resort, Zhou Shixiang had to order someone to install a heater in Qian Qianyi's carriage so that the old man would not get cold. Liu Rushi came out with the purpose of taking care of her husband, and she would not stay in Suzhou alone at this time.

Zhou Shixiang originally wanted to leave for Nanjing again tomorrow, but the Ministry of Military Intelligence sent a secret report that Jiang He, who was guarding Jiangxi, seemed to want to do something after hearing that Jiangxi was going to Nanjing via Jiangxi. This news made Zhou Shixiang anxious and angry, because he was worried that Jiang Baldzi really did something bad, so he could only leave for Nanjing immediately.

When the chariots and horses approached the city gate, they saw many women crying, which attracted many people to watch.

Qian Qianyi and Liu Rushi heard the movement on the carriage and lifted the curtain to see what was going on. Liu Rushi's heart sank, worried that the Taiping army was kidnapping women in the city.

Zhou Shixiang was also surprised and ordered someone to ask what happened. The report said that these women were all Suzhou women captured by the Qing army. After the Taiping army released them, they could not be taken in by their families, and they were expelled from their homes, so they cried at the city gate.

Zhou Shixiang frowned slightly. Didn't he already instruct Qiu Guoliang to make a homeless woman a wife to surrender to the army, but he was crying here, and it happened to Qian Qianyi, didn't he mean to make him look good as a Duke of Guangdong? .

Zhou Shixiang ordered Qiu Guoliang to call. The other party knew that the big commander was driving to see the women. He knew what happened, and he was afraid that the commander would punish him, so he quickly explained the reason.

It turned out that he was sending those poor women home according to the command of the commander. Yesterday when their home was not in Suzhou, he had someone escorted them back home. However, because their home was in Suzhou City, they were brought back by their families, and they were not in the camp. If something happened, let someone take it back. Unexpectedly, after these women returned home, they were expelled from the house with a letter of divorce from their husband's family without even staying overnight, and their parents did not accept it. The daughter of a scholar even committed suicide by throwing herself into a well. The scholar was loyal to the humane, and could not bear to sully the lintel, so she cut herself off as a family style, but the truth of the matter is unknown.

"Didn't I ask you to place homeless women in the camp, feed them, and promise Yu surrendering soldiers as wives?"

Zhou Shixiang was a little annoyed, and Qiu Guoliang's ineffectiveness made him a little embarrassed in front of Qian Qianyi and his wife.

"The last commander did what the commander ordered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But these women refused to marry those who surrendered to the soldiers as wives. They would rather die than obey. , so"

Qiu Guoliang looked embarrassed.

"What can they do if they don't marry the soldiers? Starve to death or become prostitutes?"

Zhou Shixiang shook his head. The era has the characteristics of the era. At this time, women are the appendages of men, and they have no independent personal rights like goods. Listening to the father at home, marrying the husband is exactly the same as marrying the chicken and following the chicken, marrying the dog and following the dog. Once they are kicked out of their homes, their fate will be horrific. They do not want to starve to death and can only become prostitutes. If you are lucky, you can be taken in by a kind person or a nunnery, but how many people can it hold? Therefore, Jiang Guozhu proposed that these women should be married to the soldiers, and Zhou Shixiang agreed without much thought, because this is really good governance. In a chaotic world, human life is like a mustard, to be able to live, to have a bite to eat, what is not good governance? Only by surviving can we talk about dignity and freedom.

"Go, take people back to the camp first, don't cry here, what's it like."

Zhou Shixiang was in a hurry to return to Nanjing and did not want to delay on this trivial matter. Qiu Guoliang heard the order and hurriedly led the troops to pull those women. As a result, those women cried even more fiercely. A woman saw Zhou Shixiang riding a high-headed horse from a distance. Goodbye, there was a carriage, surrounded by countless soldiers. Knowing that the person on the horse was a high-ranking official of the Taiping Army, she hurriedly cried and broke free from the soldiers and ran over.

Seeing this, Blind Li was stunned for a moment, wondering if he should step forward to stop him. During this hesitation, the woman came running over, "Plop" kneeling on the icy snow, the clothes on her body were very thin, and her lips were dark blue from the cold.

"The general, the people's daughter, etc. have been humiliated by the beasts, how can you bear to promise me to be the wife of the beasts! If the humiliated person is the general's wife, sister and daughter, will the general do the same!" (To be continued.)

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