Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 815: pig killing tradition

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On the second day when Zhou Shixiang returned to Nanjing, he received news from the Ministry of Military Intelligence. The news came from the Henan transit station. It said that the Qing court sent an inner minister, Yi Bilong, to raid the imperial merchants in Shanxi, setting up numerous prisons and killing people. It's head roll. It is said that the number of gold and silver confiscated from various royal merchants in Shanxi is no less than ten million taels.

Zhou Shixiang was a little confused by this news. He didn't understand why Fulin had done a good job of copying the Shanxi businessman who served him. Who would dare to work for the Xinjueluo family for him in the future? Isn't he afraid that this move will chill the hearts of the Han people, gentry and businessmen in the north, and look forward to the great master of the Ming Dynasty?

Zhou Shixiang's staff, Gui Yongzhi, was the teacher of Li Suitai, the former governor of Guangdong in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and Dong Changqing was an ordinary student in Huizhou, Guangdong. Zhou Shixiang's confusion has been answered. Xu Yingyuan and Guo Shao, who had acted as advisers earlier, will not be around anymore, that is, before the two surrendered, one was the magistrate and the other was the inspector of salt. Their knowledge was worse than that of Gui Yongzhi, and it was difficult for them to provide information on this. accurate analysis.

Li Zhicui, the former censor who surrendered in Jiangxi, had a better understanding of the situation in the north. Unfortunately, he is now serving as a political envoy in Nanchang, responsible for stabilizing the situation in Jiangxi. Jiang Guozhu was in Suzhou again. Lang Tingzuo and Zhu Guozhi, the two die-hard Manchu factions, were tortured by Zhou Shixiang before. They clenched their teeth and didn't say a word, so don't expect them to be able to explain their doubts to the "thief scholar".

Qian Qianyi was still suffering from the cold on the road, so after arriving in Nanjing, Zhou Shixiang deliberately vacated the former Qian House so that the old Zongbo could rest and recuperate for a few days. It would be difficult to ask questions. Besides, Qian Qianyi may not be much stronger than Gui Yongzhi and the others. After all, this old man is only a leader in the literary world, not an important official such as Fan Wencheng, Ning Wanwo, and Hong Chengchou who can decide the world. Some things, I am afraid his opinion is not as good as the child.

In the end, Zhou Shixiang thought of one person, and that was Zhang Changgeng, the former governor of Qinghuguang, who came to Nanjing with the vanguard of the Huguang Aid and Suppression Corps when he was in Suzhou.

The first one who arrived in Nanjing was the second town, one of the four old towns of the Taiping Army. The town general Tie Yi also served as the deputy capital of the Huguang Army. In addition to Zhang Changgeng, Tie Yi brought another person, but it was Sun Kewang who was captured in Changsha.

Zhou Shixiang had not had time to meet the eldest prince of the Great Western Army, the King of Qin of the Ming Dynasty, and His Royal Highness the King of Righteousness of the Qing Dynasty, so he was only allowed to stay with Yue Le, Lang Tingzuo, Liang Huafeng, Zhu Guozhi, and Eise Hei. Go to see Sun Kewang after the major events at hand. As for whether to kill or not, Zhou Shixiang has not yet made up his mind.

Zhang Changgeng was not taken to Nanjing as a prisoner like Sun Kewang, but came to Nanjing as a demotion. In theory, as long as Zhang Changgeng doesn't run away, the Taiping military must be polite to him. When Zhou Shixiang received the report that Wuchang had left, he gave Yu Shizhong an instruction to treat Zhang Changgeng well. Thousands of gold bought horse bones, and it was rare for a Manchu official at the governor level to surrender voluntarily.

When Zhang Changgeng entered Nanjing, Fang really breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his life was finally saved. He was not afraid that the "thief scholar" would kill him, but that the big bandits in Kuidong would kill him. After he grabbed the capital and surrendered in front of Dong Xueli, the Admiral of Huguang, he did not dare to stay in Wuchang. Instead, he asked the Taiping Army's Huguang Corps to command Yu Shizhong to send him to Nanjing, because he was very afraid that Li Laiheng and Yuan Zongdi would be liquidated. The crimes he committed against Kuidong during his tenure as governor of Hubei.

Zhang Changgeng's guess was right. Although Yu Shizhong had persuaded him, after the Ming army took control of Wuchang City, the generals Hao Yaoqi and He Zhen of the Loyalty Battalion slaughtered Dong Xueli and all the surrendered soldiers of the Green Battalion. It is conceivable that if Zhang Changgeng hadn't escaped into the Taiping army's barracks ahead of time, he might have been killed by the loyalist camp eager for revenge.

After Zhang Changgeng was brought in front of Zhou Shixiang, he was surprised by the youth of this "thief scholar", just like those who had been demoted before. However, Zheng Sen from Jinsha led the army in his twenties, and Li Dingguo from the southwest led the army at a similar age, and the Manchus were led by young clans all these years, so he felt relieved. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Changgeng knelt on the ground and bowed to Zhou Shixiang. I don't know if it was habit or nervousness. He used Manchu etiquette.

Zhou Shixiang smiled and helped him up. He didn't care about Zhang Changgeng's mistakes in etiquette, but praised him first. It is nothing more than Zhang Changgeng's actions to understand the current affairs, the people in Wuchang City were able to avoid the war, and the Ming army also reduced casualties and so on. Zhang Changgeng was ashamed in every possible way and kept saying that I was guilty in the past. Zhou Shixiang laughed and said to him that since he has abandoned the dark and turned to the light, he should not talk about what he did in the past, and he will still have something to rely on in the future. Hearing this, Zhang Changgeng felt like a reassurance. Right now, apart from worrying about his family in Beijing, he has nothing to worry about.

Zhou Shixiang replied that there was something he didn't know, and he wondered if Zhang Changgeng could help him. Zhang Changgeng was like being favored immediately, and he quickly said that he would like to worry about the Kingdom of Guangdong.

Zhou Shixiang briefly explained what happened in Shanxi to Zhang Changgeng. After listening to Zhang Changgeng, he thought about it for a moment, and told Zhou Shixiang that the Qing court had attacked Shanxi merchants because the treasury had no money.

"In the past, the Tartars had no money, so they relied on looting. Now, with the prince of the country, the Tartars have no way to loot, and the wealth and wealth in the south of the Yangtze River have been lost. However, the Tartars have to maintain their court and army. Let's do it... The eight imperial merchants have been fornicating with the Tartars since the Tianqi period. After 30 years, their family property is considerable. If they copy them, the Qing court will not have to worry about the lack of money."

When Zhang Changgeng said this, Zhou Shixiang naturally understood, but he felt unbelievable. Asking Zhang Changgeng that the Qing court did such a thing of killing chickens and retrieving eggs would not be afraid of chilling people's hearts.

Zhang Changgeng said with a smile, the Qing court is now the same as the Chongzhen Dynasty. The savings since entering the customs have been spent in the war in the south. Today, the war is still going on. It is like a bottomless pit that needs to be filled with a lot of money, manpower and material resources, and the northern land has long been ruined. , There are several elites in the world that are only in Jiangnan and Huguang, but now they are all occupied by Zhou Shixiang. If they don't make a ruthless attack, I'm afraid that the Northern Territory will not be able to keep it, and the Qing Dynasty will not be able to keep it. At this juncture, how could the Qing court take care of so much. As for the so-called human heart, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. These days, there are many people who want to be dogs. As long as the Qing court does not fall, there are many dogs vying to grab the bones thrown by the Qing court. There are eight royal merchants today, and there may not be thirteen wealthy families tomorrow. Of course, their final outcome also cannot escape being slaughtered by the Qing court. Because copying and killing wealthy Han people was a national policy implemented by the Qing court as early as outside the customs.

"When the Tartars were in Liaodong, there was a saying of killing pigs. This is not really killing pigs, but killing Han people. When the old slave was there, he liked to check the grains of the Han people. If everyone has grains that are not as good as metal buckets, It is designated as 'Grainless Han.' The old slave said that 'Grainless Han' is a bachelor who doesn't farm, has no grain, and doesn't settle down at home, and wants to escape to the Ming Kingdom from this place. They are regarded as enemies', and they will be hunted and killed when they find them. Later, an edict ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be issued to accuse the 'Han people of Yougu' of harbouring spies, accepting the payment, and ordering to kill all the Han people of Yougu everywhere. In this way, there will be no recovery in Liaodong. If there are Han people, there will be, and they are also slaves under their banners, who are also the so-called coated slaves or aha.”

"The Tartars really regard me as a pig and a dog, huh, but I don't know who is the pig to be slaughtered!" Zhou Shixiang was annoyed when he heard this, and he hated Manzhou even more.

"But according to this, Fulin has such ruthlessness and determination. He knows what he needs most and what he needs the most."

Zhou Shixiang was a little emotional and admired Fulin's ruthlessness. At the same time, he thought of the document on Jiang Guozhu's "reported" case on Lang Tingzuo's public house. If it weren't for his appearance, I am afraid that it is not the royal merchants in Shanxi who have been confiscated, but the gentry in Jiangnan.

When he was feeling emotional, Dong Changqing brought two papers, both from Wuchang. Two things, one thing is that Feng Shuangli, King of Qingyang of Ming Dynasty in Jianchang, has sent an envoy to come here to enshrine King Tang as Zhengshuo; the other thing is also from Feng Shuangli, saying that the Manchu and Mongolian Qing troops in the southwest are in Doni. Under the leadership of Heping Keduo, he had fled from Guiyang to Chongqing and was fleeing to Chengdu.

Zhou Shixiang was taken aback: "Wu Sangui turned back?!" (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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